Chapter 292
East Kuayuan, Aqi and Aqin's room.

As soon as Jia Lian entered the room and sat on the chair, Ah Qin snuggled up, completely ignoring whether her sister would be awkward or not.

"Second master, sister, have you settled your affairs?"

Sitting in Jia Lian's arms, Ah Qin put his hands on Jia Lian's chest and asked very naturally.

Jia Lian came here to relax, with such a clingy and delicate beauty in his arms, he also caressed her waist unceremoniously.

Nodding her head in response to her words, she took advantage of the situation to confirm: "What about your side?"

As the two homeless beauties Jia Lian brought from the grassland, Jia Lian trusted them very much, that's why he entrusted them with such an important matter.

Ah Qin is not idle tonight, but her task is very simple, just responding in the middle, for example, bringing Ah Qin the clothes to change.

In order to avoid unnecessary suspicion caused by others seeing Aqi wearing a maid outfit, Aqi walked into the garden in ordinary clothes, and naturally came out as well.

"My master explained it so carefully, so naturally I won't disappoint you.

After taking back my sister's things, I burned them all.Well, in the basin over there, it has been burned to ashes. "

Ah Qin pointed to an extinguished brazier in the room.

Although the plan is well planned, it is unlikely that anyone will find out about Aqi.But to be on the safe side, Aqi's clothes were destroyed when he committed the crime, so as not to be stained with blood and other evidence.

Seeing that Aqin was well executed according to the plan, Jia Lian patted her puffy ass as a compliment.

The beauty who was praised immediately responded to Jia Lian, her soft and crisp arms wrapped around her, and took advantage of Jia Lian.

Noticing Jia Lian's wandering gaze, she turned her head and saw only the back of her own sister walking out.

Ah Qin understood, turned Jia Lian's face and said with a smile, "Do you want my sister?"

Jia Lian raised his eyebrows and refused to deny it.

Seeing this, Ah Qin whispered in Jia Lian's ear, and said, "You might as well tell me, actually, my sister also likes me, but... she's different from me, she likes to be forced, heck, I'm so smart, I should Understand what they mean."

Jia Lian glanced at Ah Qin in surprise. He seriously suspected that Ah Qin had read some unscrupulous books again, and now his words revealed a different aura, and he really didn't look like a [-]-year-old girl.

Maybe her cabinet, like Jia Rong's study, cannot be rummaged...

Ah Qin didn't know what Jia Lian was thinking, and thought that Jia Lian didn't believe her, so she continued to bewitch her, "If you don't believe me, I'll go and bring her in right now. I can guarantee that I will get what I want if I get hit twice at most."

Jia Lian sneered, and slapped Ah Qin hard on the bottom.

He believed that what Ah Qin said might be true.

Although Aqi does not understand the language, Jia Lian knows that Aqi is not an ignorant and savage woman after spending so much time together.

She and Ah Qin only have different personalities, and her mind is more mature.

Therefore, what she needs is different from Ah Qin, not only doting, but also respect.

This is the reason why she clearly feels that she does not reject being taken advantage of by herself, but is still unwilling to dedicate herself.

Moreover, he doesn't treat Aqi as just a woman.

As a woman, Aqi has both martial arts and extraordinary perseverance.This point can be proved from the fact that she was able to escape the pursuit of the enemy with her younger sister.

For Jia Lian, such a person is definitely a rare trump card.

Ah Qin was beaten, Qiong's nose wrinkled slightly, and she couldn't understand Jia Lian.

She clearly wanted it, why didn't she want to try her method?
There is also my sister, who clearly likes the second master, why don't you dare to say it?

Could it be that thoughtful people like them like this hidden tone?
Anyway, my sister has been hanging on to the second master's appetite, but it can make the master even more rare about them.

It's just that every time I have a good time with my grandfather, I always worry that she will not be able to enjoy myself when she is outside...

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Jia Lian began to close his eyes to rest his mind, obviously tired after a busy night.She stretched her neck and kissed Jia Lian, then shrank to the ground, ready to serve her master well.

Unexpectedly, another disturbing voice came from outside.

"Is Second Master in there?"

"Old lady, madam and the others are in Rongqing hall, waiting for the second master to come over and discuss something."

Hearing the sound of the mandarin duck, Jia Lian opened his eyes, glanced at the beauty squatting on the ground with pouting lips, and couldn't help smiling.He reached out and touched her head to comfort her, then got up and walked out.

Sure enough, Grandma Yuanyang and Aqi were staring at each other on the porch.Although they were young girls of the same age, it was obvious that they were two people who could not communicate.

After asking Aqi to go to bed early, Jia Lian followed Yuanyang to Rongqing Hall.

Along the way, the lights were bright, illuminating two slender figures one in front and one behind.

Jia Lian thought casually about what Jiamu wanted to discuss with him, and when she came back to her senses, she saw Yuanyang walking silently in front with her head down, without speaking, so she couldn't help taking a step forward, and said with a smile: "It's so late at night, Mrs. Why did the wife ask you to pass the message alone?"

Yuanyang paused, and then responded: "I wasn't the only one sent, but I think that there are several places for you to stay after you come back, Second Master, and if you search for one by one, it will inevitably waste time.

So we searched separately, but I was lucky, the second master was really here. "

"I'm afraid it's not just luck."

Jia Lian smiled as if pointing.

Yuanyang blushed.

In fact, it's not just luck, because the other two women in Jiamu's house were dismissed by her.

One went to Fengjie Children's Hospital, and the other went to Jia Zhengyuan.

She herself came to the most likely Dongkuayuan...

It was a careful calculation that she didn't even pay attention to, but Jia Lian seemed to have figured it out.It couldn't help making her feel ashamed and embarrassed.

In order to cover up her thoughts, in a hurry, she thought of a random topic: "about Second Mistress Lian, I thank you on behalf of Second Mistress.

Even the old lady said yesterday that Lian's Second Mistress didn't enjoy many blessings when she entered this door, but she suffered a lot of grievances.

Now, even though she made a mistake on a temporary errand, the old lady still treats her as a grandson's wife in her heart.

Her old man also said that the second master is also a person who values ​​friendship. If it were someone else, he would have long admired him and coveted wealth and honor.Only you, the second master, still miss Lian's second grandmother's old love, and don't want her to be wronged. "

As Yuanyang said, she quietly glanced at Jia Lian.

For people like Jia Zhen, if they die, they will die. At worst, everyone will cry and it will be over.

Many of them still pay more attention to Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng.

"Oh, your Second Mistress Lian is my woman, so it's only natural for me to miss the past, why should you thank me for her?
What name do you use to thank me for her? "

Jia Lian quietly approached the mandarin duck.

The mandarin duck is the arm of Jiamu and the extension of Jiamu's will.So what she said just now made people suspect that she was testing his mind.

What does it mean to still regard Wang Xifeng as a granddaughter-in-law?Could it be that Wang Xifeng is not the Second Young Mistress of the Rongguo Mansion, nor the Second Rank General Zhenyuan, who ordered him before he wrote the letter of divorce?

Sensing the dangerous atmosphere around her, Yuanyang suddenly became nervous, and hurriedly explained: "No, Mistress Lian is filial to the old lady every day, and I am also serving the old lady. The relationship between the two of us is also very good, so ...

Seeing her in trouble now, so many people have neglected her, and even made trouble for her, only the second master has always protected her and never left her. I, I really admire the second master for his character, so..."

Yuanyang couldn't explain clearly, so she realized that she really said something wrong in a hurry.

Although she has a high status, she relies entirely on Jia Mu, but in fact she is just a maid.

"Hehehe, do you admire me for being a human being?"

Jia Lian suddenly laughed triumphantly, turned her head sideways to look down at the large mandarin ducks on her chest, and suddenly took her plain hand hidden in her sleeve, and asked, "Since I'm so good, what I told you last time, How is your considering?"

Yuanyang was slightly stunned, and then realized that Jia Lian was talking about Heping'er being a real sister...

Yuanyang suddenly felt his lips fretted, and wanted to refute with stern words, but found that his mouth seemed to be gagged.

(End of this chapter)

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