Chapter 244 Collegiate
On the second day, when Jia Lian came back from the Bingmasi Yamen, Jia Zheng was indeed in the big study to convene family members to discuss matters.

In addition to Jia Zheng and Jia Zhen, there were Lai Da, Lin Zhixiao, Lai Sheng (Lai Sheng), the great housekeepers of the two governments, as well as Zhan Guang and Cheng Rixing, several of Jia Zheng's purveyors.

Jia Lian also finally met Shan Ziye, an old man over [-] years old with slightly white temples and in good spirits.

"It's just right that you're here, Lian'er. We're talking about something important. There's something I need to discuss with you."

Jia Zheng asked Jia Lian to come to the big case in the middle of the study, on which was the first draft of Shan Ziye's freshly baked design.

"Yesterday, I sent people to demolish the walls of the second half of our two mansions and the houses of the servants in the east.

According to Mr. Shan Ziye, landscapes and trees are indispensable in the construction of gardens.

Huifang Garden was originally a place where running water was drawn from under the wall at the north corner of the East Mansion. In the future, a clear canal can be dug in the garden to directly lead this running water from east to west, running through the entire garden, and it will be no trouble to come from it again. Attracted elsewhere, less trouble.

It's just that the mountains, rocks and trees that exist in Huifang Garden alone may not be enough, and some of them have to be moved from Dongkuayuan to be cheaper and easier. "

Jia Lian understood Jia Zheng's meaning as soon as he heard it.

Before the Dongkua Courtyard was cut off for Jia She to live in, it was the original garden of the Rongguo Mansion, and there were already many mountains, rocks and trees in it.

The family had reached a consensus before that the Rongxi Hall was still inhabited by Jia Zheng, while the Dongkua Courtyard was owned by Jia Lian.

Although the rocks and trees are not very valuable, they are also one of the most important components of Dongkuayuan, so if you want to use them, you need to ask Jia Lian for permission.

"What the master considers is that if we want to build a huge family-senting garden, we will naturally need countless trees, mountains and rocks.

The dissatisfied master said, haven't I been building a place for myself to practice martial arts these days?The craftsmen have been ordered to dig out and move many trees and rocks, just for the construction of the garden.

Those trees were dug out with their roots and soil. If they were transplanted to the garden as soon as possible, most of them should survive.

In addition, although the master can send people to the East Kuayuan to step on it, no matter which tree or rockery boulder is in the picture, as long as it is useful in the garden, you can send someone to move it in, and you don't have to talk to me alone. discuss.

The construction of a family visitation garden is the top priority of the family nowadays. As a member of the family, one should abandon selfishness and give full support. "

When Jia Zheng heard this, his heart felt warm.

Look at how beautiful these words are, if only my own son would be great!
You know, the reason why Jia Amnesty was willing to live in Dongkua Courtyard at the beginning was probably because of the beautiful scenery in Dongkua Courtyard, so that he would not feel exiled.

Now if all the precious flowers, trees, and rocks are removed for the purpose of building a garden, then the Dongkua Courtyard is really nothing special.

Thinking of this, Jia Zheng couldn't help but glance at Jia Zhen.

Sure enough, Zhen'er was not as enlightened as Lian'er, and he said that the matter of the empress was the top priority, but he still felt distressed in his heart that building a relative garden for the empress took up most of his Huifang garden.

Just now when he talked about tearing down the walls between the two houses, his eyelids twitched like that, obviously reluctant.

Why didn't he think about it, the empress is now the fourth concubine, and the Jia family has also become a relative of the emperor, so the patriarch is the only one who benefits?
After the garden is completed, it will also be the palace of the empress in the future, and it will become their West Mansion.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the current financial shortage of Rongguo Mansion, he really wanted to give Jia Zhen tens of thousands of taels of silver, lest the other party always feel that they were taking advantage of them.

So he looked at Jia Lian and said, "It's hard for you to be thoughtful. If this is the case, even if the needs of this case are still insufficient, it will not be too much to make up for it in the future. In this way, you can save a lot of expenses."


A group of people all came up with their own ideas on how to quickly build a garden.

Jia Zhen had heard Shan Ziye talk about the overall concept before, and now she looked at the complicated and detailed drawings carefully, and suddenly said: "Returning to the master, although the garden must be built according to Mr. Shan Ziye's concept, it must be perfect, but according to my nephew From the looks of it, if we want to build so many palaces and annexes, I'm afraid it will take a lot of money.

In my opinion, we might as well omit the buildings between the east and west sides and the main mountain range in the north, and then decorate with some rocks, ponds and trees.

In this way, the construction period can be shortened, and money can be saved for future use when welcoming the empress back home. "

Jia Zhen's words are like pouring a basin of cold water on the heads of all the people who are looking forward to what the garden will look like after construction.

When Shan Ziye heard it, he immediately realized that maybe even though Jia's family is a noble family, he was afraid that the budget was not particularly sufficient, so he hurriedly said: "If it is according to what the adults say, it is not impossible, let the little old man think about it carefully. , for additions and changes..."

Originally, in the construction of gardens, there are ways to make more money, and there are ways to make more money, and there are ways to make less money.

Shan Ziye also saw how noble Jia's mansion was: the private residences of his family's two mansions were even larger than most of the royal mansions in Beijing.

Seeing Jia Zheng's sincere entrustment, he wanted to design a perfect garden according to the topography of Jia's mansion to show his knowledge and reputation.

But having said that, if the Jia family has insufficient money and gives up halfway, it will be counterproductive.

"I don't think it's necessary.

I have just had a rough look at the old man's design, and it can be said that the concept is exquisite. It completely combines the topography and landforms of our two mansions. Moreover, according to what the old man said, it also combines Feng Shui metaphysics, which shows that the old man is worthy of being a master of gardens.

If according to Brother Zhen's statement, the pavilions on the east and west sides and the north side are omitted, the whole garden will lose its monotony.

In my opinion, not only can these things not be saved, but I also want to ask the old gentleman to take more care of how to design them more delicately.

At that time, the selection of materials for all buildings will have to be checked by the old man himself.

After such a thing is accomplished, my Jia family will definitely be rewarded with a lot of money. "

How could Jia Lian allow Jia Zhen to come out and make trouble.

Jia Lian still remembers that Xue Baochai, a senior scholar in the mountains, will live in Hengwuyuan on the north mountainside in the future.

He also wants to delete the other pavilions on the east and west sides. Isn't it very likely that Lin Daiyu's Xiaoxiang Pavilion will also be wiped out?
Then what is the significance of the construction of the Grand View Garden?
Without Heng Wujun and Lin Xiaoxiang's Grand View Garden, how could it be called Grand View Garden?

Jia Zhen also did not expect that Jia Lian would reject his proposal in public.

He would make this proposal, and it was very simple, because he was afraid that the Rongguo Mansion would run out of money, and then go to grab his wool again!

"However, if this is not the case, I am afraid that it will consume too much money just to build this garden. At that time, we will have to welcome the empress back home to visit relatives. Can the expenses on your side support it?"

"If you're just worrying about money, you don't need to worry about it.

Hugh said that with the old lady's preface, even without the old lady's support, we can't wrong the empress.

The empress is the most important person in our Jia family, even if our own life is a little more difficult in the future, we must welcome the empress to return home to visit relatives in a graceful manner.

Besides, this palace does not mean that it is useless to visit relatives once. If next year the palace grants grace and allows relatives to visit, then there is no need to worry about the place.

Therefore, in the long run, this garden cannot save the [-] to [-] silver, and the construction has some shortcomings.

And one more thing...

Master and Brother Zhen, have you ever thought that our mother has both virtue and ability, and she was already the fourth concubine when she was first conferred. If our mother makes great strides in the future, at that time, Fuze will honor our Jia family, not to mention, if she is an old man If we want to go back to the province again, can't we build another garden?
So, you might as well do it in one step, if you want to build, just build the best one.

I don't know what the master and brother Zhen think? "

Jia Lian's words were like a thunderclap in the ears of Jia Zheng and others.

Yuan Chun is now one of the four concubines, one step further, that is...


Noble concubine, that is above all concubines and can assist the queen in handling the affairs of the harem.

It can be said that the imperial concubine has broken away from the status of "little concubine", and can be regarded as "the master's grandma" in the six palaces.

In the current palace, there is only one noble concubine, who is the biological mother of the third prince.

This is also the confidence that the third prince has an unusual status among the princes, and even dares to compete with the prince for the limelight.

(End of this chapter)

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