The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 237 Jia Zheng's Careful Thoughts

Chapter 237 Jia Zheng's Careful Thoughts

"I heard that your father, Jia Zheng, has been the head of your family since more than ten years ago? But your uncle Jia She is the one who inherits the title?"

Emperor Ningkang's voice seemed to be casual and a bit playful.

Yuan Chun was secretly startled when he heard the words, and hurriedly said: "Returning to Your Majesty, the situation in the concubine's house is indeed slightly different from other mansions.

After my grandfather passed away, my uncle had no choice but to plant flowers and grass at home because he was calm by nature and didn't like theoretical and mundane affairs.

Therefore, my grandmother made my parents live beside her and serve her old man.

However, whenever there are important matters in the family, the father and the uncle discuss and handle them together, not as rumored by outsiders, the concubine's father alone is the master of the house. "

"You don't have to explain this to me, I'm just asking casually.

Well, it's getting late, you should go to bed earlier. "

Emperor Ningkang said, got up directly and left Fengzao Palace.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty..."

Yuanchun sent Emperor Ningkang to the gate of the palace, watched Emperor Ningkang get on the dragon chariot, and then returned with people.

Sitting on the kang, he picked up those poems and read them again, Yuan Chun frowned.

She could hear what Emperor Ningkang meant just now.

There is no distinction between your parents and children, and your house is restless. Therefore, the son of the eldest son is obviously talented and learned, but he has to hide his stupidity to protect himself!

She felt that Emperor Ningkang must have misunderstood.

Although the grandmother prefers them and doesn't like the uncle, she definitely can't tolerate the long family's lineage!
Her father is upright, and although her mother doesn't talk much, she is also a compassionate person.

They shouldn't...

But how to explain the things in front of you?

Her knuckles could not help but clenched a little bit, a little sad:

Brother Lian, could it be that you were afraid of us harming you, and that's why you held back so many years ago?
Yuan Chun couldn't accept it. The ten years at home were the happiest time in her life.

She feels that at home, there is only joy and no worries.

She hoped that everyone in the family would have no worries or calculations.

At the same time, in the depths of Chonghua Palace, in the splendid and prosperous garden.

A white-haired, thin old man was trimming the excess branches and leaves of a white crabapple.

Beside him, there was an old eunuch with a serious book, reading the poems in his hand to him one by one.

"Go back to the old emperor, the reading is over..."

"Read it again."

"Uh, yes..."


Rongguo Mansion, after Jia Zheng sent Yang Jun away, he looked at the things the slaves were holding in their hands.

Unwrapping it and taking a look, it really is a plate of brand new silver ingots!

Jia Zheng couldn't describe his mood at the moment in words.

He felt that God must be playing a joke on him.

The child he watched growing up since he was a child, the nephew who had always been ignorant, suddenly one day seemed to be newly enlightened, becoming diligent and motivated, and determined to break through in the officialdom!

That's all, learning martial arts, as long as the body is good.

Got into a fight with Prince Duan's son, and was punished by the emperor to go to the border, but by accident, he made meritorious service and was promoted to a noble...

This barely makes sense, maybe the blood of his ancestors has been awakened, and he has been staying in the capital before, without being shown, but when he arrives on the battlefield, he will be like a fish entering the sea.

He can accept this, because regardless of the disadvantages to their second wife, it is a good thing for the family that the nephew does such glorious things!
However, he couldn't accept that Jia Lian, who couldn't tell a fart for a long time since he was a child, could suddenly compose poems and essays, and it was as if he had been enlightened by a master. His composition was even better than him...much better .

Jia Zheng thought about it carefully, he is not used to writing poems and lyrics, but Yucun has a very good literary talent.

It's just that even if Yucun's masterpiece is compared with him, I'm afraid it may not be able to win!


Jia Zheng took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Looking at the shiny silver things in front of him, for a moment he wanted to send them to the government...

Mr. Shan Ziye has been invited to visit the house today to have a look at the terrain. According to Shan Ziye's preliminary calculations, Jia Zheng feels that the money to be spent is absolutely indispensable!

I'm afraid there will be more days when the family will be short of money in the future.

But after thinking about it, I held back.

Reason is reason, law is law, and Lian'er's heart cannot be chilled.

He has already done a lot for the family.

Well, no matter what happened to Lian'er, his ability to make money now is really shocking.

There will be windfall money thrown at him at any time...

A small leak will sink a great ship.

Win over Lian'er, let him earn a lot of money at home, and then take the initiative to take out the money for everyone to spend together, this is the long-term way.

After all, the old man is an upright official!Doomed not to earn too much money at home...

"You guys, send your things to the second gate, and have someone send them to Lian'er's yard!"

After making an arrangement, Jia Zheng felt that it was better to talk to the old lady about this matter, so he got up and went to Rongqing Hall.


Wang Xifeng has many eyes and ears in Rongguo Mansion.

When Jia Zheng sent the money inside, she knew immediately.

So he immediately took Ping'er to the house.

On the way, he still disliked Ping'er's walking too slowly, and turned his head and urged: "You little hoof, don't follow faster, be careful, there is a ghost following you!"

Ping'er replied speechlessly: "Grandma, the money has already been delivered to the house anyway, even if you go back one step later, the money will not go away."

"What do you know! Don't you know that your second master hides private money outside! You don't know how much money you have hidden in the two Sao Dazi's rooms alone.

In case your second master comes back, you must turn around and send him outside! "

"Grandma, this was originally sent to the second master..."

Ping'er's three views are the most correct, whoever earns money has the right to dispose of it.

Wang Xifeng rolled her eyes, "I really love you for nothing, and my heart is towards him, so you are not afraid that he will take those money and go fooling around outside?"

Wang Xifeng didn't know why, although the family's money was too much now, but she still wanted to keep the money under her control.

In fact, she didn't want to admit it.

With Jia Lian's shrewdness now, and with Jia Lian's current status, she was a little worried, and she was afraid that Jia Lian would do something wrong to her someday.

Therefore, as long as Jia Lian's money is in her hands, it will give her a great sense of security.

"By the way, do you know what the money came from today?"

"I don't really know. I just heard from the people in the wife's room that someone from the palace sent it, saying that it was a reward for the second master... They can't tell the specifics. They may know when grandma returns."

Wang Xifeng only heard that someone sent money to Jia Lian again, but she didn't have time to ask about it.

Sure enough, as soon as the screen was inserted and entered the courtyard, I saw many servants coming out of the main room. Qingwen's little hoof was like a hostess, greeting and seeing off guests on the corridor.

"Second Grandma Lian is back..."

The mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law who had just left the yard burst into laughter when they saw Wang Xifeng.

They were the ones who were ordered to bring in the silver.

The heavy silver had just passed their hands, and when they saw the hostess at this time, they naturally smiled flatteringly.

The jealousy in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

How can Lian's second grandmother, He De, be worthy of Lian's second master...

Not long after, sums of money will be sent home for her to spend!

Facing these women, Wang Xifeng only gave a soft "hmm" as an answer, then walked past them and asked Qingwen, "Is your second master back yet?"

"Second master just came back not long ago, and he is eating inside now."

Seeing Sister Feng's Qingwen, she restrained her previous bright smile, and stood on the porch, speaking in an orderly manner.

Wang Xifeng's eyes lit up, and he lifted the curtain with one hand and entered the room.

Originally, he wanted to go directly to Jia Lian, but his eyes were involuntarily attracted by the conspicuous plates on the table and cabinet in the living room, so he stepped over and took a look at the silk.

Sure enough, it is full of silver!

Touched, counted, a total of six dishes!Wang Xifeng smiled like a flower on his face.

He didn't check one by one, opened the curtain of the compartment, and got in.

Sure enough, Jia Lian, dressed in ordinary clothes, was sitting by the kang eating, with only a Xiangling beside him, serving with a wine glass.

The little hoof's face was flushed, and he didn't know if he had drunk wine or something.

(End of this chapter)

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