Chapter 242
East Kua courtyard, behind Jia Lian's independent small courtyard.

This place is not quite the same as it was before, it has been repaired to be open and flat.The courtyard walls on the west side were also completely demolished, and a horse racing track about two feet wide led directly to the courtyard outside.

Because it was late today, Jia Lian only practiced a set of boxing techniques and a set of saber techniques in this inner courtyard.

This was given to him by the old man. It is said that it is the most practical fighting method on the battlefield that his old man summed up after hundreds of battles.

Originally, Jia Lian still didn't believe in these things. Accompanying Zhang Yong and others before was nothing more than blind training. Anyway, in his opinion, it was just like the later generations in the gym. It is enough to train well.

Is it possible that it is really like in the TV series, practicing lightness kung fu and floating on the water?Now he knew that he probably underestimated traditional martial arts.There is no iron cloth shirt with golden bell cover, but the skill of killing people can really be practiced.

At least, Jia Lian now feels that using the things the old man taught him, not to mention beheading hundreds of people on the battlefield, but seeing all directions and listening to all directions, a few ordinary soldiers with ordinary weapons will definitely not be able to get close to him.

Therefore, since Jia Lian learned martial arts from the old man, he has become more serious than before.

That's why the old man was so happy every time he went to Linzi Bo's Mansion. Even his grandson Zhang Tao was kicked aside, and he liked to guide him alone every time.

There is no way, although Zhang Tao also likes to practice martial arts, but he is a bit small, which is a flaw in martial arts.

The old man is afraid that if he takes over the mantle, he will lose his old man's demeanor...

Practicing alone will inevitably lead to boredom. Occasionally, Jia Lian will let Aqi and Aqin sisters practice duel.

That's all for Aqi, she really dared to beat him up if she was asked to do her best. As for her younger sister, Aqin, she couldn't say anything.

"Yeah, the slave family didn't hurt your lord, did you?"

"Well, my ankle is twisted..."

Such delicate voices that shouldn't appear on the training ground greatly affected Jia Lian's hard work.

"It's really twisted this time?"

Seeing her sitting on the ground, Jia Lian looked really painful, so she went over to check her wound.

Suddenly, in the corridor, several gorgeous women came, as if they had discussed it.

"Second Master, you've worked hard at practicing, let's have a bowl of white fungus soup..."

"Second Master, are you hungry? This is a snack made by the slave's family. Second Master, try it."

Jia Lian let go of Ah Qin's ankle, and asked Ah Qi to take her sister back to the house first.

Then, looking at the pretty woman in front of her, she frowned and asked, "Your second grandma, have you already told me?"

This is not the first time that the women in Jia She's house have shown great affection to him.

Ever since Jia Amnesty's funeral was not over, some women who thought they were pretty looked good at him, expressing their intention to take refuge in him.

Especially later, when Wang Xifeng discussed with Jia's mother how to get rid of him, word spread that these women came to express their love and loyalty to him in all possible places where they could find him.

Perhaps they themselves regard themselves as property, and it is very common for fathers to die and sons to inherit.

Moreover, the former Second Master Lian was good at this...

"Look at Second Master's body sweating a lot, I'll wipe it off for Second Master..."

These women are holding on to the last hope, intending to use their last capital, which is a relatively young and attractive body, to confuse Jia Lian.

As long as Jia Lian thinks they are still useful, they can stay naturally.

So, I pretended not to see Jia Lian's deliberate indifference, and took the initiative to post them. Some wiped his sweat with an embroidered handkerchief, and some fanned him with a cattail fan.

But seeing Jia Lian remained unmoved, and even looked at them with indifferent eyes, as if seeing through their hearts, that feeling made them a little scared, and they didn't dare to go too far.

When they all stopped and didn't dare to wipe their wipe their sweat, Jia Lian turned around and said coldly, "Let's go, let's talk in the room."

Well, the room said... Are you all together?

Several women looked at each other in blank dismay, wishful thinking that their efforts had yielded results,
It wasn't until they followed Jia Lian step by step up the corridor and watched him walk towards the bright room that they gradually realized that maybe they were thinking too much.

Here is the room of the second master's two female guards.

In the room, Sister Aqi watched Jia Lian bring a group of women in, feeling a little strange, but she still brought the only spare chair in the room for Jia Lian to sit on.

"How did your second grandma tell you?"

Seeing Jia Lian's business-like indifference, all the women began to cry after a short period of adaptation.

What they said was just how ruthless and indifferent Wang Xifeng was, how they couldn't bear to be in the mansion, and how they couldn't live outside the mansion.

Anyway, it's just playing the emotional card.

But Jia Lian knew that Wang Xifeng was kind to them this time.In Sister Feng's courtyard before, after Wang Xifeng and Yi were favored, they told him about it.

It turned out that Wang Xifeng wanted to get rid of all the vixens in Jia She's house.

It's just that Mother Jia didn't agree to dismiss those formal aunts...the little aunts in the Grandpa's house back then were still alive.

Although he no longer walks around in front of people, he is indeed living in the mansion well.

This is the dignity of the big family. Once she is a woman of the Jia family, she will be the ghost of the Jia family when she dies.

Let it out, don't even think about it.

Wang Xifeng didn't dare to disobey, so she could only let those aunts go. This morning, according to the roster that had been prepared long ago, all the people on the list were called together, and the arrangement for them was announced.

Everyone, return to freedom.

For those with family members, within one month, trust the letter to ask the family members to pick them up.

For those who have no family, if there are relatives who can turn to them, it is the same to ask relatives to pick them up.If you don't even have relatives, or if you don't trust relatives, you can find other ways, and you can leave the house after receiving money.

Here, Wang Xifeng did not follow Jia Lian's wishes.

She did the subdivision.

She subdivided Jia Amnesty's concubines and maids, who were once in power, who were not in power, and who were unsatisfactory.

Those who gain power have naturally accumulated a lot of self-esteem long ago.

As long as they can tell the source of the goods, such as those who are rewarded, those who are filial to the subordinates, as long as the source is legitimate, they can take them out of the house by themselves.Other than that, the mansion no longer distributes any other money, because they probably wouldn't look down upon it if they were given it.

As for those who are not in the position and who are unsatisfactory, according to the actual situation, a severance pay ranging from 50 to [-] taels will be issued...

All in all, Wang Xifeng is based on the strategy given by Jia Lian, and made the calculation to the extreme. It is a little bit cheaper, and he will not be fooled by them!
After hearing this, Jia Lian thought it was all right.

After all, Jia She is a typical prodigal son, who loses tens of thousands of money every year on average, and a large part of this money flows into the hands of these women.

In the end, Wang Xifeng said that if someone is really lonely, has nowhere to go, and is willing to stay in the mansion, he can sign a death contract, and then ration him to the servants in the mansion, and from then on, he will become a member of the family with children.

Wang Xifeng's actions were polite, courteous, affectionate and law-abiding, which won the praise of the family members.

Therefore, it is impossible for these women to try to paralyze Jia Lian now.

"You don't need to beg me, your second mistress has been very lenient to you this time, and her handling method has been approved by the old lady, even I can't disobey it.

Don't say anything about being reluctant to leave. It is important to go out as soon as possible while you are still young and have the capital to find your own home.

To tell you the truth, when the affairs in the mansion are over, even a few aunts and grandmas will be released, let alone you. "

For Jia Lian, he wanted a clean land.

And for those women, staying in the mansion all the time, they have nothing to look forward to except death, and troubles will inevitably happen in the long run.

Therefore, it is better to send them out.

As for what concubines cannot be sent out, that is just an explanation of etiquette. In fact, as long as Jia Lian doesn't care about someone putting a hat on his father, he can be sent out directly.

Aristocratic families, such situations are too many.Specifically how to deal with it, each family has different ways and methods.

As for the women of Jia Amnesty, the reason why they wanted to stay in the mansion was because they couldn't let go of the rich and luxurious life of Rongguo Mansion. They also fantasized about being taken over by Jia Lian in the future.

Seeing Jia Lian's attitude at this time, he knew that this was an extravagant hope.After thinking about it, I think what Jia Lian said is also true. Taking advantage of her youth and beauty, maybe she can go out and find a real man to marry. From then on, she will have something to rely on for the rest of her life, and she no longer needs to be like a rootless duckweed.

To be honest, this is the kindness that the mansion extended to them, not harsh treatment.

So, one by one, they took a look at the Aqin sisters who were staring at them, and then at Jia Lian, who was as immovable as a mountain...

I went back and continued to figure out how to take more money from the mansion.


(End of this chapter)

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