Chapter 257
Jia Zhen, who had been in a bad mood for several days, couldn't hold back her face when faced with Qin's eviction order.

Suppressing his anger, he ignored Qin's words, pulled up a chair, looked at Qin's face, smiled for a long time and said: "You child, why are you getting worse and worse, I rarely come to see you, why are you Won't even pour me a cup of tea?"

Qin had no choice but to pour a cup of tea from the side, and brought it to Jia Zhen.

Jia Zhen didn't move at all, until Qin Shi put down the teacup and wanted to retreat, Jia Zhen grabbed her wrist suddenly.


Qin's terrified expression made Jia Zhen feel very excited, she resisted the thought of jumping up, and said with a smile: "My good boy, have you been here for two years, have I treated you badly, why are you so afraid of me?

Or that brat Rong'er, did you say something bad about me behind my back?Let you misunderstand me, huh? "

The Qin family was weak, it was not easy to break free from Jia Zhen's shackles, and she was afraid that the struggle would make Jia Zhen animalistic, so she could only whisper: "Rong'er has always respected you, there is no such thing...

You let me go, you hurt me! "

After all, this place is her son's yard. There are about twenty people inside and outside the yard, and Jia Zhen also has concerns in her heart.

Furthermore, Qin's weak and helpless appearance at this moment gave him a little more confidence, finally let go, and said with a smile: "Your health has always been bad, so I have learned a little medical skill recently, let me show you how it goes ?”

Jia Zhen thinks that she is clever, after all, in his capacity, he made a special trip to study medicine for the Qin family, which shows his love for her.At the same time, he also showed his ability. As long as he is willing, he can even learn medical skills.

Qin is not a three-year-old child, how could he be deceived by such childish and shameless words.

As soon as she got out of Jia Zhen's control, she suddenly retreated to the other corner of the room.

Inside the dustpan containing embroidery tools, there are two pairs of scissors.

"Don't bother my father-in-law, my mother-in-law has invited a doctor to look at it for me yesterday..."

"It's okay, I'll show you again."

Jia Zhen smiled and stood up.

"Don't come here!"

Qin turned around suddenly, took out a pair of scissors and pressed it against his neck.

Jia Zhen's face suddenly became ugly.


Jia Zhen didn't know that in the deep and overlapping compound, not a while after he drove away the maids in Qin's room, there were several waves of furtive figures coming here, after listening for a little movement, they disappeared not see.

He was very angry at this time.

He really didn't expect that the Qin family would make such a gesture before he expressed anything!

This deeply hurt his self-esteem.

Did he think he would rape her?

If he had had this intention, he would have succeeded in the past two years!

Could it be that the other party didn't feel his sincerity at all?


Jia Zhen stared at Qin with a livid face, and finally sighed suddenly: "What are you doing, why don't you put down the scissors and hurt carefully."

Qin shook her head with tears in her eyes: "Please let me go, otherwise, my daughter-in-law will have to die!"

Hearing Qin's breaking the topic, Jia Zhen lost face.

He really couldn't figure it out, so he asked: "Why is this? We were all fine before, why did we suddenly have sex with me after being ill for a while?

You like Zhao Mengfu's "Picture of Drinking Horses in the Autumn Suburbs", I managed to find it for you, and I hung it on the Tianxiang Tower. I asked you to go and see it several times, but you couldn't refuse it. Could it be that you think I can't compare with Rong Son?Or are you worried that I won't treat you well all the time? "

Hearing what Jia Zhen said, Qin Shi felt even more ashamed and embarrassed, shook his head and said: "Master, you and I have different identities, if it gets out, not only you and I will be ruined, but also the reputation of Ningguo Mansion will be ruined.

So, sir, please let me go. From now on, I will be filial to you with Rong'er like my own daughter. "

Hearing the words of her biological daughter, Jia Zhen's body trembled suddenly, and her restlessness became more and more unbearable.

"Huh, what's the end? My Ningguo Mansion has stood for a hundred years, and after many winds and rains, how can it be easily collapsed?

You don't have to be afraid, this kind of thing is really common in our family, and no one really cares about it.

Besides, with me protecting you, even if it gets out, no one would dare to do anything to you. "

Jia Zhen tried to step forward to appease Qin.

"Don't come here!" Qin's hand suddenly exerted force, and the sharp scissors easily pierced her smooth skin.

"No, stop!" Jia Zhen's eyelids twitched, her heart ached.

"Okay, okay, I won't force you, you should calm down first, and talk if you have something to say..."

Knowing that there was nothing to be done today, Jia Zhen sighed dejectedly, shook her head, and was about to turn around and leave.

Suddenly seeing Qin's own calligraphy and painting on the desk next to him, he changed his expression and walked over.

Seeing this, Qin's face tightened, but she didn't have time to hide it, and didn't dare to go over.

Sure enough, after Jia Zhen passed by, her originally relieved expression suddenly turned ferocious.

"Hehehehe, ok, ok, so that's it, you bitch!! I said how you suddenly changed your temper, so it turned out that you fell in love with someone else!
Fortunately, you have the nerve to say that your status is different. I thought you were some kind of chaste and strong woman just now. It turns out that you are so shameless!
What's so good about Jia Lian? He's only a few years younger than me. In terms of virtue and ability, how can he compare to me? ? ! "

Jia Zhen grabbed the manuscripts of poems on the table and tore them to pieces.

But he couldn't understand his hatred, he turned his head and stared at Qin like a beast.

The flames of jealousy, coupled with the anger of failing to show love, were about to burn him up!
That's right, on Qin's desk, there are several poems written by her. Although they are simply covered by a few white papers, they still haven't escaped his eyes.

It was during this period of time that there was an uproar in Beijing, those few poems by Jia Lian!

Jia Zhen is not stupid, so he naturally understood at once that this hypocritical and shameless woman of the Qin family abandoned him and wanted to curry favor with Jia Lian who was in full swing.

"No, no, no..."

Facing the fierce Jia Zhen, Qin, who was quiet by nature, was really frightened and spoke incoherently.

The scissors in her hand became the only thing that could bring her a sense of security.

"Don't come here, if you come here again, I'll yell..."

Holding up the scissors, Qin stared blankly at Jia Zhen.

Jia Zhen sneered.

He could tolerate Qin's temporary rejection of him because of his shame, anyway, he had plenty of time.

However, he absolutely didn't allow it. The reason why Qin refused him was that he had taken a fancy to other men!
Because he couldn't bear it, the fruit he guarded so hard was finally picked by others.

Especially, that person is still Jia Lian.

At this moment, Jia Zhen's disgust towards Jia Lian had soared to an indescribable level.

It can be said that Jia Zhen, who always likes to enjoy playing with women and doesn't like to fight with others, is so eager to disappear from the world alone for the first time!

"Grandma Xiao Rong, there is something going on in the house of Grandma, I want you to come over."

Outside the yard, a girl's voice came.

However, facing Jia Zhen with a gloomy face, Qin's spirit was tense, and she dared not answer a word.

In the end, Jia Zhen was the first to regain some sense. He gave Qin Shi a cold look, and said with a sneer: "Since you have entered our Ningguo Mansion, you will be a member of our Ningguo Mansion in life, and you will be a ghost of our Ningguo Mansion in death.

I want to see how you can escape from my palm! "

Jia Zhen, who consciously knew the truth, no longer pretended to leave such a sentence, and flung her sleeves to leave.

When she came out of the room, she saw the anxious faces of the maids and women outside. Jia Zhen just glanced at them with cold eyes, and none of them dared to look up.

He is Jia Zhen, and this is his Ningguo Mansion, where he is the Heavenly King Lao Tzu.

(End of this chapter)

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