The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 278 Patriarchal Law

Chapter 278 Patriarchal Law
Empress Dowager's bedroom, inner hall.

Princess Zhaoyang circled around the queen mother, trying to please her in every possible way, and finally made the queen mother turn angry into anger.

She reached out and tapped the tip of Princess Zhaoyang's nose, and the Queen Mother forgave her for being unsteady and dragging her feet halfway.

"The imperial grandmother is not angry anymore?"

"Who said I was angry? Angry with you little girl, I'm afraid I would have died of anger."

"Hee hee, I knew the emperor's grandmother was the best."

Rainbow Fart was presented, Princess Zhaoyang rolled her eyes, walked up to the Empress Dowager, and suggested, "Why don't we just let Jia Lian go, but my granddaughter just thought about it seriously and thinks he's not good.

A married man is not good enough for me. "

"Do you really think so, or are you afraid that I will be angry with Jia Lian, so you help him excuse him?"

The Queen Mother asked with a smile.

"Of course I really think so! Hmph, he still doesn't like me, and I don't like him either."

Princess Zhaoyang replied quickly, and at the end, a trace of resentment floated up in her eyes, which was keenly captured by the Queen Mother.

The queen mother shook her head secretly, she knew that her aunt, nephew and granddaughter had a free and easy personality, and her heart was arrogant, the more so, the more it showed that she had a different heart for Jia Lian.

Because of this, Jia Lian became more and more annoyed at Jia Lian's stubbornness and disobedience.

What a brat who doesn't know what to do!
The queen mother scolded Jia Lian in her heart, and then said: "You don't need to intercede for him anymore, I want to see how capable he is and how much pressure he can withstand!"

She originally wanted to accomplish this quietly, trying to keep the negative impact to a minimum.

Who knew that Jia Lian would not cooperate, after today, the news that she chose Jia Lian as her grandson-in-law would spread.

Soon, everyone who should know will know.

As long as she doesn't let go, Jia Lian will be under more pressure day by day.

As for the impact on her, compared to the common people, Jia Lian's "ignorance of good and evil" can be ignored.

As the saying goes, one can be strong without desire, she is neither involved in politics, nor does she need to seek interests for her children and family.

There is only one darling grandniece, no matter how much she does for her, Emperor Ningkang and others can understand.

Besides, if you don't be a bit of a willful person, how can that old woman relax her vigilance...

The old eunuch came in and reported what Yuan Chun and Jia Lian had said before they left. After the queen mother nodded, she immediately ordered: "You go to see your majesty and report to your majesty that Jia Lian of the Rongguo Mansion disregarded the law of the country for lending money, and tell him about mine. Meaning, please His Majesty punish as appropriate."

Seeing the old eunuch take orders, Zhaoyang was a little worried: "Grandmother..."

"Don't worry, your father, you have the right idea."

The Empress Dowager interrupted Princess Zhaoyang's intention to intercede, Huh Xiao Nizi dared to say that she didn't like her, why did she care so much?
Without further explaining Emperor Ningkang's character to Zhaoyang, the Queen Mother turned her head and asked, "How about the compromise method proposed by Jia Yuanchun, what do you think?"

Princess Zhaoyang naturally knew what the Empress Dowager meant, so both parties took a step back and gave the Wang family the status of a concubine to block Jia Lian's mouth.

As a woman, who has never expected to be a couple for the rest of their lives?But the reality is impossible, unless she is willing to find a mediocre man, or a man who she can completely control and is willing to submit to the authority of the royal family.

But this violates her principle of choosing a son-in-law.

What she needs is a husband who stands upright and has great ambitions.

How could such a person be controlled by a woman?
Therefore, she never thought that her future husband would only have her as a woman. As long as the other party was good enough, she would naturally be willing to obey the three virtues and not be suppressed by the royal family.

If she hadn't had such a high standard, she wouldn't have been married to this day.

Therefore, if Jia Lian is really the person she thinks he is, and if Jia Lian also likes her, she can naturally tolerate a Wang family who is ahead of her time.

But the fact is that Jia Lian has not fully shown her ambition, but has made it clear that she doesn't like her.

Now she eagerly agrees to let Mrs. Wang become a junior, but when Jia Lian doesn't agree, doesn't it seem that she loses her identity?
Therefore, he said: "Emperor Grandmother, if we can only use power and make compromises to force Jia Lian to submit, even if he agrees to marry me, he must not be sincere.

If so, the granddaughter would rather not marry. "

Strange to say, she hoped that Jia Lian would adopt Jia Yuanchun's suggestion, but she didn't.

Just now, Jia Lian's words in the main hall made her feel deeply, and her admiration for Jia Lian rose to the extreme in her heart, so she was willing to intercede for Jia Lian.

But if Jia Lian turned his head and succumbed to the authority, forcing Wang to be a minor, wouldn't his previous words appear hypocritical for no reason?This reduces Jia Lian's charisma.

Apart from other things, she hoped that Jia Lian would be a man who would rather bend than bend.

Seeing the entanglement in Zhaoyang's eyes, the queen mother patted her arm, and sighed softly: "You are still young, you don't know how rare it is for a woman to meet a man who makes her heart beat.

Never make a decision that you regret for life because of temporary affection and loyalty.

Happiness is something to strive for. "

The Queen Mother spoke quietly, and did not expect Zhaoyang to understand.The girl who was spoiled by her since she was a child is so proud and arrogant, she may not even understand the word "emotion", so how can she know how to cherish and regret?
So, she has to help her.


Rongguo Mansion, because Jia Lian did not return, Jiamu and others became ants on the hot pot.

I was afraid that bad news would come from the palace in the next moment.

Until Eunuch Xia came with Yuanchun's message.

Xia Shouzhong received Yuan Chun's earnest entrustment, but he did his best to tell Jia Mu and others all the words Yuan Chun had told him.

At the end, he also reminded: "This matter is now spread in the palace. The old lady and the political elder, you two, you have to persuade Master Lian carefully, but don't let such a big happy event go. , screwed up."

"Yes, yes, we know, we must persuade him..."

"Eunuch, please..."

After sending Eunuch Xia away, everyone in Jia's house couldn't sit still anymore.

In the front hall of Rongqing Hall, Jia Zhen stood up all of a sudden, and said anxiously: "Old lady, this matter has too much to do with it, but brother Lian must not be allowed to mess around anymore.

That is the Queen Mother's order, who dares not to obey?
If Brother Lian is allowed to continue to make trouble, our family may be in great trouble..."

Jia Zhen said almost hopping.

The matter was so important that he, the patriarch, couldn't sit still, escorted Jia Mu and others back to the mansion, and just waited here for news.

Even Youshi heard the sound and came over.

Jia's mother and others all felt that what Jia Zhen said was reasonable, and Mrs. Wang was most worried that Jia Lian's waywardness would ruin Yuan Chun's favor, so after careful consideration, she said, "I'm afraid Lian'er is not one to listen to advice.

She even dared to refute the Queen Mother's words, I'm afraid she might not listen to our words. "

Seeing that Jia Zheng and the others were all of one mind with him, Jia Zhen was full of confidence, her eyes turned cold, she patted the handle of the chair, and said in a serious voice: "Because of his young age, we can let him go.

But today this matter is absolutely impossible!
If he is stubborn..."

Jia Zhen paused, Jia Zheng and the others all looked at him with shock and expectation in their eyes.

Seeing the situation, Jia Zhen spoke out generously.

"When brother Huilian comes back, we should try to persuade him. If he is really obsessed with his obsession as the wife said, I think we can only ask the patriarchal clan to punish him!"

Youshi and the others felt their hearts skip a beat when they heard this.

The so-called patriarchal clan, the law of the clan, that is, the family law of the ancestors, education with sticks.

This is the final and powerful measure to be taken against those unworthy children who have been unable to be educated in language, that is, to forcibly teach them to be human.

If Lao Tzu said something to his son, he would just give him a good beating.

But Jia Lian doesn't have Lao Tzu anymore, and neither does Grandpa. To use family law against him, it can only be the law of the clan!

However, the children who are generally dealt with according to the clan law are already "heinous" people whose immediate elders are unable to discipline them. After such people are generally invited to the patriarchal clan, there is a high probability that they will be expelled from the clan.

Jia's mansion has not invited the clan's law to rule the family for many years.

A flame of jealousy burned in Jia Zhen's heart.

If you just don't listen to him and steal his limelight, that's all. As the patriarch, he is not intolerable.

But Jia Lian should never, never should have seduced his Keqing!

No one knew how much his heart ached when Jia Lian's words and phrases appeared on the desk of his daughter-in-law Keqing, who had spent two years in vain.

At this moment, it is the opportunity for revenge.

He hoped that Jia Lian would be tough to the end and not listen to persuasion.

 The queen mother, who is used to bossing her around, suddenly encounters a disobedient stunned young man, it is inevitable that she will not be able to control her temper, everyone must understand.

(End of this chapter)

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