Chapter 296 Pregnancy
Side hall, inner room.

After repeated pulse diagnosis for You Shi through the silk handkerchief, the old doctor got up and congratulated: "Congratulations, grandma, you are a happy pulse."

As soon as the doctor said this, the faces of the maids and women in the room were shocked.

Even Youshi was the same, she quietly withdrew her hand, the bitter look on her face receded a bit, and asked softly: "Doctor Zhang made a wrong diagnosis, I just feel that I don't feel refreshed recently, how could it be a happy pulse?"

The doctor replied: "Back to grandma, the villain has confirmed repeatedly. Grandma's pulse is smooth and smooth, with smooth ups and downs, like falling jade balls, it is really a happy pulse.

Dare I ask grandma, recently, have you felt dizzy, weak, and feeling bored in your chest? "

Yushi nodded.

The doctor smiled and said: "That's right, according to the villain, the eldest grandma should have been around for nearly a month. Besides, the eldest grandma has been working hard for days, her body lacks conditioning, and the two collide, so it is like this.

The villain then prescribed some medicines for the eldest grandma to recuperate her body. The eldest grandma recuperated according to the prescriptions, and reduced her fatigue and took more rest on weekdays. It must be all right. "

You Shi didn't listen to Lang Zhong's other words, she only noticed the time Lang Zhong said.

almost a month...

At that time, wouldn't it be the time when she and Jia Lian were fighting fiercely in Tianxiang Tower!
I already believed the doctor's words in my heart.

As a pampered woman, she has feelings for her body.

If she hadn't guessed it herself, in such a hectic situation last night, she would not have specially ordered someone to invite the doctor to take a look.

In fact, she had noticed something was wrong a few days ago.

The reason why I didn't ask the doctor to look at it was because I didn't dare.

I can't believe that I can still be pregnant, let alone let Jia Zhen know that she is pregnant!
But now that Jia Zhen is dead, she must as soon as possible determine whether she is thinking too much.If you think too much, then of course nothing will happen.

If not, she will have to plan carefully.

After seeing off the doctor, seeing a few confidant maids and mothers-in-law who came forward to congratulate her, Youshi ordered: "Nowadays, things are so busy at home, and the gentlemen are all discussing important matters in front, so I am pregnant. For the time being, you It’s enough for a few to know, don’t spread it to the outside world.”

After finishing talking, Youshi didn't explain any more to them, and when Yindie was left alone, she confessed in a low voice: "Go ahead and take a look at what Second Master Lian is doing.

If you have time, just say that I have just thought of a clue that may be related to the uncle's death, and ask him to come over and talk about it. "

Yindie nodded secretly, and looked up at Youshi.

As a member of Ningguo Mansion, and even as Youshi's personal maid, others may not know, but Yindie has other guesses in her mind.

Grandma has been married into Ningguo Mansion for so many years and has never been pregnant. How could she suddenly become pregnant?Moreover, Uncle Zhen has only had one son, Uncle Xiaorong, in the past 20 years.Maybe, Uncle Zhen has long been unable to bear children.

From Yindie's point of view, as long as she is not too stupid, she can realize the problem.

But when Gui realized it, she didn't dare to ask, and soon obeyed her orders.

After a while, she came back and replied: "The people outside said that the father-in-law from the palace came just now and called the second master Lian into the palace."

"Why were you called into the palace again?" Youshi became a little worried.

Of course, she still hasn't forgotten about the Queen Mother and Princess.

"I asked, but they didn't know either."

"Okay, I see. You let people watch outside, and come back to me when he comes back."


In Daming Palace, Jia Lian pleaded guilty on his knees.

The matter of the Ningguo Mansion really spread into the ears of Emperor Ningkang, and made Emperor Ningkang very dissatisfied.

"This is the Jia family of the founder of the Great Wei Dynasty, the family of the dignified four kings and eight princes! It turns out that the court's high ranks and rich salary have raised all these shameless, unfaithful and unfilial things!"

Hearing Emperor Ningkang's scolding, Jia Lian felt very innocent.

It stands to reason that although the matter in Ningguo Mansion is a scandal, but the capital is so big, it is not surprising that there are some such absurd things. As the emperor, Ningkang Emperor, there is no need to be so arrogant.

Could it be that Sang scolded Huai and was angry at me for not being his son-in-law?

Emperor Ningkang scolded a few words, seeing that Jia Lian should be the same throughout the whole process, he didn't defend himself, and gradually felt boring.

"I have heard Weng Ziqin's full report on what happened last night.

Jia Zhen rebelled against human relations, was shameless and immoral, and death was not a pity.

As for Jia Rong, since the evidence of the crime is solid, there is no need to investigate the case further.

You should withdraw the officers and soldiers from Ningrong Street to me as soon as possible.I asked you to command the Army and Horse Division because I asked you to take good care of Xicheng, not to provide convenience for your Jia family. "

Hearing the emperor's reprimand, Jia Lian had something to say.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the minister's mobilization of the soldiers and horses is not to bend the law for personal gain.

In Huanghuang capital, at the foot of the emperor, such a murder case happened unexpectedly. If the case is not investigated and the murderer is arrested with the momentum of thunder, wouldn't it be detrimental to your majesty's sanctity and the majesty of the court?
The minister is dedicated to serving the public, so he did this.

In addition, I always feel that this case still needs to..."


Before Jia Lian finished speaking, Emperor Ningkang's expression turned cold, and he said angrily, "You think your Jia family has not been humiliated enough?!"

Jia Lian shrank his neck.

"Go out and inquire, in today's capital, which mansion is as famous as your Jia family?
"Climb the ashes, climb the ashes, raise the younger uncles, raise the younger uncles", even I blush for you when I hear this.

It's good for you, you don't take it seriously at all, and now there is such a thing as son killing father!
And you, Jia Lian, as the Zhenyuan General appointed by me personally, and the fourth-rank official of the imperial court, you can't even discipline a woman well. You connived her to do evil in the capital, and even spread it to the ears of the Queen Mother.

Why, did you think that you could despise the laws of the country and the Queen Mother because of your meager achievements when you were at the border?

Or do you think that with the merits of your ancestors, I really have nothing to do with your Jia family? "

The emperor is also a human being, and there are many normal people's reactions.

Although it was the empress dowager's intention to let Jia Lian divorce his wife and marry another, Jia Lian was willing to offend the empress dowager rather than marry his daughter, which made him somewhat dissatisfied with Jia Lian!
Jia Lian seemed a little ignorant of flattery.

But this matter itself was indeed wronged by the queen mother, so he did not express his position before.

All the dissatisfaction broke out together today.

Facing Emperor Ningkang who was getting more and more angry, Jia Lian hurriedly said: "Your Majesty is serious. The wealth of the minister's family depends entirely on your majesty's blessing. Since your majesty can bestow it, you can naturally take it back at any time.

I dare not refute the things His Majesty said.

But I beg Your Majesty to believe that from now on, whether it is Rongguo Mansion or Ningguo Mansion, I will carefully manage and train, and will never let any news about Jia's bad character reach His Majesty's ears again, making His Majesty angry . "

The emperor was angry, and it was useless to refute. It was true to say something nice and let the old man calm down.

Moreover, from Emperor Ningkang's words, Jia Lian was keenly aware of Emperor Ningkang's serious dissatisfaction with their Jia family.

At this time, if you don't hurry up to express your position, admit your mistakes and ask for forgiveness, are you really waiting for the emperor to decree that the nobles will be expelled and the house will be seized?
If the imperial court is compared to a gangster, then the emperor is the boss, and their Jia family is equivalent to the capable younger brother who recited the boss out of the hail of bullets and helped him keep his territory.

As long as there is no problem with loyalty, if you make small mistakes and admit your mistakes, the boss will generally not hurt your good brothers.

After all, the boss also needs to show affection, and let other younger brothers see whether he has a heart for the old man.

Although Jia Lian didn't care whether the Ningguo Mansion would be expelled, and he didn't know whether Emperor Ningkang had such intentions, it would be better if he could not be expelled.

At least one double title, the name is more resounding.

Sure enough, Jia Lian not only admitted his mistakes with a good attitude, but also offered a guarantee, and Emperor Ningkang couldn't say anything more.

After a pause, he resumed his usual tone and said, "I have told Weng Ziqin to close the case as soon as possible.

If it continues to drag on, it will not be a good thing for your Jia family or the imperial court.

As for Jia Rong, since he committed a heinous crime, he should be punished severely according to the law.Don't even think about protecting each other, if you try to get rid of Jia Rong, I will not forgive you lightly. "

The emperor spoke, and the matter was settled. Jia Lian didn't dare to disobey on his face, but he was completely relieved in his heart.

"Also, about the Empress Dowager..."

Emperor Ningkang finally mentioned this unavoidable matter.

When Jia Lian heard about the Empress Dowager, he seemed embarrassed, so he hummed: "This matter was originally caused by the Empress Dowager's preference for Zhaoyang and her indulgence.

You don't have to act like that, since you don't want to, you still think I will force you?
I don't even look at your house..."

I don't even look at your family's virtues. I am worried that my daughter will be wronged after marrying, but you can handle it.

Emperor Ningkang decisively took back such words that did not conform to the majesty of the emperor.

Indeed, if Emperor Ningkang had a can-do attitude towards this matter before, today he is indeed opposed.

It is shameful to take someone's husband and son-in-law, let alone in this stall with the extremely bad reputation of Jia's mansion.

At this time, their royal family still forced the princess to Jia's house. Doesn't it seem that the royal family is particularly disqualified?
"The Queen Mother, I will intercede for you.

You don't have to worry too much. Thinking about it, the Queen Mother won't embarrass you too much for the sake of saving you.You just guard yourself from now on, don't let the Empress Dowager get hold of anything.

As for your official position..."

Emperor Ningkang deliberately kept his mouth shut when he said this.

Jia Lian took it quickly: "With His Majesty's words, I feel relieved.

As for the official position of the humble minister, it is true that the humble minister deserves what he deserves, and it is not unjust at all to be dismissed.

I would also like to thank Your Majesty for trusting me, allowing me to take the blame and make meritorious service.From now on, I will work harder for His Majesty, perform well, and will definitely live up to Your Majesty's great love for me! "

"Okay. It's nothing, you can just step back."

Although Emperor Ningkang had no feelings for flatterers, Jia Lian was able to appreciate his "good intentions", which made him very happy.

Therefore, the anger on his face disappeared, he waved his hands very coldly, and drove Jia Lian out of the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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