Chapter 279
"I'm afraid it's not right."

Just as Jia Zhen was jumping up and down and urging Jia Mu and others to sanction Jia Lian, Jia Zheng pondered for a long time and said so.

"Lian'er's status is different now after all. It's really inappropriate to use the patriarchal clan system against him. We should try to persuade him to understand the benefits."

Jia Lian has always respected Jia Zheng, and the two uncles and nephews have never had any major conflicts.

And Jia Zheng has always regarded himself as a representative of the family and a person in power, and the prosperity of the family is always in his heart.

If the patriarchal clan is used to punish Jia Lian, there will be too many disadvantages.The ancestral hall needs to be opened, and the clan elders are invited to be present.

Even if Jia Lian can be successfully sanctioned, the most direct possibility is that Jia Lian will be separated from the family, and even fall apart and hate each other.

Unless, they can also deprive Jia Lian of his title...

This is very difficult.

Unless Jia Lian completely offended the royal family and was abandoned by the emperor, and then they manipulated it secretly, it is possible for the emperor to strip the title from Jia Lian and give it to him...

Xio said that it was feasible, even if it was possible, it would still make things worse and seek the reputation of his nephew's title, which he could not accept.

After decades of hard work, I have earned nothing but a good reputation.Fame is the most important thing to him, more than anything else, including titles.

Therefore, Jia Zheng felt that he could not offend Jia Lian.

The Jia family runs the family with filial piety. Jia Zheng is the elder and the son of the Duke. Jia Zhen dare not not listen to his words, at least on the surface.

So even though he felt that what Jia Zheng said was like saying nothing, and that it was useless, he could only reluctantly agree.

I don't know how long I waited, and I don't know how many waves of people were sent out to inquire about the news. Finally, I heard that Jia Lian had returned to the mansion.

"Quick, go and call him over."

Jiamu and the others were in a hurry.


As if Jia Lian didn't know that Mother Jia and others were waiting for him, he rode his horse directly into the Dongkuan courtyard and returned home.

"Second Master..."

The atmosphere in the yard was as gloomy as Jia Lian expected.Most of the maids and servants stood in the corridor outside the main room. When they saw Jia Lian coming home, Qingwen Xiangling and others rushed forward to meet her, with worried and questioning eyes.

Jia Lian patted Xiangling's head and asked, "Where is your second grandma?"

"Second Mistress is in the house, and Sister Ping'er is with her."

Jia Lian nodded and went straight into the room without explaining anything to them.

Sure enough, the rooms were gloomy, and even the air smelled of tears.

The inner room is also messy, there are scattered packages on the cabinets and tables.On the fragrant couch with the veil lifted, the beauty was wearing thin clothes, lying on the pillow, sobbing in a low voice, which gradually became obvious after he entered the door.

Beside the bed, Ping'er saluted him and calmly stepped aside.

Jia Lian walked over and sat by the bed, looking at Sister Feng who was lying on the couch with messy hair and no make-up.

She was lying on the soft bed, her slender but bumpy figure was embedded in the bedding, making her look even more beautiful.

To be honest, it's hard to see Wang Xifeng who is so weak and helpless all over her body.

Wang Xifeng was waiting for Jia Lian to tell her the result, but found that Jia Lian sat beside her for a long time without speaking, and couldn't help but glance back.

Slightly red and swollen eyes, no longer the phoenix power of the past, a bright and domineering face, now also dripping with tears.A few strands of wet hair were attached to the cheeks, making her look even more pitiful.

Seeing her glance at her, Jia Lian quickly lay back on her knees, not feeling amused, because she put one hand on her soft shoulder, felt her sobbing and trembling body, and brushed a few strands of hair sticking to her face with the other hand, and asked with a smile: " How long have you been crying? Look at this pitiful appearance, it doesn't look like our Second Grandma Feng."

At such a moment, Jia Lian was still teasing her, which made Wang Xifeng secretly annoyed.

After she twisted her body to express her dissatisfaction with Jia Lian, Fang sat up and said, "I have packed all my things, and I can leave here at any time, and it will definitely not affect the bright future of Lian Erye.

From now on, you can live together with that princess, and no one can block your eyes anymore.

There is also the little eldest sister, I will take her away first, she is still so young, she cannot be taken care of by her mother, when you remember and recognize her as your daughter, you can send someone to pick her up... "

Wang Xifeng originally wanted to say some strong and ruthless words, but the more he said, the more sad he became, and the big tears could not help but roll down from his eyes.

A beautiful woman weeping is obviously a very sad picture, but Jia Lian wants to laugh for some reason.

Probably because the impression of this woman copying her hands and swearing in her mind is too deep.

After all, she was the pillow person for several years, and the smile in Jia Lian's eyes was quickly accepted by Wang Xifeng. She was very angry and sad, so she didn't want to talk to Jia Lian, so she wanted to stay.

Jia Lian stretched out his hand to stop him: "If you really don't want to have sex with me, are you so unfeeling?"

"Second Master, the old lady, the old lady, and Uncle Zhen are all waiting for you to pass by at Rongqingtang."

There was the sound of a servant girl's announcement coming from outside the window.

Wang Xifeng's heart tightened, of course she knew what Jia's mother and others asked Jia Lian to do.

Just now she asked Ping'er to send someone to find out the attitude of Jia Mu and others, and the feedback she got made her very sad.

Although she can understand Jia Mu and others' fear and powerlessness towards the Queen Mother, she can't help being sad.Years of careful service seemed so insignificant at this moment.

That's why she packed the package and made a gesture of moving back to Wang's house.

But she still has a little hope in her heart, which is from Jia Lian's previous attitude, so she has been waiting at home for news from Jia Lian.

Who knew that this was heartless, and he would just be in a daze when he came back, without saying a word.

"How do you live, can you refuse the princess, or can you reject the Queen Mother's edict?

You also said that I was heartless. I didn't touch any of the things you earned over the years, and I kept them for you.

I don't know, who is the unfeeling... um~"

As Wang Xifeng said, she couldn't help sobbing a bit.

Jia Lian just looked at her, determined to pay more attention to Wang Xifeng's current posture, because after this experience, she probably won't see her often.

After a while, Wang Xifeng smiled and said, "If so, I can really reject the princess, and if so, can I really reject the Queen Mother's order?"

Wang Xifeng's eyes widened quietly, staring at Jia Lian in a daze.

Jia Lian also knew that she was waiting for his explanation, so he smiled and said: "You have underestimated your man again, you should hit him."

As he spoke, he gently pulled Wang Xifeng's body, and gave her two symbolic slaps on her plump buttocks without any resistance from her.

It wasn't until Jia Lian let her go that Wang Xifeng blushed slightly, then wiped away her tears and asked, "Has the Empress Dowager withdrawn her order?"

"That's not it."

The surprise in Wang Xifeng's eyes instantly slipped.

"But that's about it."

Wang Xifeng hesitated to speak, finally bowed his head, and said sadly: "It's at this time, you still bully me, what's going on, you should explain clearly. Look at my downcast appearance, are you very happy..."

"Second Lord, the old lady sent someone to remind you, and said that if you don't come over, she will come over in person."

The servant's communication sounded again outside.

Seeing that Jia Lian still didn't answer, Wang Xifeng finally said: "The old lady calls you, you go first."

"Alright, let's go, let's go together."

Jia Lian took Wang Xifeng's hand, and Wang Xifeng immediately withdrew his hand and shook his head at Jia Lian.

"You go, I won't go...Anyway, if you come to an agreement, just let me know. Don't you agree?"

Wang Xifeng said aggrievedly, on the one hand, she was ashamed to see everyone again, and on the other hand, she knew that there was no room for her to speak after she had gone.

She is not the one who cries, makes trouble and hangs herself, so why bother to make people laugh.

"That's impossible, you and I are the protagonists today, how can we do without you as the protagonist?

Besides, don't you want to know what I did in the palace? I don't want Che Jilu to repeat it. If you don't go there, I won't tell you again. "

Wang Xifeng blushed. After thinking for a while, she raised her head and asked, "You really don't want that princess, and you're talking about moving the Queen Mother?"

Jia Lian smiled, and suddenly said: "You forgot the three chapters of our agreement, I said, as long as you stick to your heart and don't harm others, I will never leave you.

I am a man of my word. "

Wang Xifeng's face blushed, she never paid much attention to the three chapters of the contract, she never thought that Jia Lian would still remember it.

As for what he said "never leave and never give up", the word sounds so touching, but can it really be done?
Although she was not firm in her heart, but seeing Jia Lian's calm expression, she finally chose to believe in Jia Lian.

So he nodded, "Okay, I'll go with you. Anyway, it's already like this, and I'm not afraid of embarrassing myself anymore!"

The reason why she didn't want to see Mother Jia and the others was because she didn't want people to see her as a loser.

She didn't admit defeat easily, but the queen mother put too much pressure on her.

But if there is still a chance, how can she give up so easily?
Regardless of whether Jia Lian comforted her with empty words or sincerely, at least she felt that she was not such a failure.Jia Lian's attitude towards her allowed her to regain some of the confidence that was defeated by the Queen Mother.

So he finally nodded and was led by Jia Lian to the bed.

"Wash your face, our Second Grandma Feng probably doesn't like to show her embarrassing side to others."

Jia Lian's words made Wang Xifeng blush again.

Ping'er had already prepared hot water in the room, when he heard this, he hurriedly twisted the veil over and cleaned Wang Xifeng's face.

(End of this chapter)

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