Chapter 276

"The empress dowager forgives the sin, this minister is not determined to oppose the empress dowager.

Weichen also knew that the Queen Mother's gift of marriage to Weichen was out of appreciation and love for Weichen.

If the minister is not married, he must be ecstatic about it, and serve the queen mother like a real grandmother from then on.

However, after all, the minister has already married the Wang family, carrying a big sedan chair eight times, and the vows of the mountains and the seas are the only way to marry her into the door. "

"The Empress Dowager is a sage in this world, she is gracious and benevolent, known by both the government and the public.

Moreover, the queen mother is also a woman, and she should know that once a woman marries, she will entrust everything to her husband.

If you ask me to quit the Wang family at this time, how can you bear it?
That Mrs. Wang is an ignorant woman. If she is sent home like this, I'm afraid she won't be able to bear such a blow. If something unexpected happens because of this, how can the queen mother bear it, and how can I ask my ministers to feel at ease from now on ?
In this way, even if we marry His Royal Highness Zhaoyang, I am afraid that the two of us will rarely have a happy and peaceful death in the future.

Wouldn't it violate the Queen Mother's original intention to make His Royal Highness Zhaoyang happy? "

Jia Lian turned his focus to the matter of divorce, but the queen mother did not hold on to her previous words.

Seeing that what Jia Lian said was so true, like Yuan Chun and Zhao Yang, she was a little silent.

She didn't expect that Jia Lian was more masculine than she imagined, and even more... admirable.

"Besides, the ancient method has a training, seven out, three not out.

The so-called three do not go.

One is to marry but have nothing to return to.

The queen mother may not know that Wang's parents are dead, and her only brother is far away in the south of the Yangtze River.

If we abandon her at this time, she will not even have a place to return to.

Doesn't this just belong to having something to marry but no one to return to?
Second, Yu Geng was mourned for three years.

Although Mrs. Wang did not keep filial piety for her parents for three years, when her father died in early spring, Ms. Wang took care of his father's funeral for her ministers for more than a month.The sincerity of his filial piety, the minister asked himself.

Isn't this enough to account for one of them?

Three, be poor first and then rich.

Before the Wang family married the minister, the minister was still a dude, and everything was blocked and everything went wrong.

After marrying the Wang family, Fang gradually improved.

Up to now, the humble official occupies the fourth rank, the title is added to the body, and the wealth is far more than ten times that of before.

Isn't this the one who is poor first and then rich!

According to the teachings of the sages, if a woman does not go out of these three, if she has one, even if she violates the rule of seven, her husband's family must not give up.

Not to mention, the Wang family did not violate the seven-out rule, but those who did not go out of the three would get all of them.

In such a situation, how can the teaching minister have the heart and how to abandon him without any shame?

If I really do this, not only will I have no face to meet relatives and friends, but I will be condemned by scholars all over the world. I am afraid that if it is spread, it will also hurt the Empress Dowager's morality.

Therefore, the humble minister did not dare to obey the Queen Mother's order, and asked the Queen Mother's Sacred Heart to understand. "

After Jia Lian finished speaking, the huge main hall of Weiyang Palace could hear a needle drop.

Even those court ladies and eunuchs are often stunned.

How much General Jia loves the general's wife, and how hard he puts his heart into saying such words in front of the Queen Mother!
Even the servants were deeply touched when they heard this, and felt that if a woman could find a husband who protected her like this in this life, death would be enough.

After all, it's all about what people say.If it wasn't for sincere protection, how could it be possible for the woman they had met once to be as good and pitiful as General Jia said?
Inside the bead curtain, Yuan Chun, who was kneeling on the ground with Jia Lian, put aside his family interests for a moment and looked back at Jia Lian.

She suddenly recalled the woman she saw in Fengzao Palace before, the brother-in-law and daughter-in-law whom she didn't care much about at first, but at this moment, she felt that her face that smiled like sunshine and cried like rain was a mess no matter how you looked at it. Fu Xiang.

Otherwise, how could she be so lucky to meet a man who treats him like this and who is capable?

Princess Zhaoyang also understood that even if she could snatch Jia Lian over by virtue of her identity and status as queen mother, she would not be able to replace Wang's position in Jia Lian's heart, let alone make up for the rift caused by today's incident itself.

Therefore, she took two steps back and knelt beside the Queen Mother. Although she didn't speak, the meaning expressed in her eyes and actions was very clear.

As a result, the queen mother became a widowed and lonely person sitting alone on the phoenix chair.

No need to be reminded, she has already realized that under such circumstances, if she persecutes Jia Lian again, no matter how you look at it, she will look arrogant and unreasonable!
There are two choices in front of her at this moment.

One is to follow the steps set up for her by Jia Lian's words, to be an individual, generous and benevolent saint.

In fact, she doesn't have to marry Zhaoyang to Jia Lian, let alone be a villain who destroys marriages.

It was just because the first time I saw Jia Lian today, from the first sentence, Jia Lian didn't obey her very much, which made her a little annoyed.

She didn't find it difficult to accept it if she gave up at this time.

It's just that she always felt that if she accepted Jia Lian's words so easily, she would feel like falling into Jia Lian's language trap!
Is Jia Lian really as innocent as he said, caring for his beloved wife wholeheartedly?
The Empress Dowager thinks it may not be so,

Therefore, looking outside the curtain, Jia Lian, who still looked tall and straight even with kowtow on the back of her hand, chose the third way.

"According to what you said, if I don't agree to your request to take back the will, it will appear that I don't know right from wrong and are not human?"

The Queen Mother sneered.

"I dare not, and I don't think so."

"Hmph, I will ask people to investigate whether the facts are as you said. If you ask me to find out, I will not forgive you if you deliberately deceived or induced me just now.

Within seven days, as long as I find out that what you said is not true, or you have other crimes, Jia Lian, you are waiting to bear my anger.

However, for the sake of saving you, I can give you another chance.

Within seven days, before I find any evidence of your crime, I will allow you to turn back.At that time, if you enter the palace with the letter of divorce against Mrs. Wang, I can forgive you for not guilty. "

After all, the queen mother is the queen mother, the most respected figure in the world, so naturally she doesn't want to be led by the nose by Jia Lian.

Therefore, she wants to control the initiative in her own hands.

As for what she said, everyone may have their own understanding of the specific meaning. In short, it is:
She is very dissatisfied with Jia Lian!
She also clearly stated that she would investigate Jia Lian's evidence!
Not to mention the queen mother, even if an official said that to another official, the other party would have trouble sleeping and eating!

Combined with the seven-day limit given by the queen mother, it is obvious that the queen mother is still forcing Jia Lian to submit.

It's just not as tough as before, giving a seven-day cooling-off period.If Jia Lian or the Jia family could not bear her pressure and took the initiative to seek peace, then it would not be her, the queen mother, who was arrogant and unreasonable and forced the courtiers.

Jia Lian also heard some meanings of the Queen Mother. He didn't know if the Queen Mother was serious or just threatening him.

But he didn't dare to bargain any more.

Even Yuanchun and Zhaoyang had knelt down to intercede for him, if they took credit for stroking the tiger's beard again, I'm afraid neither of them would be able to step down again.

Therefore, Jia Lian kowtowed and said: "My minister, thank the Queen Mother for her kindness, and thank the Queen Mother for her generosity."

At least, today's test is over, as for what the Queen Mother will do next, we can only talk about it at that moment.

The Empress Dowager could naturally hear that Jia Lian deliberately used words such as graciousness and magnanimity to misunderstand her intentionally, indicating that she had given up persecuting them.

So he snorted and said: "You don't have to take Ben Gong's words to heart, and see if Ben Gong can cure you in the end.

As for the matter of your husband and wife lending money, I will explain this matter to His Majesty. As for how Your Majesty will deal with it, you can ask for blessings. "

Jia Lian's heart tightened. She dared to take the responsibility for Wang Xifeng because she knew that the responsibility would not pose a big threat to him.

But I can't stand it, it's the empress dowager who personally reported to the emperor!

The empress dowager is the emperor's aunt. If he really wants to deal with him, Emperor Ningkang will not hold back even if he takes care of the empress dowager's face.

"Okay, back off."

Jia Lian was about to say a few more words of kindness to appease the queen mother, but the queen mother threw away the phoenix robe and went to the back hall without saying a word.

Seeing this, Princess Zhaoyang raised her head and gave Jia Lian a reassuring look, then got up and chased after her.

(End of this chapter)

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