Chapter 294
The reason why Jia's mother invited her was as expected by Jia Lian, it was about the follow-up of Ningguo Mansion.

Not to mention Jia Zhen's funeral, the Ningguo Mansion has gone for two generations at once, and it can be said to have completely collapsed.

How to ensure the inheritance of Ningguo Mansion is what Jia Mu and others are most concerned about now.

Before in Ningguo Mansion, in front of Youshi and others, some things were hard to say.

After leaving the Ningguo Mansion, Jia Mu, Jia Zheng and the others had a good discussion, and calling Jia Lian to come over at this time was just to listen to his opinion.

I don't know when, Jia Lian couldn't avoid Jia Lian's major events at all.

"Lian'er, according to you, can Brother Rong be rescued?"

In the Rongqing Hall, there were only Mother Jia and Mrs. Wang, both of whom were very concerned about this issue.

Jia Lian asked back, "I don't know what the master said before?"

Mrs. Wang sighed: "Your master said that Brother Rong murdered his father. The evidence of his crime is solid. I'm afraid it will be difficult to get off the hook."

Mrs. Wang didn't say it completely, Jia Zheng also said that not only would there be no chance of getting rid of the crime, but if one was not handled properly, the family's reputation would suffer huge losses.

Moreover, most of the clan elders still think that such disobedient and unfilial descendants deserve to die.Not only should he die, but he also needs to open the ancestral hall, revise the family tree, and kick Jia Rong out of the family forever.

Only a small number of people think that for the benefit of the family, if they can be saved, Jia Rong should be brought back.

One is to continue the eldest son's lineage, and the second is to facilitate the succession of the eldest son's title.

If the Ningguo Mansion is extinct, the imperial court will probably cancel this title.

"Old lady, please don't worry, although it seems that Brother Rong's crimes are convincing, but I still think that kid Rong'er has no guts to do such a rebellious thing.

Therefore, my staff is still investigating carefully over there to see if they can find other evidence.

In addition, tomorrow I will go to Shuntian Mansion Prison to visit Brother Rong in person. As long as he is innocent, no matter what, I will find a way to reverse the case for him. "

Jia's mother and others did not expect that Jia Lian was still thinking of reversing the case for Jia Rong at this time.

They all learned all the facts from Jia Zheng and others, and also accepted that Jia Rong couldn't stand the humiliation Jia Zhen brought him, so he committed a crime impulsively.

"Although we are very sad that this happened, but...

Forget it, after all, it was they themselves who did not cultivate their own virtues, which finally caused such disasters.

I have discussed with your masters and wives, for the inheritance of their mansion, we should find a way to rescue Rong'er no matter whether Rong'er was wronged or not.

Your master understands that you have been busy for most of the night, so he didn't call you just now, and let you go to him to discuss this matter together when you have time tomorrow. "

Mother Jia said.

Regardless of whether he was wronged or not, the implication is that Jia's mother has already admitted that Jia Rong is guilty, and she only wants to save him for the sake of the family.

For example, help him find a scapegoat or something.

Jia Lian's attitude suddenly became firm: "Qi old lady, forgive me.

If Rong'er is innocent, then as an elder, even if I try my best to turn the two houses over, I will definitely find a way to restore his innocence.

If he really did such a rebellious thing, he would die without regret. "

Mrs. Wang turned her eyes when she heard the words, and said: "But, if Brother Rong really dies, the East Mansion will be extinct. What will happen to the huge family business over there?"

Jia Lian turned her head, looked at Mrs. Wang, and said with a smile, "The heir is extinct, but he can still inherit.

I don't believe there are so many children in our Jia family, and we can't find a good boy who is filial and respectful. "

While speaking, Jia Lian looked at Mrs. Wang meaningfully.

Mrs. Wang seemed to have a feeling, but she didn't show it. She still asked seriously: "Your master also mentioned about Chengsi just now, but I was just worried that Master Jing over there didn't want to."

With grandchildren, who wants to find someone else to inherit their family business?

Jia Lian smiled inwardly. Mother Jia and the others had even considered Cheng Si, and it seemed that they were fully prepared to give up Jia Rong.

"Madam don't need to worry about this, if Mr. Jing can find a way to rescue Brother Rong and exonerate him, then we naturally have nothing to say.

If not, I believe Master Jing will know how to choose. "

Jia Lian also met Jia Jing.

A person who didn't even want his family for the sake of cultivating Taoism and alchemy.I am afraid that such a person may not be willing to run around in the world of mortals again.

Besides, even if he is willing, a person who has been out of common affairs for more than ten years has no ability to fish out Jia Rong who has committed a capital crime from the prison.

Therefore, even if Jia Jing comes back, he can only accept the family's arrangement honestly.

Although Jia Lian's tone seemed disrespectful to Jia Jing, Jia's mother and the others had no intention of worrying about it.

Originally, Jia Jing, as the master of Ningguo Mansion, was still a Jinshi, so he lived a good life, but he didn't fulfill his family obligations, but he became a Taoist priest, so he was not liked by Jia Mu and others.

Jia's mother also suddenly looked at Jia Lian, and asked in a low voice: "So, in your opinion, among the younger generations of the family, who should be chosen as the heir?"

Maybe it's because the stakes are so great that even Jia's mother can't maintain her respected image.

"On this point, it is natural that the elders of the family get together to discuss it.

But if you really want me to say, if the old ladies and wives are willing, I think Brother Bao is quite suitable, hehehe. "

Jia Lian said casually.

Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang immediately looked at each other, feeling a little indescribable in their hearts.

They didn't expect that Jia Lian would say such a thing, and they didn't know whether it was just a casual remark or whether it had penetrated their minds.

Finally, Mother Jia replied: "No, your brother Bao is the only son of your lord and wife, and you will still be waiting for him to take care of your lord and wife in the future.

Besides, you also know that I can't bear to part with you, Brother Bao.No, no, if this is the case, don't say it again. "

There is a bit of sincerity in Jia Mu's words.

Even Mrs. Wang nodded secretly, not too hypocritical.

Jia Lian smiled inwardly.

Of course he knew the hesitation and entanglement of Mother Jia and the others.

If the Ningguo Mansion really needs an heir, Jia Baoyu is definitely not a suitable candidate.

First of all, in terms of human blood, even if the Ningguo Mansion is extinct, the heir should be selected from the close branches of the Ningguo Mansion.

Such as Jia Qiang and the like.

Secondly, as Jia Baoyu's identity as the direct descendant of the Rongguo Mansion, competing for the heirship of the Ningguo Mansion will cause controversy.

It seems that Jia Zheng and others are shameless, as if the Rongguo Mansion deliberately invaded the property of the Ningguo Mansion.

Third, Jia Baoyu is too important in the hearts of Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang, and they are also reluctant to let Jia Baoyu be someone else's son and grandson!Even if it's only in name, this will make their favor unjustifiable, and they will feel conflicted in their hearts.

But then again, the succession rights of a duke's mansion are such a huge benefit.Given a chance, who wouldn't want to give it to their sweetheart?

Therefore, Jia Lian could tell that Mother Jia and the others definitely had this intention in their hearts, otherwise, they wouldn't have asked him that.

Of course, Jia Lian didn't care much about these things, because he knew that this matter would not be so simple...

With such a scandal in the Ningguo Mansion, it is not certain whether the title can be inherited, it depends on the attitude of the higher-ups.

Moreover, no matter who inherits the Ningguo Mansion, it must be controlled by him.In this principle, Jia Lian naturally tends to choose a "puppet" who is younger and has a weak foundation.


(End of this chapter)

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