The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 255 Jia Zhen's Doubt

Chapter 255 Jia Zhen's Doubt

Seeing that a joke of her own had such a good effect, Jia's mother couldn't help but be very happy.

The joke she made up was certainly a joke about Wang Xifeng, and at the same time, she also showed everyone that Wang Xifeng was indeed her favorite daughter-in-law... including her daughter-in-law and grandson-in-law.

Who wouldn't like a daughter-in-law who can make herself happy every day and is thoughtful?
After laughing, continue to beat the drum and pass the flowers.

Because Jia Baoyu was "jealous" of Jia Lian's beautiful wife and concubine, he wanted to obstruct her.

He quietly motioned to the mandarin ducks beside him, and pointed at Jia Lian with his hands behind his back.

At this time, the atmosphere was full, and the mandarin ducks were also happy to add fun to the masters. They followed the same pattern and went to Qingwen's side, wanting to keep the plum blossoms in Jia Lian's hands.The main reason is to watch Jia Lian's performance.

But Jia Lian sat on top of Jia Baoyu, and had already known about Jia Baoyu's little tricks, but he didn't say anything.

So, when Jia Baoyu passed the plum blossoms into his hands excitedly and quickly, Jia Lian also pretended to pick them up, but at the last moment, he pretended that the chair was not stable, and hurriedly withdrew his hands to support the chair.

When the drums stopped, Jia Baoyu looked a little dazed at the plum blossom branch that was firmly held in his hand.

There were also many people present who saw Jia Baoyu's plots and schemes. At this time, they all laughed when they saw Jia Baoyu being turned into an army by Jia Lian.

Sure enough, the younger brother couldn't beat the older brother.

Xichun didn't notice, just smiled and said: "Oh, it's time for Brother Bao, Brother Bao, are you going to write poems or tell jokes?"

Jia Baoyu glanced at Jia Lian resentfully, after all he was someone who could afford to lose, put down the flowers, took a sip of wine and told a simple joke.

Although Jia Baoyu is not a boring person, but because his elders have greatly restrained his ability to perform, and Jia's mother is in front of him, his jokes are more or less suspected of being innocuous.


In Ningguo Mansion, the elders of several clans were sent away, and Jia Zhen and his son returned to the inner courtyard.

Seeing that the inner courtyard was deserted, Jia Zhen asked the maids and women: "Where are your grandma and the others?"

"At noon, Grandma took Grandma Xiao Rong to the West Mansion to greet the old lady."

"Why haven't you come back yet?"

A woman replied: "Today is the birthday of the second master Lian over there. Although there is no big deal, the second grandma Lian over there has prepared a banquet in her small courtyard, and only invites the second master Lian and the girls to play.

Later, the old lady also went, and Grandma Xiaorong and Grandma Xiaorong also went there with the old lady. "

Jia Zhen was even more unhappy when she heard this.

Seeing this, the servants shrank their necks and retreated.

When the people left, Jia Zhenfang patted the table next to her and said with a sneer, "They are more attentive to the affairs of the West Mansion than to serving our father and son! The affairs of our own family are not cleared up, but they are doing their best to help others! "

When Jia Rong heard the words, she stood in the hall and dared not answer.

He knew why Jia Zhen was dissatisfied with Youshi and his wife.

Over the past year or so, my mother (You Shi) often took his wife by her side, and even if she was not there, she put a lot of people by her side.

Anyone who is guarding against this will naturally understand.

Jia Zhen was somewhat dissatisfied with You Shi.

As for his daughter-in-law, somehow he suddenly figured it out, and it seems that he doesn't give the old man a chance to show affection.

The old man may think that his wife is "unfilial"!
Jia Rong expressed her indifference to this. Although she dared not resist Jia Zhen, no one would have a good impression of anyone who bullies her and puts a hat on her.

Seeing that Jia Zhen was unhappy, Jia Rong was a little bit relieved.

But Jia Rong still didn't really understand why his father was angry.

As early as when Jia She died, You Shi and Qin Shi went to help, Jia Zhen was a little suspicious.

Because You's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are really careful about the matter of Dongkuayuan!
Jia Zhen herself tried to seek a daughter-in-law again, so she couldn't help thinking about the reason.

Finally, in front of the mirror, he looked at himself repeatedly for a long time, and reluctantly admitted that his charm was not enough.

He is over forty years old, he has been in the cave rain for decades, and he has not taken care of it seriously. His figure is a little fat, even a little stooped...

It didn't matter at first, because with his identity and status, he was still the "male god" in women's minds.

However, this is a monologue.

Can't compare with some people, especially Jia Lian!

He didn't realize that Jia Lian was just a next-door cousin who ran after him, and he was just a role that would be submissive to him if he ate every bite and gave him some soup to drink.

Even if he was prettier, it was just because he was younger. When he went out to play with women, he could only play with what was left of him.

Time flies, and suddenly he realizes that this kid seems to be out of his control.

Not only was it out of his control, but it also completely suppressed his limelight!
At this time, the young and handsome appearance of the other party made him feel a great threat! !

He suspected that the reason why his daughter-in-law Qin's attitude towards him changed suddenly was because he saw Jia Lian's fame rising.I don't think he has Jia Lianxiang!
Even, maybe his wife is also greedy for Jia Lian's body!

The reason why he can clearly understand this point is because he can connect from one to the other.Because he knew that he himself coveted Jia Lian's daughter-in-law, but he dared not because she was too aggressive.

That woman doesn't recognize anyone when she's pissed...

Although he was sure, with Youshi's courage, even if he was envious of Jia Lian, he would not dare to betray him.

But he was very upset.

This kind of displeasure was not because of Youshi, but because of Jia Lian himself!

This wolf-hearted little brat used to please himself in every possible way in order to get benefits from him.

Now, once he gains power, he will turn his face and deny people.

Last time when discussing matters in Rongguo Mansion, he was tricked in front of the old lady and other elders, so that he handed over Huifangyuan for nothing.

The most exasperating thing is that Jia Lian is making a lot of money now, but he doesn't remember the old love at all.

For example, before noon, he watched more than 1 taels of "dirty silver" in his account, and he didn't say to give him some.

You know, in order to hold the crown ceremony for him, he has been busy all morning...

As a result, after the crowning ceremony, Jia Lian was asked to come over to have a drink and watch a play, and hinted that he could go out to play the first card to celebrate his birthday, but the kid turned him down on the grounds that he was in the filial piety period!

Intuit does not give him face.

This is a series of reasons why the more Jia Zhen thinks about Jia Lian, the more unhappy she feels. Youshi and Qinshi's celebration of Jia Lian's birthday in the past was just a fuse.

In the past, when he and Jia Lian, hello and my good brothers were getting along, they could talk about anything, but now Jia Lian "abandoned him" first, so he naturally saw what disliked Jia Lian.

He deliberately wanted to use a method to frighten Jia Lian and let him know who is the boss of the Jia family.But when he thought that Jia Lian seemed to be a little trusted by the emperor now, and he was somewhat respectable in front of the prince, he lacked confidence.

However, it is not possible to let him sit on his head and shit, right?
Moreover, the glory of Ningguo Mansion cannot always be blocked by Rongguo Mansion...

Jia Zhen frowned sullenly, and began to weigh.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Jia Rong standing at the bottom like a wooden stake, he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, with a lewd smile like a chrysanthemum on his face, he got angry.

A teacup hit Jia Rong's body, and Jia Zhen scolded angrily: "Damn bastard, you don't want to get down to business all day long, and why are you thinking about something dirty?
It will be Qingming soon, if you don’t go out to have a look, there is still something missing in the ancestor worship, hurry up and make up for it, if you dare to laugh stupidly in front of me, you must be careful! "

Jia Rong didn't know where she had offended the old man again, so she answered "yes" in a hurry, and ran away in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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