Chapter 247
In Sister Feng's courtyard, there is a high table under the outer corridor of the west wing, on which stands a single copper pot with two ears.

There are long tables and benches on the corridor about Zhang Xu away, and there are arrow baskets hanging on both sides of the long table, but the "arrows" inside are shorter. Jia Baoyu took out one, but there was no arrow.

"This is for throwing pots, the second master said, this game is called throwing pots.

Just stand here and throw these short arrows into the pot. "

"I know."

Jia Baoyu chuckled.

He can also be regarded as a person who has learned a lot, and he has already seen the name.

This game arose in the pre-Qin period, and it was popular later, but few people played it in this dynasty.

At least he hasn't played it.

Seeing Jia Lian being put out now, he immediately became interested, and asked the girl below to get out of the way, for fear of stabbing her, and then dropped his hand. It was a coincidence that it hit the mouth of the pot.

"Interesting." Jia Baoyu immediately raised eyebrows and started playing happily.

Seeing this, Tanchun and others gradually surrounded him.

Wang Xifeng didn't see Jia Lian here, so she asked the girls.

"Second Master came back just now and said that Master and Uncle Zhen prepared the crowning ceremony for Second Master in the ancestral hall. Second Master changed his clothes and went."

Wang Xifeng understood, and then asked Ping'er to take care of these sisters-in-law and uncles in the yard, and took them to the kitchen by herself.


20 years old is the crowning year.

Although people in this dynasty do not pay as much attention to the coronation ceremony as in previous dynasties.Because of the regulations of this dynasty, a man is considered an adult at the age of 16. For example, the princes can open the palace at the age of 16.

However, the crowning of men has been a symbolic age, just like women's Jiji, since ancient times. For individuals, the meaning is quite important.

Therefore, in order to express their importance to Jia Lian, Jia Zheng and Jia Zhen prepared a simple coronation ceremony for him.

Several respected elders in the clan were also invited to watch the ceremony.

In the middle of the ceremony, it was suddenly heard that Zhan Shi from the Prince's Mansion brought people here.

The elders of the family watching the ceremony were shocked, including Jia Zhen, who didn't understand why people from the Prince's Mansion came to Jia's Mansion.

Only Jia Zheng had heard some news from Beijing Wang Changshi, so he hurriedly stopped the coronation ceremony and returned to Rongxi Hall with Jia Lian and Jia Zhen.

"Hahaha, I haven't seen you for a long time, but General Jia still has the same demeanor."

The last time Jia Lian was in the prince's other courtyard, he met Han Zhe, Zhan's official in the prince's mansion, so when they met, Han Zhe greeted Jia Lian first.

Jia Lian cupped his hands and said, "I don't know that Mr. Han is a great driver. He is far away and respectful."

"Where, um, General Jia's outfit...?"

Han Zhe asked curiously because he saw Jia Lian's deep clothes and black shoes.

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Han, in the next year and the weak crown, the elders of the Fangcai clan are holding the crown ceremony for me..."

With Jia Lian's simple words, Han Zhe knew that it was his sudden visit that interrupted Jia Lian's coronation ceremony.

But he didn't apologize at all, he just smiled and said: "Haha, in this way, General Jia has double happiness today.

The official came here today because of His Royal Highness's decree, to give General Jia the 3000 taels of silver that was rewarded to General Jia, and the 1 taels of silver that the Zhou family lost to General Jia, all to General Jia. "

When Han Zhe said this, Jia Zheng and Jia Zhen were all stunned.

Even when they entered the door, Han Zhe simply nodded to them without saying a word, so he didn't care about it anymore.

Jia Zhen didn't know about it, so she could only be in a daze and kept silent.

Although Jia Zheng knew about it, he felt that it was not so easy to get back the money...

But Han Zhe didn't care about them. After finishing speaking, he went out and ordered his attendants to bring all the things in the carriage in.

Jia Lian was not surprised by this.

His "Rui He Tu" seems to be the right gift.

Not only did the crown prince send him three thousand silver coins, but he also took the initiative to ask for the 1 taels that the Zhou family owed him!

Although the crown prince's 3000 taels were supposed to be an exchange of equal value, it was said to be a reward in Han Zhe's mouth.

This is also unusual, he has already noticed that most of the people around the prince are relatively arrogant, and it is also unusual to have a posture of domineering.

After a while, sure enough, two big boxes were brought in by the people of the Prince's Mansion and placed in the hall.


Following Han Zhe's order, the two boxes were completely opened.

Sure enough, there were two boxes of silver, one of which was only half filled, and the other was almost half filled, and there was a layer of bank notes on it, at a glance, it was about a few hundred taels of silver.

Han Zhe smiled and said that one box was 3000 taels from the prince, and the full box was brought to the prince's mansion by the Zhou family in the morning, and the prince immediately sent someone to bring it to him.

"The crown prince values ​​General Jia very much.

General Jia may not know that the Zhou family originally planned to renege on their debts, but how could the crown prince tolerate him?

Knowing that the Zhou family has not delivered the money to you for a long time, I immediately sent my relatives to the Zhou family to order that Zhou Hongchang to send the money to General Jia’s residence within a day, even one or two less!

At first, the Zhou family wanted to make excuses, and even wanted to bribe me with money... Isn't it ridiculous?
Not to mention that I was entrusted by the prince, but to say that the Zhou family lost the money in full view and still wanted to deny it. Such a brazen behavior made the lower officials feel ashamed.

Therefore, the next official scolded the Zhou family.

No, they collected all the money this morning.Xu would have misunderstood the prince's intention and sent the money to the prince's mansion instead.

After the crown prince heard about it, he immediately asked the next official to send it to General Jia intact. "

Han Zhe seemed to be on good terms with Jia Lian, and he spoke in a righteous way.

But Jia Lian deliberately paused when he said "bribery", and he could hear some meaning.

Jia Lian smiled inwardly at this, he had meant it in the first place, and Han Zhe didn't need to remind him.

"His Royal Highness is deeply aware of righteousness, and keeps in mind the kindness and humility of helping each other. Please also ask Mr. Han to express his gratitude to His Royal Highness on my behalf after he returns."

"Haha, it's easy to say..."

Be polite, seeing that Zhao'er hadn't come yet, I smiled and invited him to sit down and drink tea and chat...

Half a quarter of an hour later, Han Zhe took the generous "tea money" and left satisfied.

It is convenient for Jia Lian, Jia Zheng and others to check the silver and bank notes.

Because it's not like the brand-new standard silver ingots that King Beijing Jing gave last time, so you really can't tell the number at a glance.

"Hehe, congratulations brother Lian..."

Jia Zhen said congratulations from the side.

Jia Zheng had no doubts, so he wanted someone to send Jia Lian home.

Jia Zheng had already figured out how to get along with Jia Lian, so naturally he would not be greedy for the more than 1 taels of silver in front of him.

"not busy."

But Jia Lian squatted in front of the box and checked it, called Jia Zheng to stop, and ordered: "Go and get the big scale!"

Jia Zheng and the others wondered, is this still weighing?

This is something that the prince asked to bring over!
Jia Lian smiled slightly, "Anyway, everyone is gone, so it doesn't matter if you say it."

After a while, Jia Zheng and Jia Zhen looked at each other, not knowing how to express their thoughts.

The less box is worth 3000 taels.

That big box, even with those bank notes, is only 8000 taels.

The distance is [-], a full [-] less!

(End of this chapter)

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