Chapter 249

Seeing that Jia Lian had finished his business, Baoyu quickly touched Jia Lian's sleeve and urged, "Second brother Lian, tell everyone quickly..."

Jia Lian shook his head with a smile, as if shaking his head helplessly, and then said to everyone: "I think everyone knows that I am a rough man, and it's not bad for me to compete in martial arts. I'm not good at this elegant thing on the wine table..."

As soon as Jia Lian said this, the following immediately laughed.

Tanchun said: "Second brother Lian loves modesty. If you are a rough person, we can't even be called a rough person. From now on, we dare not mention the word 'elegance' again."

"That's right, my brother's poems are so good, we are still waiting for when you will open our eyes again."

Yingchun girl also laughed to make fun of it.

The others looked at him with half-smiles, with three words in their eyes: distrust.

Jia Lian touched his nose, and said to himself that if you pretend to be forced, you can't take it back.

"Forget it, since you don't believe me, I can't help it either.

But Baoyu, even if you don't understand me, you have to understand your Lian's second sister-in-law. She doesn't even know a lot of Chinese characters. Isn't it embarrassing for you to call him couplets and poems? "

Hearing what Jia Lian said, even though Wang Xifeng gave Jia Lian a blank look, she also knew that she was the least educated present, probably even inferior to Xiao Xichun, who was eight or nine years old.

So he said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about me, you can play whatever you like, the big deal, I'll pour you wine by the side, that's fine."

Jia Baoyu and the others laughed. This was the reason why they didn't hate Wang Xifeng at all even though they couldn't get along with them. Instead, they liked her because of her high EQ.

At this time, Baochai laughed and said: "Since it is a wine order, it is better to share the refined and the popular. Although the poems in couplets are elegant, they are not suitable for this time. Let's change it to something else."

Jia Baoyu was just doing it for fun, in fact he himself is not good at poetry, at least he thinks he can't compare with Daiyu, and he wants to try Jia Lian even more.

Hearing what Baochai said at this time, Fang remembered that Aunt Xue was probably just like Wang Xifeng, not good at this, so he could only nod and agree to change the game.

But then everyone chattered and proposed several ways to play, all of which were rejected.

Because the humanities and inkstones present are different, and the hobbies are also different, so the proposed gameplay is either too vulgar, or too elegant and difficult, and cannot meet everyone's wishes.

Daiyu laughed and said, "If we go on like this, I'm afraid we may not be able to come to a conclusion when it gets dark.

In my opinion, it's better to take out the wine order box, let's send someone to draw it, and play with whatever we draw, wouldn't it be simple. "

"Sister Lin, good advice, it's so good, it's very fair, everyone must have nothing to say."

Lin Daiyu's number one dog-licking second treasure is online.

Wang Xifeng smiled and said, "I have a wine order box here, but I haven't used it much. Since you want to use it, I'll get it out for you."

Because Ping'er went to pick up Jia Lan, Wang Xifeng got up and went into the house by herself.

At that moment, Wang Xifeng took out the wine order box, and Ping'er brought Jia Lan over.

When Jia Lan saw a group of aunts and uncles, she looked very reserved, and saluted everyone present in a serious manner, and then sat obediently next to her mother Li Wan.

"Which of you will draw lots?"

Wang Xifeng held up the wine order box and asked everyone with a smile.

Jia Lian said with a smile: "Lan'er is the youngest here, let him smoke."

Therefore, Jia Lan, who had just sat down, had to stand up again, saluted everyone again, and then stepped forward to salute Wang Xifeng.

It's not good to be polite.

Then he stretched out his small hand and took out a lottery from the box, and looked back, and said in a clear and clear child's voice: "Shoot?"

From the questioning voice of Xiao Jialan, it can be seen that he does not understand what shooting is.

But the uncles and aunts present here were all blown up.

"What a lan'er, draw out the most difficult order in one draw!"

"Yeah, I'm not good at this..."

Seeing that Wang Xifeng and others didn't understand much, Baochai explained with a smile: "Shefu has existed since ancient times, but it has been lost for a long time. It was invented by later generations, and it is more difficult than all other orders.

Presumably most of the people here are not very good at it, so they should give up and choose another one. "

When Daiyu heard Baochai say so calmly, she knew that she must be able to play, and said that most of the people present could not, so she deliberately wanted to fight against it.

"Since you have drawn it out, why give it up?

If there is another one who can't be drawn out, what should we do then?So, why draw lots in the first place?

In my opinion, this order is fine. "

Wang Xifeng, Aunt Xue, Xichun, etc. saw that even Li Wan and Tanchun said it was difficult, so they knew that they would not be able to play, and they all told everyone to play, so they would not participate.

Who knew that Daiyu had already planned, so before they finished speaking, she smiled and said, "Auntie and Second Sister-in-Law don't worry, what I mean is, with so many people present, there will always be people who will play, and there will always be people who won't.

How about this, we are divided into two classes, and there is no need to talk about each other. People in the same class can help each other, wouldn't it be enough? This so-called "dividing Cao Shefu" has also existed since ancient times, sister Bao For sure. "

Baochai and Daiyu were in the second place from Jia Lian's attack, and they happened to be facing each other across the table. At this moment, they glanced at each other.

Baochai knew that Daiyu intended to quarrel with her on purpose, and Daiyu knew that Baochai saw that she intended to quarrel with her.

So they smiled at each other without saying anything.

"Divided into Cao Shefu? It's a good name, but there are eleven of us, how should we divide it?"

Tanchun was moved by what Daiyu said, and asked with a smile.

Seeing that Daiyu also frowned, Jia Lian smiled and beckoned to Xiangling beside him, "Come here."

Xiangling immediately opened her eyes wide, pointed at herself, and then hurriedly waved her hands, indicating that she couldn't come...

"Come here quickly! You have been studying with your master for two years, and today is the time to test your results to see if you have embarrassed your master."

Hearing what Jia Lian said, everyone laughed. Most of them knew that the teacher Jia Lian was referring to was Lin Daiyu,

Daiyu's face turned red when she was told, and she glanced at Jia Lian angrily, but seeing that everyone was laughing, but there was no meaning of ridicule, so she smiled too.

Seeing that her masters were calling her, Xiangling didn't dare to insist, so she could only walk slowly under the envious eyes of Qingwen and others.

The clever little girl immediately brought a chair over and placed it under Xichun.

After Xiangling apologized, she was about to sit down when she saw Sister Feng, who was at the end seat next to her, looking at her with a smile, and hurriedly got up and said, "Grandma, please sit here, I'll change with you..."

"Go, go, sit wherever you are told to sit."

Wang Xifeng scolded in her heart, little hooves, you want to change my old lady's position before your hair grows?
Although the last seat seemed to be seated by the person with the lowest status, she actually sat alone, and she could even face the chief Jia Lian across the air. She sat well, how could she give it up to Xiang Ling.

I also know that Xiangling just doesn't understand the rules and is not too harsh.

When Xiangling sat down, Jia Baoyu couldn't wait to smile and said: "That's great, there is no need to trouble, just divide them according to the seats, there are exactly five people on each side of us.

On our side, I, Sister Lin, Third Sister, Sister-in-law and Lan'er, Auntie and the others, Auntie, Sister Bao, Second Sister, Fourth Sister, and Xiangling.

As for Lian's second brother and Lian's second sister-in-law, you can just choose one of them to join. "

Jia Baoyu gave such a plan.

It seems reasonable, but in fact, the small abacus is flying.

He knew that Baochai was knowledgeable and memorized, and he thought that only he and Daiyu could fight Baochai together.

Besides, with him and Daiyu on their side, together with Tanchun and Li Wan, their combat effectiveness is not bad, while on the other side it seems that only Baochai's family dominates. Just for the sake of balance, Jia Lian will also choose to join opposite camp.

In this way, Jia Lian could not be in the same group as Sister Lin.

Daiyu didn't know Jia Baoyu's little thoughts, and she didn't care, as long as she could compete with Baochai, it was a satisfactory way for her to group.

However, when she heard that Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng could choose freely, she immediately looked at Jia Lian.

Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng knew who to choose with their eyes closed!

Besides, she didn't want Jia Lian to help Baochai.

Jia Lian really wanted to go to Baochai's side, because he thought to himself that there was only one Baochai on Baochai's side that looked good, and the others, such as Aunt Xue, Yingchun, Xichun, and Xiangling, were relatively ordinary.

Mixing there, with what he considers to be a not-so-high level, it's easier to shine a bit.

But seeing Daiyu's eyes looking over, he hesitated for a moment.

"Hehe, since that's the case, I'll join Auntie and Sister Baochai's camp.

I've made it clear that I'm not capable, if they make things difficult for you, Baochai, you can help me more. "

Wang Xifeng is very shrewd. Although Jia Baoyu and Daiyu are having a fierce fight, she can tell at a glance that Baochai should be the most powerful player in the game.

Moreover, she and Jia Lian have the opposite calculations, and if she is not good at Baochai's side, she is not eye-catching.

Unlike on Daiyu's side, it would be too embarrassing if even a little Jia Lan could not be compared.

"It seems that I can only join Sister Lin's side."

Wang Xifeng chose one side, and Jia Lian could only reluctantly join the other side.

In this way, Lin Daiyu's side can be said to be as strong as a cloud, and even the only little Jialan, seeing that the kid doesn't have stage fright at all, might be a mighty one.

On the other side, Xue Baochai's side, except for herself, seemed to have no one strong.

Perhaps this is also the reason why they can be at ease, anyway, they are not the only ones who can't do it, just look at Baochai (Sister Bao) when the time comes.

Baochai didn't care about this situation at all.

Anyway, it's a small game during the banquet, winning or losing is not important, let alone who you are in the same group with.

Yingchun said at this time: "Since it is divided into Cao and Shefu, now everyone is divided. I don't even understand the rules. Who can explain it to us in detail?"

Daiyu immediately smiled and said, "Sister Bao is the most knowledgeable, let her talk about it."

Baochai didn't refuse, and said bluntly: "The so-called shooting cover has existed since ancient times. At first, it was just to pick something at random and put it under the basin or bowl, so that others could guess it, and the one who guessed it right would win.

Later generations deduced different ways of playing based on this, which made Shefu famous.

But to this day, the ancient gameplay has long been untestable, and what I know is only what I heard from people in the past.

That is, the person who gave the order randomly designated something during the banquet as the order. The order cannot be said, but only a word or phrase associated with it is called the cover.

The person who guesses the order guesses the end of the order based on the face of the person who gave the order, and is not allowed to say it if he guesses it. Instead, he says the word or words that are also related to the end of the order, which is called shooting.

The person who gives the order judges whether the person who guesses the order has shot the bottom of the order according to the shot.

In addition, those who miss the shot will be fined a cup, and if they make a mistake after the shot, they will also be fined a cup. "

Baochai had intentionally made the rules simple, but after hearing this, most of the people in the audience still felt overwhelmed.

This is too difficult, there are many detours, how can I play this?
Tanchun also asked: "How do you count the so-called words or phrases associated with it?"

"It doesn't matter if it's poetry, allusions, idioms or common sayings."

After Baochai said it, he seemed to think that this game was too difficult, so he took the initiative to say: "Shooting is an extremely difficult game, if it is too broad, it will be extremely difficult to guess correctly.

How about this, it is better to delete the idioms and common sayings, and only allow poetry and allusions, so the scope is much smaller, and it is much easier to hit. "

"Uh, what Sister Bao said is right, just follow what Sister Bao said."

Jia Baoyu quietly wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, what Baochai said was a little different from what he thought the shot was, it was even more difficult!
As a result, he was not very sure. Seeing that Baochai took the initiative to reduce the difficulty, he was relieved.

Since it is something that is available during the banquet, and it is limited to limited poems and allusions, as long as you are knowledgeable and have a keen mind, it should not be difficult to guess.

Daiyu had played this game with her mother in the early years, she knew about it, fearing that everyone would be intimidated, she hurriedly said: "That is to say, the rules sound difficult, but actually it is quite simple to do.

The difficulty of hitting the target actually lies in whether the order is biased or not.

Let's play it first, and everyone will understand. "

After speaking, Daiyu asked Jia Lian to preside over the game, and described the specific gameplay and punishment system.

Jia Lian said with a smile: "It happens that there are six of us on one side, why not just roll the dice, it's just right.

My aunt is an elder, so let my aunt roll the first dice, and the one who throws the first dice will be the one who makes the order.

Then we throw in order from me, whoever throws the same point as the commander will be the one to guess.

For the sake of fairness, according to what Sister Lin said before, you can ask for advice from people who are "with Cao", and those who fail three times will be fined a glass of wine.

Tell a joke, or tell a story, whatever. "

"Okay, Brother Lian's statement is good, it's more interesting to think about it."

So, let the maids get dice, paper and pens.

Jia Lian saw that the big maids of all the people were standing beside them anxiously, so he beckoned Ping'er, and said: "You make arrangements, those who should sit next to the table, and those who should go down to eat go down first, you don't have to wait here all the time. "

According to the old practice of the Jia Mansion, when the masters and masters get together, they sometimes set up a "lower seat" on the side, and let the big maids or decent servants take their seats.

This is not only a favor, but also to enhance the atmosphere.

Today is no exception. On the corridors on both sides, small tables and low benches have long been set up, and there are relatively simple dishes.

Those who can sit at this time, and those who accompany the masters to eat, are all symbols of status and status.

(End of this chapter)

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