Chapter 253
How could Jia Lian allow Wang Xifeng to provoke him, and said flatly: "The word 山 is too broad, please repeat it."


The complacent Wang Xifeng suddenly lost his breath.She finally thought of one, and at this time, she was asked where to think of a poem and allusion related to spring.

Everyone saw Wang Xifeng's predicament, although they laughed at her for not being able to answer two questions, they kindly reminded her: "If Lian's second sister-in-law can't answer the second one, you can ask someone from Tong Cao for help. "

"How to ask for help?"

Yingchun stood up, walked over to Wang Xifeng and said, "Second sister-in-law, tell me your order, and I'll think of one for you."

Although Yingchun had good intentions, Wang Xifeng also saw that everyone was laughing at her.

As soon as the self-esteem came up, he said: "Don't bother you, I have already thought of it."

Wang Xifeng didn't steam the steamed buns to argue, she did think of something.

Chunmian doesn't know it!
So he said the word "sleep".

Jia Lian smiled and asked which word it was, and Wang Xifeng replied, "It means sleeping."

After speaking, everyone laughed and even shook their heads.

This is too simple and straightforward, but it's hard to be Lian's second sister-in-law, and compared with Chunshan, Chunmian is better.

Jia Lian also felt that Wang Xifeng, who was illiterate, was cute too.

In fact, it can be roughly guessed from her previous behavior of looking up at the sky.

Now that the word "sleep" comes out, and knowing Wang Xifeng's limited reserves of poetry, how can Jia Lian not guess that her order is the seasonal spring?

So imitating Wang Xifeng's tone: "Mud means the land."

Wang Xifeng continued to shut down, "He guessed right?"

Although everyone thought Wang Xifeng's reaction was funny, some people questioned the origin of "Spring Mud".

"Second brother Lian, the second sister-in-law of Lian's order is 'chun', what are you shooting at?"

Jia Baoyu's words made Jia Lian frown slightly. He naturally intended to continue to make things difficult for Wang Xifeng, so he said something that Wang Xifeng probably didn't know.

Unexpectedly, even Jia Baoyu didn't know it, so it can be seen that Jia Baoyu still can't remember many ancient poems after all.

So he hummed: "Luohong is not a heartless thing, it turns into spring mud to protect flowers..."

After Jia Lian finished speaking, he finally realized that something was wrong. This sentence sounded like a famous poem through the ages, like a famous sentence through the ages...

Qing dynasty.

Fortunately, Jizhong Shengzhi thought of a sentence: "Several early warblers compete for warm trees, and whose family's new swallows peck at the spring mud!"

But everyone no longer listened to what he said after changing his words.

"Fallen flowers are not heartless things, into Chunni more quadrangle……"

Although it is only one sentence, with the wisdom of Daiyu and others, it is enough to realize that this is a rare good sentence.

Daiyu doesn't think that she has read all the poems, and there must be good poems that she doesn't know!
So he looked at Baochai on the opposite side.

But seeing Baochai had the same expression, she knew that even Baochai had never heard of it.

"Sister-in-law, have you ever heard this sentence?"

Daiyu knew that although Li Wan had limited literary talents, he had read many poems and books and was a well-learned man.

Li Wan shook his head: "I don't know the source either."

So, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they all had guesses in their hearts: Could it be that Lian's second brother did this again?
Facing the strange eyes of these cute girls and pretty widows, Jia Lian could only smile on his face and smile wryly in his heart.

Sure enough, Wenchao is a road that can never be turned back...

But it's okay, as long as you can earn fame, money, and the shocking attention of Lin Daiyu and others, it's worthwhile to endure the "inner suffering".

Daiyu and the others didn't know what Jia Lian was thinking, and they were indeed shocked beyond words.

Brother Lian's essay is so serious, can he throw out such a sentence casually?
"Second brother Lian, can you read the complete poem?"

Lin Daiyu didn't care about being reserved at this time, and asked for poetry bluntly.

But Jia Lian shook his head: "To be honest, I also heard this line from other places."

Jia Lian thought about it for a while, and although he had a lot of inventory, he couldn't stand so many girls in his family. They came to ask for this one, and they came to ask for that one, even the iron-clad people couldn't stand it.

So it's better to be more restrained.

Sure enough, Daiyu and others were even more curious, and asked where they heard it from.


Everyone was surprised, and then relieved.

So it can be seen that Miaoyu is really not an ordinary person.

Even Daiyu couldn't help but lose a little bit of guard against Miaoyu and increase a little bit of admiration.

A person who can write such a poem must be very talented.


Just as everyone sat around the table, round after round, when the game was in full swing, a voice from the little girl came from the gate of the courtyard:
"The old lady is here."

Everyone hurriedly got up and watched, and sure enough, Jia Mu led You Shi, Qin Shi and others came in.

"Hahaha, you guys are really lively here."

After Jiamu entered, she looked around and saw that the small courtyard was well arranged and there were many things. Jiamu nodded secretly and smiled at Wang Xifeng: "Girl Feng, I came here uninvited. Are you going to come here uninvited?" What will you treat me with?

I have agreed, if there is no good food to entertain me, I will turn around and leave. "

At this time all the sisters gathered around Jiamu, and Wang Xifeng also came over, holding Jiamu's arm and walking up. Come up fresh."

Today, Wang Xifeng ordered the kitchen to prepare a large number of expensive delicacies. As long as it is enough, if the dishes are cold, they will be removed and replaced with new ones.

As for whether to waste or not, I don't care.

Besides, there will be no waste, the house is full of servants, and there are more people scrambling for the withdrawn dishes.

And for Jia Mu and others, they don't care about the word "eating". They have learned how to keep in good health since they were young, and they only eat a little bit of the best food.

"What were you playing before? I see that you are having a good time."

Mother Jia asked before she was seated.

"Old Ancestor, we were just playing 'Fen Cao She Fu', which is very interesting."

Jia Baoyu introduced to Jia Mu with a smile.

As the daughter of the Shihou family, Jia's mother had never seen or heard of anything for decades, so she naturally knew about Shefu.

"I'm old, but I can't play with these literary things. Let's change to another simple and lively one, or I will leave."

"Haha, what the ancestors said is that I have long seen them playing this kind of shooting and shooting, but I can't persuade them.

Coincidentally, when my ancestors came, I had a backer, and I wasn't afraid of them anymore, so I decided to give up this and play something else. "

Wang Xifeng was able to please Jia's mother, so Jia's mother happily sat down on the chief seat.

Although Jia Baoyu and the others felt that they were not enjoying themselves, they did not dare to disobey Jia's mother's wishes, so they could only silently obey.

Jia Mu entered the table, and everyone rearranged their seats.

Xiangling had already voluntarily retreated into the ranks of maidservants, while Jia Lan quietly bid farewell to her mother and went back to study.

So Youshi and Qinshi took the seats of Xiangling and Jialan respectively.

Jia Lian also retreated to the second seat, sitting on top of Jia Baoyu, facing Aunt Xue.

After drinking a glass of wine, Jia Mu smiled and said, "You don't have to restrain yourself, I'm just here to ask for a drink, how did you play just now, and how do you still play now.

If I can play, I will play with you, if I can't, it's the same to watch you play. "

Wang Xifeng hurriedly said: "It happens that the flowers in my courtyard are all in bloom, old ancestor, why don't we play drums and pass flowers?"

Mother Jia took a look at her, and sure enough, this hozen knew her heart best.

"It's not difficult to play drums to pass flowers, but how to punish if you lose?"

"Hahaha, is it possible that the ancestor is still afraid of losing?

You don't need to be nervous, as far as I'm concerned, there are people here today who are as elegant as Baochai and Sister Lin, and some are as vulgar as me, so our gameplay must be both elegant and vulgar to be fair.

So, why don't we call a girl, let her play the drums blindfolded, all of us at the table will pass flowers, and if the drum beats in the hands of anyone, we will be punished with a glass of wine, and then we will either tell a story, or tell a story. It's a joke, of course, if Baoyu and the others want to write poems and lyrics, that's okay.

What do you think? "

Wang Xifeng spoke beamingly, full of energy.

Daiyu then said to Tanchun, "Look at her. We shot her down just now. She looks like a gourd with its mouth sawn off. Now that the old lady is here, she's excited again!"

Tanchun smiled softly, and Wang Xifeng, who heard this, glanced at Daiyu with a smile.

Next to Wang Xifeng, Youshi, who was Xichun's target, took the opportunity to quietly look at Jia Lian who was diagonally across the long table.

But Jia Lian raised his eyebrows and smiled at her, saying nothing.


(End of this chapter)

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