Chapter 289 Evidence
In Ningguo Mansion, the tense atmosphere has not diminished at all with the passage of time.

Fu Yin personally took a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals to the scene to check, but the result was not ideal.

Apart from being able to simply restore the scene when the murder occurred, I didn't find any substantive things.

There was only a pool of blood downstairs, and spots of blood corresponding to the railings on the third floor, and there was nothing unusual about the rest of the place.

"Second Master, the sites of the two prefectures, including the garden under construction, have been searched, and no trace of the assassin has been found."

Back in the front yard, Zhao Sheng and others came to answer.

Jia Lian scolded angrily: "How could there be no trace of it? Could it be that the assassin flew away with wings?"

When Jia Lian got angry, Zhao Sheng and others fell silent.

Weng Ziqin hurriedly said: "General Jia, don't get angry. Could it be that the assassins fled before General Jia surrounded your mansion?"

Jia Lian shook his head: "Master Weng doesn't know that there are many servants in the Bifu family, even at night, all the gates are guarded.

According to the inference made by Cai Cai just now, the time when I led people to surround the Bifu should not exceed a quarter of an hour from the time when the crime happened!

And our two mansions occupy a vast area, so in such a short period of time, it is absolutely impossible for the assassin to avoid everyone's eyes and ears and escape quietly.

Therefore, I firmly believe that the assassin must still be in our two houses! "

Weng Ziqin did not refute Jia Lian's words.

When he went to Tianxiang Tower just now, he also noticed that the atmosphere of this Duke's mansion is indeed different from other mansions.

If there is no one to guide him, there is a high probability that he will get lost inside.

So he replied: "Is it possible that the assassin is very familiar with your mansion, and has already planned the escape route before committing the crime, so he escaped over the wall?"

No matter how wide the area of ​​Ningguo Mansion is, if the route is calculated and the preparations are made, a quarter of an hour is definitely enough to escape from killing someone.

When Jia Lian heard the words, he felt that it made sense, and immediately told Zhao Sheng: "You immediately lead your troops to inspect carefully along the high walls of the two mansions. If the murderer climbs over the wall, he will definitely leave clues! If you find it, report it immediately."

Zhao Sheng immediately took the order and went.

Weng Ziqin didn't actually suspect that the assassin had escaped, he was just ruling out the possibility.

In fact, like Jia Lian, he felt that it was impossible for the murderer to escape from the Duke's mansion in such a short time after killing someone, and he hadn't been seen by anyone yet!
As for what Zhao Sheng and others said they had to turn over the two prefectures, I'm afraid it may not be so!
He knew that this kind of aristocratic family had many female relatives, and it was impossible for the servants to rummage through many houses and buildings.Therefore, if the assassin is hiding in the house, there is a high probability that he will not be found.

Moreover, there is the most likely situation:
There is no assassin at all, the murderer is a member of the Jia family!
Wu Zuo had told him quietly before that, judging from the fact that Jia Zhen was stabbed in the chest and there were not many signs of struggle on her body, the murderer was probably someone Jia Zhen knew well, so he was unprepared to be stabbed from the front.

Someone Jia Zhen knows well?Obviously, the people in this duke's mansion are probably hiding the murderer.

In this case, even if you dig three feet into the ground, you will naturally not be able to find the assassin.

He quietly glanced at the Jia family around him, taking their different expressions into his eyes, but he didn't say what he thought, but with a straight expression, he said to Jia Lian:
"I have been an official for many years, and I have solved hundreds of murder cases if not a thousand. I ask myself that I have some experience in solving cases.

If General Jia trusted the subordinates, the subordinates would have some methods of interrogation, maybe they could follow the clues to find out the murderer based on the murderer's motive and conditions. "

When Jia Lian heard the words, he asked back, "Oh, who does Mr. Weng want to interrogate?"

"I don't dare to talk about interrogation, I mainly want to ask about General Weilie's usual habits and hobbies, whether he has offended anyone recently, who else can control General Weilie's whereabouts, etc.

The specific manpower is naturally the people that General Wei Lie usually serves by his side. "

Jia Lian understood Weng Ziqin's meaning, turned around to look at Lai Sheng, and shouted: "You send someone to call all the attendants and servants who accompany Uncle Zhen, including the maidservants in the house, etc. !"

Lai Sheng's heart skipped a beat, but in fact he is also the person who often serves Jia Zhen.

I don't dare to be negligent, if the murderer cannot be found out, I am afraid that they will not end well!

After Lai Sheng left, Jia Lian told Jia Rong: "Go and inform your mother, and ask her to bring all the aunts who are favored in Brother Zhen's house to the side hall, and wait for the interrogation by Mr. Fu Yin!"

Jia Lian's cooperative attitude made Weng Ziqin bow his hands to express his gratitude.


The interrogation went smoothly, but after a quarter of an hour, nothing useful was found.

For more than a month, Jia Zhen has also been busy with building the garden, and basically hasn't gone out much.

Just because of building the garden, I scolded a few servants who were in charge...

Weng Ziqin was also rigorous, not letting go of any possibility, immediately asked Jia Lian to help call all the servants in charge, and prepared to interrogate them one by one.

"By the way, yesterday morning, because Uncle Xiaorong hooked up with Chunmei in Uncle's room, he was discovered by the master and beat him up..."

A servant with poor psychological quality, faced with the interrogation of the masters and the officials, immediately and honestly explained the recent things related to Jia Zhen.

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately looked at Jia Rong.

People in the two prefectures basically knew about Jia Rong's father and son, but no one took the initiative to mention it.

Because Jia Zhen died, Jia Rong was the only heir of the Ningguo Mansion, and his status suddenly became noble, and no one would take the initiative to make things difficult for him.

However, that doesn't mean they won't speculate in their hearts.

After all, Jia Rong was beaten by Jia Zhen just yesterday because of her disobedience and unfilial piety, so she dared not go back to her home. As soon as she came back today, Jia Zhen was stabbed to death!
Jia Rong's complexion changed even more, and she immediately stared and said: "You dog slave, what nonsense are you talking about, I... I think you are tired of living!"

When Jia Rong first heard that Jia Zhen was killed, she was shocked, even horrified.

But when he saw Jia Zhen's corpse, for some reason, he was secretly happy.

Thanks to the Assassin, the eldest young master finally sees the moon when the clouds open, and finally no longer has to live under the power of old things!

Forcibly suppressing the joy in his heart, he only wanted to help Jia Lian and others to find out the murderer as soon as possible, and then, in the midst of infinite grief, he had no choice but to inherit the title of the family and become the next king of the Ningguo Mansion...

It's just that I didn't expect that the murderer's method was so secretive that he couldn't find out the clue for a long time.

It wasn't until Weng Ziqin started looking for motivated people that he suddenly became worried.

Because he also noticed that he himself had a "conflict" with the old thing just now, and he seemed to have a motive!
Although Jia Zhen often beat and scolded him in the past, why did the old man die so strangely that he died as soon as he came back?
Others who don't know right from wrong may speculate on him.

So he was secretly worried.Fortunately, the second uncle Lian and the second master (Jia Zheng) and others seemed to be very supportive of him, and did not mention him to the governor.

Who knew that this damn dog slave was so dishonest that he dared to involve him in the matter!
In desperation and anger, he couldn't help but kick the servant to the ground.

No one stopped him from venting.

Weng Ziqin guessed that Jia Rong should be Jia Zhen's son, but seeing that Jia Lian and Jia Zheng didn't make a statement, he just pretended not to see it.

It wasn't until Jia Rong finished venting his emotions and turned around to look at everyone awkwardly that he asked with a smile, "I don't know, what's going on?"

Jia Rong didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly explained: "Because of a little misunderstanding, I was beaten by my father yesterday...

However, my father beats me very often, Second Uncle Lian and Second Grandpa can testify to this point, Mr. Fu Yin must not be led astray by this dog slave.

My father is stricter with me, but I have always respected him the most, and I dare not even violate a word of his old man, let alone other outrageous things.

Besides, when the crime happened, I was in the study... reading, my servant Lai Fu can testify for me on this point! "

Jia Rong is a man without a city. He is afraid of being misunderstood for no reason, and he stutters when he is in a hurry, which makes people doubt the authenticity of what he said.

Of course, Jia Lian, Jia Zheng and others still believed in him, because they all knew Jia Rong's cowardly nature.


Lend him twelve guts!
But Weng Ziqin and other Shuntian government officials don't think so.

It is not uncommon for them to see murders of brothers fighting against each other and father and son killing each other.

However, the Ningguo Mansion is not like ordinary people after all, and Weng Ziqin did not dare to convict the young master at will, but just smiled: "Young master, don't worry, I judge the case strictly, so naturally I won't casually suspect the young master based on some unwarranted circumstances..."

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Sheng and others came running in a hurry.

"Second Master, there is an important discovery!"

"bring here!"

Jia Lian, Weng Ziqin and others cheered up.

Zhao Sheng then took out a white cloth wrapped in a ball from his subordinates, and then unfolded it in front of everyone on the steps.

Inside, there is a bloody dagger...


(End of this chapter)

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