The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 285 Daughter-in-law has an appointment

Chapter 285 Daughter-in-law has an appointment
After a while, I saw the extremely graceful figure of my daughter-in-law walking in.

She is still so beautiful and romantic.

Jia Zhen put those unpleasant things behind her, walked out of the book case, and faced Qin.

Qin subconsciously took a step back.

Just then Jia Zhen stopped in her tracks, glanced at the two women who came in with Qin and stood at the door of the room, her expression restrained, and she put on a pose, "Why are you here, are you feeling better?"

"Thank you... Thank you for your concern. My daughter-in-law feels much better. I heard that my uncle was injured, so I came here to visit."

"Hahaha, a little injury, it doesn't get in the way, it's hard for your filial piety."

"Besides, Rong'er said that he offended the old man yesterday, and she knew that the crime was serious, so she begged the old man to calm down. Please let the old man forgive him this time because he is young and ignorant."

Qin said softly.When she came to see Jia Zhen, she naturally needed legitimate reasons, such as pleading for Jia Rong.

Therefore, she said it immediately, lest the women behind her speculate too much on her.

"Hmph, this evil...he returned home?" Jia Zhen casually expressed her dissatisfaction with Jia Rong, but looked sharply at the two women at the door, and gestured outward.

The two women received Jia Zhen's intention, bowed hurriedly, and retreated obediently.

With no one else in the way, Jia Zhen lost her worries and walked a few steps forward again, coming to Qin's face and examining her nervous-eyed daughter-in-law.

I have some regrets in my heart.

Today's Qin's dress is too correct.

He still likes Qin's cool and gorgeous dress when he first got married.

He remembered that the Qin family also liked to wear clothes made of silk.Especially in summer, with the light cage tulle, you can faintly see the beautiful and absolutely seductive scene of the fragrant shoulders.

It was also from then on that he swore in his heart that he would definitely get this woman...

Facing Jia Zhen with a "fierce look" in her eyes, Qin couldn't help but tighten her clothes and reminded softly, "Master..."

Jia Zhen came back to her senses, seeing that Qin's attitude was a little different from before, he guessed that it must be that little beast Rong'er begging her to intercede.

Otherwise, this heartless little girl would never come to look for him!

Jia Zhen became a little excited, and said with a smile: "You don't know what that little bastard did, even if you beat him to death, the hatred in my heart will not be relieved.

But, since you came to intercede for him, for your sake, it is not impossible for me to spare him, it just depends on...your performance..."

Faced with Jia Zhen's shameless threat, Qin remained silent.

After a while, Fang Rouju said: "Didn't the uncle say last time that I found a famous painting by Zhao Mengfu? It just so happens that I have been in better health recently. I want to see it. I don't know if the uncle may allow it."

When Jia Zhen heard the words, she didn't react at first, and then she looked overjoyed: "What you said is true?"

Qin Shi glanced at him and said, "If it's inconvenient for the uncle, then forget it."

"Hahaha, it's convenient, why is it inconvenient. It was originally found for you, but now it's in Tianxiang Tower.

Since you want to see it, I will take you there now. "

Jia Zhen was so happy that she immediately went to grab Qin Shi's hand, Qin Shi hurriedly said: "No, it's not good for someone to see it."

"Wait, after dinner, I'll go out to relieve my boredom. I'll go there after it's dark at You hour..."

"Hahaha, okay, okay, everything is up to you, everything is up to you."

Jia Zhen was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.Qin's consideration is so thoughtful, it is obvious that he has really figured it out.

Once the scheming of more than two years succeeded, he felt that he was about to fly.

"Then, about Rong'er..."

"Haha, of course I will listen to you, do whatever you say, good boy..."

Jia Zhen couldn't help but still wanted to get started, Qin quickly stepped back, gave Jia Zhen an annoyed look, turned around and left.


Seeing this, Jia Zhen not only didn't get angry but laughed, stroked her lips and beard, and kept nodding.


Four or five miles away from Jia's mansion, Lin's mansion.

Lin Ruhai, as Daiyu's father, was also one of Emperor Ningkang's most trusted confidants, so Jia Lian naturally never forgot to maintain a good relationship.

Every now and then, he would visit Lin's mansion, and Lin Ruhai would stop by to ask about Daiyu's situation.

But today, it was not Jia Lian who came to visit on his own initiative, but Lin Ruhai sent someone to invite him.

The purpose is still a matter of the palace.

Jia Lian didn't expect that when Jia Mu and others persuaded him not to move, they actually thought of asking for foreign aid.

At noon he came back from Linzi Bo's mansion, and at this time Lin Ruhai called him over again.

However, Lin Ruhai couldn't completely follow Jia's mother's wishes. After listening to Jia Lian's statement carefully, he saw that Jia Lian was successful, so he gave up his intention of persuading, and praised instead:
"Meng Sheng has a saying: Wealth and honor should not be promiscuous, poverty and lowliness should not be moved, might and power should not be subdued, it is a man who acts.

It is rare that you are able to practice the words of the sages at such a young age. This alone is better than tens of thousands of people in the world. "

"Uncle is absurd, nephew is really hard to be worthy of.

Because my nephew is so paranoid and doesn't know how to adapt, it not only worries the elders, but His Majesty seems to be dissatisfied with me. Yesterday, I made a special decree to remove my nephew from his official position. "

Lin Ruhai knew about Jia Lian's dismissal and retained his post before. Lin Ruhai, who had a long career in officialdom, naturally understood such punishment, which just showed that Emperor Ningkang was not really angry.

This is also one of the reasons why he did not try to persuade Jia Lian.

"You don't have to worry too much, His Majesty can tell right from wrong now, since what you did is not a big mistake, I think His Majesty will not really blame you.

So the most important thing is to see if the queen mother in the palace is willing to change her attitude.If after seven days, the Empress Dowager did not make any other actions, the matter would be considered over.

If the Empress Dowager is serious and resolute, I am afraid that Your Majesty will not disobey the Empress Dowager's wishes, and will definitely summon you in person, and then you will act accordingly.

The ancients said, do your best and listen to the destiny, you have done your best, if the facts cannot be done, you should go with the trend. "

Lin Ruhai looked at Jia Lian, although he didn't speak clearly, but he understood the meaning.

If the emperor summons you and wants to recruit you as his son-in-law, then there is no room for turning this matter around. At that time, those who know the current affairs will be the best.

Jia Lian also nodded in agreement.

After coming out of Lin's mansion, Jia Lian went directly to the Yamen of Bingmasi.

"See your lord!"

All the officers and men in the Bingma Division knew that Jia Lian had been dismissed, but no one dared to come out against him at this time, or sing a different tune.

Although only a few months have passed, Jia Lian has already established a relatively high prestige in the army and horse department.

That's not it, generally speaking, a mountain has a first and second in command.

Take Bing Masi as an example, the chief and deputy commanders are the first and second in command, and the deputy commander's biggest role is to restrain the commander, so as to prevent the commander from becoming too dominant in the yamen!
However, since the former Deputy Commander Cui was strangled by the Commander with a deep background, the Ministry did not know whether it was forgotten or it was really impossible to mobilize manpower for a while, so far no Deputy Commander has been dispatched to Xicheng Bingmasi.

In this way, the huge Xicheng soldiers and horses, [-] or [-] officials and generals, are at least three or four ranks lower than Jia Lian in terms of official rank alone!
Not to mention, Jia Lian still has the title of general!

In this case, who would dare to disobey Jia Lian's order?
Although Jia Lian has been dismissed now, he is still in office, and he is still their boss.Moreover, with Jia Lian's background, it is uncertain that one day he will be reinstated as an official. It would be too risky to come out to seek trouble at this time, but any smarter person would not do it.

There are even those who are well-informed, who even know the real reason why Jia Lian was dismissed, good boy, good son-in-law...

Therefore, except when Jia Lian just showed up in the morning, Fan Jin and others expressed their concern for Jia Lian, but after Jia Lian didn't express much, everything returned to normal.Of course, it is inevitable to discuss quietly in private.

"Tonight's curfew and people patrolling the city can be arranged properly."

"Everything has been properly arranged. Commander Zhou is guarding the city gate tonight, and Commander Xie is patrolling the city."

The territory managed by soldiers and horses is wide and there are many things to do. The officials and generals who often stay in the yamen account for more than half.

As the boss, Jia Lian can go home to rest every day, but every now and then, he will still choose to stay in the army to set an example.

But in fact, the soldiers and horses did not want Jia Lian to set an example.

If Jia Lian doesn't come, they can be lazy during their shifts at night and skip two rounds of inspection, but if Jia Lian is here, everyone has to be more serious than usual.

Therefore, when Fan Jin and the others saw Jia Lian coming towards dusk, they knew that everyone should not be lazy tonight.

Especially after nightfall, when Jia Lian decided to lead a patrol in person, even Fan Jin, a civil servant, had to cheer up and follow Jia Lian out to enjoy the night breeze.

There is no way, the boss is already out to work, how can he not be with him as a younger brother?

 Reader: Jia Zhen will never survive the next chapter, right?

(End of this chapter)

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