Chapter 239

Yuanyang walked back the same way, and when she was going down the steps from the corridor, she suddenly staggered and rushed forward, almost bumping into the edge of the moon cave door, which gave her a big jump.


Someone's ruthless laugh came from behind.

Yuanyang looked back at Jia Lian, her face suddenly turned red.

Taking a deep breath, putting aside idle thoughts, and walking forward, he asked in his mouth, "I heard that the second master is shining outside today, how many good poems have you written?"

"There is such a thing, what's the matter?" Jia Lian laughed.

Yuanyang looked tense, and hurriedly said: "It's nothing, just, I just think that Er Ye's poems are very good, why didn't Er Ye show his talents in front of everyone before?

"Exhibit talent?"

Jia Lian smiled, walked quietly to Yuanyang's side, lowered her head and asked in her ear: "What is Zhancai doing? Could it be that after Zhancai, sister Yuanyang will secretly promise me when she sees that I am not a shallow person? "

"What nonsense~!"

Yuanyang didn't expect Jia Lian to tease her, her face flushed with embarrassment.

If it was normal, she would definitely raise her eyes and scold Jia Lian.

But to this day, don't say that Jia Lian's status is extraordinary, just say that she can't hold back the beating heart she planted when she was a girl.

Therefore, although her rationality made her act righteous when she heard Jia Lian's indecent words, her heart couldn't stop beating!
How does he know, why use him to show his talents, people's heart has already secretly promised a person, and why has he ever cared whether he is a shallow person or not.

Besides, Second Master Lian has never been a shallow person.

The only thing that made her uncomfortable was that she could clearly see the former Jia Lian.

The current Second Master Lian felt farther and farther away from her, so deep that in just two or three years, the other party was already as vast as the sea, making her feel that she didn't have the ability to stir up any splashes in it.

After nightfall in Rongguo Mansion, lights were hung at all traffic points. Although they couldn't illuminate the whole house, there was some light on the main roads.

At this moment, Jia Lian happened to walk to the bright place, and Jia Lian could see the tenderness and shyness on Yuanyang's face through the light from the gatehouse next door.

This made Jia Lian couldn't help laughing.

The last time he showed his ambition in Jia Mu's room, he found that Yuanyang looked at him wrongly!

It's just that he has been very busy all the time, but he doesn't have a chance to chat with Jia Mu's housekeeper about his life ideals.

Jia Lian would not miss this rare opportunity today, it was just a simple test.

The result, as he wished.

Jia Lian didn't panic anymore, she didn't reason about Yuanyang's embarrassment at this time, and asked seriously, "If I remember correctly, Sister Yuanyang is the same age as Heping, so she is seventeen this year, right?"

Yuanyang was annoyed by Jia Lian's words just now, and when she heard Jia Lian's question, her face became even more flushed.

Ping'er is his concubine, who in the house doesn't know?Compare her to peace...

Yuanyang was originally intelligent, but facing Jia Lian with such an unclear attitude, she was still a little confused, so she didn't answer Jia Lian's words and just walked forward.

Although the lack of cooperation of the mandarin ducks made it difficult for Jia Lian to carry out the next strategy.

But the most authentic reaction of the daughter's family is also interesting.

Perhaps this is the preciousness of mandarin ducks, not pretentious, not charming, strong character, loyal to duty.

For such a person, it's fine if he has no intention of being interested in him, and Jia Lian doesn't necessarily have to "flat attack Yuan" together.

But he can clearly see that Yuanyang is interested in him, so he can only be rude.

"What do you think of Ping'er?"

"It's none of my business what she does. She belongs to grandma and grandma. How can I control her if I let grandma and grandpa make the decision?"

Yuanyang launched a certain defensive barrier against Jia Lian.

Regarding this, Jia Lian said that he could not block his attacks at all, and only heard him jokingly said: "Oh, but how did I hear her say that you grew up together, and the relationship is the best.

If she hears you speak so heartlessly and unjustly, she may be very sad. "

Yuanyang stopped, looked back at Jia Lian, and said in a deep voice, "What the second master wants to say, let's just say it, the slaves don't understand the riddles of the second master."

"Hehe, it's nothing, I just feel that you are getting old, and it's time for you to think about your destiny.

How about it, are you interested in coming to Hepinger to be a pair of real sisters? "


Yuanyang's pupils widened immediately, and with the way she was exposed to the world, she really couldn't figure it out. In this case, how could Jia Lian speak openly without blushing.

Not only did he not blush, but he looked relaxed.

It was as if he simply asked her to go to Heping'er to be his sister, and it had nothing to do with him!
She felt something was wrong, why is Second Master Lian like this...

This doesn't match up with her previous impression of Jia Lian, or after hearing about his ambitions.

Could it be that Second Master Lian was born with a multi-faceted personality?Although these strange thoughts flashed through his mind, Yuanyang's main thoughts at the first moment were naturally both shame and throbbing!
She finally understood that Jia Lian was seriously molesting her! !

"Second Lord said such things to me, don't you think it's inappropriate and out of character?
I belong to the old lady, and it is my duty to serve and take care of the old lady. As for Heping...

Bah... Thank you for being able to speak. "

Out of the self-esteem of her daughter's family, Yuanyang wanted to suppress the throbbing in her heart, and wanted to speak righteously.

But when it came to the shameful words of "Ping'er being a sister" in the end, he couldn't hold back anymore, and spat in a low voice to cover it up.

Looking at the shy mandarin duck all over her body, Jia Lian smiled slightly.

"Huh? I'm just giving you a suggestion. It's up to you whether you listen or not. I didn't mean to force you. Why would you lose your identity?

Do you still dare to spit on me?
This is the following crime. Believe it or not, I will sue you in front of the old lady, so that you can't eat and walk around? "

The fierce fire is already in place, so it is necessary to turn down the fire in time, so as to avoid overcooking the food in the pot and maintain the best flavor.


Sure enough, the mandarin duck was so squeezed that he couldn't speak.

He still wants to sue the old lady?If he doesn't tell him, he should burn the incense!

He wanted to argue with Jia Lian, but Jia Lian seemed to be annoyed. With a wave of his sleeve, he left her and turned around the hall, into the backyard of Rongqing Hall.

After confirming that Jia Lian had left, the expression on Yuanyang's face slowly subsided, and she stood there for a long time without moving.

After a long time, he let out an inexplicable sigh.

If it's ruthless, why bother to tease her, wouldn't it be fine to leave her alone all the time?
If there is love, why didn't he make it clear, which made her so confused and secretly speculated, but she couldn't be sure of his thoughts after all.

From this point of view, Second Master Lian is a dangerous person after all. If he is a slave, if he gets caught in it, he may not even have the qualifications to retreat.


(End of this chapter)

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