The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 248 Timber Business

Chapter 248 Timber Business
"It's two thousand less, how can this happen?"

Faced with this unexpected result, Jia Zhen was a little startled, and hurriedly asked: "Could it be that the crown prince stole it from it?"

"If the prince means it, I'm afraid it's not as simple as losing two thousand."

Jia Lian smiled and said casually.

Jia Zheng nodded when he heard the words, "You are right, as a prince, you should not do such demeaning things.

Most of the 2000 taels were intercepted by Han Zhe.

It's just that no matter what, he is a person close to the prince, so it's not good to offend him because of such a trivial matter. "

Jia Zheng was worried that Jia Lian would be angry and impulsive, so he persuaded him.

If the close ministers around the prince offend, who knows when he will be stumbled, the loss outweighs the gain.

Regarding Jia Zheng's worries, Jia Lian said with a smile: "What the master said is true, it's only 2000 taels of silver, it's really not worth anything."

In fact, according to Jia Lian, if Han Zhe did it alone, it would be easy to handle.I'm afraid that Han Zhe may not dare to do it alone, and it is uncertain how many people around the prince will benefit from it.

If you go to war for these two thousand silver, it may indeed bring some unnecessary troubles and offend many people.Maybe the other party dared to eat his confidence of 2000 taels of silver.

No more, no less, 2000 taels, which is within the tolerance of normal people.

Jia Lian really didn't intend to haggle with these people, because it was unnecessary.

But this little incident made him feel that the prince might not be worth working for him.

That day the prince obviously wanted to win him over, so he made a promise of 3000 taels of silver with the king of Beijing Jing. Famous paintings in the past.

As a result, that's it.

If the prince let the 2000 taels be deducted, it means that the prince is not bright and has no vision.

If not, the subordinates did it behind his back, which also means that the crown prince is unknown.

The so-called inseparable relationship means that he and the crown prince don't have close friendship, so it doesn't make sense to sue the crown prince, so this dumb person will suffer... It's not a loss, it's just a guarantee fee for the crown prince.

After all, if he went to ask the Zhou family himself, the Zhou family might not give it to him!
So he didn't care too much, and asked people to carry the silver to the house.

Wang Xifeng is becoming more and more obedient now, according to her words, she has nothing to do with money.So you might as well let her take care of all these, make that girl happy, and get some unexpected gains.


Two days later, it took a few people to lift the money to Sister Feng's nursery. Such a movement would naturally attract the attention of the whole house.

Mrs. Wang was numb, and she was a little fortunate. She still remembered that she said that Jia Lian's 1 taels of gambling money could not be collected. Who would have thought that she did not plan to collect it herself, but let the prince do it...

Fortunately, he shut up early that day, otherwise he would have lost face as his wife.

However, this Jia Lian is like possessed by an evildoer. How long has he already had a relationship with the prince?

If things go on like this, who will be able to cure him in the future...

In Sister Feng's Children's Hospital, under the publicity of the women who brought in the money, the matter of the two boxes of money naturally became known to everyone.

In Wang Xifeng's absence, Ping'er took the initiative to carry all the things into the inner room, and rewarded two slings of money, and the women who did the coolies went out happily.

When Tanchun saw her, she said to Daiyu with a smile, "Now, Lian's second sister-in-law's family is very rich!"

Daiyu sat and played chess with Tanchun, she glanced at her and replied: "This may not be a good thing."

"How do you say that?"

"Since ancient times, it has been said that wealth is not revealed, and it is also said that when one person is rich, everyone claims.

Now that everyone knows that they have become rich, wouldn't they be missed?
Among other things, it is enough to be annoying if there are five autumn winds across the mountain, so it is better not to be rich. "

"Hehe, nonsense."

The gossip of the two sisters happened to be overheard by Jia Baoyu.

"What Sister Lin said is that money is something outside of the body, what do you need so much, as long as it is enough."

Tanchun refused to accept it, and hurriedly said, "Then what the second brother Yibao said is enough?"

"Then I don't know. The money in my house is controlled by someone. I don't know how much I need to spend a month. What's more, I just talk to my wife and old lady about what I want to buy, and I don't need to spend it myself." .

According to my thinking, one or two hundred taels of silver will not be needed throughout the year. "

He does not mean that.

What Jia Baoyu needs, he just needs to talk to Jia Mu and others, but Tanchun only has the monthly money of two taels of silver to spend at will.

Ever since she was a child, she often had times when she didn't have enough money and felt tight.

In particular, she has a biological mother who has little knowledge and is mean, but whenever she sees her doing better, she wants to come and beat her "autumn wind"!
For this she was quite angry.

Thinking about it this way, Tanchun no longer has the interest to talk about this topic with Jia Baoyu.

Daiyu saw Tanchun's thoughts, and said softly to Tanchun, "Don't pay attention to him, he is a rich and idle person, how does he know how we poor people live.

According to me, as long as it is money, it is not enough. 100 taels a month is not too much, and one tael is not too little. You can live on. "

Although Daiyu was kind, Tanchun was still speechless after hearing this.

She looked at Daiyu and thought to herself that you are considered poor?
Don't think we don't know, Uncle Lin is afraid that you will be wronged in our house, so within half a month, someone will send you money and things!

In the past, the old lady was afraid that you didn’t have enough money, so she often gave you more. Now, even the old lady knows that you are rich, so she doesn’t give you more money...

Daiyu didn't know what Tanchun was thinking, so she looked back quietly with innocent eyes.

"Auntie and Miss Bao are here."

Hearing the movement from the gate of the courtyard, Tanchun and others hurriedly looked outside, and it was really Aunt Xue who came with Baochai, so she hurriedly got up to greet her.


After Jia Lian performed the coronation ceremony, he returned home without staying outside.

As soon as I entered the gate of the courtyard, I saw that the courtyard was full of fragrances, including the fragrance of flowers, wine, and even beauties.

"Second Brother Lian is back!"

When everyone in the courtyard saw Jia Lian coming back, they came up to congratulate him in a hurry, and each said auspicious and festive words.

Jia Lian responded one by one, then came to the top, and said to Aunt Xue: "I have seen Aunt."

"Today is your good day, so you don't need to be too polite. We are here to bother you again."

"Auntie was joking. Whether it's me or Feng girl, I wish Auntie and Sister Baochai would come and disturb us every day."

"Haha, he's right. I wanted to invite my aunt and sister Baochai several times, but you all shied away. Today I can count you as invited."

Wang Xifeng had already prepared lunch, so she agreed with Jia Lian, then turned her head and said to Jia Lian, "Go back and change your clothes."

Jia Lian was still wearing the crown dress prepared by Jia Zheng. Although he looked very tall, he was not suitable for eating.

Jia Lian nodded, and went into the house as promised. Wang Xifeng asked Ping'er to greet the outside again, and followed Jia Lian into the house.

In the inner room, while undressing Jia Lian, Wang Xifeng stared at the two boxes happily and said, "How much are these?"

"1000 taels."

"Well, how could it be 1000 taels? Isn't this the [-] sent by the Zhou family?"

"There is also 3000 taels from the prince."

"Oh... huh?"

Wang Xifeng immediately sensed something was wrong, how could ten thousand plus three thousand be eleven thousand?When she can't count?
Jia Lian glanced at her and said, "Why, too little?"

Wang Xifeng paused for a moment, changed his expression, and said with a smile: "How could it be, Second Master Lian is willing to take these home and I will burn them with high incense, how could it be too little?
I'm afraid that you only take two thousand is not enough, so ask, if it's not enough, you can take more. Anyway, Lian's second master took so much money home, and there is no place to put it at home, so you have to lose It's better to go out. "

Jia Lian just smiled, this Sister Feng always speaks in the same way, she clearly questioned why he wanted to deduct two thousand, and seeing that he was displeased, she immediately changed her tune.

"Don't give me such a bad mood, I will tell you about the whereabouts of the two thousand silver coins later.

I have one thing to ask you, during the year, what about the clothes made for Yingchun and the others? It seems that I heard Ping'er say that they have already made them, but can they be sent to Yingchun and the others? "

"Not yet, but they've all been made, and they're all placed in the west side room. I plan to let them take them back after today's end."

"Well, so good."

For a while, I changed my clothes and came out, ready to eat.

Because in this compound, except for the cross-shaped road in the middle, which is paved with bluestone, the four separated areas are all dirt land, and some flowers, plants and trees are planted inside.

Wang Xifeng placed the three tables in the east, west, and north directions. Although the layout seemed reasonable, it did not meet Jia Lian's wishes.

"There is neither a theater troupe nor a storyteller today, so why are the tables so open? It's better to put three tables together, and we all sit around together, which will create more atmosphere."

Hearing what Jia Lian said, Jia Baoyu was the first to raise his hand in agreement.

"Haha, I wanted to say that before, but seeing how hard Lian's second sister-in-law made arrangements, I'm sorry to disturb her arrangement.

If it's really boring to sit so much, it's better to stick together, everyone sits together, can talk and laugh, and make a drinking order or something, wouldn't it be interesting? "

Jia Baoyu almost clapped his hands.

In fact, it was divided into three tables. Daiyu sat at the same table with Sanchun sisters early in the morning, and he couldn't join them.Going to sit with Baochai, afraid that Daiyu will be angry...

It's better for everyone to sit together.

Sisters Sanchun and Daiyu didn't care about anything else, when they heard the drinking order, they immediately became interested.

It's all because I usually eat with Jia's mother, and I pay attention to eating without talking or sleeping, but today is different.

Today, the only elders are Aunt Xue, and Aunt Xue is an easy-going person, other than that, everyone is of the same generation, so there is no need to worry so much.

At this moment, the table is full of delicacies, and then there is a wine order, that would be interesting.

So they all sat up.

Wang Xifeng was not annoyed, and directly asked the maids to put the tables together according to Jia Lian's instructions, and all the chairs formed a circle.

"Aunt, please sit down..."

Jia Lian asked Aunt Xue to sit facing north and facing up.

Aunt Xue smiled, "You are the birthday star today, you should sit here, just sit here and leave me alone."

With that said, Aunt Xue took the chief seat on the right.

Jia Lian stopped being polite and sat down.

In this way, on his right hand are Aunt Xue, Baochai, Yingchun, and Xichun, and on his left are Jia Baoyu, Daiyu, Tanchun, and Li Wan.

After greeting Wang Xifeng, she took a seat at the southernmost end seat.

There's no way, the married daughter-in-law's status is not even comparable to that of a sister-in-law, so she can only sit at the bottom of the table.

Although strictly in accordance with the requirements of filial piety, drinking is not allowed during the filial piety period.But wine is already an irreplaceable thing among nobles, so there are very few people in the world who can strictly abide by this rule, and it is only a gentleman of upright Confucianism.

Therefore, people in the world don't think too much about whether Xiaoqi can drink alcohol. As long as Xiaoqi is not like Jia Zhen in the original book, when Xiaoqi gathers people to prostitute, gamble, drink and make a scene, no one will be too harsh.

So at this time, there is also rice wine.

After drinking the first glass of wine, Jia Lian glanced at her, and suddenly said with a smile to Li Wan, "Why didn't sister-in-law bring Lan'er along?"

Li Wan didn't expect Jia Lian to still pay attention to Jia Lan, so he could only say: "He is very naughty, I let him read at home, but didn't ask him to come."

"The way of civil and martial arts is to relax and relax. It's better for sister-in-law not to be too strict."

As he said that, Jia Lian turned his head to Ping'er and said, "Go over there, bring Lan'er here, and just say that I asked him to come here."

Seeing this, Li Wan opened his mouth, he didn't have much to say, so he could only acquiesce.

Jia Baoyu didn't care whether there was one more person or one less person, he just wanted to play games quickly, so he whispered a few words to Jia Lian.

Jia Lian just glanced at him and nodded, "Be quiet and don't be impatient, I have one more thing to talk to my aunt about."

Aunt Xue next to her heard this and hurriedly looked over.

Jia Lian laughed and said, "That's right, my aunt should also know that our mansion is preparing a family-senting garden. Since it is a family-senting garden, it is inevitable to build a palace.

To build a temple, a large amount of high-quality wood is indispensable.

Most of the mountain manors and forests where our family was born are located in the bitter cold of the northeast, or in the south. If we send people to search for them, it will be a lot of trouble on the one hand, and I'm afraid it will not be enough.

We heard that my aunt's family is involved in the timber business, so our master and I discussed it before, and wanted to bother my aunt's house to help us collect and purchase some wood, mainly high-quality pear wood and high-quality nanmu. I don't know. Is it convenient for aunt? "

Aunt Xue didn't want Jia Lian to suddenly talk about business matters, her mind suddenly moved.

As an imperial merchant for decades, the Xue family has been involved in a wide range of industries, including timber business, but it is not too big.

"As far as the timber business is concerned, our family does indeed do it, but it's just not in the mood..."

"It doesn't matter, since my aunt's family has done this business, they are better than us.

I also ask my aunt to take the trouble to help us contact some well-known and well-known timber merchants and order these timbers.Don't worry, Auntie, we will be responsible for all the expenses we need, and we won't let Auntie suffer. "

"Where do you say that can help you, we should do our best, and we will not suffer if we say anything..."

When Aunt Xue was hesitating, she saw the look her daughter gave her and immediately reacted.

The three orphans and widows of the Xue family all lived in Jia's house. Although it was clearly stated that Mrs. Wang was reluctant to let her sister stay with them, who would know that the Xue family took refuge in Jia's house?
Now Jia's mansion needs a lot of wood to build gardens, which is an excellent opportunity to establish a relationship of interest with Jia's mansion.

So don't say that their family is in the timber business, but if they don't, it's rare for the Jia family to ask them, so they should take over this matter and help them get it done.

"Hehehe, later on, you can write down the type and quantity of wood you need and give me a list. We will take it back and add up the total. As long as we have some in our store, we will help you deliver them as soon as possible.

Even if there is no one, we will let the shopkeeper and the buddy at home help you find it as soon as possible. "

"In that case, I would like to thank my aunt."


(End of this chapter)

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