The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 260 An appointment

Chapter 260 An appointment
Jia Lian didn't know that when Zhao Sheng told him what had happened in Ningguo Mansion, a secret note was quietly passed into Daming Palace in the Forbidden City.

It was night, Emperor Ningkang was reading a book in Yangjing in the imperial study, when he suddenly saw his confidant servant bending over and walking.

"What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, there is a secret report from the Imperial Guard."

Emperor Ningkang didn't pay much attention to it. Jin Yiwei, as the eyes of the emperor to monitor the world, has countless memorials to the capital every day.After being screened and sent to his case, there will be some every day, which is not too strange.

However, when he took the secret report and read it, a smug look suddenly appeared on his already majestic and handsome face.

"What a lifeless bastard!"


Under the auspices of Jia Zheng, Jia Lian, Jia Zhen and others, the construction of the Grand View Garden was carried out in full swing.

Firstly, Huifang Garden in Ningguo Mansion, together with all the sites planned to build the garden, were cut off and surrounded by thick cloth curtains. On the one hand, it prevented excessive dust from escaping to the two prefectures, and on the other hand, it did not allow irrelevant people to move around at will.

Then the craftsmen and building materials in the early stage entered in batches and order.Digging ditches, planning roads, and building foundations, the projects are in full swing, so that the two houses, from morning to night every day, what they see and talk about become the affairs of the garden.

And Jia Lian had already explained to his subordinates in the yamen that he would only go to the office in the morning every day, and if he had something to do, he would go back to the house as soon as possible.

If there is an emergency, the yamen will send someone to report it.The yamen of the left and right soldiers and horses is also close to Ningrong Street, so there is no delay.

Jia Zheng saw that Jia Lian had time to preside over the construction of the garden every day, so he simply handed over all the power to him, so that the housekeepers and deacons who worked under him gradually only knew Jia Lian, but not Jia Zheng and Jia Zhen.

When there are things and problems, most of them come to Jia Lian.

On this day, because nothing happened in the Yamen, Jia Lian went back to the mansion early, changed his clothes at home, and prepared to enter the garden.

"Second Master, we also want to go into the garden to have a look, why don't you take us there..."

Qingwen held Xiangling with one hand and Jia Lian's arm with the other, begging.

"Oh, what are you doing in there?"

Qingwen wanted to enter the garden out of curiosity.

Since she was a child, she has never seen such a large project, so she really wants to go in and see the excitement.

Twenty-one is also because of boredom.

Jia Lian spends half of his day in the garden, and the rest of the time he spends most of his time discussing matters with Jia Zheng and others, and rarely has time to go home.

But Jia Lian also won "freedom" for her and Xiangling. When the family had nothing to do before, it was better, she could go to other maids and play with her partners.

Now that everyone is busy with garden affairs, she can't even find playmates.

Xiangling can still hide in the house to read and write, but she is pitiful and has become a lonely ghost.

As for Xiangling...

She knew that Qingwen was afraid of being rejected by the second master alone, so pulling her was purely to make up numbers.

But she won't be so stupid as to tear things apart, it's a good thing to be able to follow the second master.

"We go in with my grandfather, and we can serve him. For example, if he is tired from walking, we can find a stool for him, serve tea and water, and beat his legs."

Qingwen is so smart, but I wouldn't say she is too boring.

Jia Lian shook his head and laughed: "If you really want to go in and have a look, it's not impossible, but not today."

"Ah, why not today?"

Jia Lian didn't answer them directly, but said with a smile: "Tomorrow, if you are free tomorrow, I will take you in for a stroll.

But you better not dress up so nicely like today. "

When Qingwen and Xiangling heard Jia Lian's agreement, they were a little happy, but they didn't know why, so they all looked down at their clothes.

Jia Lian asked Jia Lian to make clothes for the sisters in the family of the palace brocade that the emperor rewarded last time. In the end, even Qingwen and Xiangling got one.

Because it is a spring dress, but now spring has passed, if you don't wear it quickly, and wait a little longer, it will be difficult for your upper body.

Although Wang Xifeng intentionally differentiated their two pieces from those of Daiyu and Yingchun, the workmanship was not as meticulous as the masters.

Even so, the brand-new and bright material was unusually eye-catching, not to mention wearing it on their slender and slender bodies, it was so beautiful.

Therefore, Qingwen and Xiangling glanced at each other to make sure that Jia Lian was not talking ironically, and asked Jia Lian why he said that.

"Tomorrow, you can find two plain old clothes to wear, otherwise I won't be able to take you into the garden.

You are naturally beautiful, and if you dress up so brightly, I am afraid that those craftsmen wielding hoes will accidentally cut off the soles of their feet, and the sin of the two of you will be serious. "

Only then did Qingwen and Xiangling realize that Jia Lian was praising their beauty, they were ashamed and happy at once, and then laughed again.

"It's not as exaggerated as the second master said..."

"It's not too much, you know it in your heart."

Qingwen was delighted by Jia Lian's words.Seeing Jia Lian bowing his head slightly, he pointed to his side face with his finger.

Xiangling and Qingwen suddenly became ashamed, of course they understood what Jia Lian meant.

They looked at each other, and then shyly replied, each of them kissed Jia Lian on one side of the cheek, not daring to pause for fear of being laughed at by the other party.

Jia Lian was also ready to leave contentedly.

"Second Master, wait."

Qingwen came up with her embroidered handkerchief, wiped away the faint lip marks on both sides of Jia Lian, then pushed Jia Lian, and said with a smile: "Second Master, go quickly, come back for dinner earlier."


When I came to the garden, I checked the situation at various construction sites as usual.

The early projects were mainly concentrated on the original Huifang Garden, which is the part of Ningguo Mansion.

Although it's not too hot yet, working on the construction site is still very tiring. At this time, the role of the servants of the two houses should come into play.

Deliver water and food.

Even some easy moving jobs were done by the servants from the two prefectures.

People from the two prefectures joined the battle together to shorten the construction period.

Naturally, Wang Xifeng and Youshi are in charge of arranging these female laborers.

As for Huifang Garden, because it is close to Ningguo Mansion, Youshi is mainly responsible for it.

Naturally, Jia Lian would not go to work in the fields himself. The reason why he entered the garden every day was simply because he wanted to let the Grand View Garden built by Jia's family be fully under his control.

Of course, understanding specific affairs and preventing servants from being greedy for ink is also a role.

The general made his rounds, and saw a girl walking across the original Huifang Bridge. She glanced at Jia Lian from a distance across the river bed where the water source had just been cut off, and then walked back calmly.

"Lin Zhixiao, watch what's going on here, I'll go over there and have a look."

After giving Lin Zhixiao and others a few words, Jia Lian walked away as usual and came downstairs to Tianxiang.

As Tianxiang Building is the tallest and largest building in Huifang Garden, Jia Zhen must be reluctant to "donate" it.

Therefore, when Jia Zheng and Jia Lian cut from Huifang Garden, they only went to the foot of Tianxiang Tower, just to avoid hurting Jia Zhen too much.

There was no one here, so Jia Lian went up the stairs from the turret to the familiar room.

At the door of the room, the servant girl Yindie stood obediently on the porch, she was not surprised to see Jia Lian coming, instead she bowed respectfully and then opened the curtain.

Jia Lian only nodded slightly to her and walked in.

In the fragrant room, separated by two screens, inside the screen, a beautiful woman was waiting for him.


(End of this chapter)

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