The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 267 Forced Marriage

Chapter 267 Forced Marriage
"That day at the Royal Horse Court, you were able to save him.

Bengong wanted to reward you heavily, but His Majesty said, you are already a fourth rank even if you are young, and you still have a noble title, so it is not appropriate to reward you too much, for fear that your foundation will be disadvantaged.

The palace has listened to His Majesty's suggestion. "

The Queen Mother said flatly.

Regarding this, Jia Lian thought to himself: What is not good for my foundation?It's just that you sneaked out of the palace to play and didn't want to be known by the world, so it's not easy to give rewards, right?

From this point of view, it should be for nothing to save you, as if there is no benefit to be gained.

"The Empress Dowager speaks seriously. It is my duty to be loyal to the emperor, and I dare not seek rewards."

Although what Jia Lian said was high-sounding and flawless, perhaps it was because the Empress Dowager put herself in Jia Lian's place to think about Jia Lian's feelings after entering the palace, so at this moment she actually felt the slight resentment in Jia Lian's heart, and said with a smile:
"Although you don't intend to confer rewards, it's not my royal demeanor to not reward you. It just so happens that my palace is destined to be with your sister, so yesterday, I discussed with His Majesty to promote your sister Concubine Jia to a noble concubine, which can be regarded as honoring your Jia family." The lintel is gone."

Jia Lian's heart moved, if so, it would be considered a good reward.

But Yuan Chun should have been promoted to imperial concubine according to reason, why is it attributed to himself now?

That's all right, Yuan Chun was originally Jia Zheng and his wife's biggest hole card when they faced him, but now their hole card is also in his favor, let's see how they can play against him.

So he hurriedly thanked the queen mother for her "grace".

After finishing the opening, the Empress Dowager and the attendants on the left and right made a gesture, and the attendants understood, and quietly called the redundant people in the palace to leave the palace.

Then the Empress Dowager raised her arms, and a female officer helped her up and walked down the steps.

After staying in the hall for a while, Jia Lian's eyes got used to it, the bead curtains could no longer block his sight.

Now that the queen mother came down from the first seat, she could see it more clearly.

The floor-length palace skirt, the majestic phoenix crown, the gorgeous silk drape, and the finger cots inlaid with gold and jade, these extremely noble costumes are all installed on a tall, graceful, and beautiful woman.

For the first time, Jia Lian really felt what is the majesty of the mother's ceremonies in the world!
She just walked a few steps like this, which brought Jia Lian a little bit of oppression, making him afraid to look directly.

This is completely different from the feeling of the woman I saw that day!
Is the clothes different?

No, there is also the mentality.

On that day, he didn't know that this woman was the queen mother, but he simply thought that she was a beautiful royal woman.

The Empress Dowager showed her majesty to the outside without any concealment. She pushed back the extra palace people and got off her seat because she didn't want too many people to hear what she said next.

She walked in front of Jia Lian, slightly parted her lips, "I called you here today, and I have another matter to discuss with you."

As she said that, the queen mother also looked at Jia Lian's behavior and appearance at close range through the curtain in front of her.

Sure enough, it is different from others.

It's no wonder that the picky little girl can refuse everyone else, but she falters and haws to this kid, and refuses to tell the truth.

"Please tell me, Queen Mother, as long as it is a matter within the responsibility of the humble minister, the humble minister will definitely follow it?"

"A matter of duty?"

The queen mother was keenly aware of the problem with Jia Lian's words, and felt a little displeased.

Do you still use this palace to discuss with you about your duties?This kid is actually a cunning one.

But in front of Bengong, it's useless to play tricks.

"I ask you, what do you think of Princess Zhaoyang?"

"Her Royal Highness Princess Zhaoyang is valiant and heroic. She is the most elegant of the royal family. She has the style of an ancient heroine. She is naturally a person who is like a genius, and it is not for foolish officials to make unreasonable comments."

The queen mother frowned slightly.

Although it was just a simple temptation between each other, she had already seen that Jia Lian didn't seem to have the heart to climb the dragon and the phoenix.

"You have the grace of saving me in this palace. I want to betroth Zhaoyang to you. I wonder if you are willing?"

After all, it is the queen mother, and it is impossible to cancel her plan just because of Jia Lian's unwillingness.

Jia Lian was also silent, and after a while Fang said: "The queen mother may have misunderstood, the subject had already married a few years ago, and the husband and wife are harmonious. Therefore, forgive me for being superficial, and I will not be blessed to accept the queen mother's kindness."

"Hmph, husband and wife are harmonious, is that true?"

Being rejected by Jia Lian face to face, the queen mother seemed a little annoyed.

"According to what I know, the Wang family is just an orphan girl with no knowledge of etiquette.

I have been married to you for several years, and I never know how to care for my husband and children, and I am always competitive.

Bengong also heard that he even entangled and wrestled with you in front of his servants. So, can it really be regarded as a harmonious husband and wife? "

Hearing that the Queen Mother could say so much in one breath, Jia Lian's heart sank slightly.

It seems that the Queen Mother really came prepared.

If facing others, Jia Lian naturally has countless words to refute, but for the Queen Mother, everyone may have to be careful!

So Jia Lian cupped his hands and said: "Please forgive me, the queen mother, the life between husband and wife is like a fish drinking water, knowing whether it is warm or not.

What other people say is not enough. "

Like a fish drinking water, it knows its own temperature...

When the Empress Dowager heard this, she seemed to be moved in her heart.

But what she is plotting is related to the life of the person she loves the most, so she cannot allow her to worry too much about other people's feelings.

"You really don't want to? Do you know how many people from the rich and powerful in Beijing deeply admire Zhaoyang and cannot ask for it.

I just see that you are a rare talent, and I have kindness to you, so I give you kindness.

In other words, there are not many people in the world who dare to go against what this palace decides.

Discussing with you now doesn't mean that I have nothing to do with you. "

The queen mother did not have any lies.

Although seizing a husband is not a glorious thing, but the royal family, how can there be no privileges?

Among other things, as long as the Queen Mother tells Emperor Ningkang, even if Emperor Ningkang, as a "son", does not want to bear a dishonorable reputation, can he really disobey the Queen Mother and get a reputation for being unfilial?

And Emperor Ningkang, as the emperor, really wanted his courtiers to marry his daughter, not to mention that he was just a married man, even if he hid in the mountains to become a monk, he could be found out!

"Thank you Queen Mother for your kindness, I am ashamed of myself, please take back my life."


Looking at Shen Jun's face, bowing his hands and cupping his fists, Jia Lian, who was obviously dead-headed, the Queen Mother's calm face finally revealed an expression of anger.

It seemed that there was something cruel to say, but after thinking about it, he didn't. Instead, he looked at him for a while, waved his hand and said, "Okay, you step back."

Now, Jia Lian was stunned.

He raised his head and glanced at the Empress Dowager, making sure she was not joking, so he waved his hand and left apprehensively.

As soon as Jia Lian left, the maids and eunuchs in the hall couldn't help but look at each other.

Today, my eyes were opened. Someone really dared to reject the Queen Mother face to face. Moreover, it seemed that the Queen Mother was not too angry! !

"Come out."

With the support of the female officer, the queen mother returned to the phoenix chair and said softly.

Following her voice, a slender figure muffled out from behind the large screen behind the phoenix chair.

The Queen Mother waved to her, and the woman came over and snuggled into the Queen Mother's arms.

"Why, are you unhappy?"

The Queen Mother asked with a smile.

Princess Zhaoyang shook her head, trying to hide her inner emotions.

Although she also objected to the emperor's grandmother doing this before, but when she was really rejected, she still felt inexplicably frustrated in her proud heart.

"Emperor Grandmother, I think he is right, 'like a fish drinking water, it knows its own temperature', since he likes his wife so much, then we don't need to be such villains who break up other people's marriages.

It's not true that your Zhaoyang is no longer wanted..."

Hearing that the girl turned her back and blamed herself, the queen mother squeezed her face angrily.

"You still have the nerve to say, if it wasn't for you to pick and choose, this one has a bad character, and that one has a bad appearance, and it's so easy to pick one out for you, and you still think that they talk too little and are boring!

If not, do you think I am willing to be a villain? "

The Queen Mother was very angry. For more than a month, she had at least arranged three or four waves of young men to enter the palace, and tried every means to create opportunities for Zhaoyang.

After all, she took the trouble to choose by herself, and picked out a few, but she was still picked out by her faults.

Only when talking about Jia Lian, Zhaoyang hesitated. As someone who has experienced it, how could the Queen Mother not understand that she liked Jia Lian!
This is what happened today.

For this, she has made a lot of preparations...

Helping Yuan Chun to be promoted to imperial concubine was just her preliminary means to win over Jia's family. If things were done successfully, she would have many matching plans to ensure that neither the Jia's nor the Wang's would have much to say.

Unexpectedly, in the first step, Jia Lian had an accident here.

That kid looked shrewd, but who knew that he was actually a stunned young man who dared to reject her proposal in public!

(End of this chapter)

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