Chapter 259 Conspiracy

Farewell to the beauty, ride the horse into Beijing.

Because of the good time, he practiced martial arts with his personal guards in the outer courtyard.

"Second Lord, the slave has something to report to Second Master."

Zhao Sheng walked to the side in a steady pace and said in a low voice.

Jia Lian stopped the gesture, looked up at him, nodded and said, "Wait for me in the study."

A quarter of an hour later, Jia Lian came out of the study with a gloomy expression on his face.He glanced back in the direction of the east, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

After returning home, he found that the layout of the courtyard had basically returned to normal, so Jia Lian asked Sister Feng, "Did you not keep Yingchun and they at home to play more?"

"Come on, why didn't I stay? It's just that they don't care about playing with me, a layman. If you don't come back, they all leave."

Wang Xifeng said, holding Jia Lian's arm with both hands, while pulling Jia Lian into the room, he said in a low voice: "Something happened in Dongfu today, do you know?"

"what's up?"

"I don't know why, Sister-in-law You, who has always been honest and responsible, offended Brother Zhen for some reason. The couple quarreled at home, and I heard that Brother Zhen beat Sister-in-law You..."

"It's not like you don't know what kind of person Uncle Zhen is. No matter how careful you are in serving him, there will always be times when he is dissatisfied. It's not surprising."

Although Jia Lian expressed indifference in his mouth, because Sister Feng supported Jia Lian with both hands, her chest was also against Jia Lian's strong arm.That's why she keenly felt Jia Lian's arm move when he said this.

She couldn't help but looked up at Jia Lian in surprise. Based on her understanding of Jia Lian, she could vaguely sense that Jia Lian was not in a good mood now.

She was not astute enough to judge the relationship between Jia Lian and Youshi based on this.Although it is rare for educated people like them to beat their wives, it is not uncommon, let alone Jia Zhen.

She only thought that Jia Lian encountered something unpleasant outside.

I wanted to ask, but when I moved my head closer to Jia Lian, I suddenly smelled a very faint fragrance.

This delicate fragrance was mixed with Jia Lian's sweaty smell from his martial arts training.

Wang Xifeng was familiar with everything on Jia Lian's body, including the smell of sweat, she felt that there was a faint fragrance, which was not unpleasant, so she could distinguish other smells from it.

"I saw that you were in a bad mood when you went out. Why, you dared to get angry when you failed to hook up with a good family outside?"

Jia Lian was about half a head taller than Wang Xifeng, and she had noticed it as early as when she was making small movements.

He was very surprised.No way, he rode back to Beijing, the wind was blowing all the way, and he practiced boxing and kicking for half an hour, she could still smell it?

You know, that Miaoyu is not a woman with heavy makeup, Jia Lian is very sure that Miaoyu should just smell a little elegant fragrance on her clothes.Anyway, even if he is not serious, he can hardly smell it.

Could it be that these girls smelled a special smell that is also secreted by females?

"Don't talk about these things here, I still have something for you.

This is what I negotiated with the master, the approximate amount of various types of wood you need, you will send it to Xue's house, and thank you to my aunt by the way..."

Seeing Jia Lian take out a bill from his bosom, Wang Xifeng didn't bother to investigate the origin of the fragrance on Jia Lian's body, and hurriedly said: "I have to go to the steward's room to do some things later, and when it's time to release the monthly money, I'm so busy. not come.

Besides, I wasn't there when you discussed with the master, so I don't know exactly how you think about it. If you make a mistake in your account, wouldn't it be a mistake?
According to me, it's better for you to go there yourself, and it's not a few steps, so it's not appropriate to explain the matter at once? "

Hearing what she said, Jia Lian didn't say much, put the list back into his bosom, and was about to go out while the sky was bright.

"No matter how busy you are, don't be in a hurry. At this moment, you are sweating. You should take a shower before going there. Be so respectful."

Seeing Jia Lian nodding and sitting down, Wang Xifeng was a little happy.

She has gradually found a way to get along with Jia Lian. Although the unconscionable ones act more righteously, and even say that they are arbitrary, as long as what she says is reasonable, they will still listen to her.

So he hurriedly arranged for the maids to serve and bathe.


In the bathroom in the backyard, Xiangling and Qingwen were alone, helping Jia Lian gently wipe her body.

But Jia Lian was a little surprised to see that Jia Lian was frowning, not teasing them like usual.

"What is Second Master thinking?"

In the end, Qingwen couldn't bear it, she turned her head and asked.

Jia Lian looked at the small head on the stretched slender neck, smiled and pinched Qingwen's tireless face, and said, "I was wondering when I ate you two little girls."


Qingwen's second daughter was immediately ashamed, and Qingwen even resisted and scratched Jia Lian.

But after seeing Jia Lian making fun of them, she didn't do anything else, just turned her body sideways, motioning for them to wipe the other side, Qingwen and Xiangling looked at each other, both a little resentful.

Second master, don't just talk but don't practice.

Today, they were all in suspense for a long time because of Jia Lian's ambiguous words before leaving the house.

In my heart, I just thought that today's happy day for the second master will also become their big day...

"Second Master will say these things to tease us, but in fact he doesn't look down on us at all, he only likes Second Mistress Heping'er!"

Qingwen couldn't help it, and wanted to point out something.

She is the concubine that Jia's mother compensated Jia Lian, but she has been in the yard here for almost two years, and she is still perfect!
If it gets out, she'll be very shameless, okay?

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Jia Lian laughed, little girl, are you thinking of spring again?
Jia Lian was a little proud. It was a very wonderful thing that such a beautiful little girl with a unique personality wanted to dedicate herself to him every day.

In fact, Jia Lian was often impulsive, wanting to accept these two beauties earlier.

However, in this day and age, contraceptive methods are really poor, or they are harmful. Jia Lian doesn't want to hurt the foundation of these two babies.

Anyway, he also had Sister Feng and Ping'er to enjoy the "burnt papers" first, so he was not in a hurry.

Besides, seeing them like this, it is also a different kind of enjoyment to laugh and laugh.

So he brought Qingwen over, punished her slightly, and calmed her restless heart along the way, then stood up, asked them to clean themselves, put on normal clothes, and came to Lixiangyuan.

Lixiangyuan is located in the northeast of Rongguo Mansion, and it is the resting place for the old masters of the old country.

The houses and yards are all small and unique, and the scenery is quiet.

Speaking of which, this was Jia Lian's first visit to Lixiangyuan after Xue's family moved in.

Hearing that Jia Lian came over in person, the Xue family attached great importance to it.

Aunt Xue and Baochai came out to welcome them.

"Meet aunt, sister Baochai."

After greeting and returning the gift simply and skillfully, Aunt Xue welcomed Jia Lian to the main hall. After hearing about Jia Lian's intentions, she smiled and said, "It's just a trivial matter. You can just send a maid over here. Why bother you?" Go for a run yourself."

Naturally, Jia Lian would not say that he was afraid that the little girls would not explain clearly, and said with a smile: "Not really, I just remembered that I haven't come to see my aunt for a long time, it is really impolite. Just take this opportunity, come and have a look, and ask along the way, Auntie You and Baochai are used to living here, but do you have anything to order?"

"Hehehe, my brother has a heart, but you don't have to worry, your wife has taken great care of us and has taken care of everything for us, so I don't need to trouble you."

When asking someone to do something, it is natural to give an attitude, even if it is a small talk, it is better to have a small talk.

So Jia Lian was not busy talking about business, but asked Xue Pan.

"He, he is a horse without a bridle, how can he have a family all day long, no, I don't know who to go out to find.

However, when I heard about your birthday yesterday, he still clamored to go there to celebrate your birthday. We told him that you are not allowed to do it during the filial piety period, so he gave up. "

"So, please ask my aunt to express my gratitude for me when he comes back, thank you for thinking."

Jia Lian naturally knew that Aunt Xue wanted Xue Pan to befriend him.

But he had no choice but, even though he didn't consider himself an elegant person, and he didn't consider himself an upright gentleman, he really looked down on Xue Dafool's vulgarity.

Every time we meet, it's just a nodding acquaintance.


Jia Lian raised her head and glanced down at Aunt Xue, Heng Wu Jun Baochai stood beside her quietly.

I heard that she seems to have failed in the election.

But Jia Lian just took a look, he knew what kind of person Xue Baochai was, not someone like Miaoyu and Daiyu who could be coaxed into his arms with a few words.

At least, the current him is not strong enough to contaminate this woman.

So it's useless to think too much.

After leaving Xue's house, Jia Lian did not go home immediately, but came to the study of Dongkuayuan.

Here, Sun Zairen has already been waiting.

"Little one, see Second Lord."

Sun Zairen is not from the Jia family, so he does not call himself a slave.

Jia Lian didn't talk nonsense with him, and asked a few words about the situation of Juxianlou, and then asked bluntly: "What happened to the matter I told you last time?"

Now Sun Zairen is very important to Jia Lian, and it is common for Jia Lian to order him to do things. To be honest, if he hadn't been astute and able to read words and expressions, he might not know what Jia Lian was talking about.

"Second Master said, is it about getting along with Master Xiaorong of Dongfu and gaining his trust?"

Jia Lian hummed.

"Oh, it's not that difficult.

That uncle Xiao Rong was a licentious person in the first place, after drinking, he was full of righteousness and heroism, under the deliberate fawning of the villain, now he regards the villain as a close friend, and he has nothing to say to the villain.

To be honest with Second Master, this afternoon he and Uncle Xue went to Juxian Building to meet the villain for a drink, and later invited the villain to Pingkangfang to drink flower wine together..."

Having said that, Sun Zairen quietly glanced at Jia Lian.

He is a man with a family and a career, and he is worried that Jia Lian will not be used to such things.In his eyes, Jia Lian is an upright person, because he has been with Jia Lian for so long, and he has never heard of Jia Lian going out to eat flower wine.

Jia Lian could understand his thoughts, "Wine and sex are common things, next time he invites you again, you go. Not only go, but also take the initiative to pay him. I think you should understand what I mean, I will Not one by one.

By the way, you said that he talked to you about everything, but did he tell you that he wanted to climb ashes with his father? "


Sun Zairen was a little dazed, even though he was in his 30s, he also thought he had seen the dangers in the world, so he couldn't help but admire Jia Lian.

After all, things like climbing ashes are still a violation of logic and morality, things that cannot be tolerated in the world, how can Jia Lian speak out openly, and, moreover, it is their Jia family's own family affairs?

"This, he has never told the villain...

But since the second master said so, the villain has also realized it. No wonder, every time after drinking, he always looks bitter, as if there is a monstrous hatred in his heart, but every time the little one waits for someone to ask Him, he changed the subject. "

Sun Zairen said.

Naturally, Jia Lian disdains to cover up the fact that Jia Zhen wants to climb the dust in front of his cronies.Because of Jia Zhen's stupidity and refusal to change after repeated admonitions, she couldn't hide this matter even if she wanted to.

At least, there are quite a few people in the two governments who know about it!

Even Sun Zairen in front of him, who often travels to Jia's mansion, may not have heard of it.

According to the next time, the palace heard that it is only a matter of time!
If the former noble daughter of the royal family was sent to Jia's house, if she still suffers from bullying and humiliation, as long as anyone in the royal family cares about this face, they will not have a good impression of Jia's house.

this is one.

Secondly, although the matter between him and Youshi is secret, it will inevitably not be revealed in the long run.

You Shi was just beaten today, but next time, I don't know what will happen.

He really likes You Shi, a woman who is mature and introverted, knows how to advance and retreat, and can serve others...

Therefore, even in order to protect this woman, Jia Lian had to consider making a move on Jia Zhen's cancer.

Let Sun Zairen come forward, Jia Lian gave him a few words, Sun Zairen showed a little surprise when he heard the words, but he quickly moved away, nodded in response, and then retreated when he saw that Jia Lian had no other orders.

After he left, Jia Lian sat in his study and secretly planned.

A person, a man, no matter how timid and cowardly he is, will accumulate energy if he is oppressed and humiliated for a long time!

The same goes for Jia Rong.

The reason why he can bear it now is because he is used to Jia Zhen's oppression and bullying, and because he has no way to change this situation.

What Jia Lian wants to give is to give him this ability and instill in him the thought that "where there is oppression, there will be resistance".

Therefore, he let Sun Zairen know about the scandal in Ningguo Mansion, and asked him to be Jia Rong's spiritual mentor!

Of course, Jia Lian didn't count on it either. Jia Rong suddenly became angry and turned Jia Zhen into a concubine.

Jia Rong probably didn't have the guts and skills.

This is not what he wanted.

Although Jia Zhen is a licentious person, he is not stupid, at least smarter than Jia Rong.

Therefore, this person, probably only he can deal with.

But it is not difficult to deal with Jia Zhen, the difficult thing is how to deal with the first and last, without falling behind.

Jia Zhen has a title after all!
If one is not handled well, it may kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

Therefore, what Jia Lian needs is a qualified and reasonable backer...

But this matter cannot be rushed, it must be decided before moving.

"Zhao Sheng, Feng Fei, you two come in for me."

Among the five trusted guards, these two are both powerful and relatively calm, so Jia Lian's more important things will be left to them alone.

(End of this chapter)

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