Chapter 252
Most of the people present saw Wang Xifeng's nervousness just now, and they all smiled.

"Second sister-in-law Lian, who is this Miaoyu?"

"It's a nun. I don't know who it is. You have to ask him."

Tanchun was just asking casually, she was too embarrassed to ask about her cousin's personal affairs, it would be bad if something got involved.

Turning around, seeing Daiyu's eyebrows slightly lowered and her eyes dim, she couldn't help asking in surprise, "Sister Lin, do you know this Miaoyu?"

Daiyu didn't notice her expression at first, but when Tanchun looked at her in surprise, she realized it.

In order to prevent Tanchun and others from being suspicious, she also quickly adjusted her mentality, and then pretended to be curious and asked Jia Lian: "Second brother, this Miaoyu, but we met that year at the Xuantou Panxiang Temple?"

Looking at Daiyu's appearance before, Jia Lian knew he couldn't hide it, so he simply nodded generously: "Exactly."

Daiyu's brows were furrowed. Among the people present, except Jia Lian, she was the only one who had seen Miaoyu, and only she knew how elegant and refined Miaoyu was!
What's more, when she was in Suzhou, she could vaguely see that Miaoyu looked at her second brother in the wrong way...

Now that she actually came after Shangjing, this couldn't help but make her suspect and guess.

Hearing Daiyu's question, everyone became curious.

Jia Baoyu was surprised: "Sister Lin, even you know this Miaoyu?"

The person Sister Lin knows must be extraordinary, maybe she is also a very outstanding woman, even if she is a nun...

Although Smarter is a nun, she is also very beautiful!
Wang Xifeng is a woman after all, and as a woman, it is impossible not to care about other women who suddenly appear next to her man.

So he hurriedly asked: "Girl Lin, you actually know? Why don't you tell us about the origin and personality of this Miaoyu, so that we can also see what kind of a master of Taoism he can succumb to.

I was outside the city last month, I was too busy, and I didn't have time to visit her old man. "

Daiyu's mouth moved slightly, and after weighing it up, she felt that it was better not to be too thorough.

"Why don't you ask him and ask me instead. I only met her once. How do I know who she is and where she came from?"

Daiyu was a little careless, and ate the noodles prepared by the second sister-in-law, and did not give the second sister-in-law any face.

But for Jia Lian, it is too caring, good sister, it is worth loving her.

But the matter has come to this point, since Wang Xifeng and others became suspicious, deliberately concealing it would easily lead to suspicion.

Therefore, facing everyone's eyes, Jia Lian said very calmly: "Miaoyu, like Sister Lin, is originally from Suzhou, and her ancestors were also officials. It's just that because she was sick since she was a child, she bought many substitutes, but they were useless. After all, she entered the Buddhist sect herself. .

That year, my sister Lin and I returned to Suzhou to support my aunt's coffin, and we met by chance at the Panxiang Temple in Xuantou.

Unexpectedly, she also came to Beijing with her master last year, and lived in the Muni courtyard outside the west city.

This Miaoyu is not an ordinary person, she has a noble character and is proficient in Buddhism. Last time I went to see Mrs. Jingci in the Muni Academy, I happened to meet her again.

It must have been the last time I asked her to help her, she knew my birthday, so she sent me a celebration post today, expressing congratulations. "

After hearing Jia Lian's explanation, the image of Gao Ni, who grew up in a nunnery and read a lot of poetry and scriptures, appeared in everyone's minds.

Tanchun complimented: "Second brother Lian is really powerful. Even such a wise man recognizes second brother Lian as his confidant. It can be seen that second brother Lian is really extraordinary!"

Everyone except Daiyu smiled.

After the gossip is over, the game continues.

This time, Jia Lian finally shook out a point, and Jia Baoyu and others immediately cheered up when they saw this.

"Okay, it's finally time for Brother Lian to make a move!"

"That's right, Lian's second elder brother hasn't participated in it yet, he has been watching us play from above."

"Auntie, hurry up and see who will take the order!"

Aunt Xue looked at the group of children getting more and more excited, knowing that what they wanted most was to play with Jia Lian.

Jia Lian is the elder brother, and his status is also noble, and it is rare that he has time to play with their children.

In the end, Baochai shakes out a point and confronts Jia Lian.

"Hahaha, this is interesting."

"That's right, the second elder brother Lian faced the elder sister Shangbao, it can be said that the strong meets the strong."

Hearing Jia Baoyu and Tanchun's words, even Baochai could not help correcting his demeanor, waiting for Jia Lian's order.

"Why are you so nervous? I've said it all, I don't read much, and I can't remember more poetry and dictionaries than you.

However, fortunately, I am the commander, so I can choose one at will. "

Jia Lian smiled, glanced at Baochai, and said softly, "Jin."

Baochai heard that Jia Lian's face was covered with gold characters. Although there are a lot of gold objects here, and there are also gold things on the head of jewelry worn by everyone, but for some reason, when she met Jia Lian's eyes, she immediately thought of it. The golden lock on his chest, he stretched out his hand to cover it...

Baochai was a little hesitant, although she knew that she probably guessed correctly, but Jia Lian used something on her body as the basis of the order, which was actually a little inappropriate.

In order to avoid the embarrassment of guessing wrong, Baochai said: "The word "gold" is still too broad, please ask Lian's second brother to repeat the word."

Jia Lian didn't think too much about it, and said the word "iron" again.

Gold locks and iron locks are commonly used in ancient poetry, and Baochai has already identified them.

I felt a little embarrassed, but seeing Jia Lian's calm demeanor, he replied generously, "Bi, Bi with blue sky and blue sky."

As for Jia Lian, seeing the change in Baochai's expression, he knew that she had guessed right. He didn't need to think about the source of Baochai's shot of "Bi Suo", so he nodded and had a drink with Baochai.

Jia Baoyu jumped out at the right time and explained: "Second brother Lian added the words 'gold' and 'iron', so the bottom of the ring must be sister Bao's golden lock.

There is a saying in the old poem: "Jade Tower and Pearl Pavilion Hengjinsuo", and there are sentences such as "Fire trees and silver flowers close, and Xingqiao iron locks open".

But I don't know where Sister Bao shot 'Bi Suo'. "

"There is a sentence in the "Gong Ci" written by Mrs. Huarui of the Five Dynasties, 'Break open the five-color gold-pinned paper, and learn cursive script in front of the blue lock window'." Baochai explained.

"Sister Bao really doesn't know all the books, and knows all the books, even such a partial poem!"

Jia Baoyu flattered me.

Daiyu just glanced at him and said nothing.

On the other hand, Jia Lian and Baochai looked at each other by chance, but from each other's eyes, they seemed to see a feeling of mutual understanding...

The shooter is supposed to guess what the opponent is thinking, and being able to quickly guess what the opponent is thinking requires a tacit understanding.

This is the reason why Shefu is sought after by those literati. If they are not like-minded people, they can't play well at all.

In the next round, Aunt Xue rolled a six, it was Wang Xifeng, and Jia Lian also rolled a six.

Everyone laughed involuntarily.

There's a good show here.

Wang Xifeng said with a smile: "If I admit defeat, I won't make any orders..."

"No, even Lan'er has taken orders just now. Second sister-in-law of Lian, you are not in the mood to act foolishly as the commander."

"It's just..."

Baochai reminded: "It's very easy to make an order. You just need to think of a poem you have heard, and then think about whether there is any one we can see here, and then take a related word or phrase."

"That's right, Lian's second sister-in-law, just give it a try, it doesn't matter if it goes well or not."

Wang Xifeng sneered and said, "It looks like I can't do anything today?"

Although Wang Xifeng didn't read many books, she was very smart. After playing for so long, she had already figured it out.

Besides, even if she doesn't know how to compose poems, can't she recite a few sentences?

She thought of the phrase "the sweet-scented osmanthus flowers fall, the night is quiet and the spring mountains are empty", so she looked up at the sky, thinking, even Jialan's "wind" can make the bottom, so this spring will naturally do it.

"My order is ready, it's the word 'mountain'."

After Wang Xifeng finished speaking, she still seemed a little complacent, and looked at Jia Lian provocatively.

She felt that her order was very good, and Jia Lian would definitely not be able to guess it.

Hmph, if he can't figure it out, let's see how he will have the nerve to despise me for being stupid in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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