Chapter 295
Qingwen's biological clock is super accurate. When the pendulum clock in the night watch room rang, she woke up immediately.

Lying on this night watch bed where she and Xiang Ling slept alternately, stretched slightly, suddenly remembered something, glanced at the other night watch bed in the corner, and found that it was empty.

Sure enough, he didn't come back!

He quickly turned over and got on the bed, put on his clothes, and quietly walked to the farthest west.

Inside the gauze tent, one could vaguely see her second master sleeping shirtless in the middle, while Ping'er, who was supposed to sleep with her in the night watch room, was only wearing a light dark green apron, snuggling between the arms of the second master .

She looks so obedient and pretty.

The most conspicuous thing is the inner side, Lian's second grandma who is facing inwards, her almost flawless white show back, only a thin red ribbon under the ribs is tied with a slipknot on the back, connecting the same color in the front which cannot be seen from the whole picture. red bellyband.

The arc of spring light leaked out quietly.

Qingwen subconsciously looked down, but only saw the toes.

Looking at Gu Ping'er and his second grandmother again, he couldn't help feeling suspicious, could it be because of this that the second master looked down on him?

Qingwen is an optimist, and no thoughts will stay in her heart for too long.She quickly put aside her distracting thoughts, hung up the gauze curtain, grabbed Ping'er's warm arm and shook it.

Hearing Ping'er waking up, she murmured: "Get up soon, it's Mao hour, the second master said that I have to get up early today."

Ping'er heard Qingwen's voice. She, who had served her master to get up for many years, easily entered the state of a maid, and immediately lifted the quilt to get up.

Suddenly seeing Qingwen's wide-open eyes, she was taken aback for a moment before realizing something, and immediately folded her hands on her chest, her blood surged up in embarrassment, her face was as red as blood.

Although Ping'er concealed it quickly, the sharp-eyed Qingwen discovered it as early as the first time.

Well, my second master's big hand was actually hidden in Ping'er's belly pocket to keep warm.

Judging from Ping'er's hindsight, it may have been released all night!
Seeing Ping'er pulling Jia Lian's hand out, she looked ashamed to see others, Qingwen curled her lips, thinking, maybe the second master will hug her to sleep like this in the future...

Feeling a little blushing, she hurriedly hummed: "It's getting late, you help the second master get up quickly, and I will arrange for the master to wash up."


Ping'er saw that Qingwen was shaking her still immature, yet coquettish waist, and then slowly dissipated her shame.

Sitting on the couch, she was thinking whether to let the second master squint for a while, or wake him up immediately, but found that her father had a familiar smile on his face with his eyes closed, and he knew that Jia Lian had woken up.

So he pushed his hands and shook Jia Lian's chest, "Second Master, get up now that you're awake, didn't you say you're going to the East Mansion."

The smile on Jia Lian's face was even bigger, but he ignored her, turned over and harassed the second grandmother who was sleeping peacefully inside.

Soon, Second Mistress's dissatisfied murmurs and coquettish reprimands sounded.

Ping'er, who has already stayed in the bed and dressed, looks at each other, and feels such a scene, warm and full of happiness.

If there is no princess, no queen mother, let the second master and second mistress continue like this, how good it would be...

"Ah~, see if I don't scratch you to death!"

In the end, it was the Second Mistress who lost to the Second Master, and was restrained all over her body. She was pressed on the couch and bullied repeatedly, which made the Second Mistress struggle like a rage.

Ping'er was not in a hurry, and stood by the side, and waited until Grandpa and Grandma had had enough trouble, then picked up the clothes and helped Jia Lian change.

Wang Xifeng followed the trend and stood up.

After all, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, so when he sat up, taking advantage of Jia Lian coordinating Ping'er's dressing and restraining his hands, he punched Jia Lian hard on the shoulders and arms twice.


Jia Lian smiled triumphantly, looked at Wang Xifeng who was not angry, and said, "Why are you glaring at me? I'm afraid you won't wake up and won't wake up, so I should do something refreshing."

Indeed, there was a lot of trouble last night, and when I really fell asleep, it was almost five o'clock.

After all the calculations, I just slept for an hour.

Hearing this, Wang Xifeng glared at Jia Lian even more ferociously, and suddenly spat: "Bah, you have the nerve to say, it's so late, and you're going to drag us into trouble... Now that you know you're not awake, you deserve it.

Anyway, I don't need a housekeeper now. After you go out, I, Heping, can sleep in as long as you want, and you will suffer on your own. "

Since that day, Li Wan has been mainly responsible for the family affairs.

Moreover, at this time, even if Wang Xifeng didn't go to greet Jiamu and others, Jiamu and others could fully understand.

Jia Lian really felt that he didn't get enough sleep, and harassing Sister Feng in the morning really meant to refresh himself.

There is no way, there are still too many things to do today, so I can't sleep late.

At this moment, he understood the Jia family's second treasure a little bit.Still happy to be a waste, sleep as long as you want at any time.

But, even though you have to endure the pain of not getting enough sleep occasionally, if not, how can you experience the feeling of having a beautiful wife and a concubine at the same time?
Jia Lian looked at the beautiful concubine who was helping his beautiful wife to dress, and as he nodded, his Taoist heart suddenly became steady again.

Calculated in this way, such an hour is actually much happier and more enjoyable than the ten hours of sleeping alone.

This is how things in the world come to mind. Only when you give up can you gain.

Not a loss.


In Ningguo Mansion, Jia Jing rushed home before dawn.

Although he is devoted to cultivating immortality and becoming a Taoist, he has not cared about family affairs for many years.

But my son was killed by my grandson, and such an appalling event happened, even a real god would probably not be able to sit in meditation and ask questions with peace of mind.

Let alone him.

Therefore, after Jia Jing got the news, he rushed home immediately,
After confirming the news, the skinny old Taoist priest with gray temples almost passed out.

Youshi and the others cooked soothing soup and reported the situation without even taking a break.

Finally, at dawn, the whole family gathered together, and You Shi and others had to cheer up again, arrange and be considerate.

Under the arrangement of Youshi last night, Qin Shi, who took a nap, saw Youshi's poor condition, and comforted him: "Mother-in-law, the gentlemen of each house are discussing affairs in the hall, and the house is not so busy now, otherwise you Go take a break.

Let me watch over the outside affairs for you, so there won't be any big mistakes. "

Mrs. You shook his head, but didn't accept it, and called the housekeeper's wife to ask: "Second Master Lian said that there are more than 100 officers and soldiers in our two mansions on rotation. I asked you to prepare breakfast last night. Can you prepare it?" Sent it?"

Hearing that the housekeeper's daughters-in-law did not slack off, You Shi was relieved.

After thinking about nothing, he breathed a sigh of relief, and pulled Qin to sit down, ready to chat with her to relieve fatigue.

Suddenly, his confidant mother-in-law came to report: "Grandma, the doctor is here."

You Shi's heart tightened, and he remained silent, and said to Qin Shi: "I have something to do, you should watch here, mainly outside, in case the gentlemen outside have any needs, don't neglect."


In fact, Qin Shi heard what her mother-in-law said, and wanted to ask You Shi what was wrong. Seeing that You Shi had no intention of talking to her, she could only watch You Shi leave with some worry, and secretly speculated in her heart.


(End of this chapter)

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