Chapter 251
Jia Baoyu's interest was completely aroused, seeing the dice set right in front of Jia Lian, he hurriedly said: "The last game was played by them, we shot, this round we should come back, they shot right?
Brother Lian, roll the dice quickly. "

Jia Lian could naturally see Jia Baoyu's eagerness, but unfortunately, he swung a four o'clock, and it should be Tanchun as the commander.

Pass the dice and dice Gu to Aunt Xue, let Aunt Xue throw.Unexpectedly, Aunt Xue was the first to throw a four, which happened to match Tanchun.

Aunt Xue laughed and said, "I'm not younger than you, and I don't remember many poems and dictionaries. Let me guess, which will inevitably spoil your interest.

Why don't you just keep throwing, I'll just watch you play. "

"That can't be done, my aunt loves us so much, how can we leave my aunt behind?

Don't worry about Auntie, with Sister Bao here, no matter how difficult the order is, it will not be as difficult as Sister Bao. "

Daiyu is very picky about people, among the elders, there are only a few who make her look differently.

Among them is Aunt Xue. Although everyone knows that the Xue family is very rich, Aunt Xue never acts in a public manner.

Most importantly, Aunt Xue has always been very kind to her...

That's why she said to detain Aunt Xue. She was afraid that Aunt Xue would be overwhelmed, so she hurriedly turned to Tanchun, pretending to whisper, but said in a normal voice, "Look at Lian's second sister-in-law who only cares about eating, she must not understand our game. , you can make it easier and let Lian's second sister-in-law also participate."

Smiling from beginning to end at the end banquet, Wang Xifeng, who was concentrating on eating and watching the show, never thought that she could be trampled while sitting!

After all, he also knew that Daiyu was using her to protect Aunt Xue's dignity, so he just gave Daiyu a blank look, smiled and said nothing.

Seeing this, Aunt Xue felt relieved and said, "Since that's the case, then you guys come up with a question. I'll try it. If I can't guess it right, you are not allowed to make jokes."

Everyone dared not.

Tanchun originally wanted to compete for the limelight with Daiyu and the others, but when she saw Jia Lian shaking her, she wanted to do something extremely difficult and clever, but she didn't expect that it would be Aunt Xue who came to take the order, which disrupted her life. plan.

After all, seniority and inferiority are the most important things, so Tanchun resolutely gave up the chance to shine. He looked around the table and deliberately paused for a while on the potted crabapple flower in the open space behind Jia Baoyu, and then said with a smile. : "Green, fat, red and thin."

Aunt Xue laughed, these children are quite interesting.

Putting the water in like this is too underestimating her.

So he laughed directly: "Rouge."

Everyone originally thought that even if Tanchun deliberately showed his secrets, the reminder of Fumian would be obvious, but Aunt Xue would still think about how to shoot.

Unexpectedly, Aunt Xue shot without thinking and got hit.

Wang Xifeng, including Jia Lan and Xiang Ling, were a little confused, waiting for others to explain.

Jia Baoyu praised: "Looks like we all underestimated Auntie, Auntie not only accepted this order quickly, but also shot very well.

The begonia color is mostly a rouge color.

For example, the rouge rains in the wind of the crabapple; the rouge color of the begonia;

My aunt used allusions and combined poems. "

Aunt Xue smiled, raised the wine glass and touched Tanchun across the air, took a sip, then picked up the dice and continued to shake it.

In the third game, Xichun faced Jia Baoyu, obviously unequal in strength.

Xichun reluctantly came up with one, but Jia Baoyu made a mistake on purpose, and got a special line right. Xichun didn't know, so naturally he couldn't judge whether Jia Baoyu was right or not...

It was Baochai who couldn't bear to see Jia Baoyu bullying the younger, so she told Xichun that Jia Baoyu was right, and explained the source. Only then did Xichun understand, and seeing Jia Baoyu's complacent look, she couldn't help but glared at him angrily.

Brother Bao is really bad, but sister Bao is better.

Jia Baoyu himself just wanted to tease Xichun and enliven the atmosphere, but it didn't necessarily mean that the commander Xichun should be punished with alcohol.

In the fourth round, Li Wan faced Xiangling.

"I heard that you got a famous teacher, and today I will test you for her, to see how much you have learned."

Faced with Li Wan's sense of oppression, Xiang Ling, who was cautious, sat up straighter and put her hands on the side of the table, like a primary school student listening to a teacher's lecture.

"Listen well, my cover is a word 'Laopling'." Li Wan said with a smile.

Xiangling hurriedly asked which word it was.

Li Wan explained that it was a ladle of water, and Xiangling understood it.

Xu is a lucky person, she almost knocked over her wine glass because of nervousness, so she hurried to fix it.

Suddenly, Fu Ruxin came to her heart, remembering that from the anthology of Song Ci that Daiyu gave her, she often saw the word group "piaozun".

Could it be that the bottom of the grandma's order is a wine glass?
With this guess, it is not difficult, and quickly replied tentatively: "Green?"

Li Wan thought for a while, showed admiration to Xiang Ling, then raised his wine glass to signal Xiang Ling.

Xiangling knew that she was shot, and hurriedly picked up the cup to return the salute.

When Baochai saw her, she said with a smile, "It wasn't until this moment that we saw our first real 'shooting'.

The respondent didn't say a word except to give a reply.

After the shooter shoots, it is directly up to the shooter to judge whether to shoot or not. From the beginning to the end, there is no end in sight. This is a complete shoot. "

Jia Baoyu nodded and said: "Sure enough, it's more interesting than others. Sister-in-law and Xiangling only said two words, and the game is over. I'm afraid there are many people present, and they are still in the fog."

Wang Xifeng curled her lips and said, "Baoyu, don't blame Sang and Huai, I really don't know what kind of riddle they played. Instead of explaining to us, you are laughing at people?"

Jia Baoyu originally intended to play tricks, but now he laughed, apologized to Wang Xifeng, and then said loudly:
"Sister-in-law's 'scoop', looking at the table, probably only corresponds to the wine glass.

Because the ancients often used wine bottles as ladles, there is also the saying of "ladle bottles".

Sister-in-law, this is a reference.

The word "green" shot by Xiangling is also related to wine. The ancients often said "green bottle".Because a long time ago, most of the fine wines brewed by the ancients were green, such as "green duck head with open urn, red fish eyes with knife sharpening", "thousand bells green for longevity wine, ten thousand folds red for official flowers".

There is also Liu Xiyi'tears fall with the yellow leaves, and sorrow grows in the green bottle'.

The most wonderful thing is that Du Gongbu has a poem saying, "Abandoning the ladle and the bottle will not be green, and the fire will be as red as the furnace", does it mean that the bottom, cover and shooting order are all connected together?

So the sister-in-law's order is good, and Xiangling's right is also good. "

Wang Xifeng nodded in a sudden realization... In fact, she didn't quite understand.


The masters sat in a circle in the yard, having fun.

The maids on the side were also happy to watch, although they were in the fog most of the time, they just felt that the girls and the master's grandma were very powerful and knowledgeable.

I am also very envious of Xiangling, who can sit and play games with the masters!

Therefore, whether it was the guards waiting to pick up things, or the big maids sitting and eating on the corridors on both sides, they all chose to watch the excitement quietly and did not dare to disturb the master loudly.

The atmosphere is very happy.

A woman came into the courtyard with her head poking around, and walked to Jia Lian's side, "Second Master, this is sent in by someone from the Second Gate."

Jia Lian took it, and it was a postcard with sky blue as the main color, so he casually glanced at it.

"Second brother, what are you looking at?"

Although everyone is obeying orders, the chief Jia Lian's every move still cannot escape the eyes of everyone.

"Nothing, a post sent by someone else."

Jia Lian casually folded it into his sleeve, apparently not planning to share it with others.

Jia Lian's actions made people even more suspicious.

"Who will send you a good post?"

Wang Xifeng asked.

She also saw that the color of the post just now was wrong!

Because Jia Baoyu was sitting close to Jia Lian, he said with a smile, "I saw it just now, 'Miaoyu, an outsider, respectfully knocks on Fangchen from a distance.' Judging from the handwriting, it looks like it was written by a girl..."

Since Xue Pan came, Jia Baoyu and Qin Zhong often went out to eat flowers and wine together.

In fact, it is far from being simple as it seems on the surface.

He was obviously watching the fun and didn't think it was a big deal, and he was putting eye drops on Jia Lian, for fear that Wang Xifeng would not cause trouble for Jia Lian.

Jia Lian took a look at the boy, then said calmly, "You know even Miaoyu."

Wang Xifeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she knew this Miaoyu, although she had never met.

When Jia Amnesty died, Jia Lian was in a state of mind and went to the Muni Temple to find Dao Gaoni to deduce cause and effect and future. Hearing that he fell in love with the Dharma of Master Miaoyu, he even worshiped him as a Taoist teacher.

But it's strange for a Buddhist to send birthday invitations to people.

(End of this chapter)

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