The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 246 Daiyu Brand Embroidered Shoes

Chapter 246 Daiyu Brand Embroidered Shoes
Practicing against Zhang Yong and others is more vigorous than practicing alone inside.

It was not until dusk that Jia Lian came back from Dongkuayuan.

Because he was covered in sweat, Jia Lian didn't bother to take back the official uniform. Later, Zhao'er and others would send it to the second gate, and the woman on the second gate would send it back to the courtyard.

After returning home, he entered the courtyard. Jia Lian was about to tell Qingwen and others to prepare for a bath.Hearing someone talking in the west wing, he stepped up the steps and walked over without thinking.

Sure enough, there were a few girls inside, discussing knowledge around the desk.

Needless to say his two beauties, Xiangling and Qingwen, he didn't want to have Daiyu as his master and servant.

Zijuan stood by the window like a soft wooden stake, while Daiyu stood in the direction of true north, as if acting as a lecturer, giving Xiangling and Qingwen a class.

Qingwen raised her head and saw Jia Lian, she quickly smiled and said, "Second master is back!"

While speaking, he has already greeted him.

Although Jia Lian didn't want to be rude to Daiyu, since he had already entered, there was no need to leave now, so he stopped at the door.

"Second Lord is sweating a lot, I'm going to prepare something for Second Master to bathe in!"

Qingwen said, and ran out immediately.

Here Daiyu actually saw Jia Lian when she first entered the door.

Seeing that Jia Lian was wearing only one piece of close-fitting clothing and her two arms were exposed, two faint red clouds immediately flew up on her face, but it was not easy to detect.

"When did Sister Lin come here?"

Hearing Jia Lian's nonchalant question, Daiyu managed to calm down and replied softly, "I've only been here not long..."

Xiangling also came over at this time, picked up the handkerchief and gently wiped the wet spots on Jia Lian's face and neck, and then said with a smile, "Miss Lin has been here for a while. We didn’t understand a few poems, so we asked Ms. Lin to teach us, and even Qingwen seldom stopped to listen to Ms. Lin, and kept asking questions.”

When Jia Lian heard this, she couldn't help but looked at Daiyu with a smile.

Dai, Qing, and Xiang, three beautiful and cute girls discussing poetry together, this scene feels beautiful and interesting.

Daiyu also involuntarily glanced at the two of them... Daiyu had a strong sense of those strong arms and the rough lines on them.

Not daring to take a closer look at it for a second, she lowered her head, buried her neck and walked to Zijuan's side, took out a package from the corner, opened it, and took out the contents.

After thinking about it, he took the things to Zicuckoo and asked Zicuckoo to send them off on his behalf.

Although Zijuan didn't dare to look directly at Jia Lian who was exuding hot breath at this moment, but she knew that Daiyu was even more embarrassed, so she took it, walked up to Jia Lian, and said, "Second Master, this is what our girl gave you." The pair of shoes prepared by the second master, the girl started to make a month ago, she did it seriously..."


Daiyu blushed coquettishly and asked you to give it to him, but didn't tell you to talk too much.

Zijuan curled her lips, glanced at Jia Lian quickly, and then backed away.

Seeing that Jia Lian had received her birthday present, Daiyu didn't dare to wait any longer, and said, "Second elder brother is busy first, let's go back", then stepped on her floral boots and quickly fled the west wing.

"Hehehe, why don't you go see your teacher off?"

Jia Lian signaled to Xiangling, Xiangling also smiled and hurriedly chased after her.

In the room, Jia Lian lowered his head and looked at the pair of shoes made by Daiyu. The body of the shoes is made of all-colored blue silk. Although it can be seen that Daiyu has deliberately de-feminized, the exquisite stitching is exquisite, and the corners are embellished. The two plum blossoms still make this pair of shoes look a bit cute, and you can tell at a glance that they are made by the youngest daughter's family.

Unable to bear to get it dirty, Jia Lian went to the place where Daiyu had placed the package, put the shoes back into the silk cloth, and carried them back to the main room.


The next day, the ninth day of March.

Jia Lian's 20th birthday.

Wang Xifeng asked the kitchen staff to prepare a few precious and cherished dishes early in the morning. He wanted to set up two tables at home, and invited Yingchun, Baoyu and other people of the same generation to come and sit.

Because I was still in the period of filial piety, I didn't even invite a class for a small play, it was just a small gathering to talk about meaning.

In Rongqing Hall, Mother Jia had heard her granddaughters discussing there all morning, so when Wang Xifeng came over, she joked: "Today is the official day of Lian Er in your family. I heard Yingchun and the others say, please Why don't you invite them to your house to eat good food?"

"Hahaha, our ancestor is coming, so we can't wait for it.

I didn't dare to invite the old lady before, but I was afraid of being scolded by the old lady, saying that our master had just left, so he started to make a fuss about celebrating his birthday.

Originally, it was not a birthday celebration, but it was just an excuse to invite Brother Bao and the others to sit in our small yard and perform their duties as a brother and sister-in-law. "

Mother Jia smiled when she heard this.

She naturally knew why Wang Xifeng and the others didn't call her. As the ancestor of the family, if she moved, most of the family would move, even if Wang Xifeng and the others wanted to make a small noise.

At the same time, I also feel that Jia Lian and his wife know how to be polite, even if they are rich now, they still know how to be polite.It's not like those nouveau riche, who start to make a big show as soon as they gain power, arranging for some trivial things that shouldn't be done, for fear that others will not know that they are not what they used to be.

"Since that's the case, you probably didn't prepare anything delicious for me, so I don't want to go.

When I turned around, I just told Yuanyang to go over and have a look, and if she saw something good, I told her to run away with it, and I'm not afraid of you daring to chase after it and ask for it. "

What Jia Mu said made everyone laugh.

After a while of laughter, a woman replied that Jia Lian had come back.

Wang Xifeng couldn't sit still anymore, and hurriedly went back to prepare.

Seeing that Yingchun and the others were also ready to move, Jia Mu shook her head and said with a smile, "I know you can't sit still, so you might as well go with your second sister-in-law.

Feng girl, I will leave them to you today, and you will take care of them for me. If something goes wrong, I will only ask you. "

"Yes, follow the orders of the ancestors."

Wang Xifeng greeted the group of uncles and sisters-in-law with a smile, and left the Rongqing Hall with a smile.

On the way, Wang Xifeng saw that Baochai was missing from the group of sisters, so she hurriedly asked Xiaohong: "Yesterday I asked you to invite Miss Bao, did you go?"


"Please again."

"Second Mistress, I saw Miss Bao and Aunt Xue in the wife's courtyard earlier, and they must still be there at this time." The first lady laughed.

Wang Xifeng hastily stepped aside and invited Aunt Xue along.

Back in the courtyard, as expected, the courtyard here has changed a lot.

In the already clean and tidy courtyard, two screens were placed under the steps to the north, and several long tables were set up. The long tables were laid out with colored silk, and tea and fruit snacks were placed on them.

On and off the corridors, there are maids in brightly colored clothes busy arranging some gadgets and utensils.

All in all, the courtyard, which is usually clear and cold, now looks lively and fragrant.

Wang Xifeng said with a smile: "My room is small, I'm afraid you won't be able to enjoy it, so I just put it in the yard, and you can do whatever you want."

Jia Baoyu is the most playful age, at this time he has already thrown all other things out of his mind, and looks around as soon as he enters the door.

He didn't care much about those screens, tables, chairs and benches, what to eat and drink. He only looked at the new things that Qingwen and others were playing with on the west corridor, and hurried over to ask what it was.

When Wang Xifeng saw it, he smiled and said: "That was also your second brother Lian's idea. He said that although there are not many people here today, they are all elegant guests, so I specially prepared some elegant things for you."

Tanchun and the others laughed quickly: "We dare not call it elegant."

In the end, they were all attracted to it, some they knew and some they didn't know, and they all found it novel.

(End of this chapter)

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