The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 274 Peugeot Daughter

Chapter 274 Peugeot Daughter
The Queen Mother's dormitory is outside the hall, under the side window.

After the Empress Dowager Zhihei dropped a son, she asked Yuanchun, "What do you think Jia Lian came to ask to see me?"

"Thanks to the empress dowager's attention, he is willing to marry Princess Zhaoyang to him. He has come to thank the empress dowager for her kindness."

Yuan Chun replied without thinking.

The queen mother paused for a moment with her slender fingers poking into the go pot, and glanced at Yuan Chun, wondering whether Yuan Chun really didn't understand Jia Lian or was just pretending to be stupid.

"So, you support him in marrying Zhaoyang?"

"It is his blessing and the Jia family's honor to be able to marry the princess."

The queen mother smiled, "I think so too, I just hope that he can feel the same way."

Yuan Chun paused in his heart, looked up at the Queen Mother, and said, "Don't worry, Queen Mother, this cousin of my concubine has always been the most sensible person.

But he is young after all, sometimes he may be a little stubborn, the concubine and the elders in the family will persuade him well, and I beg the Queen Mother to be more lenient. "

"You don't have to be nervous, he saved Ben Gong once, even for this matter, Ben Gong will be more tolerant to him.

However, I hope he is as you said, a person who can listen to persuasion, otherwise..."

Even though the Queen Mother hadn't finished speaking, Yuan Chun's heart was already slightly shuddered.

Sighing in his heart, he hoped that Brother Lian would not disobey the Queen Mother, otherwise, she would not be able to help him.

Small garden in the back.

Facing Princess Zhaoyang's more direct and revealing words, Jia Lian clasped his hands together and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness, with your heroic appearance, there are countless admirers in Beijing, Your Highness can choose at will, and you will eventually find the right man. "

Princess Zhaoyang smiled and said: "I have already been selected, but unfortunately, people seem to look down on me."

Regarding this, Jia Lian said seriously: "Princess is serious. The princess's heroic demeanor is beyond the reach of thousands of people.

The minister also admires him very much.

It's just... Today, if the minister breaks his promise and abandons his wife because of His Highness's demeanor and status.

In the future, maybe the minister will do something to offend His Highness because of other people or things.

His Highness must not like someone who is so gullible in breaking promises, so I hope His Highness will understand. "

"You're right, but..." Princess Zhaoyang laughed, casually brushing a lock of hair that was blown by the wind to her eyes behind her ears. She put her hands on the stone table, leaned forward, straight Looking at Jia Lian: "Let me ask you, if there was no Wang family, would you still refuse the queen mother's marriage offer to you and me today?"

All high-sounding words are nothing but excuses.

Just like her, she herself didn't like to force others to make things difficult for her, and she didn't want to take her husband, but because it was Jia Lian, the man she liked and admired for the first time in her life, she also acquiesced to the Queen Mother's actions.

It can be seen that Jia Lian is unwilling to violate the principle and abandon the not-so-good Wang family, just because he is not attractive enough to him.

But Jia Lian didn't know what Princess Zhaoyang was thinking, he thought about it according to Princess Zhaoyang's words, and shook his head inwardly.

Seriously speaking, Wang Xifeng is indeed not the best internal manager in his heart, and it took a lot of effort to suppress her in the past two years.

But if there is really no her, or if she is divorced now, the person I want to marry the most...

Lin Daiyu seems to be a little younger.

Xue Baochai, maybe.

All in all, it won't be a princess, even if this princess is as romantic and charming as Qin Keqing.

Thinking about it this way, Jia Lian suddenly felt that he didn't seem to be a person who judges people by their appearance. What he valued more was the soul of a woman?

Facing Princess Zhaoyang's solemn and expectant eyes, Jia Lian said softly, "No."

Since you have something to ask for, you have to say the answer that the other party wants to hear.

Sure enough, Princess Zhaoyang laughed immediately, she sat back and smiled at Jia Lian: "Thank you, General Jia, for speaking frankly, I understand what the general means, but the Queen Mother is not as easy to deceive as I am.

Let me ask you again, if the Empress Dowager insists on making things happen between you and me, what will you do? "

Jia Lian frowned slightly, what can he do?
But I can only understand the reason and try to persuade that's all.

Fortunately, he was kind to the Queen Mother. Judging from the Queen Mother's attitude towards him before, the Queen Mother was not an overbearing person.

Fortunately, Princess Zhaoyang has superior conditions, so it is not necessary to find him to be a successor.

Therefore, this matter has not yet reached the point where it is irreversible and will definitely anger the imperial power.

"The Empress Dowager understands righteousness, and Her Royal Highness understands reason. I also hope that Her Royal Highness can help and persuade the Empress Dowager to withdraw her order."

He also asked her for help, didn't he know that it was very hurtful for him to say that.

Princess Zhaoyang took one last look at Jia Lian, turned around and walked down the tea pavilion.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the Queen Mother."


Because Princess Zhaoyang personally led the way, they soon arrived at the Queen Mother's bedroom.

It was almost the same place and the same situation as before, except that after Jia Lian got up after paying his respects, he found that there was still a woman in a palace costume sitting inside.

I can't see clearly through the bead curtain, but at a glance, I can see that he is about 20 years old, with a dignified demeanor and an elegant temperament.

Based on the memory of his predecessor, Jia Lian judged that this person should be the head of the Jia family's four springs, the famous Jia Yuanchun.

As expected, she was the third woman in Jinling Twelve Beauties, and she was an extremely outstanding beauty just by her figure and outline.

It's a pity that the queen mother didn't dare to look at her face to face.

Inside, the Empress Dowager looked unhappy, and asked directly, "Jia Lian, why did you come to see me?"

"I came here to beg the queen mother to show mercy and take back my life."

"Jia Lian, you are bold!"

The empress dowager was furious, all the maids and eunuchs inside and outside the palace fell silent, and Yuan Chun didn't dare to sit upright, so he hurriedly stood up and gave Jia Lian a hasty wink.

Jia Lian hesitated for a moment, but knelt down to plead guilty.


Ningrong Street, Rongguo Mansion.

Jiamu and the others entered the palace happily to thank them, but when they came back, they were not overjoyed, there was an unconcealable depression in their smiles.

In particular, Lian's second sister-in-law, who always liked to join in the fun, didn't come to Rongqingtang to make fun of Jia's mother. Instead, she hid in her yard as soon as she got home.

Li Wan, his sisters and the others couldn't help feeling suspicious.

After some inquiries, I found out the truth.

It turned out that the palace asked Lian's second brother to divorce Lian's second sister-in-law! !

The news spread, and there was everything to say.

Just what Sanchun and other sisters heard, there are two kinds.

One is that the princess in the palace took a fancy to Jia Lian, so she asked the queen mother to come forward and give him a marriage.

But Wang Xifeng naturally became a stumbling block and could only be abandoned.

The other is that Wang Xifeng did bad things outside and was found out by the palace, who thought that her virtue was not good enough to be the imperial wife, so she asked Jia Lian to divorce his wife!
As for marrying the princess, it was because Jia Lian had saved him, so the queen mother gave him an extra gift to marry him...

Wang Xifeng has a strong personality, decisive and ruthless, married into the Rongguo Mansion for several years, and has the power of housekeeper. There are not a few people who have offended her, and there are many people who hate her secretly.

Now that I hear that she is in trouble, it is not surprising that she has everything arranged naturally.

However, the sisters still have a good impression of Wang Xifeng, because although Wang Xifeng is cruel to his servants, he is still very considerate and tolerant to his family.

When they heard that Wang Xifeng was treated like this, they were shocked and sympathetic, and even couldn't help crying.

Coming out of Rongqing Hall, sisters Sanchun and Daiyu meet to visit Wang Xifeng.

Walking to the courtyard here, it turns out that the originally bustling Fengjie courtyard is now bleak.

All the maids seemed to have been enchanted, and the expressions on their faces were surprisingly consistent, all of them were taciturn.

Seeing them coming in, they all ran away by coincidence.

Ping'er heard the movement and came out.

"Sister Ping'er, Lian's second sister-in-law, let's take a look at her."

Ping'er also had tears on her face. She shook her head and tried to calmly say: "Grandma said thank you for coming here, and she accepted it, but she is not feeling well, and it is sad to see her. Please go back, girls. she……"

As Ping'er said, thinking of her grandma's current situation, she couldn't help but shed tears after all.

Seeing Ping'er's behavior, Daiyu and others were deeply affected, and they all wiped their tears with handkerchiefs.

Daiyu and the others and their maids are all women, so they can empathize with Wang Xifeng's situation.

So I really cry for her.

Seeing the girls and maids shedding tears in a group, Ping'er was afraid that the people in the house would be overwhelmed, so he hurriedly wiped away his tears, and said with a forced smile: "Girls, please go back, our grandma will come to the door to thank you in person..."

Tanchun and the others saw what Ping'er was thinking, and felt that it was useless for them to cry here, so they gradually stopped them one by one, left a word or two of comfort, and left.

They had just left for a while when Li Wan, Baochai and Jia Baoyu came together again.

Wang Xifeng also didn't see her, and Li Wan didn't bother her too much. After she came out, she heard that the sisters were talking in Tanchun's room, so she walked over.

After walking a few steps, they came to the three-room building behind Mrs. Wang's courtyard. Sure enough, Daiyu and others were talking in Tanchun's room, and what they were talking about was naturally about Wang Xifeng.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law Bao, you came just in time. Tell me, what should Lian's second sister-in-law do now?"

Li Wan has always been in charge of taking care of the sisters-in-law in the family, and is the person in charge of the lives of the sisters and others.

And because Baochai is the elder, he is well-informed, calm and rational, and deeply admired by Tanchun and others, so at this time, facing such a problem that they can't discuss, he naturally wants to ask them for advice.

Li Wan and the others sat down, took the tea handed over by the maids, looked at each other, and finally Li Wan sighed: "This matter is not something we can discuss, let alone decide.

Everything is up to the old ladies to decide, we just have to wait. "

Baochai drank tea in silence without saying a word.

For a while Xichun said cautiously: "If, if Lian's second brother really married the princess, then Lian's second sister-in-law wouldn't be able to live at home, then what should she do?"

What else can I do, I can only go back to Wang's house.

But Wang Xifeng's parents are both dead, and her only elder brother, Wang Ren's family is also in the south. If she is really divorced, she may have to go back to her second uncle's house.

Since ancient times, abandoned wives have not even waited to see their biological parents, let alone uncles and aunts?
Thinking about it, everyone couldn't help but feel even more sad for Wang Xifeng.

"I heard that Lian's second elder brother is still in the palace, maybe there is a turning point for this matter.

After all, Lian's second elder brother and Lian's second sister-in-law have a deep relationship, and he would definitely not want to leave Lian's second sister-in-law behind. "

Tanchun said.

But in this regard, it is difficult for everyone to agree.

Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng have a good relationship, which may be justifiable, but it is fantastic to see a turning point based on this.

That's the princess, the emperor's daughter!

What's more, the princess is backed by the queen mother, and she can persuade the queen mother to help her make decisions.

Who can disobey the Queen Mother's edict?
As women, they can sympathize with what happened to Wang Xifeng, and even don't want to see Wang Xifeng in distress.But as members of the Jia family, or people related to the Jia family, they had to consider the interests of the family.

In fact, if Jia Lian could marry the princess and go home, it would be a happy event for the Jia family, comparable to being promoted to a noble concubine in Yuanchun!
For the benefits of the family, it goes without saying.

After all, you don't need to think about how glorious it is to let the royal blood into your own family.

If the princess gave birth to another son, it would at least allow generations of the family to maintain the closest relationship with the royal family!
Because of such reasons that are inconvenient to speak out, the discussion in the room is always silent.

Because Tanchun suddenly saw that Jia Baoyu, who was usually very active and liked to talk about big things, was sitting in a corner blankly while throwing out his own opinions, so he asked him, "Brother Bao, what are you thinking about?"

Jia Baoyu returned to his senses, looked at Tanchun, and replied in a trance: "I just heard in the old lady's room that the princess is a very outstanding and beautiful woman... I was thinking that such a woman must be Zhong Tiandi." If you are such a beautiful person, why do you want to rob Lian's second elder brother with Lian's second sister-in-law?"

This is Jia Baoyu's cover-up. In fact, he is the most emotional and lustful person.

Just the status of a princess is enough, if coupled with the unique favor and her own extraordinary appearance, he will immediately fall into a different thought.

People like Ge Yin are people who can be passed down in unofficial history, and those who can have grievances and entanglements with such people are destined to be not ordinary people.

But why is it Lian's second brother instead of him?
From childhood to adulthood, he was born because of the title of jade, and he has always been the most favored person in his family. He also feels that he is very extraordinary and cannot be compared with all ordinary people in the world.

However, since Jia Lian's sudden emergence, his self-confidence has been insufficient.

Because he discovered that the Duke's Mansion, which had been revolving around him, now revolves around Jia Lian most of the time.

Even now, even such a famous princess has a lot to do with Jia Lian?

This made Jia Baoyu a little inexplicably sad.

Could it be that he is really not the only darling in this world?
Jia Baoyu was a little dazed.

Seeing his dumbfounded appearance and his stupid speech, Li Wan and the others expressed that they were not surprised.

Jia Baoyu was originally a person with unusual thinking, and he couldn't hear the words "daughter" and "beautiful", especially when they were combined.As soon as you hear it, you will definitely suffer from dementia and say some silly and crazy things.


 My mind is in a mess, I can’t write more, I’m crying (attached with Wang Xi’s pineapple flower raining expression)~~
(End of this chapter)

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