The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 241 Bao Chai's Mind

Chapter 241 Bao Chai's Mind
After talking about Jia Lian's affairs, Jia Zheng briefly told Jia's mother, Jia Lian and others about the preparations for the establishment of the family-friendly garden in front of everyone.

Jia Lian and Jia Mu also listened a little.

Although Jia Zheng is not used to mundane affairs, he has worked in the Ministry of Industry for so many years, so he has no problem controlling the general direction of construction.

However, Jia Zheng knew that the construction of the family-senting garden did not happen overnight.

Although Jia Zhen in the East Mansion had a lot of free time, she was separated from them by one floor. Jia Lian would still be responsible for the specific matters of the garden preparation in the future, so he specifically asked Jia Lian if she was free tomorrow afternoon.

Tomorrow, Shan Ziye, who is in charge of engineering design, will prepare the preliminary drawings. At that time, everyone will need to discuss together how to assign tasks and other matters. Jia Lian cannot be missing.

When Jia Lian said there was no problem, Jia Zheng got up and said goodbye.

"The grandson also retired."

Seeing Jia Lian following Jia Zheng's footsteps, Jia's mother asked curiously, "It's so late, what else do you have to do?"

"It's about to enter the shift, and my grandson has to go outside to practice boxing and kicking."

"You still want to practice? Didn't you hear from your wife that you dismantled all the things in the study?"

After Jia Amnesty died, Jia Lian took the initiative to move his activity center to Dongkuayuan.

Therefore, the original study in the compound here is basically vacant.

The targets that were set up in that alley before were naturally also demolished.

"The way of martial arts lies in diligence.

Not long ago, my grandfather taught me a set of grappling methods and a set of assassination methods for confrontation, but my grandson has not yet learned it thoroughly.

It has been delayed for a month because of my father. Now that I am free, I can no longer be lazy.

Although everything here has been demolished, the old lady must also know that the grandson is building a place for practicing martial arts at Dongkuayuan. Although it has not been fully completed, there are still places for simple exercise. "

Mother Jia didn't like it very much when she heard about capture and assassination.

Everyone else feels the same way, this room is full of peace-loving people, and they don't like fighting and killing.

"Forget it, I don't understand your affairs, and I don't want to care about you, so you go.

By the way, it's getting dark, and Yuanyang also sent someone to follow. "

Mother Jia expressed her concern appropriately.

Immediately a woman nearby replied, "Second Mistress Lian has already sent someone to wait outside."

That's why Jia's mother gave up.

Jia Lian then cupped his hands, glanced at the sisters who were two steps forward to see each other off, motioned them to stop, and went out.

Sure enough, outside Xiangling and the two maids in the courtyard were waiting for him with lanterns.

Feng girl, she has become more considerate to him...

He took Xiangling out of Rongqing Hall, and before he entered Rongxi Hall, he saw Aunt Zhao walking quickly with a little girl.

This person came out with a unique demeanor. He tilted his head slightly and squinted at the road at a fifteen-degree angle. The demeanor on his face was a little arrogant, but also seemed to be full of criticism and dissatisfaction with the injustice of the world.

However, when she saw Jia Lian, she immediately put on a flattering smile, and walked forward quickly: "Oh, I didn't expect to meet my brother here..."

Jia Lian stood where he was, and bowed his hands, "I've seen my aunt."

"Hehe, bro, don't be too polite...

By the way, I heard that my brother has made a lot of money today. I heard from the wives who are in charge, that the silver that shines white is sent home plate after plate, tsk tsk tsk, brother is really capable!
Now in our family, we can only count my brother, in the future, please don’t forget to support you brother Huan..."

Aunt Zhao was very talkative, and without giving Jia Lian a chance to speak, she threw out a lot of words.

Jia Lian just smiled at this.

It's not that he has a prejudice against Jia Huan, but no matter what he read from the book in his previous life or what he saw with his own eyes, he is very sure that Jia Huan is a little bastard with a bad conscience.

He would only carry that product if he ate too much.

In comparison, both Jia Cong and Jia Lan are much better.But Jia Cong, let him consider it.

"Did my aunt come to look for the master? The master just came out of the old lady's room. Didn't you see my aunt coming?"

"Master has gone back?"

As expected, Aunt Zhao was looking for Jia Zheng. As soon as she heard that Jia Zheng had gone back, she didn't want to make friends with Jia Lian any more. She turned around and chased back like the wind.


Sister Sanchun left Jiamu's house and sat in Daiyu's room as usual.

After each took a sip of tea, Tanchun said to Jia Baoyu, "Second brother, I saw you hid all those manuscript papers just now, take them out and let's have a look."

Jia Baoyu likes elegant things the most. Although he doesn't like reading, he thinks that writing poems and lyrics is elegant.

So before everyone paid no attention to these poems, they secretly hid them in their sleeves. This scene was seen by Tanchun carefully.

Jia Baoyu smiled, and immediately took out the things, scattered them with everyone, and commented:

"The words are good words, but this poem is a pity, especially the two poems "Bamboo and Stone" and "Green Pine", which are full of a worldly atmosphere. Brother Lian... Sigh."

Obviously, the maverick Jia Baoyu does not like this kind of values ​​generally recognized by the world.

In his eyes, tenacity, self-motivation, and growth through hardships are all common sayings to cater to the secular authorities and are not worthy of admiration.

"However, in the last poem "On Poetry", "The dwarves have never seen a play before, they just gossip with others", this line is very ironic.

There are all kinds of people in the world, but few have true knowledge and insight, and many people echo what others say, isn't it just like a dwarf watching a play?
I really don't know what Lian's second brother thinks about it, but it can be seen that Lian's second brother is the one who escaped.

Why can't he see through fame and fortune alone?It's a pity, it's a pity..."

Jia Baoyu expressed his infinite regret to Jia Lian.

The sisters heard the words, but they didn't believe in his point of view as before.

After all, Jia Lian's achievements are there.

Comparing Jia Baoyu with Jia Lian, even they felt that it would be much better for a man to be like Jia Lian.

For example, Lian's second elder brother can talk freely in front of the master and the old lady, and the elders will seriously consider his words.

Unlike Jia Baoyu, when the master glared, he could only shrink his head.

All the high-spirited talk can only be hidden behind and confide with their daughters,

It is clear at a glance which is better and which is worse.

However, in order not to offend him, Tanchun and others still did not question Jia Baoyu's point of view, but chose to skip it and bring the topic back to Jia Lian.

"Sister Lin, why do you think the second brother Lian is so powerful? I still can't believe it. He really wrote these poems."

Daiyu glanced at her and said to her counterpart: "You ask me how do I know?

It's only been two years since I've been here with you, but you've known him since childhood, you don't even know, how could I know. "

Tanchun pursed his lips, and complained: "I don't know, anyway, since I was a child, I heard adults say that Lian's second brother doesn't like reading.

In addition, he is a few years older than us. Although he is a brother and sister in the same mansion, we don't spend much time together, but we all listen to what others say. "

In the gate of the mansion, especially in the overlapping deep courtyards like Rongguo Mansion, this is indeed the case for children who did not grow up at the same age.

When Tanchun and the others were only six or seven years old, Jia Lian had already started discussing marriage.

So even though they are cousins, I am afraid that they may not meet once in ten and a half months.Even if we meet, it's just a matter of greeting each other.

Besides, it's hard for them to say, the former second brother Lian didn't seem to care much about them.But in the past two years, especially after Sister Lin came, Second Brother Lian seemed to care a lot about them, and he always thought about them when he had any good things.

When Daiyu heard this, she thought for some reason that when she was in Suzhou, Jia Lian deliberately took her out of the city for an outing.

She knew that Jia Lian had never taken Tanchun and the others out for an outing, not even her own sister Yingchun.

This made Daiyu inexplicably happy.

"That's okay, if you really don't believe me, let's go to him and ask him for clarification.

Why does he write poems with others outside, and he writes them so well, but what he tells us at home is just... hmph, it's so vulgar! "

Hearing the doubts in Daiyu's tone, Tanchun smiled and said, "Sister Lin is talking about the poem 'Braised Pork with Bamboo Shoots', right? Hahaha, that was written for you by Lian's second elder brother, so it can be seen that Lian's second elder brother is very fond of it." How nice you are, don’t write poems for us, but write for you alone..."

Tanchun broke Daiyu's mind, making Daiyu immediately blush.

Seeing that Tanchun's smile was really joyful and hateful, he made a gesture to tear her mouth.

"Okay, okay, you'll forgive her.

Haha, Sister Lin, Second Brother Lian can clearly write good poems, but he only teases you with that kind of poems, next time you see him, you have to reason with him..."

Jia Baoyu has long seen that Daiyu sees Jia Lian differently, and this is what he fears most about Jia Lian.

He also knew that Daiyu's thoughts were the most serious, so he couldn't help but want to stir the flames at this time, causing a rift between Daiyu and Jia Lian.

Although Daiyu stopped pestering Tanchun, she only turned her head and glanced at Jia Baoyu without saying anything.

Although she was really dissatisfied in her heart, she didn't have so many demands because she only regarded Jia Lian as her elder brother and respected him very much.

Unlike Jia Baoyu, she would be very angry if something didn't suit her.

But recently, she found that she was rarely angry with Jia Baoyu.

In particular, recently everyone in the family knew that Jia Baoyu was born with jade, and that Xue Baochai had been carrying a golden lock since childhood, and that golden lock must be matched with jade.

Daiyu felt very boring.

She is a very intelligent person. It can be seen that Mother Jia intends to let her get close to Jia Baoyu, but Auntie doesn't seem to like her!

Many times, she wanted her father to take her home and live there, and she was too lazy to look at these people's noses and eyes.

One was reluctant to explore them, and the other was afraid of hurting Jia Mu's heart, so they never did it.

Here Yingchun and the others heard Daiyu say that they would go to Jia Lian to ask for clarification, so they really wanted to go to Sister Feng's courtyard for a sit-down.

But Daiyu said again: "Didn't you hear that Lian's second elder brother went outside to fight! It will take an hour.

We went and saw no one.

Didn't you hear from the third girl yesterday that Lian's second elder brother will be born in two days?

At that time, it would be nice if we go to make trouble with him again. "

Yingchun and the others all said that this was a good idea.

"In this case, we still have to prepare gifts for Lian's second brother. He gave them to us on our birthday before. Sister Lin, what did you prepare..."

"What do you tube."


The Xue family, Baochai has been in a bad mood ever since he knew that the draft was unsuccessful.

Although entering the palace has always been an arrangement of the family, and she doesn't have to enter the palace herself, but the feeling of preparing to go to waste for many years... In particular, the reason why she failed in the election was probably because she had an unreliable brother. This kind of frustration is really uncomfortable.

In fact, at her age, she can still run for election after three years.
But both she and her mother, Aunt Xue, knew that given the current state of the Xue family, they were both defeated this time, and the next time, the chances would be even slimmer.

Therefore, she can understand that her mother gave up on letting her run for office.

But what her mother did next made her depressed mood even worse.

Ying'er told her that these days, the servants in the Rongguo Mansion are spreading the word "golden jade marriage", which refers to her and Jia Baoyu.

It seems a little deliberate.

To tell the truth, she felt that the matter of her mother was too hasty and thoughtless.

As soon as she failed in the draft, her mother and aunt immediately released such rumors. Doesn't it seem that the Xue family is very utilitarian?Secondly, anyone with a discerning eye can't see that the old lady of the Jia family wants to get closer and match her precious grandson with her precious granddaughter?
Moreover, she could tell that Jia Baoyu liked Daiyu very much when she sat up and down together on weekdays.

Besides, Jia Baoyu himself was just a cousin with fair character in her eyes.

But the disadvantages are also obvious.Neither self-motivated, but still learning to be greedy and lustful at a young age...

In this way, she has no interest in Jia Baoyu.

However, according to the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker, Baochai couldn't tell her inner considerations to her mother one by one, so she could only feel depressed.

So these days, she didn't go to Rongguo Mansion easily.

"The lady is here."

Following the servant girl's notification, Aunt Xue walked in alone.

Baochai hurriedly got up and gave up her seat on the kang.

"Have you heard that there is another piece of news in their mansion today."

Aunt Xue said with a smile.


Seeing that Baochai really didn't know, Aunt Xue told Baochai what she had heard.

"Is what mother said true?"

"Why did I lie to you? It's spread all over their house, saying that Prince Beijing Jing spent 3000 taels of silver on a special trip to buy one of his poems.

At dusk, they were sent to their mansion by someone. This is absolutely true. "

With Baochai's usual calm gaze, his pupils could not help but dilate.

A word of gold, this is just something that exists in legends, but it really appeared, and it still appeared on Jia Lian?
This cannot but be shocking and unexpected.

Although they didn't know much about Jia Lian, they heard a lot of news. The most certain thing was that Jia Lian was not made for studying.

Didn't today's news overthrow the most basic things?From now on, what else is there to believe about Jia Lian?

"Mother, do you have a poem manuscript?"

Baochai wanted to see it with her own eyes to tell the truth from the fake.

"I don't have one, but it's not hard to get one.

Well, I haven't talked to your aunt for two days.

Their mansion is currently busy repairing and building a family garden, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for us to live here, so we just need to discuss with her about moving out..."


Baochai and Aunt Xue got up, changed their clothes and went to Mrs. Wang's room.

(End of this chapter)

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