The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 245 The figure outside the window

Chapter 245 The figure outside the window

Both Jia Zheng and Jia Zhen were startled, and hurriedly asked: "You are serious about what you said, our mother, really..."

Jia Lian shook his head: "I'm just guessing, even if I'm wrong, it's always right that we build the garden better.

If you guessed right, it would be done once and for all. "

As he said that, Jia Lian turned his head, glanced at the people around him, including the housekeeper, Jia Zheng's cleaners, and others, and said coldly: "Just hear what you just said. If you dare to spread it and cause trouble, don't worry about it." Blame me for being rude to you."

Jia Lian's exhortations were just to avoid some taboos, and he was not afraid that they would really spread the word.

After all, it is not a heinous crime to hope that one's eldest sister will improve to a higher level.

Lai Da and the others hurriedly put away their shock and bowed to accept it.

Jia Zheng took a deep breath and said, "So, just follow Lian'er's instructions. Please don't worry about saving money for me, Mr. Ming, just build the garden as best as possible."

Although Jia Lian's speculation was based on past experience, most of what this kid said would come true in the end.

Maybe, he heard some rumors from somewhere, so he specially reminded them.

After so many major incidents, whoever takes Jia Lian's words as a deaf ear, is really stupid.

Then Jia Zheng couldn't help feeling emotional.

Nowadays, fathers depend on daughters, and wherever they go, others will respectfully call them "political elders".

If his daughter is promoted to a noble concubine in the future, wouldn't his status be even higher!
I have never felt that the word Guozhang is so close to me.

So there is no need to say that if you sell everything you want, you must also make the matter of visiting relatives complete and complete.

It doesn't make sense for his daughter to be so strong, but his father is still lagging behind!

Jia Zhen smacked her lips, finally unable to say anything more.

If Yuan Chun really becomes a noble concubine, then the Jia family's glory will be glory. I'm afraid that my long family line will be suppressed under the Rongguo Mansion, and I will never recover.

Jia Lian once again stabilized the general policy, and discussed the details in a step-by-step manner.

Shan Ziye is in charge of technical guidance, and Jia Zheng is in charge.

Jia Zhen and Jia Lian dispatched and dispatched them in the middle, with Lai Da, Lin Zhixiao, and Lai Sheng as three big butlers to assist.In addition, Jia Zheng's most valued cleaners, together with other housekeepers and deacons, are the person in charge of specific projects.

After the final discussion, the road will be closed and the screen will be high fenced from the day after tomorrow, and the construction will officially start.

There is no need to go into details about other trivial matters, only Jia Zhen suggested that his good nephew Jia Qiang take people to Gusu to buy opera actors, hire teachers, and buy musical instruments, which caught Jia Lian's attention.

Although Jia Zhen said in name that she wanted the juniors like Jia Qiang to go out and practice for a while, but Jia Lian saw right away that this was Jia Zhen's intention to give Jia Qiang and others a chance to make money.

Going to Suzhou to do business, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Only God knows how much money was spent.

As for why Jia Qiang was allowed to take the lead, it was probably because the chrysanthemums bloomed well, so it was compensation.

Jia Lian had no intention of vetoing this, except for a bit of aversion to cold.

Because he remembered that the original work was domineering and mischievous in the Grand View Garden, and the twelve little actors who added a lot of color to the Grand View Garden, that is, the Twelve Officials, were bought by Jia Qiang and others when they went to Gusu.

This time Jia Qiang went down, if he could buy back the Twelve Officials like in the original book, that would be great.

It's okay if you can't, after all, it's not a particularly important person.


After discussing for half an afternoon, everyone dispersed.

Seeing that it was still early, Jia Lian set off to the newly opened school grounds of Dongkuayuan

Zhang Yong and others are training the No. 20 recruit.

Jia Lian now has a total of 27 guards, including Zhang Yong, the first five selected, and the [-] newly recruited Jia family servants after the emperor made him an official, as well as Aqi and Aqin.

More than half of these twenty servants were ancestors who fought with the old man in battle.

The rest are all strong and strong.

Jia Lian is a person who has led more than 1000 people in battle, so he naturally knows the importance of marching soldiers outside.

Thousands of troops and horses are more often like a mess of scattered sand, and they can only fight on their own.Only the soldiers around him are the ones who command him like arms, and they are also responsible for guarding their own safety.

Therefore, five must not be enough. Jia Lian has already ordered Zhang Yong and others to strictly train the twenty people, and the survival of the fittest will be eliminated.

Those who can't bear the hardship will be cut and replaced.

Now, in just a few months, it has begun to bear fruit.Just wait for them to be stained with blood on the battlefield in the future, and they will be able to complete their transformation.

"Second master!!"

These personal guards who have been trained for several months, even the voice of salutation, is different from other servants of the Jia family, with a burst of vigor.

Jia Lian took off his official uniform and threw it on the shelf next to him. Then he walked to the center shirtless, pointed at a robust young man aged sixteen or seventeen, and hooked his hands, saying, "You, come here and practice your hand with me. You're down." Me, my money will be doubled this month!"

Hearing what Jia Lian said, the boy jumped out as if he was being rewarded.

This is not the first time that Jia Lian has randomly selected people to practice against him. At the beginning, they naturally did not dare to fight Jia Lian.

But later found that as long as they kept their hands, Jia Lian would beat them to death, and the more they kept their hands, the harder they were beaten.

It was only later that they saw Feng Fei and others fight against Jia Lian, and they really dared to contribute, so they realized it.

Er Ye not only wants to train them, but also trains himself.

What's more, the second master did what he said, not only would he not be angry if he won the second master, he would also be rewarded with extra rewards.

Although except for Zhang Yong and a few others, most of them knew that they were not Jia Lian's opponents.

However, being able to practice against the second master is an honor in itself, not to mention that if you win, you can also get a silver reward!
Therefore, being picked by Jia Lian is naturally something to be excited about.


Rongguo Mansion, behind Mrs. Wang's courtyard, is the residence of Li Wan's mother and son.

After Jia Lan came home from school, Li Wan would teach her homework for half an hour under the hole window as usual.

This half hour was also the most difficult time for Jia Lan, because he didn't dare to be distracted at all.

But there is nothing wrong with a child's study. Jia Lan dropped the ink drop on the previous text because of inattention. His heart trembled, and he was about to accept his mother's reproach. When he quietly raised his head, he found that his mother hadn't read Instead, he stared out the window and seemed a little distracted.

Jia Lan was curious, so he also looked out the window, but saw nothing. It was not until he stretched his neck that he saw a figure walking away through the water-like hollow courtyard wall.

"what are you doing?"

The mother's sudden voice made Jia Lan immediately turn around and sit upright. He raised his head and glanced at his mother's calm brows. The smart child immediately decided to use a trick to divert his attention.

"Mother, was it Uncle Lian who passed by just now?"

Li Wan was taken aback when he heard this, but still nodded.

"It's only the beginning of March, and I'm still wearing two long gowns. Why does Second Uncle Lian wear so little? Isn't he cold?"

Jia Lan simply wanted his mother to forget about his distraction. When he said this, his mother felt uncomfortable as if she had been bitten by a snake. She immediately raised her eyes and scolded: "Your second uncle Lian is People who practice martial arts are naturally different from you.

Why do you care so much, if you don't concentrate on doing your homework, you will cancel your time to go out after dinner! "

Jia Lan didn't dare to be clever anymore, so she lowered her head and wrote seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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