The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 291 Beauty's Kindness

Chapter 291 Beauty's Kindness

Weng Ziqin returned to Shuntian Mansion with all the witnesses and physical evidence, but Ningrong Street was still under martial law.

Jia Lian bid farewell to Jia Zheng and others, and went inside to prepare to hand over to You Shi.

Before he reached Ning'an Hall, a stunningly beautiful woman stopped him on the corridor.

Aqi glanced at it, turned sideways, and looked towards the compound.

Jia Lian walked over, looked at the beauty's teary eyes, and said softly, "Ask whatever you want."

With tears in her eyes, Qin cried softly, "Did Rong'er really do it?"

Jia Lian was silent for a while, and then asked, "Who do you want?"

"I do not know."

Qin's heart was in a mess.

She's not stupid, she just doesn't want to believe it.The kindness and weakness in her heart made her dare not face the fact that today's tragedy in Ningguo Mansion may be caused by her.

Because, only she knows why Jia Zhen went to Tianxiang Tower at night.

And it was Jia Lian, not Jia Rong, who instigated her to lure Jia Zhen to Tianxiang Tower.

Seeing Qin's behavior, Jia Lian had no intention of explaining to her.

A stunning beauty like this should live under the brilliance and fragrance. Knowing too much and going through the darkness will not be good for her or the person who will soon have her.

So Jia Lian stretched out his arms, hugged her in his arms, and used his tall body to dispel the severe cold and fear in her heart.

Qin's whole body tensed up.

But after a while, he became soft again, and even stretched out his hands to wrap around Jia Lian's straight waist in a responsive manner.

Jia Zhen, who had been bothering her all the time, died, and her nominal husband was imprisoned, so he might not live long.

At this moment, she was in such a mess that she didn't know what to do.

I can only pin all my hopes on this powerful man in front of me.

Women are originally Mu Qiang's.

This is also the reason why the former Jia Zhen almost succeeded.

And Jia Lian is naturally more than ten times stronger than Jia Zhen.

Therefore, even if Jia Lian deceived her, she would be willing...

Therefore, even if she was seen and criticized by thousands of people, she was not so afraid.

The Qin family is fearless, but Jia Lian doesn't want to make trouble, let alone possess a beauty for a short time.

So while holding Qin Shi in his arms, he stretched out his foot and pushed open the door next to him, and brought Qin Shi in.

In the dark, there was a burst of hugging and comforting, and finally Jia Lian pushed the beauty against the door, and embraced each other head-on, forehead to forehead.

Feeling the beautiful woman Rulan's breath and soft body, Jia Lian couldn't help feeling secretly, no wonder Jia Zhen didn't even want face because of this woman.

This woman does have the capital to make men all over the world fall in love with her!

Just when Jia Lian was thinking about whether he should take this woman into his pocket now, the beauty said in a coquettish and shy voice, "You, you're pissing me off~"

"Hehe." Jia Lian smiled.

Sure enough, this woman still has a long way to go.If it were her mother-in-law Youshi, she would never say that at this time.

There is a high probability that Youshi will twist her plump waist slightly and squat down on the ground along the door...

Gently letting Qin Shi go, Jia Lian said in a low voice: "You can stay in the mansion with peace of mind, as if you don't know about tonight's matter at all. You have to trust me, I can handle all other matters properly ,understand."


Qin muttered in a low voice, suddenly remembered something, and grabbed Jia Lian's hand again: "You, can you spare Rong'er's life...he..."

Qin knew in her heart that Jia Zhen's death was probably related to Jia Lian, and she guessed that the reason why Jia Lian did this was also because of her.He wants to have her, to protect her.

And she has been hurt by Jia Zhen for a long time, so when Jia Zhen dies, she dies. She has no position and can't express anything.It's just that Jia Rong is still alive, she doesn't want Jia Lian to suffer more bad karma for her.

But when she said it, she was afraid that Jia Lian would misunderstand that she was worried about Jia Rong. In a hurry, she could only hug Jia Lian's waist tightly to show her affection.

Jia Lian smiled slightly, he knew that the Qin family only had the kindness that a hothouse woman should have.

"Okay, if there is a chance, I will help him."

Give him a hand, let him go without so much pain.

The Qin family is a woman, and she can maintain good wishes and kindness in her heart at any time.

Jia Lian has no such qualifications.In the face of major events, decisiveness is the only correct choice.

But Jia Lian is happy to maintain the beauty of the beauty.

Pushing open the door and walking out, on the bright corridor, Aqi, the guard maid, suddenly turned her head and looked at him, full of surprise in her eyes.

How could it be so short.

In the past, he and his sister were two people, but they didn't toss enough, and every time she waited, her knees softened involuntarily...

Jia Lian looked up at Aqi, and after a casual thought, she understood what she was thinking.

Ever since he learned from You Shi that Qin Shi might still be a virgin, Jia Lian paid more attention to it.

Whether it is noon today or just now, it is not the best time to pick.

Now that Jia Zhen's father and son have been removed, he has plenty of opportunities and time, so naturally he won't be in a hurry.

Without explaining to Aqi, he reminded "Let's go" and continued to Ning'an Hall.

Aqi followed up numbly, and suddenly felt her waist tightened, and the flirtatious adult had already clung to her ear, and said warmly: "I worked hard on you tonight, are you not hurt?"

Only then did Aqi, who was full of nervousness, realize that Jia Lian was caring about her.

With a reddish face, he silently shook his head.The heart said how could such a person hurt her.

Jia Lian nodded in satisfaction.

Assassination is not a simple matter, one must plan the overall situation and think carefully.

Because Youshi often invited him to Tianxiang Tower for heart-to-heart talks, he naturally chose Tianxiang Tower as the venue.

With You Shi as the cover, he can take Aqi to familiarize himself with the location first, so as to avoid the assassination due to environmental conditions.

Then, with the help of the Qin family, Jia Zhen was lured to Tianxiang Tower on time. Under such circumstances, Jia Zhen had no possibility of escape.

As for the beginning and end of the follow-up...

With him around, there would be no uncontrollable situation at all.In today's Jia family, except Jia Zheng, who is a middle-aged man, no one can oppose him, and no one dares to question him.

Therefore, the person in charge of investigating the case is the murderer, and even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, the truth of this case cannot be revealed.

The ending is just as Jia Lian expected.


Mother Jia and the others stayed up most of the night, and after learning the result from Jia Zheng, they went back to Rongguo Mansion first.

Because of the wrong time, Jia Lian also didn't stay in Ning'an Hall for too long.

He briefly appeased You Shi, and then explained his arrangement to her, and under her gaze, he left Ning'an Hall with Aqi and Qingwen.

Youshi is a successful woman, and Jia Lian is quite at ease with her.

"Leave half of the staff to continue to guard, and the others can go back to repair first."

Although Jia Rong was taken away by Shuntian Mansion, he still had to guard against the possibility that the Ministry of Criminal Justice might send someone to review the case.In addition, Jia Lian also has to show that he wants to protect Jia Rong.

This is in the family's interest.

Jia Rong is the only heir of the direct line of the Ningguo Mansion, even if it is for the smooth inheritance of the title, the Jia family should not want Jia Rong to die.

But Jia Lian didn't care about this.

The Jia family only has one title, which is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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