Chapter 254 Monkey Urine
Drumming and passing flowers is the most common wine order game in Jia's house during the festivals.

It is also one of the drinking orders that can mobilize the atmosphere the most.

Because the drum beat, everyone began to pass the flowers one by one. They were afraid that the flowers would stay in their hands when the drum beat stopped, so they often passed the flowers quickly.

The drummers can use their skills to be tight or slow, intermittent, and stop and go suddenly, which is elusive and creates an extraordinarily tense atmosphere for the players.

The active Qingwen took the initiative to play the drummer.

This little girl was naturally beautiful, but now that Jia Lian has raised her for two years, she is even more beautiful than others.

I saw her stepping on bright red exquisite embroidered shoes, wearing a brand new pleated skirt with water patterns, and a goose-yellow light-patterned vest, walking confidently and briskly to the big drum carried out by the women, and rushing towards the big drum. Looking back at her masters and grandmas, they smiled sweetly, appearing both ingenious and generous.

Even Jia's mother couldn't help sighing when she saw it: "It can be seen that I was right for this person at the beginning. You two really didn't waste this child for nothing. The child is so outstanding."

Wang Xifeng, who was at the end of the table, laughed and said: "The old ancestor didn't know that she is in our courtyard, but she is more of a master than the master, even I dare not control her.

There is no girl or woman in this courtyard who has not been scolded by her..."

The eyes of the others are also discerning, and they are all amazed by the beauty of Qingwen who has been well-groomed today.

The most obvious one was Jia Baoyu, whose eyes were almost printed in that direction.

Especially when she saw Qingwen smiling shyly because of Wang Xifeng's words, she was even more stunned, with her mouth slightly opened, dull and sluggish.

Daiyu was right next to him, she couldn't help but sneered when she saw this.

Only then did Jia Baoyu come back to his senses, and he wiped his chin hastily. Fortunately, the time was short and the saliva hadn't flowed down the corner of his mouth.

Jia Mu and others knew that Wang Xifeng was joking, so they didn't take it too seriously.

For a while, the maids covered Qingwen's eyes with ribbons, and Wang Xifeng also personally folded a sprig of spring plum from a flower pot beside her, and presented it to Jiamu, "It's rare that the old ancestors are willing to show you the honor, and I also wish the old ones the best of luck." Ancestor Chunxi raised eyebrows (plum blossoms)!"

While speaking, he deliberately lifted the plum blossom over Jiamu's eyebrows.

Everyone also laughed. Chunxi raised eyebrows is the elegant name of wine order and drumming to pass on plum blossoms.

Jia Mu cheerfully took the plum blossoms, and made a gesture to give Wang Xifeng a blow. She was so frightened that she hurriedly ran back to the tail seat, begging for mercy, and then sat down.

When the drums sounded, starting from Jia Mu, the plum blossoms were passed on to Aunt Xue, who was next in line, and then passed down one by one, and finally passed to Jia Lian's hands, and the cycle repeated.

Qingwen is a bold and narrow-minded person. Hearing the sound of the masters and grandmothers passing flowers in a hurry at the banquet, the rhythm of the drum beating became more and more ups and downs.

Xiaohong and other maidservants also surrounded her, happily watching the excitement.

Wang Xifeng saw that Jia's mother was in a good mood, and when she got the plum blossoms, she hurriedly sent them to Aunt Xue, so she became narrow-minded and winked at Xiaohong and others.

Xiaohong understood, and hurriedly went to Qingwen's ear and said a few words. Seeing Qingwen nodding, when the plum blossoms passed to Jiamu's hands again, she yanked Qingwen's sleeve, and the drum beat stopped abruptly.

Mother Jia also wanted to force the plum blossoms to Aunt Xue, but Aunt Xue refused to accept it, and pushed her hands: "Old lady, this is yours."

Jia's mother turned around and wanted to give it to Jia Lian, but Jia Lian smiled and said nothing.

Jia Mu, who knew she couldn't rely on it, just laughed and said, "This wine is delicious, but this joke is hard to tell."

Saying that, he glanced at the grandchildren and grandchildren, seeing that everyone was waiting for her with great interest, so he took a sip of wine and said:

"Then just say something...

A family raised ten sons and married ten wives. Only the tenth wife was the smartest, sweet-hearted and well-spoken, loved by her parents-in-law, and the family always said that those nine were not filial.

The nine daughters-in-law were wronged in their hearts, and they discussed: "We are really filial, but we are not as articulate as that little hoof. The in-laws only say good things about her when they are old. To whom should I tell this grievance?" '"

Jia's mother has been rich and honored all her life, so the level of telling jokes is quite good, with a sense of cadence.

Although it was just the beginning, it has already attracted everyone's attention, and they are all curious about what the nine wives will do.

"The eldest daughter-in-law has an idea, and said: 'Let's go to the temple of the king of hell tomorrow to burn incense, talk to the master of the king of hell, and ask him, tell us to entrust the living, why just give that little hoof a good mouth, we are all stupid .' Everyone liked it and said it was a good idea.

On the second day, they all came to the Yama Temple to burn incense, and all nine of them fell asleep under the altar..."

Everyone cheered up, and they all knew that the groundwork was almost the same, and the laughing point was about to come.

"The nine souls are just waiting for the king of Hades to arrive. They can't wait for the left and right. Just in a hurry, I saw Sun Xingzhe coming on a somersault cloud. When he saw the nine souls, he wanted to beat them with a golden cudgel, scaring the nine Hun hurriedly knelt down and begged.

Sun Xingzhe asked why, and the nine souls told him in detail.

After hearing this, Sun Xingzhe stomped his foot, sighed and said, "It's fortunate that I met me, and he won't know when the King of Hades comes." '

When the nine people heard this, they begged, "I beg the great sage to show mercy and give us some guidance!" '

Sun Xingzhe laughed and said, "It's not difficult."That day when your sisters-in-law were ten, it happened that I went to the King of Hades, and because I urinated on the ground, your little aunt ate it.Now you have to be smart and well-behaved, and if you have plenty of urine, then you can eat it after soaking it. '"

After Jia's mother finished speaking, everyone in the courtyard laughed.

People at that time heard few jokes, and the jokes were low. Although Jia Mu's joke was a little vulgar, it was really funny from her old man's mouth.

Moreover, the meaning of this joke is a bit unusual...

Everyone looked at Wang Xifeng one after another.

Those present here are those who have the status of "little daughter-in-law", "good-natured and good-natured", and are loved by Jia's mother.

Wang Xifeng didn't seem to notice it at all, and said with a loud smile: "Fortunately, we are all clumsy, otherwise, we would all have eaten monkey urine."

The story of the four Tang monks, master and disciples, who went to the west to learn scriptures, was widely circulated among the people at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and it was also told in many classic dramas, so even Wang Xifeng knew that Sun Xingzhe was a monkey.

Everyone laughed when they saw that Wang Xifeng was still arguing about "the imminent death".

You Shi and Wang Xifeng are both daughters-in-law of the Jia family, and they are not too far apart in age. They often deal with each other and sometimes make fun of each other.

At this time, how could You Shi be polite, and accepted Wang Xifeng's words with a smile, "Is there anyone here who ate that monkey urine, don't pretend like nothing happened."

Wang Xifeng couldn't hold back any longer, and stretched out her hand to hit You Shi.

Such an indisputable appearance made Daiyu and the others cover their mouths and laugh.They all remembered that in the past, every time Lian's second sister-in-law joked to please Jia's mother, Jia's mother often called her "monkey".
Even Aunt Xue couldn't help but come out to laugh: "The joke is not good or bad, as long as it fits the occasion, it will make people laugh."


Wang Xifeng twisted on the spot, acting like a baby from the air.

Jia Baoyu was a little stunned again, he had never seen Lian's second sister-in-law acting like a fairy concubine acting like a baby!
Glancing at Jia Lian, Jia Baoyu's eyes were full of envy.

(End of this chapter)

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