Chapter 268 Summoned
"Hmph, this stinky brat dares to reject Ben Gong face to face. If he is really Ben Gong, there is nothing he can do about it."

The more the Queen Mother thought about it, the angrier she became.

It's not that she forced Jia Lian to make great sacrifices. Her Zhaoyang was obviously excellent in terms of status, appearance and temperament. What did she promise to humiliate him?
Although she wanted to achieve this peacefully and didn't want to use her status to intimidate her courtiers, it didn't mean she could allow Jia Lian to ignore her majesty.

"I heard that the second-rank general Zhenyuan ordered today that Jia Wang's family also entered the palace?"

The Empress Dowager called her servants to inquire, and when she got a positive answer, she sneered, obviously preoccupied.

Princess Zhaoyang was a little apprehensive, but the Queen Mother said: "Don't worry, I won't do anything to her, don't you wonder what kind of woman that is, who can make him protect her like that, even you can compare it to her?" but?"

Princess Zhaoyang couldn't say anything more, of course she was also curious.

However, her mentality is somewhat different from that of the Queen Mother. She knows that as long as the Queen Mother is determined to choose a son-in-law for her, she will have no peace.

In fact, it's not that Jia Lian won't marry, it's just that compared to those people she's seen before, Jia Lian wins her heart the most.

Both handsome and rigid.

And she always felt that there was something different about Jia Lian. For example, when the other party saw her, the most favored princess in the royal family, who didn't like red clothes and armed, she didn't look like other men.

She wasn't too respectful, and she wasn't too flaming, as if she was an ordinary princess.

At the same time, Jia Lian was also the first young man she felt she couldn't see through, and he seemed to be able to look down on her from a high place. Although she didn't know where Jia Lian's confidence came from, she just had this feeling.


In short, Jia Lian can attract her.It would be fine if the other party didn't get married. Then, she must find ways to get him, which is more ruthless than the emperor's grandmother!


There are many rules in the palace, Jia Mu and others entered the palace, and it took half a day before they were able to talk about their parents and family relationship with Yuan Chun in Fengzao Palace.

Because of the grace in the palace, the family members of Jiaofang were allowed to visit the palace on the 26th of every month, so this time they met, Jiamu and the others were not as tearful as when they came in to see the concubine just after Yuanchun.

It seemed peaceful and happy.

When paying his respects, Yuan Chun personally helped all the elders up one by one, and when it was Wang Xifeng's turn, he couldn't help but take a few extra glances.

Jia Mu laughed and said, "You don't even remember her? This is Feng girl."

The last time she entered the palace to thank her, Wang Xifeng was still white and was not qualified to enter the palace to thank her.

Later, when he went to the palace to visit Yuanchun, only Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang entered the palace.

Therefore, this is the first time Wang Xifeng has entered the palace to see Yuanchun.

Yuan Chun shook his head: "Of course I remember her. When I was a little girl, she was very naughty. I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, she not only became a big girl, but also turned out to be so beautiful.

Brother Lian, you are lucky. "

Yuan Chun's words not only made Jia's mother and others laugh, but also made Wang Xifeng feel embarrassed.

When Wang Xifeng was a child, she often visited Jia's mansion, because her cousin Yuan Chun was not a few years older than her, so the two of them were naturally acquainted.

After a brief ceremony, the five imperial orders of the Jia family sat down with the first and second guests on the Yuanchun equinox to talk about family routines.

Since it is just a gossip, it is inevitable to talk about the reasons for Yuanchun's promotion for a while.

Although Yuan Chun was in the palace, he often cared about his relatives and hoped that the family would be harmonious.

She intended to maintain the relationship between the two families at home, so she smiled at this moment: "Speaking of which, I have to thank Brother Lian for this matter."

"Oh, what does that have to do with him?"

Mother Jia and the others were surprised, and even Wang Xifeng, who had become well-behaved here, quietly raised her head.

Yuan Chun didn't think it was necessary to hide his family members, but he glanced at the servants around the hall, most of them were concubines, and after thinking about it, he said tactfully: "Brother Lian is a blessed person. This time, I have been honored by him, and here, please ask Feng girl to express my gratitude to him after I go back."

Seeing this, Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang looked at each other in blank dismay.

After all, she is not a fool. Looking at Yuanchun's expression just now, she also knew that there was a reason why she didn't make it clear, so she didn't dare to ask.

It's just the shock in my heart, but it can't calm down for a long time.

It's really crazy, even Yuan Chun's promotion to the imperial concubine can have Jia Lian's relationship?
Naturally, Wang Xifeng was also shocked, unconscionable, it's really so powerful?
In the past, I always heard from other places that she still felt a little unrealistic. After all, she and Jia Lian are so familiar that they know every skin on each other's body like the palm of their hands!

At this time, Wang Xifeng felt a little belatedly seeing all the noble concubines and empresses say so.

Is the unconscionable really so powerful?It seems that we need to think more about ways to win over his heart...

Before he could think of a specific way, Wang Xifeng was a smart person after all, and immediately smiled back at Yuan Chun: "Your Majesty is too serious, it is his honor to be able to help your Majesty, there is nothing to be thankful for.

Speaking of which, he is used to being domineering at home, but you are the only one who respects your empress the most.

Let’s just say that the family is building a family-friendly garden for your mother. He is doing everything by himself, even pushing aside the affairs of his own yamen. He goes home early every day and goes to supervise the work in the garden. He is afraid of those housekeepers and craftsmen. Our errands are not good.

At first I didn't quite understand the reason for his dedication, but now that I see the golden face of the empress, I know that the empress is such a kind, amiable and admirable person, so I understand.

He, he just wants to build the garden as soon as possible, so that he can invite your mother to go home and have a look. "

Yuan Chun laughed at what Wang Xifeng said.

Glancing at Mother Jia and the others, seeing both Mother Jia and Mrs. Wang nodding indifferently, she knew that Wang Xifeng was not exaggerating and talking nonsense, so she couldn't help feeling a little moved.
But she still said: "The matter of visiting relatives is the grace of the Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager, and I will be grateful for the grace of the bathing heaven.

However, the family must not spend too much money and waste too much money and material resources on it. "

In this regard, Jiamu and others can only respond naturally.

While chatting comfortably, a servant came to report: "The Empress Dowager summoned the second-class Zhenyuan General to order Jia Wang to come to Weiyang Palace immediately."

Hearing this news, not to mention Mother Jia and others, even Yuan Chun was surprised, and hurriedly asked: "Did the Queen Mother summon her alone?"

The servant nodded, saying that the eunuch, the chief eunuch of Weiyang Palace, personally delivered the oral order just now, and now people are still waiting outside the palace gate.

Mother Jia and others all stood up, not knowing what to do.

The queen mother usually does not see her family members, but the queen presides over matters such as inviting An Xie'en.

That's why they didn't go to Weiyang Palace before.

Who would have thought that the queen mother summoned them in person, and Wang Xifeng alone, when they didn't go?

Wang Xifeng's expression was even more perturbed, she just wanted to enter the palace today to enjoy the excitement, to show off her imperial status, and she only wanted to watch a play and eat melons, how could she have expected that the most respected empress dowager in the world would actually call her name!
It's better to order her one by one, which can't help her not feel guilty.

Still Yuan Chun said: "You go, the Queen Mother is an easy-going person, as long as you are modest and cautious, there will be no problem."

So, Wang Xifeng had no choice but to calm down and follow the eunuchs out.

Along the way, Wang Xifeng did his best to guess why the Empress Dowager called her, and he didn't even pay attention to the palace's architectural layout and routes.

Until an eunuch approached her and whispered next to her: "General Jia entrusted the servant to deliver a message to Madam, and please Madam don't worry, don't contradict the Empress Dowager, General Jia decides everything."

Wang Xifeng was shocked, and was about to ask a few questions, but the eunuch quietly left the team and left directly.

After a while, he finally came to a different kind of palace, and entered a place even more magnificent than Yuanchun's bedroom.


(End of this chapter)

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