The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 273 Garden Encounter

Chapter 273 Garden Encounter

Naturally, the queen mother did not refuse Jia Lian's request to see her.

However, when Jia Lian was led by the palace people to Weiyang Palace again, he was told that the queen mother was changing clothes and could not see him for the time being.

Jia Lian didn't object either, and followed the eunuch's instructions to go inside.

I thought the eunuch was going to take him to a side courtyard to wait for a while, but unexpectedly, turning left and right, I came to a small garden full of flowers, fragrant and quiet.

Judging by Jia Lian's sense of orientation, this place is probably approaching the backyard of Weiyang Palace.

Not knowing what the queen mother meant by this move, the eunuch seemed to have fulfilled his mission, bowed slightly to Jia Lian, and retreated without saying a word.

Jia Lian, who had watched many palace fighting dramas in her previous life, couldn't help but speculate in her heart. Looking at this posture, could it be that the queen mother wanted to frame herself and force herself to submit?

Still, someone is going to frame the Queen Mother... Could it be that if he walks any further, he can stumble into the Queen Mother's dressing room by mistake and see something that shouldn't be seen.Just when the sky thunder was stirring the fire, there were some concubines and the like, who lured the Supreme Emperor to catch the traitor, and then the elderly Supreme Emperor was pissed off when he couldn't come up, and the country was in chaos...

Before Jia Lian's conjecture was complete, he walked to the open place and glanced at him, and Jia Lian understood what the Queen Mother meant.

Walking in front of a gazebo with four-cornered eaves, Jia Lian cupped her hands to the woman in court attire who was standing with her hands behind her back, and said, "Jia Lian, I pay my respects to Your Royal Highness the Princess."

I have to say that the Queen Mother really has a heart.

What is this, to create a chance to be alone and make him change his mind?
To be honest, if Wang Xifeng hadn't become more and more obedient, and if marrying the princess really went against his lofty ideals and ambitions, he couldn't help but be a little tempted.

After all, this princess is not ugly. If you marry her, you can still have people like the queen mother and the emperor as your backing, and you will be able to act in the future. It is like a miracle!
The people in the pavilion didn't seem to know that Jia Lian would come, so she turned around slowly upon hearing this.

Under the beauty that is not considered peerless, the long figure and the palace skirt around the waist seem to be a bit less heroic than the well-dressed princess I saw in the prince's courtyard that day, but more feminine. Graceful beauty.

"Long time no see, General Jia."

Princess Zhaoyang smiled slightly at Jia Lian, and then beckoned with one hand, "I have prepared a pot of tea here, I wonder if General Jia would appreciate it and taste it with me?"

Although she had changed into a palace dress, Princess Zhaoyang still showed a male-like free and easy manner in every gesture.

She didn't even show any court etiquette, as if she and Jia Lian were friends whom she hadn't seen for a long time, she simply invited him into the pavilion to drink tea.

Princess Zhaoyang was well-known, and Jia Lian had no ill feeling toward her, so facing such a kind princess, Jia Lian cupped his hands and smiled, "It's my honor for the princess to appreciate the tea."

After finishing speaking, he walked into the pavilion.

There is only a stone table inlaid with jade in the pavilion, surrounded by low stools, with a pot of tea and a tea tray on the table.Inside the tea tray, there are only two high-quality teacups, which are simple yet elegant.

Seeing that Jia Lian was so knowledgeable and straightforward, Princess Zhaoyang also showed a little joy on her face. She made a gesture of "please" again, and after Jia Lian accepted, she graciously sat in the proprietor's seat.

Taking out a teacup, picking up the teapot and pouring tea into it gently, Princess Zhaoyang said with a smile: "The imperial grandmother gave me several complete sets of tea sets, but I'm not very good at making tea, so I didn't take them out. Make a fool of yourself in front of the general."

Jia Lian laughed when he heard the words, he naturally understood that Princess Zhaoyang was explaining why she invited him to drink tea in such a simple and rude way of pouring tea from a big teapot.

"The princess was joking, I'm a rough person, and I usually drink tea like this.

On the contrary, the wives and concubines in the family like to make those complicated and elegant things, and I don't like it too much, so I just pour it casually and drink tea to my heart's content. "

A group of wives and concubines...

No matter how casual Princess Zhaoyang is, she is still a woman, and she is a woman, so it is impossible not to pay attention to some things.

But when she raised her head, she saw Jia Lian's natural expression, looked at her, and nodded vaguely, as if responding to her doubts.

Yes, I am such a libertine.

Princess Zhaoyang suddenly smiled knowingly, and she said, no man would emphasize that he has many women in front of other girls, so he deliberately said it to her.

But she knew that the imperial grandmother had questioned Jia Lian about his details in detail. If he was really a man with many wives and concubines, the imperial grandmother would definitely not hide it from her.

Thinking of this, Princess Zhaoyang wanted to laugh, but also felt pity.

He really didn't care about himself.

"General Jia, can you tell me how you and your lady met? Was it a family marriage, or...?"

Princess Zhaoyang picked up the teacup and handed it to Jia Lian. Without waiting for Jia Lian to thank him, she asked straight to the point.

Jia Lian looked around and saw the calm look in Princess Zhaoyang's eyes, she knew that this princess was really not an ordinary person, at least her city and bearing were not comparable to Wang Xifeng's.

Since she has never been shy and knows everything well, and has no intention of covering up, Jia Lian is also willing to be honest with each other.

"The subject and Zhuo Jing are not a simple family marriage, but have known each other since childhood.

When I was a child..."

Jia Lian briefly talked about the relationship between Jia and Wang's family with Princess Zhaoyang.

Princess Zhaoyang seems to be a sensible woman, if she can be persuaded to retreat voluntarily, it will be a breakthrough to reverse the situation.

"So, Chen and Wang grew up together, they can be called childhood sweethearts.

They have been married for several years, although they dare not say they know each other well, they are still harmonious.

She takes care of the inside, and I take care of the outside. Although there are occasional disagreements, they can always compromise and preserve each other. "

When Jia Lian was talking, Princess Zhaoyang just listened with a smile, without any intention of interrupting.

It wasn't until Jia Lian finished speaking that she asked with a smile, "So, no matter what, you won't abandon her?"

Seeing Jia Lian's sincere nod, Princess Zhaoyang suddenly covered her mouth and laughed, saying: "Don't you know, General Jia, that women are jealous? You made your husband and wife relationship so desirable in front of me. With such deep affection and righteousness, it is even more unbearable to want to snatch General Jia from her."

Princess Zhaoyang doesn't believe that a woman like Wang Xifeng who is obviously shallow can become a soul mate with someone like Jia Lian.

The reason why Jia Lian said this on purpose was just to tell her to retreat in spite of the difficulties, and even to persuade her to help them get rid of the situation in front of them.

That's why, Princess Zhaoyang deliberately smiled.

When she said that, she opened the topic.

Jia Lian looked at the active and cheerful princess in front of her who was so unlike the ancients, she also smiled and replied, "I've heard a saying that anything that can be said generously will not be an obsession that cannot be let go.

I believe that with the heroic appearance of Her Royal Highness the Princess, she may not really appreciate the posture of the Pu Liu.

Therefore, the minister dared to ask His Highness to assist the minister to help persuade the Queen Mother to withdraw her order. "


Princess Zhaoyang laughed brightly, and said for a while, "General Jia, he is really an interesting person.

But the general said something wrong, in fact, Zhaoyang really admired the general's "willow appearance", otherwise, he would not have tried everything possible to beg the emperor's grandmother to bring you here for me.

But you came to ask me to help you persuade the emperor's grandmother, so I lost my mind for a while. "

Princess Zhaoyang narrowed her eyes slightly and stared at Jia Lian's face. For a moment, no one could see her true thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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