The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 236 The Origin of the Concubine

Chapter 236 The Origin of the Concubine
In Rongxi Hall, Jia Zheng was busy all afternoon preparing for the garden.

After dinner, he was about to play with Mrs. Zhao when Lai Da came to report: "My lord, the chief historian of Prince Jing's residence is here!"

Jia Zheng hurriedly put aside his other thoughts and came out to meet him.

"I don't know if my lord is coming, I'm not far away to welcome you."

Jia Zheng knew Shi Yangjun, the head of the Prince's Palace in Beijing, so when he saw that it was really him coming, he hurriedly greeted him with his arms folded.

But behind Yang Jun, there are six attendants, and each of them is holding a tray covered with yellow silk.

"Dare to ask my lord, is this...?"

Jia Zheng didn't understand what he meant, they didn't do anything in the house for the past two days, so why did the Beijing Palace seem to be giving gifts?

"Haha, Mr. Zheng is very polite. I am here under the order of the prince..."

"I don't know what the lord's order is, but I hope the lord will make it clear."

Yang Jun looked at Jia Zheng with a puzzled look on his face with a smile, he was sure he didn't know about this matter, so he cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations to Mr. Zheng, your mansion is indeed a famous family in the world, and there are many outstanding people in your mansion.

The second son of your mansion is at the literary fair today, surpassing all other heroes in his skills, and has written several classics in a row, making his name move the capital!

Our prince was fortunate to be given one of them. According to the agreement, our prince presented 3000 taels of silver, and please accept it on your behalf. "

When Jia Zheng heard this, he was puzzled and said, "How can the dog do what your lord said before you went out today? My lord must have made a mistake..."

Yang Jun knew that Rongguo Mansion had a second son who was born with a jade title, so he knew that Jia Zheng had misunderstood, so he hurriedly added: "The lower official said, it is Lord Lian of your mansion, the second son of Lian!"

"Him? Jia Lian?"

Jia Zheng felt that he must have worked too hard, so he was hallucinating.

If it is said that his son Baoyu, although he does not do a proper job and does not study seriously at all, he has a bit of wisdom since he was a child.

So if Jia Baoyu accidentally wrote something outside, he could barely accept it.

But Jia Lian!

Isn't this Yang Changshi joking?
Seeing the disbelief in Jia Zheng's eyes, Yang Jun also had mixed feelings in his heart.

The Beijing Prince's Mansion and Jia's Mansion have been friends for a hundred years. He was an official in the Beijing Palace. In the past, he often dealt with the Jia's Mansion, so he probably has some understanding of the situation of the main personnel of the Rongguo Mansion.

When he heard what happened today, he was also very surprised.

Looking at Jia Zheng's reaction now, he naturally felt even more strange.

This Lord Lian hides it so deeply that he even hid it from his own second uncle?
"Elder Zheng doesn't have to be surprised, this matter is absolutely true, the lower officials really didn't joke with Elder Zheng.

In fact, today is the literary meeting held by the crown prince in a courtyard outside the city. In addition to our prince, there are also the grandsons of the princes, the grandsons of the princes of Jingzhong, and they all witnessed the demeanor of the second son Lian of your mansion with their own eyes!

If the old man doesn't believe it, before he was dismissed as an official, he heard a few words from the colleagues who went with the prince, to let the old man and the old man come..."

Even though Jia Zheng's eyes were equally big, he was still courteous. Seeing this, he hurriedly invited Yang Jun to sit in the hall.


Forbidden City, Fengzao Palace.

Emperor Ningkang stepped in and sat down on the kang in the main hall.

Seeing that Jia Yuanchun wanted to serve him tea after Shi Shiran saluted, he directly excused him and asked him to sit on the other side, and then asked:

"Jia Lian is your cousin?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, it is true that he is the eldest son of my concubine's uncle...Why does Your Majesty ask such a question, but what happened to him?"

Emperor Ningkang shook his head, "You don't have to worry, he's fine...

Hmph, let me ask you, how much do you know about him? "

Yuan Chun heard that Emperor Ningkang's tone was not quite right, and he became more cautious, thinking:
"When the concubine entered the palace to serve the concubine, he was only eleven or twelve years old, and he was still a completely ignorant boy. Therefore, the concubine really didn't know much about him these years.

But the concubine heard that His Majesty's grace is so great, and Jia En granted him an official position as the commander of the West City Army and Horse Division.

But what did he do wrong to offend His Majesty?
If this is the case, please take your majesty into account that he is young and ignorant, and teach him patiently, he will definitely listen to your majesty. "

When Emperor Ningkang heard that Yuanchun entered the palace, Jia Lian was only eleven or twelve years old, so he knew that he would not hear any useful information from Yuanchun.

"I have something here, let me show you."

Emperor Ningkang said, beckoning to the accompanying attendants.

Yuan Chun didn't know why, but obediently took what the eunuch handed over.

It was a few manuscripts of poems. Yuan Chun glanced at Emperor Ningkang first, then looked down, looked at two or three of them carefully, and then glanced at the back, saying: "Although I don't understand poetry, I can read it roughly. , I also think these sentences are well written.

However, the concubine has never heard of it before, but it was recently released. I don't know where your majesty got it from? "

Emperor Ningkang smiled, "If I say that all of these were written by Jia Lian, do you believe it or not?"


Sure enough, Yuan Chun's originally calm and elegant complexion was suddenly startled.

But she looked at Emperor Ningkang, and immediately nodded: "Your Majesty's words, the concubine will naturally believe."

Emperor Ningkang subconsciously twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking, this daughter of the Jia family has been in the palace for so many years, but she is still so cautious, even if she is now on the imperial concubine, she is always careful when speaking.

Although he likes law-abiding women, he inevitably finds them a little less interesting.

Besides, when he thought of Yuan Chun, he couldn't help thinking that this was a deal he made with some old guys from the Ministry of War.

He doesn't like making deals with courtiers very much.

Moreover, there is another point that makes him still doubtful.

Originally, he was only going to confer Jia Yuanchun as a concubine that day. As a female official next to Concubine Yuanchun, conferring as a concubine was already a step up to the sky.

However, when he went to pay his respects to the Supreme Emperor, the Supreme Emperor who had been raising flowers and fish in the Chonghua Palace, suddenly asked about this matter!
"The two ancestors of the Jia family have made great achievements in our dynasty, and the first Duke of Rong has acted as a good deed, and they have brotherhood with me. One concubine is not enough to demonstrate the merits of the Jia family.

Since you want to be kind, why not make her a concubine. "

These are the words of the Supreme Emperor.

At that time, he didn't dare to ask the Supreme Emperor why he cared about a daughter of the Jia family in the deep palace, but he dared not disrespect the Supreme Emperor's wishes, so, according to the Supreme Emperor's wishes, Yuan Chun was canonized as one of the four concubines.

Although this move did make him close to the lineage of the founding officials, but every time he thinks about it, he always feels uneasy.

This anxiety is anxiety about things that you cannot fully control.

Yuan Chun didn't know what Emperor Ningkang was thinking. Seeing that Emperor Ningkang didn't speak, she took the initiative to speak: "It's just that I can't imagine it, but I haven't seen you in eight or nine years. Brother Lian has grown to this point and can write Come out with such poems.

If it wasn't for His Majesty's own words, it would be hard for my concubine to believe it. "

"There are many people who are as unbelievable as you.

In fact, if it wasn't reported by many parties, it would all be the same statement, even I would not believe it. "

After speaking, Emperor Ningkang finally explained the origin of these poems to Yuan Chun.

When Yuan Chun heard the words, he also showed only three or four points of his astonishment.

"It's really unexpected. Originally, the concubine thought that brother Lian didn't like reading. In the past, I never heard anyone say that he has the talent to compose poems and lyrics."

"You really can't think of it?"

Emperor Ningkang narrowed his eyes slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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