The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 233 Have you ever seen a dwarf watching a play?

Chapter 233 Have you ever seen a dwarf watching a play?

Faced with Princess Zhaoyang's respect, Jia Lian turned around and said, "Your Highness is serious. Your Highness and your ministers are only divided into monarchs and ministers. How can you say that you are rude?"

Princess Zhaoyang paused slightly, Jia Lian's calmness when facing him made her a little at a loss for what was beyond her own understanding.

Sure enough, the book said that the more extraordinary a person is, the more he hides in the depths, and what is exposed to the outside world is only overlooking and ignoring the worldly things.

She has never felt slighted by others.

He wanted to get back the disadvantage, but he couldn't see what was going on in Jia Lian's heart, and he liked the song "Long Lovesickness" very much...

If you want something from others, naturally you can't offend it.

Forget it, it doesn't matter even if you are regarded as a layman.

Princess Zhaoyang, who gave up on Jia Lian, picked up the manuscript of Sauvignon Blanc that had never left her sight, and said to Jia Lian: "What I said to the general before was sincere.

Zhaoyang is willing to use 3000 taels of silver to implore the general to give me this handwriting. Zhaoyang is very grateful. "

Jia Lian smiled slightly: "It's just a small thing, it's my honor that Her Royal Highness likes it.

Your Highness just take it away, don't talk about money anymore. "

There was a money-grubbing woman in the family, which caused Jia Lian to get into some bad habits.

Originally, I wanted to blackmail the Zhou family more, but I was disturbed by you, an ignorant princess!

As for the princess's money... Jia Lian didn't give in to any money.

Associating with the prince and grandson, one can only suffer, not take advantage.If he can't even figure this out, he doesn't have to be in the Wei Dynasty.

Princess Zhaoyang was not stubborn when she heard what Jia Lian said.

Although she is the most favored princess of the royal family, but because she has been living in the queen mother's palace, she doesn't have much money herself.

On weekdays, she has no use for money.

After receiving the manuscript from Jia Lian, I couldn't bear the curiosity in my heart and asked:
"Since the general has such a great talent, why has he been unknown before, even...

You know, if the general's poems had been publicized earlier, I'm afraid the general's talent and fame would have spread all over the world.

In this way, naturally no one would dare to disrespect the general again! "

Princess Zhaoyang's question is also someone else's.

Damn, they are all thinking back now, who passed on the impression that Jia Lian is a vulgar warrior.

You must give them a few kicks to relieve their anger!
Jia Lian cupped his hands and replied, "I don't dare to be called a great talent, but I just memorized a few poems, imitating the sentences of the predecessors, and made a few jokes in my spare time.

The minister was born in a family of martial arts, and his ambition since he was a child was to fight the enemy and defend the territory like his ancestors!

As for reading, it is really wasteful..."

When Jia Lian said this, the corners of the eyes of the third prince and the others twitched, and they wanted to scold their mothers in their hearts.

If we can write these poems when it is abandoned, then those of us who study hard every day, shouldn’t we find a piece of tofu to kill us?
Jia Lian didn't care what they were thinking. Seeing that no one interrupted him, he raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "As for spreading these poems, maybe we can become famous...

Weichen thinks that writing poems and lyrics is nothing more than self-cultivation.

Today, if you can't hold back your anger for a while, you will be inferior to the Zhou Brothers. "

Hearing Jia Lian's words, Princess Zhaoyang and the others froze for a moment.

Poetry is just something for self-cultivation, if you use it to gain fame or argue with others, it will be inferior!
What a profound realm must this be to say such a thing?
If it weren't for Jia Lian's shocking talents just now, everyone who heard such words would think that Jia Lian was putting on airs.

However, it seems that General Jia is really not pretending, he is doing what he says!
Otherwise, if the two songs Die Lian Hua and Xiang Si Ling were passed on casually, they would have become famous long ago.

Princess Zhaoyang looked at Jia Lian seriously, and it was the first time in her heart that she felt and believed that there would be someone whose realm was so much higher than hers...

After all, no flaws could be seen from Jia Lian, Princess Zhaoyang nodded with a complex expression, and said respectfully: "The general said, Zhaoyang has been taught."

Jia Lian hurriedly returned the gift.

Zhaoyang sighed in his heart...

Although Jia Lian respected her very much and did not owe her etiquette, she could still feel Jia Lian's alienation from her.

Because ordinary men, even her imperial brother, are lucky to get her closeness and praise.

Only Jia Lian, no matter how she tried, her performance was consistent and she remained unmoved?
Could it be that he and his first wife love each other, so he deliberately guards himself?
If so, he is really a respectable person.

So Zhaoyang didn't bother any more, held hands with Jia Lian and saluted, then turned and wanted to leave.

Suddenly remembered something, walked to the third prince's side, and whispered a few words in a low voice.

The third prince's complexion changed slightly, and then he was overjoyed, and went back to the chairman himself, took the original manuscript of Die Lianhua, and handed it to Zhaoyang...

After Princess Zhaoyang left, everyone focused on Jia Lian again.

Zhang Su, Feng Ziying and others quietly gave Jia Lian a thumbs up...

Having known each other for so long, they never imagined that Jia Lian still has such a trick, no, many tricks.

Among them, Zhang Su was still a little guilty, secretly thinking whether he had publicized his knowledge and literary talent in front of Jia Lian before.

If so, I'm really ashamed and ashamed to death.

Brother Lian did not behave kindly in this matter.

King Bei Jing suddenly walked up to Jia Lian, cupped his hands like Princess Zhaoyang, and said, "As early as the first time we met, Xiao Wang knew that Brother Shi was very different from ordinary people, and he was mistaken after all. I didn't expect...

Forget it, the height that Shixiong has reached is beyond Xiao Wang's guess.

However, Xiao Wang also has an unfeeling request. "

The King of Beijing looked at Jia Lian, and without waiting for Jia Lian to return the gift, he smiled and said, "Little Wang Silai really likes the song 'Big Snow Presses the Green Pine' written by Brother Shi.

Although the sentences in this verse are simple and the materials used are common, Xiao Wang really admires the tenacity and indomitable personality contained in it.

After reading it, there is a deafening feeling.

Therefore, Xiao Wang is also willing to exchange 3000 taels of silver for this handwritten manuscript of Shixiong. "

When Jia Lian heard this, he naturally had no intention of refusing, just like he did to Princess Zhaoyang just now, giving it to Princess Zhaoyang for free.

But King Beijing is no better than Princess Zhaoyang.

As a century-old palace, the heritage of Beijing Palace is not shallower than that of Jia's Mansion.

3000 taels of silver is really nothing to him,
What's more, Jia Lian's fame has become an established fact today. Whether it is the relationship between the two families or the personal relationship between the two, he wants to add a layer of brilliance to Jia Lian.

"Senior Brother, there is no need to decline. To be honest, with the demeanor of these masterpieces of Shixiong, after they are spread, they will definitely be sought after by the world.

Therefore, these autographed manuscripts of Brother Shi at today's literary meeting are worth tens of thousands of gold in themselves!
I only took out 3000 taels, which is already a big advantage, if Shixiong refuses again, it will make Xiao Wang dare not accept such a precious thing. "

As soon as Shui Rong said this, Jia Lian knew that he wanted to "add weight" to himself, so that his reputation of three thousand gold could be secured!
What he said was so sincere, Jia Lian couldn't evade any more, so he could only keep this friendship in his heart.

"Hahaha, Lord Water is right, General Jia's masterpieces are indeed worth tens of thousands of gold!
Coincidentally, I liked the song 'Bamboo and Stone' after listening to it, and if General Jia was willing to give it to me, I would also like to offer 3000 taels of silver! "

Seeing that the dust had settled, the prince laughed and came up to make fun of it.

In fact, he doesn't like literary stuff very much, but as a prince, he has to learn it since he was a child.

But he is very willing to help Jia Lian to build momentum like the King of Beijing, making the icing on the cake.

First, although the Third Prince presided over today's Wenhui, the prince is still the host.

Jia Lian wrote five impressive poems in a row, which made today's essay meeting suddenly bright, and it will definitely be widely circulated in the future.

In this way, he also became a beneficiary.

Second, although he didn't hear what Princess Zhaoyang said to the third prince just now, he guessed it.

Zhaoyang wanted to take away the original manuscript of the song "Butterfly Love Flower", which was probably sent to the Empress Dowager.

In other words, even the Queen Mother appreciates Jia Lian's talent!

Moreover, Jia Lian also rescued the Queen Mother today, after seeing each other, Jia Lian must have fallen into the eyes of the Queen Mother...

If he doesn't know how to win over such a person, isn't he too stupid? !

Third, deliberately disgust the third prince.

Jia Lian only wrote five pieces, Zhaoyang took the best two pieces, and the remaining Beijing King asked for one piece, and he wanted another piece.

In other words, among the four judges, three of them won the lottery.

Only the third prince is left...

On the contrary, there is still a song "Where have you ever seen a dwarf watching a play", it depends on whether he wants it...

In this case, it can be regarded as indirectly cutting off Jia Lian's access to the third prince.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, Jia Lian gave Princess Zhaoyang as a gift, and he and King Beijing as a gift, leaving out the third prince alone...

Is it a bad relationship with the third prince?
Haha, only 3000 taels of silver can make yourself so happy, why not do it?
(End of this chapter)

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