Chapter 235
Stargazing downstairs, the song ends.

The Zhou family brothers had long escaped from the sight of the crowd, but with the prince as guarantor, Jia Lian was not at all worried that the 1 taels of gambling money would not be received.

In this world, except for a few in the palace, no one dares to lose face to the prince!
Bringing his white horse back to the camp, the people of the Prince's Mansion have already sent the Prince's reward.

As the crown prince, the crown prince is celebrating the imperial sister again today, so he is quite generous.

500 taels of silver, a jade pendant, and a war horse.

The prince originally intended to give all the rewards to him alone, but Jia Lian thought that such a monopoly would inevitably make the villain jealous.

One is that today’s limelight has been exhausted, and the other is that compared with the 6000 taels of silver that will arrive in the account, the crown prince’s reward seems insignificant, so he politely declined and only took the share of the first name.

"Congratulations, my lord, congratulations to my lord, the young ones have heard about the fact that your lord showed his power today and dominated the literary fair.

Hehe, I originally thought that adults were only good at riding and archery, but I didn’t expect that even literary talents are rare in the world. The respect that young people show for adults is like the water of the Yellow River, eloquent, and adults are like that..."

When Commander Xie Jun saw Jia Lian coming back, he hurried forward to flatter him.

Jia Lian didn't let him finish his performance, first asked about the condition of the horse at the bottom of the mountain, and then ordered: "The 500 taels of silver, you can take it and divide it up, everyone will have a share with the brothers who are on this trip. "

"This, it's not very good, this is a special gift from the crown prince to the lord..."

Xie Jun pretended to decline, but seeing Jia Lian sincerely wanted a reward, he immediately took the lead to thank him.

The soldiers around all showed joy, and followed Xie Jun to kneel down to show their loyalty.

With a capable and generous boss, the future is boundless!


Because we had to rush back to the city before dark, the Wenhui was the last program of the day.

When all the nobles set off to return to Beijing, what happened in Yumayuan today is destined to spread throughout the capital at the speed of the wind.

Zhou family.

"You bastard!!"

When Zhou Hongchang heard that his eldest son, Zhou Xing, had lost a full 1 taels of silver in a bet outside, no matter how good his self-cultivation was, he found the Zhou brothers who were hiding in the old lady's house in a rage. Send out a mountain-shaking roar.

Zhou Xing knelt on the ground obediently, tears streaming down his face. Seeing his father approaching, he hurried up to grab his grandmother's trouser legs, with a look of horror on his face.

Fortunately, the old lady of the Zhou family had already accepted her grandson's argument, and she hurriedly said: "Xing'er told me what you were yelling at, and today he originally wanted to help his younger brother get ahead, and express his anger for the family by the way.

Who knew that Jia Lian was so scheming and deliberately designed to harm him.

You are my father, seeing that they are being bullied, why do you scare them so much instead of helping them get ahead? "

Zhou Hongchang was so angry that he said bitterly: "It's their own stupidity, don't they blame others?
They also didn't think about it, if they were not fully sure, would they agree to make such a big gamble with him?
1 taels!Hmph, how much is the old man's annual salary?If things go on like this, the family will be defeated by these two beasts in a short time! "

The old lady of the Zhou family snorted, if they relied on your official salary, the family would have starved to death long ago.

But the thought of someone cheating her precious grandson in such a way, and the same person who cheated her two grandsons back and forth, made the old lady of Zhou's teeth itch with hatred.

"1 taels? Why give it to him? Xing'er was just young and ignorant, so he was deceived by him.

In this world, is there no kingly law?I won't give it to him based on his noble family background, what can he do to me? ! "

It doesn't matter how high or low the character is, anyone who puts 1 taels of silver will want to play tricks.

After all, what Zhou Hongchang said was right, the annual salary of a fourth-rank official is only more than 150 taels. If so, 1 taels is the salary of a fourth-rank official for 70 years!
Zhou Hongchang sighed helplessly: "I'm afraid it's not a matter of family status.

These two unworthy bastards went to ask the prince as a guarantee before they bet with others.

Think about it, the old lady, although our family has the support of the empress in the palace, how dare we offend the crown prince?What's more, the Jia Mansion is not what it used to be today, the concubine Jia in the palace is one of the four concubines, and her rank is higher than ours.

This matter, I'm afraid there is no way to make it better. "


The old lady glanced at her grandson, knowing that her son was not lying, she also looked a little panicked.

Suddenly, he changed his mind: "Otherwise, let's use our relationship, make the crown prince open and close, and this matter will be over? Besides, let's send 1000 taels of silver to the prince directly?"

The old lady of the Zhou family was obviously reluctant to spend 1 taels of silver in vain, so she wanted to calm the storm with the smallest loss.

"I had to try that."

Zhou Hongchang sighed, but knew in his heart that the matter could not be solved so simply.

Since they even invited the prince to move, it was premeditated!

It's just that there are some things that are not easy to argue with my mother. After all, she is a woman, and some reasons don't make sense.

"You two, come out with me!"

Glaring at the two bastards, seeing that the old lady was in a hurry, she sighed: "My son told them to go out, but he just wanted to ask about the detailed situation so that he could think about how to deal with it."

Only then did the old lady of the Zhou family regain her composure, and said: "You have to ask each other, you are not allowed to beat them, and you are not allowed to threaten them!"

Zhou Hongchang: "..."


When Jia Lian handed over all the errands and returned to Rongguo Mansion, it was already evening.

He rode straight into Dongkua courtyard, got off the horse outside the stable, and his own servants and others led the horses.

Seeing Steward Liu coming out to welcome him, Jia Lian casually asked him about the groundbreaking.

It's not the garden behind, but the place he wants to build to practice martial arts.

There is one in the front yard and one in the back yard, which are used by the guards and themselves respectively.

In the middle along the easternmost wall, build a royal horse road about two miles long.

The conditions of Dongkuayuan are limited, and it can only be built so long, and it is barely used.

When he is free in the future, Jia Lian will naturally build a village outside the city and build a spacious and complete imperial horse farm.

After a year of confrontation with the Tatars, Jia Lian naturally knew that riding and shooting is the sharpest way to kill enemies on the grasslands and Gobi.

After all, with his identity, he was really fighting the enemy head-on, which meant that the situation had reached a very unfavorable situation. At that time, no matter how well he practiced martial arts, he was always outnumbered by two fists.

"Second Master, you are back, have you had dinner yet?"

Back at Sister Feng's Children's Hospital, as soon as she entered the gate, Qingwen walked over with her arms crossed.

"I ate a little outside the city, you go to the kitchen to see if there is anything delicious, get me some."

"Okay, the second master goes into the room and waits."

Qingwen is still very sensible at times. For example, when she received an order, she immediately ran towards the big kitchen.

Halfway through the run, he remembered that Jia Lian had come back from a busy day and needed to change clothes.

She didn't want Xiao Hong to wait for the other maids to approach Jia Lian, so she went back and ran to the west wing and slammed the door a few times, making sure to startle Xiangling before she shouted: "Second master is back, you go quickly The main room waits for the second master to change clothes!"


The house girl Xiangling immediately put down the complete works of Wang Mojie in her hand, and went out to the main room.

(End of this chapter)

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