Chapter 258

Outside the west city, in the depths of the Muni courtyard, is a small and cold courtyard.

Standing under the rose trellis, the beauty with a gorgeous figure and an orchid temperament is secretly worried.

"Miss, this is a post from Rongguo Mansion in Beijing."

Suddenly hearing the voice of the maidservant behind her, Miaoyu suddenly turned around and took the things from the maidservant's hand.

It was a post that was almost the same as the one she sent to Beijing in the morning. When I opened it, there were a few words neatly written on it:
"Jia Lian, the insider, would like to pay respects."

Miaoyu's first reaction was that the handwriting was not very good-looking, without good strokes and strokes.

Immediately, I was slightly happy again.A high-ranking official like Jia Lian must have a handwriting style around him. Those kind of people focus on practicing calligraphy first, and they will never fail to write well. From this, it can be concluded that this is Jia Lian's own handwriting.

Thinking about it this way, looking at the neat and concise font on the post, I feel handsome and elegant.

Of course, these thoughts are all secondary, and what pleases her the most is the words "Jia Lian, the insider".

Naturally, she did not forget the post she wrote by herself last night, and she called herself "the outsider from the threshold".

For a wealthy family, the high threshold can last for a thousand years, but how can a person live for a thousand years?In the end, it turned into a handful of loess.

This is the final destination of all beings in the mundane world.

And she compares herself to outsiders, that is, she is an outsider who jumps out of the world of mortals to live and die.

This is the position she expressed to Jia Lian, she is not a mediocre person.

Because she was unavoidably terrified since Jia Lian stole her heart, not only afraid of the world's malice towards her, but also afraid of Jia Lian's underestimation of her.

Fortunately, she really did not misunderstand the person.

That hateful thief is really not an ordinary person, he can see through her thoughts at a glance, and he calls himself "the insider", that is, he humbles himself as a mediocre person in the world.

Even though Qing knew that she was suspected of deceiving herself and others, she was still shocked and happy that Jia Lian could see her heart clearly.

If there is such a thing as a confidant in the world, I'm afraid this is it.

Indeed, if he is a layman, how can he write sentences that make himself feel ashamed?

Miaoyu thought of those two poems that had been circulated in Beijing recently.

They all said it was written by Jia Lian, but no one knew how excited she was when she heard the news.

With her appearance, her talent, and her cleanliness, if someone steals her heart, it must be because the thief is too good and cunning, not because she herself cannot stick to her heart!
Only such a person can make her, a fairy-like figure, fall into the mortal world.

But so what if it is a confidant, after all, good fortune tricks others.

Today is his twentieth birthday, and his family is not sure how to celebrate him.As for my confidant, I can only quietly write a post to him through the high walls of the capital city and the world, and worry about whether he can receive it.

Thinking about it this way, most of the previous joy was gone. He raised his head, looked at the roses blooming against the breeze on the shelf, and suddenly sighed softly:
"Read all the pain of parting in the end of the world, return without a way, like scattered flowers..."

Before finishing a poem, I suddenly heard the familiar voice behind me: "There is no word when looking at the bottom of the flower, and there is nothing in the green window spring and the sky."

That voice was so loud, so soul-stealing, and so close at hand, that she didn't dare to turn her head when she tensed up.

Until her waist tightened, those strong arms encircled her waist as expected, and then the warm breath pressed against her body, making her tremble physically and mentally.

Turning around with difficulty, it really was that hateful thief who appeared behind her at some point and touched her innocent body rudely.

That smile was as captivating as ever, sticking to her ear, whispering a manly breath: "Wait to put down the lovesickness lamp, a ray of new love, thousands of strands of old hatred..."

Miaoyu groaned in her heart, she knew that she must have sunk.


After Jia Lian left the yamen, he remembered that he hadn't seen little nun Miaoyu for a long time.

She is such a noble and narcissistic beauty, she actually made a special trip to inquire about his birthday, and even wrote him a congratulatory note. With such a heart, she should go and see her.

The main reason is that this woman is even more arrogant than Daiyu, if she doesn't respond to her kindness, who knows what things will come out of her heart.

It's better to respond in time.

At this moment, it seemed that his decision was indeed correct.

Judging from the reaction of the beauty in his arms, the other party should be so surprised that she couldn't help herself, and she was subdued by him.

After a long time, Miaoyu woke up as if awakened from a start, and suddenly slipped out of Jia Lian's arms, covered her mouth, and looked worriedly at the back porch.

Although this is her small backyard, no one else can enter, but this does not include her maids and servants.

"Don't worry, I've called all your people away. Only my people are watching outside, and no one else will come in."

Jia Lian laughed.

The people in the Muni Temple are easy to deal with, as long as there is enough money for sesame oil, whoever is the "Buddha".

As for Miaoyu's own two servants, they are naturally even more out of the question.

Just now he bribed Miaoyu's maid and caught her by surprise.

As soon as Miaoyu heard it, she knew that Jia Lian had come here premeditatedly. Although the worry in her heart was gone, the embarrassment followed.

"You evil villain with ulterior motives!"

Jia Lian chuckled, and didn't know who it was, she got carried away as soon as she kissed her, and now that she was satisfied, she started to bite back!
But, Jia Lian still couldn't help laughing at Miaoyu's beautiful face and the smudged lip makeup.

What a monk, he hides in his own Buddhist temple to clean up, and he even paints his lips in pink, which is very beautiful.Although the whole outfit is very light, but the embellishment is just right. According to Jia Lian, it is much more sophisticated than ordinary women from aristocratic families.

That's why, when he met, he couldn't help tasting it.

But seeing the beauty was ashamed, Jia Lian naturally wouldn't argue with her, took her beautiful and soft white hand naturally, and said with a smile, "Let's go, let's talk inside."

Jia Lian's voice was very soft, which made Miaoyu very happy to hear it.
But she still warned: "Just talk, you can't be rude to me anymore, let alone..."

Although the latter words were not spoken, a man could understand them.

But Jia Lian didn't understand and asked, "What can't be done?"

Miaoyu was annoyed and wanted to shake off Jia Lian's hand.

Jia Lian chuckled, "Don't worry, what I want is not only your body, but also your heart."

When Miaoyu heard it, although the words sounded very shameful, but inexplicably, she felt a sense of peace and warmth flowing in her heart.

So he snorted coldly, and reluctantly followed Jia Lian to her clean and warm meditation room.


Miaoyu is indeed a very elegant and exquisite person.

This can be seen from her technique and procedure of making tea.

"Miss, the tea you want."

A clear and slightly childish voice sounded, and Jia Lian, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon watching Miaoyu making tea, couldn't help but glance.

Although Miaoyu was skillful in handling the complicated tea sets, she paid a lot of attention to Jia Lian.

Seeing him looking at the little nun in front of him, he explained vaguely: "This was sent by Jingci, who said you sent someone to this monastery, why don't you know her?"

That Mrs. Jing Ci is a fine person, and she knows how to deal with noble people best.

On that day, the servants of Jia's family brought Zhizhi'er over. Jing Ci saw that she was so beautiful and delicate, so she guessed that she was also someone Jia Lian valued.

Such a little girl could not be placed elsewhere, so she simply gave it to Miaoyu.

"She is from Shuiyue Nunnery next to our family temple. Later, the nunnery over there couldn't accommodate her. I thought she was pitiful, so I found him a place to live."

Jia Lian explained casually, then looked at the smart boy who seemed to be quite docile, and said, "I think you can also see that your new master is extraordinary.

Since you have followed her, serve her well. In the future, there will be your own creation. "


Miaoyu didn't care about a little nun at all, she cared more about whether Zhizhi'er had anything to do with Jia Lian.

Looking at Jia Lian's tone of voice, the smart boy looked at Jia Lian with only respect and no blasphemy, but he was free from doubts.

As for what was not tolerated by the previous nunnery...

She can understand this very well. Originally, she didn't like to get along with other nuns, so her family spent a lot of money to build a Buddhist temple for her to clean up.

Even if she came to the Muni Academy with Master last year, she couldn't get along with the nuns in the Muni Academy.

The reason why the people in the courtyard have grown to respect her in the past two months is because they know that she has fallen into the eyes of the nobles of the Rongguo Mansion!
However, when Jia Lian told Smarter, he still praised her for being "extraordinary", which made her very happy, so she carefully poured a cup of the best tea to Jia Lian, "Please."

Jia Lian took it with a smile, took a sip, savored it carefully, then looked at Miaoyu, and said with a chuckle, "Although the tea is fragrant, it is not as fragrant as a beauty."

"Bah, Dengzizi."

When Miaoyu heard this, she thought Jia Lian was expressing obscenity, so she quickly wiped her mouth with an embroidered handkerchief.She thought to herself, don't let him get away easily next time!
Jia Lian was speechless, did Fairy Miaoyu think too much, he just praised her as a beauty.


(End of this chapter)

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