The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 243 Who Can Take It

Chapter 243 Who Can Take It
Ah Qin learned Han culture since childhood, and was able to communicate with Han people without barriers.

So she understood all the conversations between Jia Lian and those women before, and she admired Jia Lian's attitude of ignoring those coquettish women.

In addition, she has heard from her sister that Jia Lian can also "write poems"...

She just thought that she had been by Jia Lian's side all the time, but Jia Lian hadn't revealed his literary talents to her!
That's why in the martial arts training ground, he kept acting as a demon.

At this time, the mentality of being a demon was gone, and he walked to Jia Lian's side, and called out very obediently and submissively: "Second Master..."

Now she has also learned to call Jia Lian "Master" in private, and "Master" outside.

Because she knew that Jia Lian wanted to train them to be personal bodyguards, so when she was outside, she could put away her tenderness and imitate her sister's appearance and be serious.

Jia Lian was about to go back to take a bath, seeing her seduce him like this, he couldn't help but said: "Didn't you sprain your ankle?"

"The second master rubbed it just now, so it's all right."

When Jia Lian heard this, she didn't know that she did it on purpose, so she stretched out her hand and slapped her on the buttocks.Unexpectedly, she took advantage of the situation and sat in his arms.

Aqi next to her saw it, lifted the curtain, and went straight to the inside.

"I heard from my sister that today my grandfather has written a lot of poems, which compares to those talented scholars in Beijing.

When I was on the grassland, I liked the poems and songs of the Central Plains very much, and I also learned them, but I just can’t learn them. Can the second master teach me? "

Ah Qin looked at Jia Lian with admiration, Jia Lian only said that he could only give ready-made ones, and he didn't know how to write good poems.

"Okay, let's talk about it next time when I have time. Get up, I'm sweaty, and you don't feel tired of panic."

"No, the sweat on Second Master's body is not greasy at all. It smells nice, like sandalwood."

Ah Qin deliberately hugged Jia Lian a little tighter, and deliberately stroked Jia Lian's sweat-stained neck with a pair of delicate bare hands, to show that she really liked her.

Jia Lian patted her delicate buttocks speechlessly, and scolded: "You licking girl, thanks to me, if it were someone else, you would have been licked by you long ago."

It can be seen that this woman has not been tender with him for a long time, and wants to stay with him for a while.


Ah Qin didn't know the origin of this word, she raised her head and looked at Jia Lian in surprise, then blushed like fat, and looked at Jia Lian with watery eyes in reproach, "My lord is really bad, if you say that, he won't lick others, I only lick Grandpa alone..."

Jia Lian stood up blankly.


If Wang Xifeng hadn't calculated the time and asked Xiangling to pick him up, Jia Lian would probably have stayed in Dongkuayuan.

After going back, I saw Wang Xifeng taking Ping'er, Xiaohong and other maids tidying up the inner room, clearing out some unimportant things and putting them elsewhere.

With a flustered look, it was obvious that she was making room for money.

Jia Lian asked with a smile: "I remember the last time I asked you to pick things up in the master's study. Among them was a picture of Ruihe on silk by Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty. Where did you put it?"

Jia Amnesty collected so many things that the entire study room was full and couldn't be put down, so he specially took a dozen boxes to hold them.

The total number is at least two or three hundred.

Although most of them are vulgar things, there are also some treasures.

Although Jia Lian didn't like it, he thought it could be used as a gift in the future, so he picked out a very small part and let Wang Xifeng keep it.

"What do you ask for this?"

"Find out first..."

Seeing that Xiangling and Qingwen had prepared their things, Jia Lian followed them to take a bath first.

When she came out of the shower, Wang Xifeng tidied up her place, and she also changed into a suit of close-fitting clothes, ready to take a rest.

Seeing Jia Lian coming in, she took a scroll from the cabinet, "Is this the one you're talking about?"

Jia Lian glanced at it, nodded, and then Wang Xifeng said cautiously: "When you gave me these things, you promised to give them to me. What are you going to do with them now?"

Although Wang Xifeng doesn't know much about painting, she knows that it is very valuable.

Jia Lian glanced at her and said, "To help me build momentum today, the prince promised me 3000 taels for a poem.

If he sends the money, I will not accept it, and I will be suspected of saving his face.

If he accepts it, he will inevitably feel that he is at a disadvantage in the hands of his subordinates.

Do you understand? "

"Isn't it the King of Beijing? Why is there still something about the prince?"

Most of today's events were heard by Jia Zheng from the mouth of the head of Beijing Prince's Mansion, Shi. He didn't know the details, so the people in the mansion could only know the general idea.

For Wang Xifeng and the others, the title of prince was too big, so they were a little shocked.

Fortunately, now that she is used to being shocked by Jia Lian, she quickly calmed down, thought about it, and acted like she had suddenly realized:
"You mean, you are going to send this painting to the prince. In this way, you don't have to worry about offending the prince, and the prince will not feel that you have suffered a disadvantage when he accepts such a precious thing. Will you be willing to sell your favor?
Even from then on, you have become friends with the crown prince? ? "

Jia Lian smiled, and seeing Wang Xifeng leaning up to her, she tapped her forehead and scolded, "Sure enough, you're not too stupid.

But friendship is out of the question.

In my capacity, it is inconvenient to get too close to the prince.

However, it is fine not to be attached to the prince, but you must not offend him, or make him think that he feels a little unhappy, understand? "

For a person who has reached the status of a prince, not everyone is qualified to give him gifts.

And 3000 taels of silver is not too much, and it is not too much, it will probably be the output of the next two Huangzhuangs in the Prince's Mansion for a whole year!
At that time, the prince was arrogant and promised to give him 3000 taels with a big wave of his hand. Afterwards, he would inevitably feel that the deal was not worthwhile.

And with his status, even if he is unhappy, he will not renege on his promise and become fat...

This is where the contradiction lies, so Jia Lian gave this famous painting as a gift. The value of this kind of thing is not fixed, and it is priceless in the hands of those who like it, but in the hands of ordinary people, it is just a scroll.

Therefore, after the prince received it, he would only feel that Jia Lian would be a man, and would not feel slighted, nor would he feel "suffering".

Wang Xifeng nodded half understanding, feeling again that the gap with Jia Lian had widened a bit.

She didn't know how to get along with people like the prince in Jia Lian's capacity.

But seeing that Jia Lian has a city in his heart, she doesn't bother to worry about that leisurely. In short, as long as the unconscionable ones are not thrown away, she will naturally not be reluctant.

With her intelligence, she naturally knew that as long as Jia Lian's official fortune was prosperous, would she worry about whether she would be rich or honored in the future?The Jia family's two houses have been honored for nearly a hundred years, but they did not rely on several generations of ancestors working abroad as officials.

The reason why it has gone downhill in the past ten years is not because no one in the family is a high-ranking official in the court!
From this point of view, those who have no conscience really did not talk big, maybe in the future he might really be able to restore the glory of their ancestors and let himself be the legitimate grandma of the Duke's Mansion...

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel my heart prickly, leaning more and more on Jia Lian.

Noticing that Jia Lian's hand was crawling inside her jacket, she patted it lightly, held Jia Lian's hand to keep it from moving, and said, "By the way, I came from my wife's room before, Yingchun and the others asked me, It's your birthday on two days, we can't do it.

I looked at them, they wanted to celebrate your birthday, and I didn't reply to them, I'll talk about it when the time comes. "

"The Elder Master just died, so of course we can't do it.

But it's no problem for us to set up two tables in the courtyard and let Yingchun and the others come over to play. "

"Well, that's what I thought too, so are you going to ask for leave later, or come back earlier?"

"There's no need to ask for leave for this, you can help me figure it out, and I'll just come back early after I'm done."


Wang Xifeng wanted to think about what to say to Jia Lian, and realized that Jia Lian had gone too far, and all her clothes were untied, so she spat: "Isn't it only at dusk... You are so messy, like what, who can stand it?" you."

Jia Lian chuckled, "I can't stand it?"

Wang Xifeng didn't speak.

"I can't stand it, isn't there still Ping'er?"

Wang Xifeng knew that Jia Lian would say that, and when he heard the words, he pinched his waist hard.

Jia Lian laughed, put him down on the couch, and said with a smile: "There is such a strong and strong man, so you can have fun secretly, what are you pretending to be?"



(End of this chapter)

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