Chapter 290 Evidence Two

In the back hall, Mother Jia and others are closely waiting for the results of the investigation.

Suddenly the housekeeper's daughters-in-law ran in and shouted in a hurry: "Grandma, it's not good, it's Uncle Xiao Rong, it's Uncle Xiao Rong who did this!!"


You Shi, Jia Mu and the others turned pale with shock and stood up one after another.

"It's Brother Rong, the magistrate and the second master Lian have already found the evidence. It is the murder weapon that killed Uncle Zhen, and was buried by Uncle Xiao Rong under the wall behind his study.

As expected, it was Uncle Xiaorong who did it..."

The housekeeper's daughters-in-law were bluffing, as if they had seen it with their own eyes.

Mother Jia and the others hurriedly inquired about the situation, and the results they got made them all silent.

It turned out to be Jia Rong!
how is this possible……

It seems very reasonable.

In the side hall of the front yard, a dozen people from other houses of the Jia family who were not allowed to follow the investigation also heard the same news at this time.

"A sin..."

As the eldest house of the Jia family, the Ningguo Mansion is of the same line as the patriarch, and is watched day and night by most of the Jia family.

Any disturbance in the Ningguo Mansion cannot escape their eyes.

Therefore, most of them have heard about the rumors about Jia Zhen climbing ashes, and they have also cursed and satirized behind their backs.

In addition, we all know that Jia Zhen's teaching is strict and even arrogant, so when they heard that Jia Rong was the one who attacked Jia Zhen, they were as shocked as Jia's mother and others, and after being shocked, they all became clear and even determined.

Some superficial and assertive people have already started to scold Jia Rong!
This is the age, most people are ignorant and ignorant, they don't have the ability to think independently.

In addition, in a society ruled by man, sometimes it is as simple as wronging or slandering a person.It only takes a little so-called evidence to convict a person.

This is why there are so many unjust, false and wrongly decided cases.

Because in this era, there are no more means and methods to trace the beginning and end of a case, so it is easy for everyone to believe what they see and hear, and they are not willing to think twice.

Unless, the wronged person is themselves!
Most people in Jia's mansion have already found Jia Rong guilty.

Jia Lian and Weng Ziqin, who are elite figures in today's society, would naturally not be so reckless and arbitrary.

They came to the discovery point of the criminal evidence and carefully checked and collected the evidence.

However, nothing unreasonable was found. It seems that this dagger was buried in the yard in a panic after Jia Rong committed an impulsive crime.

Jia Rong couldn't even stand still, he fell to the ground, hurriedly climbed up to Jia Lian, and cried, "Second Uncle Lian, it's really not me, it's really not me.

Someone must have deliberately framed me, you know me, even if you give me a hundred guts, it is impossible for me to commit such an unforgivable crime!
I am really innocent, and I ask Second Uncle Lian to investigate carefully, so that the real murderer must not go unpunished..."

Jia Rong's tearful intercession made Jia Lian look a bit embarrassed.

And Weng Ziqin was also carefully observing the reactions and emotions of everyone in Jia's residence.

He found that when the suspect was locked on Jia Rong, the Jia family was not too surprised! !

This is interesting.

If the situation is true, this is a case of a son killing his father, and the deceased is still the heir to the title of the imperial court. I'm afraid even His Majesty will know about it tomorrow!

The Jia family is going to be famous now.

However, after working so hard at night, we finally made some progress, and Weng Ziqin breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that most of the aristocratic families had the habit of folding their arms and hiding them in their sleeves. To avoid trouble, he put on a judicial and impartial expression, and said to Jia Lian, "Please, General Jia, to recruit the people around Mr. Xiaorong." , the next official wants to interrogate in detail, so as not to really blame Mr. Xiaorong."

Although Jia Lian has a second-rank title, he humbly claims to be an inferior official, but in terms of official rank, he is two ranks higher than Jia Lian!
He didn't know that Jia Lian's commander had been slapped.

So from the time he arrived, he, the parent officer, was still the presiding judge of the case, and Jia Lian could only assist.

Jia Lian sighed to Jia Rong: "Don't worry, if you are really innocent, no one can just wrong my Jia family's children!"

It seems that Jia Lian made a special trip to tell Weng Ziqin what he said.Weng Ziqin just smiled at this, but Jia Rong seemed to have won the backbone, and thanked him quickly.

Next, with the suspect, the direction of the investigation was finally established.

People around Jia Zhen and Jia Rong, including the gatekeepers in various parts of Ningguo Mansion, were all interrogated.

Almost half an hour passed, and the particularly important discovery was nothing, but it revealed a lot of shady things about Ningguo Mansion.

Including Jia Zhen climbing ashes...

Regarding this, Weng Ziqin just smiled in his heart, did not show anything, and was not prepared to reveal it.

One is that he is afraid of being hated by the people of the Jia family, and the other is that this kind of thing is actually not too rare.

As far as he knows, he doesn't know how many there are...

Because of this, he almost believed that Jia Rong was the murderer in this case.

No way, under such a strict investigation by him and Jia Lian, for such a long time, they didn't find any clues pointing to the second suspect!
Under such circumstances, if Jia Rong was still framed, how secretive and clever should the real murderer be?

If this is the case, I am afraid that the real culprit may not be caught until dawn.

This is not what he wants to do.He is a parent officer, but not a real parent, so he also has to consider the cost of investigating the case.

So if he can't close the case, he would rather arrest Jia Rong first, and then wait for the criminal department to take over.

"General Jia, please forgive me for being rude.

In view of the testimonies and evidences, they all believe that Mr. Xiaorong is the murderer. The officials want to lead people to search Mr. Xiaorong's residence, including all the places where Mr. Xiaorong lives, to see if there are other evidences to check, so as to conclude file. "

Hearing Weng Ziqin's tone, he was already determined to be the murderer, and Jia Rong panicked completely.

He hugged Jia Lian's thigh first, and then hugged Jia Zheng's thigh, begging for thousands of tears not to search his house...

Jia Zheng looked sad, and sighed: "Let Mr. Fu Yin search it. Those who clean up will clean up themselves. Why should you be afraid of investigating?"

Seeing that both Jia Lian and Jia Zheng agreed, Weng Ziqin was not polite, and immediately took his own people to Jia Rong's study and residence.

After that, Weng Ziqin, including other bureaucrats and yamen servants in Shuntian Mansion, knew why Jia Rong was afraid that others would investigate him.

In Mr. Rong's study, apart from looking like a study, there are quite a lot of things when you look around...

All kinds of "playing tools" made of jade and wood, many of which they have never even heard of, let alone how to use them!

It is conceivable that Mr. Rong usually plays fancy in the study.

Jia Rong's face was ashen, he knew that his innocence was gone...

But at the same time, I was still praying in my heart, I must not find out, I must not find out...

But things often go against wishes.

Under the search of an experienced yamen servant in Shuntian Mansion, there is nothing to hide what Jia Rong has carefully hidden.

"My lord, I found something!"

The sharp-eyed Jia Rong saw it from behind, her face turned ashen, and she passed out on the ground.

But no one cared about him.

Weng Ziqin and others looked at the newly found evidence.

A series of paper figurines with steel needles inserted into them...

For Weng Ziqin, who has rich experience in handling cases, he is too familiar with this kind of stuff!
The technique of the nightmare curse is the method most liked and relied upon by those in the world who have the intention of harming others but have no ability to harm others.

Although Weng Ziqin didn't think it was useful, there were still countless people who believed in it.

Even the imperial court enacted laws, and considered such actions to be a serious crime of ulterior motives and confusion. Once discovered, they will be severely punished.

Because everyone in the world believes in ghosts and gods.

Even a brave person would not dare to confront ghosts and gods on the face.

Therefore, if this kind of insidious and treacherous sorcery is discovered, one person must be convicted.

Weng Ziqin glanced at Jia Rong, who was lying unconscious on the ground, and shook his head. How could this kind of guy be the heir to the Duke's Mansion, and what's more, he actually had the guts to kill his father?
"Old Zheng, General Jia, you have seen the situation.

Young Master Xiao Rong had long wanted to kill his father, the death of General Wei Lie this time was probably premeditated by him.

The official intends to arrest him and bring him to justice, what do you two think? "

Jia Zheng shook his head, and couldn't bear to turn his head away.

For the crime of patricide, the lightest one is the death penalty.

But Jia Lian said: "My nephew, I still know it. He is definitely not a vicious person. I really can't believe that such audacious things are done by him."

Weng Ziqin can understand Jia Lian's considerations, and the spread of this matter will have a great impact on the reputation of Jia's family.

However, he didn't even sleep to investigate the case. It had been two or three hours and he was already tired.

"General Jia's love and care for his nephew and nephew can be comprehended, and please rest assured, the general will never punish Young Master Rong until your family has not given up on overturning Young Master Xiao Rong's case.

With the ability of your government, I believe it is very easy to ask the adults from the Ministry of Penalties to come and review.

Even if Young Master Xiao Rong did not commit the crime of killing his father, it is still a fact that he cast a spell on his father to curse him.

Therefore, I also ask General Jia not to cover up too much, and allow me to take Mr. Xiao Rong into custody first.

Xiaguan also promised the general that as long as the general finds out new clues and sends them to Shuntian Mansion, Xiaguan will re-examine the case. "

Weng Ziqin, as the third-rank official of the imperial court, would not have been so easy to talk to if he hadn't been facing the Jia family.

Jia Zheng also shook his head at Jia Lian.

Seeing this, Jia Lian had no choice but to give up and bowed to Weng Ziqin.

"Hehehe." Weng Ziqin smiled softly, after working hard for half the night, he was finally able to withdraw the team and go back to the Yamen.

(End of this chapter)

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