The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 240 Jia Lian's utilitarian focus is outrageous

Chapter 240 Jia Lian's utilitarian focus is outrageous
"Lian'er, did you do all of this?"

As soon as Jia Lian entered Jia Mu's inner hall, before she had time to greet her and Jia Zheng and others, Jia Mu raised the ballet of poems and asked Jia Lian.

Jia Lian had been thinking about it for a long time. Hearing this, he took it over and looked at it, then nodded and said, "That's right, it was indeed written by me."

Jiamu and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, while Daiyu and the other sisters looked slightly pleased.

"When did you hide this ability, we don't even know!"

Mother Jia's question became more serious.

Although because of Jia Lian's previous performance, she believed Jia Lian's words, he and his family are of the same heart and will not quarrel with Jia Zheng and others.

But Jia Lian even concealed this kind of ability from them, which really made her a little uneasy.

This anxiety can be said to be guard against things beyond one's control.

Jia Lian laughed and said, "It's not a big deal, it's just to imitate the works of predecessors and write for fun when you have nothing to do.

These things can neither be promoted nor promoted, so the grandson himself didn't bother about it.

It's just that these things can alarm the ancestors, but the grandson is very surprised. "

The implication of Jia Lian's words was that he didn't hide it on purpose, but that these things were really nothing, but he was surprised that they made such a fuss.

Mother Jia and the others fell silent.

Could it be that they are really outdated, or are they really just mortals, looking so mediocre in front of Jia Lian? ?
Even Daiyu, Tanchun and others were secretly a little shy, feeling that Jia Lian's words were a bit shocking.

Although they are still young and haven't read all the poems and books like in the original book, they have all started to learn to compose poems, and they have secretly composed a few self-consciously ingenious poems in the boudoir, but they have not shown them to others.

Could it be that writing poems and lyrics is really just a small way, not worth promoting?

Jia Zheng was also taken aback, although he said so when he was educating Jia Zhu and Jia Baoyu, don't waste your time on any kind of rich words and prose, and read the four books and five classics, the classics of sages, and the sages. The only way.

Occasionally, however, he himself feels guilty.After all, most of the authors of the "thick words and colorful poems" that he dismissed as worthless have a great reputation in the history! !
He is also worried that Jia Baoyu and others will slander him: I am not spiritual enough to write good poems, so I just say that...

Today, Jia Lian can be regarded as rectifying his name.

Therefore, Jia Zheng stroked his beard and praised: "Lian'er's words are good. Poetry is nothing more than a small Taoist. It's fine to play in your spare time. Even famous Confucian scholars in the imperial court pay more attention to writing books and establishing theory, and they seldom focus on poetry. Put more effort into the way.

For the age when you should study, you should still specialize in career writing, and scientific examination stereotypes are the right way.

Baoyu, do you understand? ? "

Jia Zheng never forgets to mention Jia Baoyu.

Jia Baoyu shrunk his neck hurriedly, and said: "My child knows what the master said..."

Although he wanted to slander Jia Zheng for being mediocre and vulgar, when he thought that the poems written by Jia Lian were better than his, and that Jia Lian had the same opinion as Jia Zheng, he lost his confidence.

Lian's second brother is also really good, he can clearly be a noble literati, why should he flatter those lu beetles!

Those who can do well in poetry are truly talented people!

Jia Baoyu wondered silently.

Jia's mother doesn't compose poetry herself, and she doesn't hate composing poetry, but she can also see that Jia Lian's utilitarianism is simply outrageous.

"You are so rare to be an official, and you like to be promoted so much?

You are not high enough, and the title you inherited is not strong enough, what position do you want to climb to? "

Mother Jia's doubts also belonged to most of the others.

Many people who have not reached the level of Second Master Lian are thinking about how to have fun all day long, only Second Master Lian only wants to be promoted to a noble!
Even Daiyu felt that Jia Lian seemed a bit vulgar...

No, those incompetent, shallow-sighted people who want to do everything they can to please their superiors are the real vulgar, disgusting vulgar.

Lian's second brother is like this, but he has high aspirations and a broad mind.

Probably, he is the same type of person as his father, even a little stronger than his father...

Faced with Jia's mother's questioning, Jia Lian smiled and said: "The grandson has said it a long time ago. The grandson takes restoring the glory of the ancestors as his own responsibility. Before he achieves his goal, the grandson will not waste his time elsewhere."

Everyone became more silent.

Mrs. Wang's face was sinking like water, she didn't even know how to describe it.

Generally speaking, people who say this are either out of their wits, or they are simply talking big to fool people.

But Jia Lian obviously has no lack of muscle in his head.

As for fooling people, she also thought it before, but as time went by, it seemed that this bastard who always squinted at people was really possible!
No one dared to say anything about Jia Lian anymore, they would not question the behavior of their ancestors in founding the Duke's Mansion, it was a mediocre behavior.

Jia Lian boasted that restoring the glory of his ancestors was equivalent to putting on an invincible golden body, and no one dared to criticize him.

Jia Zheng was ashamed, this responsibility should have been shouldered by the son of the Duke of the country, but who knows, now it is snatched away by Jia Lian, the next generation's son!
He will be fifty soon, and his future is probably at its peak, so he is too embarrassed to argue with Jia Lian, so he coughs lightly and says, "Lian'er, since you said that, why are you still fighting with others outside?
I heard that you also made a bet with Zhou Guiren's younger brother in the palace, and won him 1 taels of silver..."

"Ten thousand, didn't you say three thousand?"

Mrs. Wang was startled suddenly, and asked subconsciously.

Jia Zheng explained: "The 3000 taels was just the embellishment silver that the Prince of Beijing gave him. In addition, he also fought with Zhou Xingwen, the eldest son of Zhou, and the bet was 1 taels of silver.

As a result, everyone should have guessed it. "

As soon as Jia Zheng said what he said, everyone in the hall, from the master to the servants, looked at Jia Lian with the eyes of seeing gods!

What kind of fairy operation is this? Three thousand dollars for the moistening pen is enough to be scary.

Throughout the ages, I have never heard of a few people having this honor.

Not to mention, just won a lottery of 1 taels in a competition? !

Li Wan who was standing in the hall looked less friendly.Just because her husband passed away early, leaving them orphans and widowed mothers in the mansion is not taken seriously. In order to prepare a "wife book" for her son these years, she has almost assumed the title of a miser.

Just because Mother Jia felt sorry for her widow's unemployment, she raised her monthly payment from five taels to ten taels, and later said that she had worked hard with Lan'er, so she increased her monthly payment by another ten taels.

A full 20 taels, which is at the same level as Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang.

This naturally made Wang Xifeng, who only had five or two months of money, very "jealous".

However, she was usually so stubborn, so Wang Xifeng laughed at her.

She has put up with it, everyone is like Wang Xifeng, taking advantage of the housekeeper's advantage to amass money wantonly, who can't see it?

Her money is all from a clean source!

But even so, she can only save about 500 taels of silver a year...

1 taels, she will save for 20 years! !

At that time, Laner had grown up.

That's the good thing about having a man...

Li Wan took a look at Jia Lian, and said that earning a little money outside is much more than calculating at home.

No wonder, he didn't intend to compete with the master and wife for the property...

He probably didn't like this at home.

Li Wan is still like this, let alone the sisters, who only have a pitiful twenty taels of pocket money every month.

1 taels is already beyond the limit.

Lian's second brother is so bold, he even made such a big bet with someone, luckily he won...

"Zhou Guiren's younger brother? Why do I vaguely remember that I've heard of this person before. It seems that he committed some crimes and was taken to prison by him. Wasn't he released later? Why did he get involved again?"

Mother Jia still remembered the incident with Zhou Sheng. At that time, Yuanchun was not a concubine, and the Jia family was quite afraid of the Zhou family, a relative of the emperor.

Jia Lian smiled and briefly talked about another unlucky son of the Zhou family who bumped into his hands on his own initiative.

Only then did everyone understand, no wonder Jia Lian didn't even tell his family, but wrote poems outside.

It turned out that he was provoked by someone, so he had to do it.

Everyone felt a little relieved.

"1 taels is not a small amount, do you really want to ask the Zhou family to give this money?"

Mrs. Wang said suddenly.

Because Jia Lian was still standing and Mrs. Wang was sitting on the side, Jia Lian squinted at the past and said, "Why don't you ask them to give it?"

"Among you juniors, it's inevitable to get angry outside.

It's just that the Zhou family won't give the 1 taels of silver.

If we force it, I'm afraid the two families will become enemies..."

Mrs. Wang seems to be really thinking about Jia Lian and her family.

In fact, she didn't want Jia Lian to make such a windfall, nor did she want to offend the Zhou family.

When Jia Mu and others heard what Mrs. Wang said, they also thought secretly.

It is inevitable for young people to be impulsive when they are outside. If they cause trouble, they will probably have their parents wipe their asses.

Although Jia Lian was an exception, he was capable of taking responsibility for himself, but that Zhou family, I'm afraid not.

Thinking in another way, the Zhou family may now feel that they have been cheated by Jia Lian, and they may not admit it.If they Jia Mansion sent people to persecute them, if they pushed them into a hurry, it would be easy to form a deadly enmity, and it might not be possible to get the money.

"Oh, so the wife is worried about this.

That wife is too worried, we don't need to send people to persecute, within three days, the Zhou family will definitely send the money over.

After all, the Zhou family is also a respectable family, isn't it? "

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Wang subconsciously wanted to say that Jia Lian was too naive.

1 taels of silver, as long as the Zhou family denies it, so what if they bear the reputation of "can't afford to lose"?
Fortunately, I remembered that every time Jia Lian uttered wild words, it was not aimlessly.

She was also afraid that now that she had mocked Jia Lian, she would turn around and be slapped in the face like the son of Zhou's parents.

So, I moved my mouth and didn't say any more.

Seeing this, Jia's mother thought that Mrs. Wang was afraid of affecting Yuanchun, after all, Zhou nobleman heard that she was quite favored in the palace.

However, since Jia Lian said that she would not force the Zhou family, she could not help but say: "Anyway, now in our house, you and your master are the only ones doing things outside.

What's the matter, you discuss it with your master, don't be impulsive, act for petty gains, and disregard the interests of the family. "

"Grandson understands."


(End of this chapter)

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