The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 272 1 Everything Has Me

Chapter 272

Inside the ornately decorated carriage, Wang Xifeng groaned, opened his mouth and let go of Jia Lian's arm.

How could she have thought that under such circumstances, Jia Lian would still be contemptuous of her!
Because he raised his red phoenix eyes, he glared at Jia Lian shyly and angrily.

Naturally, Jia Lian would not be afraid. Wang Xifeng's mood is unstable now, and she needs some spiritual therapy for her.

So he wrapped his arms around her waist with one hand and continued to comfort her with the other. Then, as if communicating normally, he asked softly, "Tell me, what did the Queen Mother tell you? Only after you tell me, I will know what to do next."

The tears on Wang Xifeng's face were still there, but she was very ashamed by Jia Lian's behavior.

In this airtight eight-carried sedan chair, in this solemn palace, doing such meng lang's actions made her feel both absurd and exciting.

However, this stinky man doesn't want himself anymore, why can't he put it down so much?
Therefore, he acted like he was wronged, and cried: "Didn't you fall in love with some princess? Why are you still treating people like this? Don't worry, I won't hinder your future and wealth. If you let me go, I will immediately Move back to Wang's house..."

"It's really a stupid and stupid woman."

Jia Lian lowered her head and kissed Wang Xifeng.

On her face, tears had already washed away the original thin makeup, revealing the already bright and rosy skin.

Wet and slippery, slightly salty with a little tear.

"Stupid woman, now I don't have time to accompany you to act coquettishly and willfully.

Let me tell you, before the queen mother summoned you, she had already summoned me.

If I hadn't rejected the Queen Mother at that time, do you think that the Queen Mother is busy and would specially summon you again?
If I were really a heartless person, I would have already had sex with that young and beautiful princess by now, so I wouldn't have time to take care of you, an abandoned woman with big breasts and no brains!
If you don't answer me honestly again, I will go down. "

Jia Lian looked down at Wang Xifeng with unquestionable majesty.

In the usual way, even if Jia Lian controlled her vitals, Wang Xifeng would probably still be dissatisfied.

Dare to call her stupid and stupid?Dare to say that she has big breasts and no brains... Although I heard this word for the first time, it is not difficult to understand the extremely insulting meaning just from the words.

But, after all, she is still smart, she soon heard a different meaning from Jia Lian's words, which was what she was looking forward to the most in her heart.

The queen mother has already summoned the heartless, and the heartless person did not agree to the queen mother, so the queen mother summoned herself again?
Wang Xifeng's eyes flashed brightly, she seemed to have figured out the beginning and end of the matter.

No wonder, the empress dowager has such a status and such a high-ranking person, but she spent so much time to suppress her. It turned out that they had not discussed with the unconscionable ones, but that they could not subdue the unconscionable ones, so they turned their heads to deal with it Own?
That's right, before going to see the Queen Mother, another eunuch whispered a word to her, but I forgot about it after getting excited.

Come to think of it, is that unconscionable entrusting someone to yourself?

Wang Xifeng, who wanted to understand this point, felt as if a hole had been torn open in the dark smog in his heart, revealing a brilliant brilliance.

"You said, really?"

Facing Wang Xifeng who was still questioning him, Jia Lian slightly twisted his index finger and thumb to show his response.

Wang Xifeng only felt her heart tremble, and hurriedly returned her hand to suppress Jia Lian's troublesome hand, and looked at Jia Lian with watery eyes, and then slowly described what the Queen Mother in Weiyang Palace said to her, in short words .

But as she talked, the look in her eyes dropped again.

She thought, so what if she refuses to abandon her even if she faces persecution from the queen mother and princess unconscionably?

The arms couldn't twist the thighs, and judging by the Queen Mother's attitude, it was definitely impossible to let them go.

Therefore, it is a foregone conclusion that she backed down to make room for the princess.

However, she is content to know that such a heartless person is affectionate and righteous, and has her in her heart.

I only hate the impermanence of the world, and I hate myself for not practicing virtue before, so I can't hold my own happiness.

For some reason, Wang Xifeng, who was able to fully understand the ending at this time, actually gradually receded from the grievance and pain in his heart, feeling quite enlightened.

She turned over and got up from Jia Lian's arms, looking at Jia Lian's sharp face and handsome facial features, she suddenly wrapped her arms around Jia Lian's neck, and kissed Jia Lian's mouth fiercely.

She has to keep this feeling well, so that she won't be able to remember it when she lives alone in a secluded courtyard in the future.

In the matter of men and women, Wang Xifeng, who has always been conservative and can't let go of his hands and feet, is suddenly so fierce, which makes Jia Lian really uncomfortable.

But he could see her intentions from Wang Xifeng's firm eyes.

This woman is really interesting, the superficiality is just her appearance.Only a knight like him can truly discover her beauty and charm.

Although it is a beautiful thing to be frivolously and frivolously ridden by such a beauty, Jia Lian only pampered her for a while, then mercilessly tore her off her body.

Facing Wang Xifeng who was ashamed, bold, and dissatisfied, Jia Lian tidied his sleeves, wiped his mouth with his palm, and said: "Enough is enough, the general still has things to do, go back I'll let you take advantage later."

Jia Lian's words made Wang Xifeng suppress the excess emotions, and her shame as a woman dominated, so her face turned red.

But seeing that Jia Lian was about to get up and go out, she seemed to have realized something, and quickly stopped her: "What are you doing? You...don't be stupid, didn't you send someone to tell me earlier, don't contradict the Queen Mother, you...? "

When Jia Lian was out of the harem, he heard that the queen mother had summoned Wang Xifeng, because he had nothing to do in the forbidden palace.

Fortunately, he has a little friendship with several big eunuchs in the palace, so it's no problem to give them some benefits and let them spread a harmless word.

That was the only thing he could do for Wang Xifeng at that time.

Seeing the worry in Wang Xifeng's eyes, Jia Lian patted her plain hand that was holding onto her sleeve, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, everything is up to me.

You go back with the old lady and the others, and wait for my news. "

Jia Lian's smile is what Wang Xifeng thinks is the most lethal thing to her in the world.

What's more, how could he, how could he use such a smile and say such words...

Everything has me.

Wang Xifeng's eyes were wet. Based on her understanding of Jia Lian, she had guessed that Jia Lian probably wanted to do something for her.


However, if this is the case, Jia Lian needs to face the queen mother directly.

Wang Xifeng, who had just experienced the supreme coercion brought by the Queen Mother, was naturally very worried.

"But what? Don't worry, I'm not as stupid as you. I was scared to cry by the Queen Mother in Weiyang Palace before?"

"You..." Before Wang Xifeng was completely moved, he was trapped in his heart.

But Jia Lian obviously didn't intend to talk to her anymore, so he put down her hand, opened the sedan chair curtain and went out.

So her face became serious, and after a while, it turned into a smile.

No matter what, Jia Lian treated her like this, she felt that everything was worth it.


She suddenly lay down by the car window, trying to open the curtains, but she didn't have the real courage after repeated two times.

She is afraid that her fragility will be seen by those irrelevant people.

In the end, she just muttered in her mouth: "Even if you can't be a husband and wife, you must be good, you must..."

Outside, Jia's mother, who had been paying attention to the movement, heard that Jia Lian had come out, so she poked her head out and waved to Jia Lian.

When Jia Lian walked over, Jia's mother asked, "Lian'er, won't you go back with me?"

When Jia's mother heard that Jia Lian asked the bearers to stop here first, she had some bad guesses.

"Yes, ancestor, you go back first, grandson still has something to do."

Seeing Jia Lian nodding her head in reply, Mother Jia took a look at Jia Lian's expression, and said, "Lien'er, although I'm quite reluctant to part with Feng girl, don't be stupid about this matter.

Let's take good care of her in the future and make up for her. Don't be impulsive and offend the Queen Mother. "

Mother Jia is a person who has experienced too many things. She knows that young people are bloody, and they are most likely to make big mistakes when they are loyal for a while.

She knew that Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng were getting better and better now, and Jia Lian was a proud person who would not listen to advice, so she was afraid that Jia Lian would offend the royal family for Wang Xifeng!
In Jiamu's eyes, if someone else in the royal family has room for change, but that is the Queen Mother!
Who dares to disrespect someone who even obeys the emperor's orders?

Among other things, Yuan Chun was able to be promoted to imperial concubine because of a word from the queen mother?
Before Wang Xifeng talked about Jia Lian's rescue of the queen mother, Yuan Chun took advantage of the situation and said the reason why she was promoted to imperial concubine.

In the eyes of Jia Mu, the queen mother is a saint, an inviolable existence.

Once violated, not only the wealth of the family is gone, but also unforeseen disasters will come.

Jia Lian also looked at Jia Mu, who had a cautious face in front of her, because Jia Mu was sitting in the sedan chair, and Jia Lian stood upright, looking down.

Jia Mu was not used to being treated like this, so after a while, she felt a little hairy.

Fortunately, Jia Lian didn't delay too long, and immediately saw him cup his hands and said: "Don't worry, the old ancestor, and the grandson will save it."

After finishing speaking, Jia Lian didn't give Jia Mu a chance to say more, looked up at Jia Zhen and the others beside her, and asked them to escort Jia Mu back to the house.

And Jia Zhen, who was planning some kind of evil idea, naturally wanted to come up to persuade her at this time. Regarding this, Jia Lian just casually said a few words as before, and then watched Jia's five-carriage sedan chair leave the palace.

As an official of the imperial court, most places in the palace were unstoppable, so even if Jia Lian turned back the same way, he was not expelled or questioned.

Until you come to the gate of the inner palace.

Facing the imperial guards who were staring at him all around, Jia Lian smiled and said to the eunuch on duty: "Jia Lian, the second-class Zhenyuan General, please see the Queen Mother, and ask your father-in-law to report on your behalf."


(End of this chapter)

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