Chapter 261

"You, here we come."

Although he and Jia Lian have had skin-to-skin relationships, You Shi still inevitably feels nervous and restrained every time they meet in such a situation.

Jia Lian went to sit on the soft couch covered with neat quilts.

And the dignified Ningguo Mansion's grandma, Mrs. Sanpin Gaoming, at this time, like a maidservant, gently and obediently brought a cup of hot tea over, and personally brought it to Jia Lian to take a sip, then put it aside, and knelt there On the couch, pinch Jia Lian's legs.

Seeing that Jia Lian was enjoying her service as if she had returned to her own home, Youshi showed a smile and a sense of satisfaction on her face, so she kept her hands on her lips and said, "Brother Zhen, today I went to Xuanzhen Temple to pay my respects to our master, and I will be back in the afternoon."

The voice is light and leisurely, like a statement, and like a reminder.

Jia Lian understood, reached out to lift her chin, raised her round and beautiful face, and said with a smile: "So, today's sister-in-law is prepared?"

No wonder this lady would ask him to meet at the same place today, she is indeed a cautious and mature person!

Such a beautiful young woman with a heart, even if she has a private appointment with her after dusk, she doesn't have to worry too much about the beginning and end, because she will do it herself.

Thinking of this, Jia Lian couldn't help but think of the day after his birthday, the day of offering sacrifices to the ancestors in Qingming.

Because Youshi was beaten by Jia Zhen, Jia Lian took the opportunity to meet her alone, and also to appease the injured woman.

Who knew, Youshi was too strong.

Except for the fact that there were a few very faint fingerprints on his face, from his mood and demeanor, he couldn't see the slightest hint of sadness.

When Jia Lian asked about the events of that day, she only said that she was just trying to persuade Jia Zhen: Even if you care about your daughter-in-law, you should be careful in your actions so as not to gossip.

Who knew that Jia Zhen would be furious, and scolded her a lot, venting all the dissatisfaction in the past.

Youshi is a wise and guarded person, usually he would not offend Jia Zhen, but he couldn't hold it back for a while, thinking about his grandma's dignity, he justified a sentence, and Jia Zhen slapped her face.

It's that simple.

That is Youshi, if it were another woman who was a little less sensible, in that situation, when Jia Zhen was in an extremely irritable mood, it would be far from being as simple as a slap in the face.

In short, Jia Lian, who intended to comfort Youshi, did not notice Youshi's sadness, but could see that Youshi was very happy and moved by his intention to comfort her.

Because, what Youshi showed that day was especially obedient and submissive.

It was just at the foot of Tianxiang Tower, in the dim room where Jia Lian first pulled her in to talk.

Afterwards, both Jia Lian and You Shi felt that it was not suitable for meeting there, so the third floor, where You Shi usually used to change clothes, became a new place for them to meet.

It has been more than a month since the garden was built, and this is the third time they have met here.

Facing Jia Lian's frivolous behavior, You Shi seemed a little uncomfortable, but she was trying her best to adapt, because she cooperated with Jia Lian's strength very well, and looked from bottom to top, looking at Jia Lian with style.

"How is the Qin family?"

Qin Shi is an extremely delicate and fragile beauty who cannot stand the wind and rain.

After being frightened and intimidated by Jia Zhen, she became depressed and became ill.

You Shi knew that Jia Lian also cared about Qin Shi, because this is not the first time Jia Lian has shown concern for Qin Shi since Qin Shi fell ill.

Jia Lian didn't even want to hide her intentions, and bluntly asked her to take care of the Qin family.

Faced with her suspicion, Jia Lian revealed to her a little about Qin's true identity...

Although Youshi was shocked by this, she did not completely dispel the suspicion in her heart.

She knew very well that a beauty like Qin's, even if it was a man, would not be able to help but care about her, love her, and get her.

Jia Zhen is a typical example, that old thing is already a bit obsessed with getting what he wants!

Youshi can understand Jia Lian's and even Jia Zhen's mentality.It is impossible to say that there is no jealousy or slander in her heart, but she will not plot to murder Qin Shi because of this.

Even in her opinion, if Jia Lian is really like Jia Zhen, it doesn't matter if she has any thoughts that shouldn't exist.

At least, she is Qin's mother-in-law in name, and Qin's is largely controlled by her.

If Jia Lian wants to get close to the Qin family, he must give her enough benefits...

She doesn't ask for fame and wealth, these Jia Zhen have already given her, she only asks for a warm love from a real man in the world!While she was still young.

As for Jia Zhen... She used to try to help her, but later she realized that they just got what they needed.

She needs the status of the head wife of the Ningguo Mansion, and Jia Zhen needs an obedient and obedient housekeeper who dare not go against his wishes.

So, that slap that day made her fully realize that she finally dared to let go of her figure and take care of her uncle seriously.

After talking about Qin Shi's recent situation, You Shi said with a smile: "If Second Uncle cares about her, he can just go and see her himself some other day."

For this, Jia Lian only touched You Shi's open face, which felt extremely smooth.

Although he didn't see it, he could guess that there might be his reasons why Jia Zhen suddenly didn't want to see You's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

If he went to visit the Qin family again, Jia Zhen would explode in an instant, and it would be these two helpless women from the Ningguo Mansion who would suffer.

However, seeing that You Shi, a smart woman, had a playful and provocative tone in her tone, Jia Lian smiled slightly, stroked her shapely and thin lips with her thumb, and said with a smile: "Okay, aren't you hot? Take off your clothes. "

Youshi blushed immediately, and held back the hand that was massaging Jia Lian, but mustered up his courage: "Just as I said last time, today, let the concubine serve uncle."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Jia Lian flirtatiously, and stretched his hands to his waist.


As time passed, You Shi, who was dripping all over his body, nestled obediently in Jia Lian's arms, softly whispering: "If you just die in uncle's arms like this, you will have no regrets in this life..."

Although it was just an afterthought, Jia Lian still keenly heard the inner meaning.

Although You Shi is very calm and open now, I'm afraid she is still worried and apprehensive, and even, she may be ready to reveal the truth and be ready to die.

The free and easy decisiveness of this woman is impressive.

So Jia Lian gently rubbed his body with one hand, and said with a smile: "Really, if this is the case, why don't you take advantage of the time to do it again?"

Youshi suddenly became embarrassed, she is a woman who knows how to control herself, and she knows that it is too late - she doesn't want Jia Lian to play once and then she doesn't want to play again!

Therefore there was no answer.After a while, Xu Shi felt that it was too quiet, she said softly: "There is one thing that uncle may not know."

"Oh, what is it?"

To Jia Lian, the jade body in his bosom has a unique flavor.

The few women he has dealt with now, including Wang Xifeng, can only be regarded as little women, and they are still different from the truly mature and beautiful young women like Youshi.

"I suspect that Rong's daughter-in-law may still be a virgin..."

Jia Lian's hand tightened, which made Youshi feel it immediately, and there was a look in his eyes that really did.

As a mother-in-law, it is impossible to hide the fact that Qin and Jia Rong sleep in separate rooms for a long time.

You Shi had already had a whole set of doubts in her heart. Last time when Jia Lian told her that there was something wrong with Qin Shi's identity, she almost completed it herself.

Throwing it out at this time is to attract Jia Lian.

"How to say?"

Youshi smiled, propped himself up, and ignored the happy moment, looked at Jia Lian with his body, and said like a husband and wife whispering: "Rong's daughter-in-law has been married for two years, I doubt that she has not consummated the house with Rong'er at all.

One of them sleeps in the inner room and the other sleeps in the warm pavilion. Moreover, Rong'er rarely sleeps in Rong's daughter-in-law's room at all.

Except for the people they serve personally, no one else knows about this matter, and I only discovered it later. "

You Shi intended to whet Jia Lian's appetite so that he would not lose patience after playing a few times.She wanted to call him again in the future, and the other party would come right away.

Therefore, even if Jia Lian asked in detail, she would not tell the whole story immediately.

But she underestimated Jia Lian. Jia Lian knew much more about the affairs of their house than she imagined.

Youshi's words almost made up for Jia Lian's previous doubts at once, making everything suddenly clear.

He finally understood why Qin Shi always had a touch of sadness on his face.

It's also understandable, watching the moon at the family temple that night, after he rejected her throwing himself into his arms, why did the other party hesitate to speak, full of grievances.

Therefore, Jia Lian didn't continue to ask at all, but looked up.You Shi was ashamed, and gently hugged Jia Lian's head.

(End of this chapter)

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