Chapter 256 Angry

In Sister Feng's Children's Home, Mother Jia came here to play jokes with her grandchildren while the weather was fine, and express the importance she attached to Jia Lian, the eldest grandson, so she didn't intend to stay for a long time.

The interest in the game faded, so she went back.

And because Jia Lian came back early in the morning, he was also planning to go to the yamen again at this time.

Although it's fine even if he doesn't go, after all, Bingmasi is an errand entrusted to him by Emperor Ningkang. In order not to leave a bad impression in the mind of the boss, he needs to firmly control Bingmasi, including He must know the major events that happen every day in the jurisdiction.

Inside the house, Xiangling and Qingwen changed his official uniform together.Looking at the two pretty girls of equal size beside her, one is exquisite and graceful, the other is slender and demure, both of them are first-class romantic.

Jia Lian thought, it seems that they are almost ready...

Qingwen bowed and fastened Jia Lian's belt, looked up to see Jia Lian staring at them, then pouted and smiled back.

Being provoked by her, Jia Lian naturally couldn't bear it, grabbed her water snake's waist, lowered her head and kissed her bright red mouth.

"What are you doing, the girls are still outside..."

Qingwen didn't let Jia Lian get her way easily, she tried her best to turn her head away, and finally let Jia Lian kiss her flushed face once.

Xiangling Mimi smiled, not surprised.

Although not every time you serve the second master, you will be bullied and frivolous, but it is possible every time.

So much so that every time before serving the second master, they would wonder in their hearts whether the second master would take the opportunity to bully them this time, and how...

Every time I think about it, my heart feels numb.

This is a secret that the two of them cannot tell outsiders.

Letting go of Qingwen, Jia Lian glanced at Xiang Ling with a blushing face, and to be fair, he gently waved to her.

Xiangling, who had already awakened, obediently leaned forward.

Seeing that her second master really lowered his head to kiss her, she also subconsciously avoided it. After all, she was not as firm as Qingwen, and she was kissed straight away.

"Okay, Second Master, you should go!"

Qingwen pulled Jia Lian over forcefully, using words to cover up the jealousy on her face.

Really, just a kiss is enough, it's not over yet...

Jia Lian waved his sleeves, smiled at both of them, and said, "Stay at home and wait for me to come back."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the room, leaving behind two beautiful and charming Qiaobi who looked at each other in blank dismay, no one dared to ask the other party how to understand what the second master said just now!


Jia Zhen drank wine and took a nap in the study for a while, but she didn't want to but had a sweet dream.

In the dream, the romantic and charming daughter-in-law is obedient to him, giving him whatever she wants, making him feel uncomfortable and happy, and her hearty laughter cuts through the entire dream like a long dragon until she wakes herself up.

After waking up, I was filled with disappointment and coldness.

No longer sleepy, he put on his shoes and stayed on the bed, returned to the inner courtyard, and made his way to his son's courtyard.

Seeing a few people who often served her daughter-in-law, Jia Zhen knew that the Qin family had returned to the mansion.

He kept his composure, walked around the main entrance and came to the side yard, Shi Shiran walked in through the moon cave gate, saw the servant greeting him, and asked, "Where is Rong'er?"

"The slave doesn't know, but Master Xiaorong seems to have gone out..."

"This scoundrel, he only knows how to fool around all day long! Go to the front yard and pass on my orders. When you see him come back, report to me immediately."

Jia Zhen said so in her mouth, but she was very proud of her city in her heart.

He knew that every time this little brat was beaten and scolded by him, he would avoid him.

And the best way to avoid yourself is of course to go out and fool around...

So good.

After the servant took the order to leave, Jia Zhen continued to walk in, looking for opportunities.

Walking along the corridor, I quickly came to the door of Qin's room. Seeing that there were only two maids guarding the door, they walked in generously: "Where is Rong'er?"

"Uncle Xiao Rong is not at home, only Grandma Xiao Rong is in the house."

"I see, you go down."

Jia Zhen has long been in the posture of covering the sky with one hand in the Ningguo Mansion. How dare the two little girls disobey his orders, they can only bow and retreat.

Jia Zhen endured the excitement in her heart and walked into Xinxiang's room.

Sure enough, Mrs. Qin was writing on the desk outside, her slender figure was like the most ghostly temptation in the world.

Seeing him coming in, Qin took a few steps to welcome him, and bowed gracefully: "Daughter-in-law, I have seen my father-in-law..."

Jia Zhen looked at Qin Shi, and then heard the ecstasy voice, she almost couldn't help herself, and she also showed a foolishness on her face.

It wasn't until she saw Qin's brow lowered, and there seemed to be fear in her eyes, that she restrained herself a little.

Seeing that Mrs. Qin was only wearing a thin skirt, and she could see that there was only a simple tunic underneath, she said with concern: "You child, even though it's March, the weather is still cold, how do you wear it?" It's so thin, and I'm not afraid of catching a cold.

This brat, Rong'er, knows how to fool around outside all day long, and doesn't even care about his own wife. How dare you miss out on seasonal clothes?Later, I will ask your mother-in-law to buy more clothes for you and send them over. "

Jia Zhen said so in her mouth, wishing that Qin Shi could wear as little clothes as possible, and she didn't think too much about her manners when she spoke, so she walked towards Qin Shi involuntarily, as if Qin Shi was really his child, and wanted to touch her head , Pat on the shoulder.

Qin's complexion was slightly pale, and she took a few steps back quickly.

The Qin family is well aware of Jia Zhen's attempt to put on a show.

As a father-in-law, instead of calling her "daughter-in-law", he affectionately called her "children", which is Jia Zhen's consistent method.

After all, he is a person who grew up among women, so he knows some ways to get closer to women.

Ridiculous, she was really almost lost under such sugar-coated shells before!

That's because, compared to Jia Rong, Jia Zhen at least looks like a man.

However, now that she clearly saw the demeanor of a real man like Jia Lian, when she looked back at Jia Zhen, she felt childish, ridiculous and vulgar.

At the same time, he was also sad for his own situation.

If it wasn't for the glimmer of hope in her heart, she would have given up on this troubled beauty long ago, and died in that serious illness.

Although the window paper between her and Jia Lian has never been pierced, and Jia Lian has never expressed what will happen to her, but she just knows that Jia Lian also likes her.Even if you just like her body, it doesn't matter.

Moreover, she also knew that Jia Lian must have known about the rumors in the mansion last year!

She even guessed that it was because of those gossips that Jia Lian was in the family temple that night, under such a favorable time, place, and beautiful scenery.

She had already jumped into his arms, but he finally put her down as hard as iron...

It would be fine if she had already been sunk and dilapidated, but now that she still retains her innocence, she will not give up the only thing that can show her cleanliness in vain.

She already looked down on herself, and Jia Lian couldn't let Jia Lian look down on her anymore. This was her most sincere appeal.

Therefore, Jia Zhen couldn't do it any more if she tried to make up her mind.

Just looking at him like that, I'm afraid he came today with a premeditated plan...

If, if he really wants to force himself, it's a big deal, it's over.

The gentle and kind-hearted Qin family suddenly had a flash of determination in his heart.

"Thank you father-in-law for your concern, my daughter-in-law has plenty of clothes, so don't worry about it.

Did the father-in-law come to look for Rong'er?
Rong'er is not at home now, when he comes back, I will ask him to meet you in person. "

Qin shi said softly while stepping back.

Jia Zhen looked at the Qin family who was so wary of him and wanted to drive him away, and a nameless anger burst into her heart!

That damned, damn Jiao Da!

Originally, under his plan, he put pressure on Jia Rong and flattered Qin Shi regardless of the cost. Both ways, Qin Shi clearly intended to obey him, and only by adding a few fires at the end, he could embrace the beauty.

In the end, Jiao Da, who didn't know how to live or die, was as obsessed with his mind as a ghost, and he broke his mind in public, making all his previous efforts come to naught, and all his achievements fell short!
That's all, he is very patient, and after the storm subsides, he must be more careful than before before proceeding secretly...

Unexpectedly, after recovering from the illness, the Qin family seemed to have changed his mind, guarding him in every possible way, making him unable to strike!
This was the first time he had run into a wall, and his patience was almost exhausted, and he was gradually getting annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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