The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 262 Prince Teng Zhangjing

Chapter 262 Prince Teng Returns to Beijing

Jia Jing, the master of Ningguo Mansion, has been a monk for many years and lived in a Taoist temple for a long time.

Therefore, in Ningguo Mansion, even though Jia Zhen and Youshi are called uncles and eldest young mistresses, they are actually the heads of Ningguo Mansion.

Now that Jia Lian is determined to deal with Jia Zhen, it is of course beneficial and harmless to subdue Youshi.

The fortress is usually the easiest to breach from the inside, the reason is very simple, with You Shi providing him with information and convenience, it will undoubtedly be much easier for him to deal with Jia Zhen.

Of course, since Youshi is not a stupid woman, the possibility of obeying him mindlessly after being educated twice is extremely low.

So Jia Lian will not be blindly confident and tell Youshi his intention to deal with Jia Zhen.

Human nature is complex, interests and feelings, many times, there will be a trade-off between pros and cons.

Even if Youshi doesn't like Jia Zhen anymore, Jia Zhen is still her reliance. In terms of interests, Youshi definitely doesn't want Jia Zhen to have an accident.

Unless, one day her adulterous affair is revealed, then perhaps Youshi will take a firm stand in order to protect herself.

But Jia Lian is not a person who likes to take risks. He likes to plan ahead, so this matter can be done without telling Youshi. When that day comes, no matter how Youshi understands, the difficulty and harm will undoubtedly be much smaller.

Walking around from the room, one could see Youshi's maid Yindie standing on the corridor, her body shrunk slightly, and her legs were awkwardly clamped.

Xu Shi heard footsteps, she turned her head and saw Jia Lian, calmed down and bowed herself: "Second Master..."

"You've been here all the time?"

Hearing Jia Lian's question, the little girl felt a little embarrassed.

Of course she didn't dare to say it, she couldn't help hiding behind the screen and took a peek before, so she said condescendingly: "Yes, the servant has been guarding here, this is the order of the grandma..."

After Yindie said this, she realized that Second Master Lian was worried about the safety of this place by asking this question?

So he added: "Except for me, Chaodou'er is still guarding below..."

Youshi is very cautious, for such a big event, it is natural to take care of safety issues.

Her spacious and complicated dressing room has doors leading from the front to the back. If there is any trouble outside, she can let Jia Lian leave through the back door, and the turrets are all safe passages.

Unless, someone surrounded Tianxiang Tower in advance...

As for the possibility of her two confidants telling the truth, it is almost zero.If the grandmother who has been in charge for so many years does not have the ability to subdue two confidant maids, she is too incompetent. Moreover, as long as these two maids want to survive, it is impossible for them to betray her.

Of course, Jia Lian was not worried about safety issues. In fact, even if he was discovered, he would not be afraid.

He just felt that this dedicated maid had worked hard, so he looked down at her.

Although her looks are not as good as Qingwen and Xiangling's, but being able to serve as Youshi's personal maid, naturally she won't have a bad life.

With a delicate appearance, and a young girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, regardless of her stature or face, she is youthful and beautiful enough, so Jia Lian took a step forward, stretched out her hand to pinch her face under the suspicious and evasive eyes of the other party, and said with a smile : "Serve and take good care of your grandma, we will never treat you badly, understand?"

"Yes, servant girl, I understand..."

Yindie nodded hurriedly, but her small face was pinched, which made her movements a little uncoordinated.

My heart was also throbbing, and I thought to myself, could it be that the second master Lian also took a fancy to me and wanted to...

Before she could complete her imagination, Jia Lian had already thrown away her hand and turned back the same way.

Jia Lian's manipulation of the silver butterfly was just a matter of will.After many years of experiments on maids such as Ping'er, Qingwen and Xiangling, Jia Lian has a deep understanding of the psychology of these little girls.

Evoking their inner expectations and desires can often make them more loyal and sincere.

Yindie, a little maid, naturally didn't understand the reason behind it. Seeing Jia Lian's stalwart figure disappear into the corridor, her heart was still not at peace.

Second Master Lian is really a scourge. If he is willing, even a woman will not be able to escape his clutches!
It's no wonder that even the eldest grandma is willing to take such a big risk to ask him to come here to meet...

Taking a deep breath, Yindie hid all her thoughts in her heart before entering the house.


"Second Master, I found you."

Jia Lian slowly returned to the garden, and not long after, Lin Zhixiao's daughter Xiaohong came looking for her.

"What are you here for?"

"Second Mistress asked me to look for Second Master, and said that if Second Master has nothing important to do, call Second Master to come home."

Xiaohong is an exceptionally smart maid, she speaks clearly, this is the reason why she was able to be reused by Wang Xifeng in just a few months.

It's just that she is too young, only thirteen or fourteen years old, younger than Qingwen.

Anyway, it was time for lunch, so Jia Lian followed Xiaohong back home.

Sure enough, Wang Xifeng and the others had already set up lunch and were waiting for him to come back.

However, Wang Xifeng sent Xiaohong to find him on a special trip because of something else.

"My second uncle wants the class teacher to return to Beijing, do you know?"

Wang Xifeng said happily.

Although the Wang family is not like the Jia family, which has hereditary title inheritance, but in recent years, because of her uncle Wang Ziteng, the lintel of the Wang family is not weaker than the Jia family at all!

This is also one of the reasons why she and her aunt Mrs. Wang can both marry into Jia's mansion, and they are both married to the head of the family, because Jia's mansion also needs an in-law who is in the court and has enough weight!

Today's Wang Ziteng is already a first-class congregation.

Looking at the entire Great Wei Dynasty, there are less than five fingers of military officers who can compete with Wang Ziteng.

From the first rank, he is already the pinnacle of the military officer, and if he goes on, he can only join the cabinet.

"Oh, uncle is going back to Beijing?"

"Hehe, just now my aunt sent someone to tell my wife that I'm afraid I will be able to enter Beijing within a month."

Jia Lian nodded. This is a good thing. Wang Ziteng is a representative of the four major families. With him in the capital, it will be more convenient for him to do things.

As for why Wang Xifeng told him the news excitedly, Jia Lian saw through it at a glance.

Look, my old lady is also a person with a background, with my second uncle around, you don't want to bully me!

"come over."

"doing what?"

Wang Xifeng was about to sit down to eat, but when she saw Jia Lian asking her to go, she still came over.


Sure enough, he spanked her again unscrupulously.


Wang Xifeng immediately opened her teeth and claws, and carefully glanced at the maid who was serving vegetables next to her.

Ping'er was not surprised at all, but Xiaohong was the first to see the domineering second grandmother being beaten... Although she was beaten, why did she feel weird?

Suspicious Xiaohong didn't understand, but she was smart enough to know that she shouldn't show any expression at this time.

"Why, isn't it natural for a man to beat his wife? Do you still want to beat him back?"

Jia Lian glanced at Wang Xifeng and said casually.

Wang Xifeng spat lightly.

Of course she knew that it was only natural for a man to beat his wife, which was often said by those incompetent men in the market, but it didn't exist for people like them.

Therefore, Jia Lian can only make fun of her by saying this.

At the same time, he also knew that Jia Lian had seen through her little thoughts, and this was her response!

But, even though I was beaten, I didn't feel like I was beaten at all. Instead, my buttocks were crispy...

Thinking about it again, Jia Lian seems to be addicted to beating her now, and he hits her from time to time, but compared to Uncle Zhen over there, he really beats Sister-in-law You in the quarrel, and his heart is inexplicably sweet.

No matter how incomprehensible a woman is, after being trained by her own man for a long time, she will realize it by herself.

Wang Xifeng knew that this was a small means of loving and sweet flirting between husband and wife, and she had long accepted it in her heart.

It's just that Jia Lian absolutely shouldn't, shouldn't embarrass her in front of the maid.

So after changing his complexion a few times, he stretched out his hand and pinched Jia Lian's arm fiercely as a sign of revenge, then pouted and sat on the other side of the kang table angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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