The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 232 Have a good time

Chapter 232 Have a good time
Because of Jia Lian's previous song Butterfly Love Flower, even the third prince and King of Beijing also gathered around to watch Jia Lian's new work.

Therefore, at this time, where Jia Lian was, including the desk table in front of him, which was splashed with ink, became the absolute center of the audience.

Others who were not high enough or not close to Jia Lian dared to push forward, because Princess Zhaoyang was by Jia Lian's side.

But they could all hear Jia Lian's steady chanting.

In fact, they don't need to understand carefully, just look at the expressions of Princess Zhaoyang and others to know the gold content of Jia Lian's new work!

Open mouth wide, stunned is almost everyone's reaction.

Anyone who has read books and has a certain level of appreciation of poetry is silent at this moment.

If you talk about the previous poem, except for the last sentence that is shocking, there are still some suspicions that they see with prejudice that they are too "sad for spring and autumn" and forcefully say "sorrowful", but the latter one , it can be said that...

It's not enough to describe it with brilliant writing and noble sentiments!
A journey in the mountains, a journey in the water...a change in the wind, a change in the snow...

If you break your heart, your dreams will not come true!
How simple the words and sentences are, but they are so heartfelt when you read them!

There is no such sound in the hometown!
It turns out that, alone in a foreign land, even the wind and snow, which literati regard as a standard, has become a noisy voice.

What kind of mood is it?What kind of feelings?

If it was Die Lianhua before, they could suspect that it was not written by a young man like Jia Lian, so what about this eloquent Acacia Ling?

Seeing Jia Lian's silence after finishing the pen, although he didn't show a domineering attitude, nor did he retort at those who mocked him before, but this kind of silence was like a slap in the face of those people .

Those who hadn't questioned Jia Lian before turned to Zhou Xing and the others...

The colorful faces are really wonderful.

They were very curious and wanted to know, in the face of such a situation, would Zhou Xing and the others still say that Jia Lian was a martial artist, a bully?
Well, if there were no prince and third prince, they might still be stubborn, but in front of these two, I'm afraid they would not dare.Seeing the silence around him, Jia Lian looked up.

He couldn't distinguish all kinds of living beings at a glance, but the feeling of being refreshed was self-evident.

No wonder so many time-traveling seniors like copying texts, this thing is really cool.To be dumbfounded by those who like or dislike yourself, or who are nobler than yourself, this feeling is better than the joy of the boudoir.

Especially, the worship of beauty...

Jia Lian glanced at Princess Zhaoyang who was standing quietly beside her. Although she didn't... admire her, it was... quite refreshing to see such a proud daughter of heaven showing an idiot towards her.

He ignored everyone, turned around and only looked at the brothers of the Zhou family, and asked lightly: "I don't know this poem, the talented Zhou thinks, who did I copy?"

Jia Lian's voice made many people calm down.

When questioning Jia Lian before, everyone felt that Jia Lian was shameless and deceitful.

After being quietly slapped in the face at this time, looking at Jia Lian's same demeanor, there is a kind of indifference and arrogance that disdains to argue with mediocre people.


Zhou Xing was naturally dissatisfied, but he took a look at Princess Zhaoyang who walked to Jia Lian and couldn't help but touch the manuscript. He didn't dare to say another word "not good".

"Are you still not convinced?"

Facing Jia Lian's success as a villain, Zhou Xing snorted coldly and lowered his head.

He has already determined that today he has become a stepping stone for others, and it is certain that he will be slapped in the face.

But in front of the prince and the princess, he still didn't dare to swear at the street and act like a scoundrel, otherwise he might ruin his future if he was kicked out and left alone.

"If you still refuse to accept it, you can..."

Everyone was waiting for Jia Lian to continue to suppress and ridicule the Zhou brothers, and there was nothing wrong with it.

But Jia Lian suddenly picked up the pen again, moved a body to the right, threw Princess Zhaoyang aside, lightly rolled the rice paper, and read:
"Bamboo stone."

"Stay firm on the green hills and not let go, the roots are originally in the broken rocks. Thousands of blows are still strong, let the east, west, north, south wind wind."

Jia Lian recited slowly, but wrote non-stop. Before everyone could react, it became a quatrain!
Facing everyone's stunned stares at each other, Jia Lian didn't even lift his head, but instead waved to the standing waiter.

The waiter came over in a daze, but Jia Lian only took out a brand new rice paper from the tray in his hand...

Again? ? !

"The heavy snow crushes the green pines,

The green pine is straight and straight.

To know Song Gaojie,
When the snow melts. "

Of course it will come.

For Jia Lian, who has memorized the "Three Hundred Poems for Children" since childhood, it is not too easy to throw out a bunch of masterpieces that do not exist in this world.

Since the palm has already been thrown to someone's face, a slap is a slap, so it's better to have a good slap!

"This is a daily graffiti, I'm laughing at you."

Jia Lian glanced at the surroundings casually, and then continued: "I don't read much, and I'm not good at composing poems or lyrics.

But today I had to meet two talents from the Zhou family, so I got a few words by chance.

Let me write it down, everyone may wish to have a look. "

Without giving others a chance to speak, he wrote by himself:
"One eye has to rely on its own opinion, and there are many art gardens full of female pornography.

The dwarves have never seen a play before, and they always gossip with others. "

The dwarves have never seen a play before, they always gossip with others...

What a sharp ridicule, what a ruthless irony.

Before thinking about it, the behavior of the Zhou brothers and those who questioned Jia Lian was not like dwarves watching a play - they could only watch half of it.

Everyone couldn't help casting pitiful glances at the Zhou brothers.

Seeing that Zhou Xing's face was as pale as a pig's liver, the others shook their heads one after another.

From now on, the two sons of the Zhou family may not be able to take off the title of "dwarf".

If they see a word "short" in the book, their eyes will be scattered.Walking on the street, when I hear someone call "short", I can't help but look back...

If this quatrain is spread in the future, I'm afraid the brothers of the Zhou family will "grow their names through the ages" in this way.

Sure enough, literati cannot be offended, especially those who speak well!

Because maybe the other party's random line of poetry can make you restless for the rest of your life...

In addition to pity the Zhou family brothers, all the nobles, princes and grandsons, these people who are usually pretentious, feel their nerves are numb.

What did they just see?
Jia Lian wrote three, four, five poems in one breath?And there isn't a single song that doesn't sound like a good one.


It feels so unreal!
Many times they wanted to express their emotions, but when they thought about the demeanor contained in Jia Lian's casually written poems, they felt that it was wrong to even take a breath at this time.

With these good poems, he should have been famous for a long time. How could Jia Lian still have the reputation of being unable to study and only following the path of a martial artist?
Is this fucking human?
Intuit can pretend!

This is the thought in the mind of a person who can read poetry.

As for the truly illiterate...

"Hey, hey, what kind of expressions do you guys have? Is it okay for him to write all these?"

The fourth prince felt that his mind was going crazy, and he didn't like this kind of atmosphere very much. He stepped forward, grabbed a few manuscripts of Jia Lian's poems, and held them over his head to look at them repeatedly. He didn't think there was anything unusual about it.

He knows all the words!

Suddenly he felt his head was re-shot, he raised his head in a daze, and it really was a greeting from his own sister.

"Unlearned guy, don't be ashamed here."

Princess Zhaoyang snatched the manuscript from his hand and put it back on the table like a treasure. Then she seemed to take a deep breath to calm her mind, turned around and bent over to Jia Lian and clasped her fists.

"The demeanor of the general is admirable. Zhaoyang apologizes for his rudeness to the general before."

Although Princess Zhaoyang doesn't say she is extremely talented, she has been around the emperor's grandmother since she was a child, and she has been influenced by her ears and eyes, and she is also well-versed.

She deeply knows that Jia Lian, who can write poems of this level casually, is far beyond the comparison of secular talents.

This is also the first time she feels that there are people in today's world who can surpass her imperial grandmother in terms of literary talent.

In the past, even those great Confucian scholars who went to the study room and the Imperial Academy, she felt, their works were at best comparable to the emperor's grandmother, but with a different style.

But today, she knows that any of Jia Lian's songs can be compared with her imperial grandmother's.Even the two songs of Die Nianhua and Xiangsi Ling have already surpassed her imperial grandmother!
So, this time, she is serious.

(End of this chapter)

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