The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 293 First Come First Served

Chapter 293 First Come First Served
Hearing Jia Lian say this for the second time, Yuanyang really couldn't keep calm in his heart.

The first time can be said to be a joke, but the second time, still under such an environment, Yuanyang believes that maybe Jia Lian really meant it!
Suddenly realizing that Jia Lian was holding her hand, she hurriedly glanced around.

They just passed through a moon cave gate and walked to a relatively secluded path, with no one around.

No wonder, Second Master Lian is so bold!
"You, second master let go, what do you look like when people see you?"

Yuanyang shook her hands twice, but found that she couldn't shake off Jia Lian, and instead let Jia Lian caress her plain hand with one hand.

Just heard Jia Lian say: "I'm not afraid of being seen, it's just that I want to ask the old lady to come to my house.

Isn't there a lot of people in the family who used the lack of heirs as evidence to slander your second grandma?Since you are on good terms with her, why don't you help her and help her have a son? "

Yuanyang felt very shy when he heard the words, and didn't bother to look for flaws in Jia Lian's words.For example, the logic of why no one would slander Wang Xifeng after she gave birth to a son.

Her cheeks were flushed, and she was about to denounce Jia Lian with rational and just stern words when she felt that Jia Lian backed away a little.But before she could breathe a sigh of relief, Jia Lian exerted force on her hands, and she didn't know what was wrong with her, so she was pulled around in a circle, and when she regained consciousness after exclaiming, she had already fallen into Jia Lian's arms.

The first time a girl fell into the embrace of an adult man, she felt so terrified.

The front is close to Jia Lian, Jia Lian's arms are wrapped around her waist, Yuanyang is very worried that Jia Lian will do more excessive actions, so her body is tense.

Although Jia Lian forcibly pulled the mandarin duck into his arms, he was still testing her reaction.

After all, Yuanyang is not a little girl who can be coaxed at will.As the number one maid in Jia's mansion and the golden mandarin duck known for her "fierceness", even if the other party likes her, she has to be careful to subdue her.

Otherwise, there may be a risk of falling short.

The girl's waist is already soft and delicate, and the mandarin duck is already taller, so her waist is even more slender.The feeling of hugging is naturally different from the other one.

Of course, the most beautiful thing is the feeling of the big mandarin duck against the chest, soft and bouncy.

However, in order not to overwhelm others, Jia Lian did not focus on these for too long.Sensing that Yuanyang's body softened a little, he lowered his head and wanted to kiss her.

According to Jia Lian's experience, simple girls like Yuanyang, as long as they kiss the small mouth, basically get their body and mind.

Mandarin Duck, who was forced to raise his head, looked a little shocked, as if he had also discovered Jia Lian's purpose, and was a little dazed.

Just when Jia Lian thought he was about to succeed and taste the fragrance of a beautiful girl's lips and teeth, suddenly a strong force came from his chest, almost knocking him over.

Looking up, Yuanyang was already standing three steps away.

Jia Lian rubbed her chest, thinking, all girls who are weak and delicate are fake.

As long as he seriously resists, even if he has practiced his skills, he cannot be 100% sure.

After Yuanyang pushed Jia Lian away, she lowered her head, and after a while, she heard her whisper: "Although we are only maidservants, we are also innocent.

If the second master wanted to trample on me, the slaves would not dare to resist, for fear of tarnishing the second master's reputation.

Besides, the slaves know that they are ordinary in appearance and can't compare with Ping'er and Qingwen in the second master's room. The second master already has them, so why bother to provoke me again. "

Although Jia Lian's coherent plan failed, Yuanyang's reaction was reasonable.

As for the mandarin duck, just listen to it.Girls who are so beautiful like this, they like this kind of hypocritical modesty the most, it would be too stupid to believe it.

Brushing his chest, Jia Lian made a nonchalant attitude and said, "It's a matter of mutual consent, so forget it if you don't want to, why push me?
If you really want to throw me down, isn't your crime a big one?
That is to say, I am magnanimous and don't care about you. "

As Jia Lian said, he made a gesture and walked forward.

This is called, anti-client-oriented, try not to let yourself fall into the lower ranks.

No matter how smart Yuanyang is, she is just a simple girl, not as smart as Jia Lian. Hearing this, she really thought that she hurt Jia Lian just now with too much force.

Seeing that Jia Lian seemed to be angry again, she became nervous instead.

She is used to being teased by Jia Lian, otherwise she would not deliberately create a chance to be alone tonight.

She was very worried that Jia Lian would stop talking to her after being angry.

So he quickly followed Jia Lian, summoned his courage twice, and Fang asked, "Second Lord, are you angry?"


Jia Lian nodded, expressing his affirmation.

Such a direct response made Yuanyang feel a little speechless.

He was about to enter the Rongqing Hall, and he knew that if he didn't make it clear next time, he wouldn't know when he would have another chance.After thinking about it, Yuanyang explained:

"Second Master should also think about us servant girls, although we are light in status, we are still individuals, and we have to plan for our own future.

If we only rely on the second master's quickness for a while, what will happen to us in the future?
In the second master's room, there are already three Ping'er, Qingwen, and Xiangling, and their future results have not yet been clarified.

According to the rules of our Jia family, usually only two aunts can be placed in a man's house.

If I obey the second master's words and go over...then how will the second master arrange me?
I have been on good terms with Heping'er since I was a child, but I don't want to argue with her..."

Yuanyang's voice became softer and softer, and finally couldn't help but secretly glanced at Jia Lian's face.

At this moment, she looks a little humble.

She really liked Jia Lian.

If it is possible, she really wants to be sisters with Heping'er in the past as Jia Lian said.

But she thought more rationally.

She didn't want to be an existence that was only for the men's family to have fun, at least, she also wanted to be a concubine, and she would have a future with her status.

However, there is a custom in Jia's house that the men's family usually only accepts two concubines.

Such as Jia Zheng.

Another example is Jia She, the old lady was not happy when she took the third aunt in private, and the Mei family was not even allowed to enter the door to say hello.

Therefore, whether it is Jia She or Jia Zhen, there are only two or three concubines in the house, and the others are concubines without status, housekeepers and the like.
It's not too much to say it's a plaything.

Jia Lian stopped, looked back at Yuanyang, and suddenly laughed.

"I see."

Jia Lian finally understood Yuanyang's concerns.

"I don't know about others, but let me tell you, there will definitely be more than two places in my house in the future.

But how many exactly, I don't know.

The so-called first come first served...

I can only tell you so much. As for whether you can grasp the opportunity, it depends on yourself.

Jin Yuanyang, there are not many opportunities in life, and if you miss it, you may regret it for the rest of your life.

That's all for now.I hope that next time, you can control your own hands and stop pushing away your happiness. "

Jia Lian cast a playful look at Yuanyang, and stepped into the Rongqing Hall amidst the other's frowning and speechless expression.

(End of this chapter)

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