Chapter 250 Sub-Cao Shefu ([-] - Basho)
For a while, the maids brought the dice, Aunt Xue took the dice and shook it lightly, uncovered it, it was three o'clock.

The third one down from Aunt Xue is Yingchun.

"Haha, the second sister is the commander of the first scene."

Jia Baoyu was very interested, so he stood up immediately, took the dice from Aunt Xue's hand, and handed it to Jia Lian: "Second brother Lian, you roll first."

Jia Lian was also not polite, and shook a number casually, but it was not three o'clock.

Then Jia Baoyu, Daiyu, Tanchun, and Li Wan were not, but Jia Lan threw a three-pointer.

When the exquisite dice rolled out three points and stopped, Jia Lan's small face also wrinkled into three points.

Looking up at the smiling uncles and aunts, Jia Lan said frankly, "I, I won't..."

Seeing his cute reaction, everyone laughed even more.

Jia Baoyu was the happiest, and immediately said to Yingchun: "Second sister, boy Lan is still young, and he probably hasn't learned a few poems or allusions, please be merciful and come up with a simple one first, so that everyone can understand the rules. "

Tanchun and Jialan were separated by only one Li Wan, so he turned over and scratched Jialan, and comforted him, "Don't be afraid, Lan'er, you are here with Aunt Lin, she is the daughter of Tanhualang, and she has read poetry and books a lot." , will definitely help you."

Daiyu was dissatisfied with Tanchun putting a high hat on her, so she slapped Tanchun hard. Seeing Tanchun laughing, she suddenly smiled at Jialan: "What are you afraid of? If you lose, you can just have a glass of wine. Usually sister-in-law You are definitely not allowed to drink, but taking this opportunity today, you just eat it openly, isn't that a good thing?"

When Jia Lan heard this, she thought it was true, so she looked up at Li Wan, and when she saw Li Wan's helpless smile, she felt relieved.

Here, Yingchun was already thinking about a good question. Hearing Jia Baoyu's words, he didn't bother thinking too much. He said first: "I've only heard of this game before, and it's the first time I'm playing it today. I don’t know if it’s right or not, but let me tell you.”

After finishing speaking, he looked at Jia Lan and whispered the word "rain" slowly.

Rain is her cover, and as for the end of the order, Jia Lan needs to guess.

Although Jia Lan is young, he is also very competitive.

Not willing to admit defeat or ask for help immediately, but started to think, eyes kept rolling around the table, in order to find the bottom line.

After thinking for a long time, he tentatively said, "Yangliu?"

Yingchun thought for a while, but also hesitated.

The difficulty of shooting lies not only in the shooter, but also in the person who guesses, who is the shooter. It is also difficult for people with insufficient knowledge and practice, because it is impossible to judge whether the opponent has shot or not!
After thinking about it carefully, he felt that Yang Liu should have missed the shot, so he shook his head.

Jalan's demeanor collapsed.

It was no surprise that Jialan missed the shot.

But Daiyu seemed to have something to say.

"Lan'er, can you tell me why you shot 'Yangliu'?"

Jia Lan said: "I heard my second aunt say 'rain', but I read all the things on the table, and I couldn't think of a poem or a poem about rain. I suddenly remembered the poem by Li Qingzhao that my mother taught me the other day. There was a "depressed courtyard, with slanting wind and drizzle", and I thought that although I couldn't see the wind, it was around us, so I guessed that the second aunt's order was "wind".

So I thought about it for a long time, and then I came up with the word "Yangliu" according to this sentence. "

Jia Lan said rather distressed, after all, he lost the first game, and he felt a little lost.

But he didn't look at everyone's reaction.

Daiyu laughed and said to Li Wan: "Sister-in-law is really good at teaching, boy Lan, you are smart!"

There is no need for Daiyu's praise. Just from Jia Lan's series of logical and orderly analysis, everyone also looks at Jia Lan with admiration.

Although Wang Xifeng was confused from the beginning to the end, she still couldn't help asking questions at this moment: "Isn't it said that only the things on the table can make the bottom? How can 'wind' count?"

Those who are illiterate and do not understand are encouraged to dare to ask questions boldly, so Baochai explained: "It is not just what is on the table, as long as you are sitting at the table and can see it at a glance, it can be used as an order.

Although the wind cannot be seen, it does exist around us, can be felt with the senses, and can be counted. "

Speaking of which, Baochai also glanced at Jia Lan, then at Li Wan, and praised, "Lan'er has spiritual wisdom."

Everyone agrees with Baochai's explanation, not sticking to narrow rules, which is also the charm of this game.

Wang Xifeng pursed her lips, noncommittal.

Here, Daiyu was still laughing at Jialan: "Why are you so sullen? You haven't lost yet, and you didn't hear what your second uncle Lian said just now. Only three misses count."

Jia Lan shook his head and said, "But I really can't think of anything else, how about Aunt Lin, can you help me?"

Jia Lan finally started to shake his wits.

Daiyu hummed softly, seeing that everyone was waiting for her to show off, but Daiyu turned to Yingchun and said:
"Actually, Lan'er has indeed mastered the way of shooting, the reason why she missed the shot can be said to be bad luck, and she didn't guess the order correctly.

At the same time, it also shows that the word "rain" used by the second sister is too broad.

In my opinion, flowers, trees, wind, and clouds can all be used as bases, so even if you can hit it, it is just a fluke.

According to me, the second sister should cover another one, use two coverage and one shot, and it will be fine. "

In fact, Yingchun also realized that she was not good enough, because she also felt that Jia Lan's thinking was correct.

So after thinking about it, he said, "Then I'll add another one, um...a cherry. How about it?"


On Daiyu's side, Jia Baoyu, Tanchun and the others were all thinking hard.

After all, it was divided into two parts, they and Jia Lan belonged to the same "Cao", if they watched Jia Lan get punished, they would lose face.

Perhaps it was because Yingchun's second reply was too obvious, they all looked behind one after another.

Daiyu asked Jia Lan, "Lan'er, maybe you shot?"

Jia Lan is not stupid, and he also noticed that Jia Baoyu, Tanchun and others were all looking at the banana tree in the corner of the backyard wall, so they immediately knew that the bottom of the tree was a banana tree!
But how to shoot...

After all, because there are too few poems I have learned, I can't think of suitable ones in my mind for a while.

Li Wan was also praised by Baochai Daiyu and others because of Jia Lan's performance just now, and felt that she was embarrassed by her, so he didn't make him too embarrassed at this time, reminding him: "Lan'er, you want to rest at dusk upstairs, Yu The ladder is horizontal and the moon is like a hook..."

"Upstairs at dusk, desire to rest, the jade ladder crosses the moon like a hook, the plantains do not show lilac knots, and the spring breeze is the same as each other's worries!"

After Jia Lan silently read this quatrain by Li Shangyin in his mind, he immediately blurted out: "Lilac!"

After finishing speaking, seeing all the elders nodding to him, Jia Lan laughed happily.

At the same time, I also realized that if I really have to study hard, I am still far behind my mother and the others.

Jia Baoyu laughed and said, "Second Sister, did Lan Er hit the shot?"

Yingchun nodded with a smile, then raised the wine glass in front of her, and gestured to Jialan.

Jia Lan hurriedly stood up, saluted in return, and then counted on a drink.

Jia Baoyu asked Yingchun again, "Second sister's second cover is naturally from the song 'Red Cherry, Green Plantain', so what about the first cover?"

Yingchun smiled back: "The word rain comes from Ouyang Xiu's "Sheng Chazi", 'Deep courtyard locks at dusk, and the banana rain bursts'."

"Hahaha, it's wonderful! Shooting is indeed the most difficult order, but it's really interesting!!"

Jia Baoyu likes to be called elegant the most. Although the shooting that Baochai mentioned is not quite the same as what he thought, it is really more interesting.

He couldn't wait for the next one to draw him.

 Is it very simple, are you interested in playing with your friends?

(End of this chapter)

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