Chapter 286
Ningguo Mansion, Jia Rong finally came back before dusk.

All the servants in the mansion secretly laughed and mocked, waiting for a good show.

Those with good intentions even placed bets, guessing how badly Jia Rong would be dealt with by Jia Zhen.

But the truth is unexpected.

Although everyone watched Jia Rong shrunk her neck and went to Jia Zhen's study, and Jia Zhen's angry voice could be heard across the yard, but after a while, Jia Rong came out.

That's right, the whole beard and tail came out.

Not even a single hair fell out!

All the servants felt strange.

But Jia Rong, who escaped from the dead, had other guesses in her heart.

When she returned to her courtyard and found out that Mrs. Qin really went to intercede for him in the afternoon, Jia Rong immediately understood everything.

His face was very ugly.

Although he had expected this result when he asked Qin Shi to intercede for him.But if it happened, his dignity as a man still made him feel angry.

This bitch, who wouldn't even let him touch her, really fell in love with the old thing.

I don't know yet, when she went to see the old man in the afternoon, what disgusting things did the two of them do to make the old man so happy and tolerant of him!
Jia Rong is a humble person, he basically expresses what he thinks on his face, which makes the Qin family who is facing him both sad and wronged.

"Why are you looking at me like this, uncle? Didn't uncle send someone to ask me to intercede for you..."

Jia Rong didn't reply, just glanced at her with vicious and disgusted eyes, then left with a snort and flung her sleeves.

You can't offend her now, otherwise she will have to feel better if she has a pillow with the old man.

Jia Rong's attitude made Qin exhausted physically and mentally, and she sat down on the chair dejectedly.

After a long time, he ordered the servant girl to come in and change her clothes.

On the other hand, Jia Zhen, who forgave Jia Rong's crimes, was always in agitation.

After washing his body in advance and trimming his face, he finally waited until it was dark, so he rushed out of the room impatiently, and quietly went to Tianxiang Tower.

He is naturally very familiar with his own mansion.

I made a special trip to walk the path that is not easy to bump into people, and with the help of the lanterns hanging high along the way, I quickly came to Tianxiang Tower.

Because she was thinking of good things in her heart, Jia Zhen felt that she was light and healthy, and could climb up to the third floor without stopping.

The Tianxiang Tower in the night is eerily quiet.

Jia Zhen didn't care at all, and went directly to the room where she treasured the treasure, and took out the key to unlock it.

Perhaps the light was not enough, and the copper lock that had been idle for a long time was really difficult to open. Jia Zhen was struggling when she suddenly heard light footsteps.

Jia Zhen was overjoyed, thinking that it was the Qin family who had arrived as promised, she immediately looked up.

Sure enough, in the shadows, a slender and tall woman came quietly, and she was less than five steps away from him. When she saw it suddenly, he was really shocked.

Because this woman is not the Qin family.

"who are you?"

The woman was wearing a long gray dress with a waist and long sleeves, typical of a servant girl in the Jia family.

But Jia Zhen couldn't tell who she was the maid in the house, because the other party lowered her head and seemed to be very scared.

"Which house are you from? What are you doing here?"

Jia Zhen asked, he thought it was a girl who went upstairs to steal things without permission!
The servant girl was even more afraid of being restrained, and dared not move.

Jia Zhen had important matters to attend to, so she didn't intend to be troublesome at first, she just wanted to force her to find out her identity, so she let her go and deal with it later.

Tonight, I can't let idlers spoil my good deeds.

But when he took a closer look, he found that the maid's figure was unusually beautiful, and she was very similar to her daughter-in-law Qin's.

His heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help walking over, shouting, "Raise your head."

The servant girl didn't say anything, and he directly reached out to lift the other party's chin.

This is a very normal thing for him, as long as it is a maid in Ningguo Mansion, as long as he likes it, there is nothing that he cannot succeed!
With the faint light from the lantern hanging on the other side of the turret, Jia Zhen finally saw a handsome and beautiful face, and he was quietly moved.

He thought to himself that it was a crime that he hadn't discovered such a beauty before.

However, I always felt that this girl looked familiar, but she didn't care, and said in a cold voice on purpose: "You don't know, the servants are not allowed to come up without permission from Xianglou today?

For that alone, you're damned.

But...if you follow me, I will naturally forgive you for your innocence, and from now on, I will let you enjoy the glory and wealth, how about...hehehe..."

Jia Zhen smiled triumphantly, this is his usual method, and it is almost always beneficial to the maid.

Although this servant girl looked weird, as long as it was a servant girl, he would have a way to take it down. It was nothing more than spending a little more effort and money.

The beauty didn't say anything, but just looked at him straight in the eyes, just when Jia Zhen wondered if this is a dumb person, and was about to start directly, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her heart, and she couldn't help but yelled "ah". come out.

He bowed his head with difficulty, and sure enough, at some point, a dagger glowing with cold light was stabbed fiercely into his chest, and the other end of the dagger was firmly held in the beauty's right hand.

Perhaps, this dagger had been hidden in the beauty's sleeve just now.


Jia Zhen looked at the beauty in front of her in disbelief. Only then did he see a trace of coldness, mockery and contempt in the eyes of this weak maid.

Because of this, he finally remembered something.

Beside Jia Lian, there seemed to be two female guards, all dressed in strong clothes riding on the horse, valiant and heroic, he had lusted after him before...

The severe pain in her body couldn't stop Jia Zhen's thoughts from spinning.

It's a pity that the assassin beauty in front of him didn't seem to be prepared to give him extra time. During his struggle, the other hand shot like lightning, grabbed his neck, pushed him onto the railing, and then pressed down hard!
How could the weak Jia Zhen be the opponent of a female assassin who practiced martial arts since childhood, not to mention she was stabbed in the chest?

Thus, the assassin easily pushed him over the fence and, in his desperate fall, jerked his dagger back.

All of a sudden, dripping blood spread out, dyeing the ancient Tianxianglou with a fishy smell.

A "bang" sound came from downstairs, and the female assassin knew that her mission was completed, she immediately turned and disappeared into the darkness.

After an unknown amount of time, accompanied by screams of terror, the night sky of Ningguo Mansion was completely ignited.

Chaos ensued.


The officers and soldiers of the Bingma Division patrolled the quiet streets of Xicheng.

Under the strict curfew system, except inside Fangshi, there will be no unnecessary figures on the avenue outside.

Therefore, the work of patrolling the city seemed a bit boring.

But no one slacked off. Everyone knew that tonight, the Commander was in charge of patrolling in person. If he caught him dereliction of duty, it would be bad.

"My lord, in fact, such things as patrolling the city can be left to the low-ranking people. You have a noble status, so why bother with this, you'd better go back to the yamen and rest."

Because surrender was the earliest and the most straightforward, and now Xie Jun, who seems to be the head of the four major conductors, patted his horse forward and said to Jia Lian with a smile.

Jia Lian glanced at him, and asked with a smile: "Why, even you think that this general's reputation is blown out, and you can't even stand this little tiredness. You can only stay in the official office to handle official documents like a civil servant?"

"Where, my lord is brave and mighty, both civil and military, how can it be compared to those civil servants who are weak and chicken-like.

The humble job just feels that letting adults do such trivial things as patrolling the city is really a big deal, too overkill, hey. "

Xie Jun didn't hide his flattering gesture at all. Behind Jia Lian, Fan Jing, who was barely riding on the horse, rolled his eyelids, feeling offended.

Jia Lian smiled, stopped paying attention to Xie Jun, and looked up to the front.

Not far away is Ningrong Street.

Ningrong Street is the most famous Gonghou Street. The law and order in this kind of place has always been the best, so Bing Ma Si, who is mainly in charge of law and order, feels relieved.

But Ningrong Street seems to be a little different tonight.

As they quieted down, a faint din could be heard ahead, which was somewhat unusual.

"My lord, there seems to be an accident in the Ningguo Mansion ahead, and someone shouted loudly to arrest the assassin."

An officer and soldier who had led the way ran back to report.

Almost at the same time, two horsemen rode on the street, they were Jia Lian's personal guards.

When they came to Jia Lian and the others, they reported before getting off their horses: "Second Master, it's not good, Master Zhen was assassinated!"

Jia Lian's face changed, although other people may not understand who "Uncle Zhen" is, but just looking at Jia Lian's expression, they know that this person's identity is definitely not simple.

Seeing Jia Lian asking a few words in surprise, then with a solemn and mournful expression, he turned around and said, "Xie Jun and Fan Jin, you two each summon a team of officers and soldiers to patrol the city and help me go to the Ningguo Mansion to investigate the case together. You must not let such audacious actions The assassin escaped!"

"Yes, my lord!"


(End of this chapter)

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