The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 288: Sister Feng's Mood Change

Chapter 288: Sister Feng's Mood Change
Shuntian Mansion's work experience is still very rich, and the conclusion was quickly checked:

"Reporting to my lords and generals, according to the villain's inspection, the time of death of the deceased should be about half an hour before. The fatal injury was the knife wound that penetrated the heart on the left chest of the deceased.

In addition to the knife wound, the area where the deceased's left arm was connected to the head had serious impact marks, presumably caused by a fall from a high place.

In addition, judging from the secondary damage of the knife wound on the deceased's chest, the deceased should have been hit by the knife first, and then fell from a high place, so the wound was ruptured a lot. "

Hearing Wu Zuo's words, many people in the hall couldn't help but frown.

Definitely murder.

But Weng Ziqin was not very satisfied. He was going to check it himself, but in the end he gave up because Jia Zhen's bloody appearance made his stomach sick.

"Reporting to my lord, based on the body of the deceased, the villain can really only deduce this.

However, if you can go to the scene of the crime to check, maybe you can gain something new. "

It is of course necessary to check the scene of a murder case, Jia Lian immediately beckoned to Lai Sheng's family: "Take Mr. Fu Yin and all the yamen to Tianxiang Tower!"



In Rongguo Mansion, Jia Baoyu and his sisters were shocked when they heard the news of Jia Zhen's death.

But they can only stay at home and wait for the news.

In the face of such a horrible thing, Mother Jia would not allow the girls in her boudoir to get involved.

And Jia Baoyu is a boy in his teens, and his cousin is dead. If he is willing to insist, Jia's mother may not object.

But Jia Baoyu had no intention of going to Ningguo Mansion.

It's just a shock and concern on the plump round face, that's all.

In fact, whether Jia Zhen died or not, to him, he didn't care.

He is a philosopher, he doesn't even care about his own life and death, let alone Jia Zhen, who in his eyes can't be more vulgar, smelly and muddy.

Only a beautiful daughter and a handsome and elegant man can make the dignified second master Bao care about.

In Sister Feng's Courtyard, Wang Xifeng is completely different from Jia Baoyu, she likes to blend in and watch this kind of excitement.

But for various reasons, she finally chose to stay at home.

However, her gaze never left Ningguo Mansion, and she kept asking Ping'er, Xiaohong and others to inquire about the situation.

After inquiring clearly, in front of Ping'er alone, she guessed: "In my opinion, this matter is not easy!
Uncle Zhen, who doesn't know anyone in our two houses, is good at drinking and playing with women, even Rong's daughter-in-law, he won't let him go, he is really a beast.

But then again, a person like him, who is not an official outside, will not offend any powerful person, who wants to kill him?
I'm afraid there is something hidden in it, just wait and see, maybe the final result will surprise us all. "

Ping'er had a kinder heart than Wang Xifeng, and she couldn't guess at will when faced with such a horrific event.

Looking up to see the flames in Wang Xifeng's eyes, she asked suspiciously, "What is grandma thinking?"

"No, nothing."

Wang Xifeng looked dazed for a moment.She suddenly remembered that Jia Lian had told her yesterday about the matter of the father and son in the Ningguo Mansion, and that the bigger the trouble between the two father and son, the better it would be for her.

Why was Jia Zhen killed tonight?

Isn't this a big deal?
It is conceivable that when the news of Ming'er spreads in the capital, Jia's mansion will definitely become the focus of discussion among various mansions in the capital.

In this way, will it be true that as the unconscionable said, the Empress Dowager will worry about the face of the royal family and give up the previous things?

Also, Jia Zhen's death came so suddenly, which made Jia Lian feel more secretive. For example, Wang Xifeng, with the help of God, guessed wildly:

Could this matter be related to those who have no conscience?

This kind of unreasonable and horrifying thought just appeared, and she was forced to throw it out of her mind!
I'm really crazy to be so suspicious. To do this without conscience has neither reason nor motive.

If you doubt someone with no conscience, you might as well doubt Brother Rong.

Jia Zhen has been coveting Rong'er's daughter-in-law for a long time. Many people in the two houses have discussed it secretly, and it's impossible that Rong'er didn't know about it.

It is absolutely impossible to say that he has no hatred in his heart.

In addition to the incident that happened between his father and son yesterday, Rong'er is really the one with the most reason and motivation in this matter.

However, Brother Rong is the most ruthless person, does he really dare to do such a rebellious thing?
Wang Xifeng is a bold person, so naturally his thinking is also bold, even though he tried his best to speculate on all possibilities as far as he knew.

Gossip is human nature.

"By the way, I heard that your second master is back and led troops to surround our house?"

Hearing Wang Xifeng's question, Ping'er immediately told Wang Xifeng what he knew.

When Wang Xifeng heard Jia Lian's series of quick and rigorous arrangements, and did not stop until the murderer was found out, Wang Xifeng felt that his previous thoughts were ridiculous.

Thinking of this in his heart, he couldn't help smiling and said: "With your second master here, the murderer must be caught soon. Do you still remember the last time when Yang Shi in the grand master's room tried to poison your second master?
In the end, not only did it fail, but your second master was able to see through it on the spot.

Alas, sometimes I can't help but wonder, you said our second master, is he still the one we knew when we were young? "

Wang Xifeng became emotional.

After all, she felt that she was smarter than Jia Lian since she was a child.If it weren't for Jia Lian's appearance and Jia's family background, she would not be willing to marry!

Unexpectedly, after only a few years of marriage, she was completely subdued by this stinky man?
Thinking of the absurd things last night, Wang Xifeng still couldn't help the fever behind his ears, so he couldn't help but glared at Ping'er.

Little hoof, he really dared to make trouble on his old lady!

Ping'er backed away quietly, looked at Sister Feng with innocent eyes, as if saying that she was also a victim...

Wang Xifeng suddenly laughed, and then sighed softly: "Ping girl, you have followed me since childhood, and I know that I am not a kind person. But at least for you, I have no selfishness or defense.

I see you in my heart as my sister.

This time I suffered, and it was entirely my own fault.If so, if I can get away with it by luck.


Wang Xifeng looked at Ping'er with piercing eyes, interrupted Ping'er's words of consolation, and continued: "If not, I want you to promise me one thing."

Ping'er saw Wang Xifeng's seriousness, and hurriedly said: "Grandma, please tell me, don't say anything, I will agree to anything grandma has."

Ping'er's reaction moved Wang Xifeng a little belatedly.

Adversity sees the truth.

In the past two days, Wang Xifeng, who has seen a lot of white eyes and indifference, has also used this to see clearly Ping'er's loyalty to her.

"It's nothing difficult.

I mean, if I really can't get over this hurdle, I'll keep you.

Seeing how much your second master loves you, if you stay here, at least you will be an aunt in the future.

Moreover, with your intelligence and the power of your second master, even if the princess doesn't want to see you after entering the door, I think you will be safe.

In this way, your life has been settled, and I am relieved. "

Hearing this, Ping'er was inexplicably moved, quickly shrank down the stool, knelt down in front of Wang Xifeng, and cried, "Grandma, what are you talking about? I am grandma's girl. Wherever grandma is going, I will naturally go. Serve grandma for a lifetime."

Although she was also reluctant to leave Jia Lian, Ping'er knew that if Wang Xifeng was dismissed and returned home, she would be in a more difficult situation after losing her reputation.

At that time, Wang Xifeng couldn't do without her even more.

Her loyalty and kindness made her unable to bear the thought of abandoning the downtrodden Wang Xifeng and becoming a heartless person for the sake of wealth and peace.

"Silly girl."

Wang Xifeng helped Ping'er up from his knees, and laughed and scolded: "Don't rush to show your loyalty, I'm not all for you.

Although your second master is affectionate, even if you divorce me, you won't let the young lady recognize me.

But after all, she is the blood of the Jia family, and only by staying here can her future prosperity be guaranteed.

And once the princess enters the door, even to protect her, I can't easily see her again.

She is still so young, how can I rest assured?Therefore, I keep you because I hope that you will treat her as your own child in the future and protect her from growing up because of our friendship for so many years. This is the greatest repayment for me. "

Wang Xifeng was not used to saying provocative words, but at this moment, she had to say it.

She is a strong person, even in the current situation, she never thought of dying or anything like that.

The only thing she worries about is her own blood.

So, I can't help but shed tears.

Seeing this, Ping'er didn't know how to answer.

Agreeing, it seems that I have no affection, and if I don't agree, what grandma said is reasonable again.

Indeed, although the second master has a few more eyes than ordinary people, he is a man after all, and he mainly focuses on the big things outside.

In the future, if the real princess enters the mansion, I am afraid that all matters in the family will be under the jurisdiction of the princess, and even the old lady may not be able to control her.

In this way, if she harbors ill intentions towards the young lady, the result can be imagined.

With her status, if she really did something bad, even if the second master finally found out, there would be nothing she could do about it.

So, after a lot of thinking, Ping'er cried and nodded.

With that pitiful appearance, it seemed that she was the one who was divorced.

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng couldn't help laughing, wiped Ping'er's tears, and said with a smile: "Okay, look at you, am I still here.

I'm not a person who gives in easily. Since your second master said to leave the outside affairs to him, I'll wait.

Maybe your second master is so skillful that you can really settle this matter for me? "

Wang Xifeng smiled freely and didn't want to talk about it again. She wiped away her tears and asked suddenly, "By the way, where is Qingwen's little hoof? I haven't seen her since the chaos at home!"

"I also looked for it just now. I heard from the wives that I saw the old lady next to her before. I must have followed the Ningguo Mansion to see the situation."

"Hmph, this little hoof, seeing that I've lost power, he doesn't pay attention to me even more."

Wang Xifeng cursed, but didn't really take it to heart.

She had already seen that Qingwen was just a shallow little girl who had never seen the world, and the other party's thoughts could not be hidden in front of her.

If she hadn't been born with a more beautiful appearance than ten thousand people, she could crush such a small thing to death with one palm.

This kind of purely relying on appearance, except for occasionally making her uncomfortable, never felt that there was any serious threat.

In comparison, Xiangling still couldn't see through it.

That little girl looked stupid, but she was actually smarter than Qingwen.

This can be seen from the fact that he reads and writes when he has nothing to do, and works hard to cultivate himself.In contrast, Qing Wenbai puts forward great conditions, but only knows how to find money everywhere and sit and eat.

He didn't care too much about these two Jia Lian's sweethearts.

After this battle, Wang Xifeng's strong temperament and overly shrewd calculations were all broken up a lot.

She also understood that as a woman, Jia Lian's favor was the only and most important thing.

At critical times, it can shelter her from wind and rain.

(End of this chapter)

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