Chapter 298 Decent
In Ningguo Mansion, Jia's family is in the eighth room in Beijing. Anyone who can say a little bit gathers here.

Everyone is worried about the future of Ningguo Mansion.

However, no one has been able to come up with a convincing plan and method.

Suddenly hearing Jia Lian's return, everyone got up quickly and met Jia Lian in front of the hall.

Jia Zheng took the lead and asked first, "Lian'er, why Your Majesty summoned you?"

Jia Lian replied: "Your Majesty already knew what happened in the mansion here. He was very angry and called me into the palace to reprimand me."


The crowd was shocked.

The emperor was angry and killed people at every turn.

Some people even looked up to the sky and shouted words like "It's over, it's over", "The Jia family is over".

Everyone in the Jia family knew that Jia Lian was promoted by the emperor himself as a "loved general". Now even Jia Lian was reprimanded by the emperor one after another, and the Ningguo Mansion had another series of scandals, which made the emperor angry. How could the Jia family not end?

Some people who are extremely afraid of the imperial power have already started planning whether they should not get too close to the two governments in the future, so as not to be involved in case of accidents.

Even people who are not so pessimistic still think that since the emperor is very dissatisfied with the Ningguo Mansion, it is very likely that the title of Ningguo Mansion will not be inherited.

Once the title is broken, the Ningguo Mansion is basically finished.

Jia Zheng also had a look of fear on his face, and asked, "Then, does Your Majesty have any other orders or instructions?"

Facing this group of so-called aristocrats who were in constant panic when encountering major events, Jia Lian shook his head.

He gave a slight salute to Jia Jing who was walking behind him, and then said: "Masters, you don't have to worry too much.

Although His Majesty reprimanded me sternly, in view of our ancestors, and I confessed my mistakes on behalf of the family in time, His Majesty did not make things difficult for me.

It's just that I will strictly discipline my tribe from now on, if not...

My lord, my dear lord, speaking of it, our Jia family has been honored for a hundred years, and there are indeed many unworthy children in our family.

These people really need to be disciplined.

In the past, it was good for our family not to be in the limelight, but now there are noble concubines and empresses in the family, who are rich and prosperous, some members of the family are unavoidably self-restraining, arrogant, and misbehaving, which can easily bring disaster to the family.

After being reprimanded by His Majesty this time, my nephew has a deep understanding, if I don't follow the example of the old Duke to manage the family strictly, I'm afraid there will be endless troubles. "

Jia Lian's words, which were half statements, half shocking, made Jia Zheng and others change their colors.

Jia Zheng sighed, "Yes, it's time to rectify it."

Jia Jing has been cultivating Taoism for many years, and Xu is pursuing "immortal style and bones". He looks skinny, and his temples are frosty white. If it weren't for the sad look on his face at this time, he might really feel a bit of a master of Taoism .

Seeing that everyone in the family supported Jia Lian's statement, Jia Jing had a look of guilt on his face, and he had no choice but to express his opinion: "Brother Lian is right.

Alas, it's also my fault. Over the years, in order to seek a way, I handed over the family business to Zhen'er.

I thought that although he was ineffective, he was more than successful, but I didn't expect...

Forget it, all in all, it's all our elder's fault, but please forgive me, seeing that I'm almost 70 years old now, and Zhen'er suffered another misfortune, so please forgive me for once. "

Seeing what Jia Jing said, people were sad and weeping, so naturally they couldn't bear to vent their anger. Instead, they persuaded the eldest brother of the third generation of the Jia family with good words.

Seeing that everyone's resentment had been dispelled, Jia Jingcai continued: "As for the matter of rectifying the family that brother Lian said, you also know that I am no longer a member of the secular world, and I don't understand these matters anymore.

After the matter of Zhen'er and Rong'er is over, I'd better go back to Xuanzhen Temple and continue to practice.

So, for the family matters, please leave it to Brother Zheng and Brother Lian. "

Jia Jing's words are also a response to those who persuaded him to abandon the road and return to the vulgar.

Jia Zhen died, Jia Rong committed a felony, and now the only man in Ningguo Mansion who can stand up to trouble is Jia Jing.

So many people in the family persuaded him to come back and revive the family.

Of course he would not agree to this.

He has no memory of the secular world for a long time, and he has devoted himself to cultivating Taoism and becoming an immortal, otherwise he would not have lived in the Taoist temple all year round.

Although his son and grandson had an accident, he was heartbroken, but it made him more determined to follow the Tao.He even thought to himself that he would have nothing to worry about from now on, maybe even closer to the Dao.

Regarding Jia Jing's stubbornness, there was nothing anyone could do about it.In addition, Jia Jing is really old and looks like he is dying, and he can't bear to force him, so he can only let him.

Returning to the hall and taking his seat again, Jia Zheng asked Jia Lian again: "What about Rong'er, you can go to Shuntian Mansion to negotiate with Master Weng, is there room for accommodation?"

Jia Lian shook his head and said: "Not only Lian Shuntian Mansion, but when in the palace, taking advantage of His Majesty's tone, my nephew tried to exonerate Rong'er, but was immediately scolded by His Majesty, so my nephew didn't dare to say any more.

In my view, what His Majesty means is that this matter must be regarded as a major case in this court, handled strictly according to the law, and we will never be allowed to intervene in this matter, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable. "

Everyone was shocked again.

None of them doubted what Jia Lian said.

Jia Zhen climbed to ashes, Jia Rong killed his father with his son, and the successive scandals were indeed enough to make the emperor angry.It's just that some people were lucky enough to think that with the power of the family, they could keep the only bloodline of Ningguo Mansion.

"So, Rong'er can't be saved at all?"

Jia Zheng asked in a deep voice. Jia Jing above just looked darker, but he didn't express much.

Jia Lian said: "After I came out of the palace, I went directly to Shuntian Mansion.

Mr. Weng, the prefect, has a good attitude towards our family. He told me that His Majesty summoned him in the morning and strictly ordered him to cooperate with the Ministry of Punishment to handle the case according to the law, and not to bend the law for personal gain.

Mr. Weng also said that according to the theory of the several crimes committed by Rong'er, the Ministry of Punishment will at least give a sentence of execution, and it may even be Ling Chi..."

The pampered and pampered gentlemen of the Jia family turned pale when they heard this.

Jia Lian seemed to be fine, and continued to speak in a steady voice: "Nephew can't bear it, but after thinking about it, even if we try our best, we may not be able to rescue Rong'er.

It is also possible that it will bring disaster to the family. "

The elders of the Jia family said: "Lian'er is right. Your Majesty is already dissatisfied with our Jia family. You really can't let Rong'er be alone and let His Majesty hold the blame."

"That's right. Anyway, this is Rong'er's own crime. Even if Big Brother Zhen is at fault, it is his father after all. How can he make the mistake? In my opinion, he is just a disobedient and unfilial animal. Death is not a pity..."

There are many people in the world who say what others say.

Even the Jia family, which is a wealthy family, is no exception.Seeing that Jia Lian, the leader of the younger generation of the family, said so, he immediately agreed, and they were much less particular than Jia Lian.Why not remove Jia Rong from the genealogy is already a lenient, and we must not put the family in danger because of such unworthy descendants.

Faced with the excitement of the crowd, even Jia Jing, who wanted to save Jia Rong the most, could only sigh inwardly and never mention it again.

Jia Lian took advantage of the situation and said: "But Rong'er is my Jia's family's direct line after all, I really can't bear to see him suffer such torture and end up decapitated.

So I told Rong'er all the situation during the visit. "

Speaking of this, Jia Lian got up and kowtowed to Jia Jing, saying: "Please forgive me, my nephew, my nephew knows that doing so may make Rong'er think of committing suicide.

But my nephew thought, as a son of my Jia family, if he could face life and death directly, he would be a hero.

At least, at the last moment, he lived up to the glory of our Jia family. "

Jia Jing was confused by Jia Lian's actions, and asked suspiciously: "Brother Lian, what do you mean, Rong'er, already?"

Jia Lian nodded: "Yes, Rong'er has already gone.

After he knew that there was no possibility of him surviving, he expressed his repentance to me in public, and then bravely committed suicide.

He said that this was the last thing he did for the family, and he used his life to maintain the last dignity of the family. "

When Jia Lian said this, Jia Jing finally couldn't hold back, and his old eyes were in tears.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly, and finally lowered it powerlessly, and sighed: "Get up, you are not to blame for this matter, it is him, it is their own misconduct that ended up in this end.

Finally, at the last moment, he did not embarrass the family, and he was worthy of being a descendant of my Jia family. "

Xungui has his own pride, unless he is at the end of the road and his family is ransacked for questioning, how can he bear the fact that his clan members are decapitated and be laughed at by those ordinary people?

This is Jia Jing. He doesn't know his grandson Jia Rong at all, so he believes Jia Lian's words as soon as he hears it.

In Jia's family, some fine-looking people could hear the loopholes in Jia Lian's words.

Just Brother Rong, that lifeless kid?

Even if the knife was on his neck, he still didn't give up begging for mercy. He would die so simply for the sake of the family's decency?I'm afraid it's Jia Lian, it seems that there is no chance to rescue him, in order to calm this matter as soon as possible, and for the sake of the family's dignity, let Jia Rong commit suicide.

As for how much of it is voluntary, how much is forced or threatened, it is unknown.

From their standpoint, they are also willing to see this result.

Therefore, there was no doubt, but they all praised Jia Lian for his thoughtfulness and echoed Jia Jing, saying that Jia Rong did not lose the dignity of Jia's family in the end.

Because of this, the suggestion from that part of the family to remove Jia Rong from the genealogy was suppressed.

Jia Rong's name was finally preserved in the genealogy, which has to be said to be the last thing that comforted Jia Jing.

(End of this chapter)

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