The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 277 The Method of Compromise

Chapter 277 The Method of Compromise
The queen mother left, and Yuan Chun also stood up with the support of his personal female officer.

Pass through the bead curtain and come to Jia Lian.

For the first time in nearly ten years, the two cousins ​​really met.

In Yuan Chun's heart, when she first entered the palace, Jia Lian was just a playful and ignorant young man.

Because of the family relationship and the fact that Jia Lian was not well educated, even though Jia Lian was somewhat handsome from childhood, she never took a second look at this cousin.

Unexpectedly, in the past eight or nine years, my own cousin, who is a direct cousin, has changed so much.

Sure enough, he became more handsome, and his temperament also improved...

Jia Lian naturally had an impression of Yuan Chun, which was left to him by his predecessor.Speaking of which, Yuan Chun was only two or three years older than him.

However, unlike him, Jia Yuanchun was raised by Jia's mother, who had the supreme status in the Jia family, and loved him in every possible way since he was a child. The boy who is not hurt is completely different.

The status is naturally very different.

Therefore, Jia Lian even remembered the deep jealousy that this guy in his predecessor had accumulated towards Jia Yuanchun since he was a child.

Of course, there is also a bit of admiration and delusion that cannot be said to others...

After all, Yuan Chun was the only pearl in Jia's mansion at that time, intelligent, beautiful, and radiant, which was normal for the little girl who had learned the same thing from Jia She as a child, and there was nothing wrong with it.

From Jia Lian's point of view at this time, Yuan Chun is worthy of Jia Lian's delusional thoughts. Until now, he has not changed his mind, and is even more charming and charming.

The round and smooth face looks very blessed.

This point is similar to that of Xue Baochai.

Because there were at least a dozen court ladies and eunuchs around, Jia Lian didn't dare to overstep the rules, and took a brief look at Yuan Chun before bowing and saying, "I've seen the imperial concubine."

Yuan Chun also retracted his scrutiny at Jia Lian almost at the same time, nodded in response, and then said: "Brother Lian, the Empress Dowager loves you so much, that's why she is willing to betroth Princess Zhaoyang to you. She should be angry.

Princess Zhaoyang is the most outstanding princess among all princesses and princesses, why do you..."

Yuan Chun naturally wanted to take the opportunity to persuade Jia Lian to obey the Queen Mother's will, but seeing Jia Lian's calm face and deep eyes, he knew that Jia Lian must have understood everything and had a firm mind, and she could not persuade her.

In addition, the queen mother used both soft and hard methods before, and she couldn't suppress Jia Lian, and she couldn't find any particularly powerful words, so she didn't say any more.

On the contrary, the old eunuch from Weiyang Palace next to him echoed at this time: "Your Majesty is right, if you want to talk about our Highness Princess Zhaoyang, then there is nothing to say, this old slave has been in the palace for so many years, and I have never seen someone who is better than our Highness." A better and more favored princess.

The Empress Dowager admired General Jia and was willing to match His Royal Highness, which was the general's blessings from many lifetimes.I also ask General Jia to think more about it, and don't disappoint the queen mother's good intentions. "

Among the old eunuchs in the palace, especially those who can be the chief of the first palace, which one is not the smartest and the most observant?
Leaving aside Jia Lian's own background and future, let's talk about the Queen Mother's attitude towards Jia Lian, which is worthy of their kindness and favor.

Don't look at the empress dowager who was very angry with Jia Lian and spoke a lot... Serving the empress dowager for many years, how have you ever seen the empress dowager talk so much with a foreign minister, so determined to give her darling to him to ruin?
Being contradicted, there is no real Fengyan furious!
You know, the empress dowager entered the palace that year, but within a few years she was crowned the empress.

After His Majesty ascended the throne, he was promoted to the Empress Dowager as a matter of course, and she is truly the most noble woman in the world.For so many years, what did the old man say and what did she do, did she ever need to say it a second time?
Don't say it a second time, as long as she expresses a thought, there will be people scrambling to do it immediately.

The Empress Dowager is a quiet and non-controversial person. Except for the Supreme Emperor and Princess Zhaoyang, she will not even talk to others when she is idle.

Has there ever been a situation like today?
Combined with the fact that the Empress Dowager specially summoned Her Majesty to discuss the rewards for General Jia yesterday morning, it is obvious that the Empress Dowager really took General Jia's life-saving grace to heart.

Therefore, as long as Jia Lian doesn't get too serious and thinks about agreeing to the queen mother at any time, he can restore his future at any time.

Such a person is worthy of their curry favor before being beaten to death.

"Thank you for the reminder, father-in-law."

Jia Lian would not offend the eunuchs in the palace for nothing, so he simply replied, Fang said to Yuan Chun: "The queen mother is a person who can distinguish right from wrong, and has unparalleled holiness, so she won't really care about me."

After finishing speaking, Jia Lian smiled and asked: "By the way, I haven't seen Eldest Sister for so many years, I don't know how Eldest Sister is doing in the palace?
Now the younger brother is no more dandy than before, and he has a little bit of ability. If the big sister needs anything in the future, the younger brother will do his best. "

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern..."

Yuan Chun didn't expect Jia Lian to care about her suddenly, so he replied casually in a trance.

But she didn't care about her own life at this time. She still wanted to persuade Jia Lian again, so she whispered: "Brother Lian, you really have to think about the Queen Mother's words. You are still young and have a bright future. A moment of loyalty offended the Queen Mother.

As for Feng girl...

The Empress Dowager and His Royal Highness Zhaoyang are both big-hearted people. If you really feel sorry for her, you might as well wait for the princess to come in and ask the Queen Mother and Her Royal Highness to take her home.I believe that the queen mother and princess will agree to you for the sake of your sincerity. "

As Yuan Chun said, he glanced at the people around him.

The old eunuch and others smiled knowingly, Concubine Jia is very nice and smart, she knows that we will pass these words on to the Queen Mother.

Jia Lian, who was unsuccessful in changing the subject, was also a little surprised. Yuan Chun dared to say such a thing here, obviously because he had some understanding of the Queen Mother's temperament.

To be honest, Yuan Chun's proposal is a good way to compromise. Observe the Queen Mother's attitude, and the chances of achieving it are quite considerable.

But marrying a princess is really not a good job.

For the royal family, it may be okay to talk once or twice, but after a long time, you will know that the inside is powerful.

Among other things, if you marry the princess, you will have trouble getting through the future with only Miaoyu! !
"Thank you big sister for reminding me, little brother will seriously consider it."

After Jia Lian finished speaking, he said "please", and then he and Yuan Chun left Weiyang Palace under the escort of the eunuchs.


Jia Lian has his own opinion, and Yuanchun can't do it if he doesn't listen to advice.

After all, they are only cousins, and they didn't have a deep friendship since they were young. Talking too much is useless and will cause the other party's resentment, so Yuan Chun can only let Jia Lian out of the harem eagerly.

But this matter is of great importance after all. As a member of the family, Yuan Chun was sent to this position by the family, so he should share the family's worries.

So almost without thinking about it, Xia Shouzhong was recruited after returning to the palace, and bothered him to deliver a letter to Rongguo Mansion.

The chief eunuch of Liugongdu serves all concubines. Strictly speaking, he is the empress.

The reason why Xia Shouzhong was used instead of the eunuchs in his own palace was that it was inconvenient for the eunuchs in his own palace to go out of the palace, and the second was to show the queen and others that she was doing a dignified thing, and it was not because of secrets and treachery that she could not see others of.

As for an old eunuch like Xia Shouzhong, it was obvious that the new imperial concubine in Yuanchun was in full swing, so he naturally tried his best to please her, and soon took orders.

Here, Yuan Chun was still guessing whether Mother Jia and the others could persuade Jia Lian, when suddenly a palace maid who was placed beside her by the concubine came to report: "The concubine summons."

Yuan Chun sighed in his heart, but he didn't dare to neglect, so he could only tidy up.

To be honest, she didn't feel it before being a female official beside the concubine, but now she suddenly understands why the emperor doesn't like the concubine.

Even she, in comparison, would rather serve the Empress Dowager.

When getting along with the queen mother, she feels like a spring breeze.Moreover, she has an intuition that the queen mother has become more friendly to her recently, there must be a purpose, but she does not feel any malice, so she is willing to get close.

Of course, this kind of thinking cannot be seen by the concubine.

(End of this chapter)

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